Forgive, Forget or Revenge? EP1

Forgive, Forget or Revenge? EP1

Forgive, Forget or Revenge? How Modern Men Deal With Infidelity and Sexually-Independent Women


The announcement rocks him to his core: "Where have you been?" he whispers, as his wife comes through the door at 4 am.

"Well, if you must know, I just had a night of wild sex!" she casually yawns as she heads to the shower. Or maybe there has been no honest admission but he's somehow discovered the truth anyway:

She's seeing someone else, and he... is devastated!

Yes, of the many challenges facing modern men in the 21st Century, there is none greater than learning to overcome the sense of betrayal a man may feel when his wife or girlfriend has sexual relations with another man, or other men!

The age old standard of monogamy has, by and large, been trampled on and replaced by an array of open relationships all favoring the/a woman's right to explore the world of her choosing. Where once a man would have a wife and family while maintaining a mistress on the side, or even worse forms of duplicity, today it is women who are venturing out and seeking exciting, even exotic relationships beyond their monogamous vows.


There has been a great sea change in the way men and women form and operate relationships. It is not unusual now for a woman to have multiple lovers outside her marriage, while the man stays home to keep house and await his wife or girlfriend's return. These 'female-led relationships' are appearing with greater frequency, and I believe this is a healthy trend that is here to stay. Of the many men who've contacted me offering their support for my program, however, the overwhelming majority have stated that the greatest difficulty they had in adjusting to the choices their women were making was in getting used to the idea, and of course removing the feeling, of being betrayed.

Betrayal, as any student of history can attest, litters our historical landscape with examples of how destructive its power can be. One the earliest stories of betrayal found in literature, the Orestan trilogy of Aeschylus outlines the affects betrayal had on the House of Agamemnon, with the deaths of all the principles a direct result of betrayal upon betrayal. Shakespeare employed the motif in many of his plays, and until recently, the act of betrayal was commonly understood to be unforgivable and could legally be the justification for many vengeful acts including murder.


Thankfully we live in age where all the old standards have been taken down and are being re-examined, and re-defined. Where once the idea of betrayal meant the clear end of any relationship, today things are not so fixed or cast in stone that they can't be thawed, even re-negotiated, to the mutual benefit of all parties. Yes, loss of trust can be repaired, with the right amount of energy and action. Many men are quite easily adapting to their wives or girlfriend's desires for multiple partners of their choosing, and they report their relationships to be strong, vibrant and enjoyable. WE CAN HELP YOU ABOUT SEXUAL
Published by UncleObara
3 years ago
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