Black sheep

Black sheep

This is a story I’ve written a while back. And an sharing for anyone interested.

Ding, dong… The morning bell rings signalling classes will start soon and the students should hurry up.

And I made it just in time. It can be confusing when ya just move to a new city and are merely given a scribbled map where your new school is suppose to be. But, none the less I was sooo exited. My first day in an all new school.

Here I was fifteen and had no official escort to school, or an infuriating buss full of idiots to deal with. This time it was a relatively short walk from my family’s new flat. And by family I mean annoying relatives with who I have been stuck with since my parents were forced to go overseas for a job.

Subsequently leaving me with my relatives until they come back or I turn eighteen and can get my own place somehow. On the other hand it meant I would be spending a wee bit of time with my older step sister Nancy.

I swear, I have always been jellies of her. Her big rounded boobs, full ass and curves made her a magnet for boys. Which made such a contrast with scrawny little me. And my almost flat chest, as well as barely noticeable curves. I always wanted the boys to look at me, but all the other girls got the attention.

Usually I got over it somehow, but when I was suppose to go out with Nancy to do something. Whatever it was my nerves would boil, and I tried my outmost to hide it. Despite the fact she had the body to be a model or a bunny, she would practically cover herself like a non in a monastery. And had the attitude and beliefs to boot.

When I watched other girls get hit on by guys at least they say yes or something… Not shut their eyes and pretend the thing between their legs doesn’t exist. I would love the attention but couldn’t get any.

Before I got to school I had to make a small stop though so I was glad I wasn’t late. Number one smokes, I smoked since I was twelve… It started after one of the “cool k**s” lost a box in class, and I found it. Been hocked ever since. And it’s fascinating I could get anything so long as it was for someone else, yah right. Number two, to roll up my skirt to a mini. Didn’t have much to show, but still.

I was in homeroom 2-A, the homeroom teacher was older lady. It was the usual shindig, figured this time I might make some friends. It wasn’t long before the lunch break and I was in bad need of a drag or two. Got a measly sandwich and went looking for a quiet, private spot to light up.

Eventually I found myself on the fire escape where there were no windows so as not to be seen doing it. Went one floor lower than the door and sat down on the cold metal landing, the ridges of which I could feel on my exposed butt. Pulled my knees to my chest to get at my newly purchased box of goodies in my skirt pocket.

Undid my white shirt half way to get the lighter out of my braw, a stupid c***dish thing. But I couldn’t get the fancy Victoria secret ones. Cracked open the box, and lit up. I took in a deep breath of it, and waves of relief washed over me. Lighter still in hand I put my hand between my legs and just enjoyed my cigarette.

And then I heard a loud thump as something fell in front of me from the landing above me. A long black object, I couldn’t see too well since I took of my glasses when class ended. I quickly tumbled around my unbuttoned shirt to fish them out of my little shirt pocket with the school logo on it. In the process dropping the lighter in my braw, leaving it half sticking out from between my boobs.

As I got my glasses on and looked up I saw a man in a suit, in his mid thirties also with a cigarette in hand looking down at me. And he could see everything from my panties to my braw and boobs (as pathetic as they were). To the fact I was smoking on school grounds.

“You do know that smoking is prohibited on school ground, and warrants a trip to the principal’s office. As well as a report to your parents. And what do you think this is? A school or a strip club. I noticed you rolled up you’re skirt, ok still somehow tolerable… But I don’t think showing of your braw and panties or exactly what you keep stuffed inside them is in the dress code. Who are you, which class are you in and what do you have to say for yourself?”

He said as he was looking over me tapping his right foot. But something was off… The little speech sounded like something a teacher would give me in this case, even so… He was grinning from ear to ear and his voice wasn’t stern or angry or shocked or appalled. He sounded happy and pleased…

He bent down to get what I now saw was a phone. All the while keeping his eyes on me and my exposed position. I felt a bit ward… Low dirty and ashamed and humiliated. Being so exposed in front of a teacher. But that voice was only a whisper, instead I only felt excitement and some kind of a satisfaction. I liked it… But why… no other girls would do so…

I just stood up, any thoughts of covering myself wore long gone. After all what more was there to see? Honestly…

“Lusya Silversan from homeroom 2-A” I stated with a slightly trembling voice.”Well miss Silversan, do you know how many roles you just broke?”

He got close to me, pinning me to a wall. “Well I can let this one go… And keep my mouth shut.” He paused as he blew smoke in my face, as I felt his hand slide down my back with something in it. And tuck it into the waist band of my skirt sinking it my panties. Pulled the half smoked cigarette from his mouth and stroked my face. “Now don’t let me catch you doing this again.”

Before letting go of me he put the half smoked cigarette in my mouth and weaved me goodbye with a noticeable grin. For a few moments I just stood there dumbfounded at what just happened. As I battened up my shirt I took out the what he stuffed in my panties, a box of smokes…

By this point I had to hurry up since lunch break was almost over, stuffed what I could in my pockets and went to my next class. Though to be honest I was far far away from any lectures for the rest of the day. All I did was doodle in various notebooks while still processing what just happened, nor could I really sleep that night. In my dreams I would return to that fire escape, and how it felt.

I had barely slept before I had to go to school the next day, it was still on my mind but I tried to shake it off and focus on my classes. That was until the sixth period class, guess who was the history teacher, yap ya got it. It was him…

We all got seated and took out our books, as the door to the classroom slid open he walked in all nonchalantly with the grade book in hand. Put it on his desk, faced the class and said “ Good day, my name is Henry Falcaner. I’ll you’re history teacher for this year, some of you may remember me from last year when I filled in for Mrs Fohrester for her sick levee. And I see some new faces here as well. So shall we begin with row call and get to know each other”

He defiantly noticed me, the second I saw him I buried my face in my book hoping not to attract attention to myself. When my name came up and I was suppose to stand I mustered up some confidence to overcome my shyness and said my lines as if in a play. Upon sitting down the girl next to me said wails winking” Didn’t think ya’d go for an older guy, seriously he could be your Dad” I simply shook my head trying to hide my emotions and told her “It’s nothing” Slightly blushing.

All the while he was playing it cool as if yesterday never happened, or ignoring me all together. When the bell rang everyone was packing their books, and he got by the door. When I got to it he stopped me and took me by the hand.” Ms Silversan I see your new here, transferred this year... I took a look at your records, impressive. But you know it is really a shame you can’t join a club until the next semester. You’d be a good aced to any club, with your math and civics grades being so high, as well as art and music. As well as straight A’s in history.
Tell you what, I happen to be the Historical clubs adviser. As it overlaps with my teaching subject. And it’s up to me to do the mountain of paperwork associated with club business. So.. I would find a... Secretary for lack of a better term weary useful, and with the school festival coming up soon, especially so.”
I could feel him putting something in my pocket “Our next club meeting is tomorrow afterschool, you could come and cheek it out, and if need be I can deal with the student council, and there annoying policies.
You know being and adviser gives one plenty of power and influence, it could be very beneficial for your school life and grades as well...Think about that for a while, I’ll be waiting for you.”

He finished with a grin and let go of my hand, my heart was racing. What should I do? As I was walking to my next class I took the paper out of my pocket, and opened it up. It looked like a standard poster for any club, with a bunch of listed topics and activates. As usual designed by a blind guy using his left foot to do the job. On the back however there was a mesedge written in an elegant cursive hand. “Never would have thought that under that tomboyish exterior lays such a shameless and submissive little student. But in these ways you still need teaching, let me be the one to take care of you. See you tomorrow.”

I spent that night thinking about the fire escape, the note. And I could feel something wet in my panties and my nipples getting hard. He took my hand and told me what to do, and I felt happy doing it. And especially loved the attention I was getting. He didn’t treat me like a baby or ignored me. And I wanted more of it.
As the last bell rung I went looking for the club room as stated in the flayer. Eventually I found myself on the fifth floor in front in the old school building, and gave the door a good knock. When I did so the chatter inside seemed to stop for second, before the door opened and a senior stood before me.

“Hey, ladies and gentleman. Did someone order a hooker for our Victorian England social project?” He said with a slight smirk looking back in the room. Before I could respond an all too familiar voice answered “Actually she’s my new secretary, don’t suppose you want to help me out with organising of our little festival shindig? And miss out on that group date of yours?” The guy’s face turned into a dissatisfactory frown.

“K k, got it. Come in.” the door creaked open to reveal a group of students sat around a table with a train load of papers on it. He got up and got a chare from the corner, then put it next to his. “Everyone, this is Lusya Silversan from homeroom 2-A. She will be joining our little club as of today. I want you all to greet her as you’re new little sister.”

“But sir, you know the student council’s opinion on this. No club takes in new members until the school festival adverts, and then they have to wait another month until officially joining.” He scorches his head and replies “Honestly, honestly, student council? Is it there bloody job to park their perky buts here after school, or jack off wills the rest of you go to take that test that X teacher didn’t proper you for. Wail there at a so called “argent meeting” followed by a trip to the karoke bar...” All the attendance put on a slight smirk at this remark and nod in agreement. “ Push comes to shove, I can just have a talk with the principle. And a sufficient explanation should cover it”

He moves the chare gesturing me to sit down. Ones I did so he put his hand on my back and all through the meeting stroking me, then moving on to my legs. Going up my they and under my skirt at times. And under the table no one could see it, as for me I didn’t mind it.

From that point on I effectively became the club secretary. Dealing with paperwork and what not. In class he would be cold and distant, in the club he would be all warm and fuzzy. We would talk in general, when I mentioned I like Kimiyoushi he got me the new album as well as other little details, cigarettes, sweet treats. Even snaking in a bottle of vine ones. He groped me, touched me, made me say things and took photos of me. Toward the end he got out some ropes and cuffs as he got closer and closer to me, and I to him.

And then there was...that time...He had just dumped a shit load of papers on me, and I couldn’t do them in time. So I had to deliver them when there was no club and we would be all alone. And he was “grading tests” as he told me.

Knock knock!!! The empty halls echo as the door creaks open. “ Here sir, all done.” I say with a felling of slight superiority to the rest of the idiots in school. “Well done Ms Silversan, I wouldn’t have expected anything less from you.” Putting my index finger to my glasses comment “ Well, you told me to do it. And after all I am studies and obedient, at least to people I like” He fully opens the door and leads me inside. But this time there was something different. As I walked into the cabinet I distinctly heard the old wooden door lock with a quick snap of a key.

“So I see you did the files, remember the other thing you discussed. You told you would do anything I asked of you. And I gave you a little test on the matter.” I pulled up my skirt “As you told me to, for the past two days I have been coming to school with no underwear sir”

I stood like that in the middle of the room wails he sat down at the desk “ And tell me, how did that make you feel?” He asked me in his cold teacher voice. “I felt exposed and dirty, If someone was to look up on the staircase they could see everything or if the wind wore to blow and lift up my skirt everyone around me could see everything. And there was no way to hide it. But I also enjoyed it.”

“If you felt so dirty ashamed and exposed, why did you enjoyed it? Or why didn’t you quit the second day of your segment?”

“Because I was also excited and happy to be doing it. I felt vulnerable yet I was doing this for your sake sir, as an act of devotion and obedience I felt I had to do it. You entrusted a task to me, and it was up to me to carry it out to the letter.”

“Interesting, but wasn’t it also an act of submission? Willingly giving up your choice on something and putting that decision in the hands of another? Or an act of ownership in mind and body. After all you had no choice what you did with your body, it was the will of another. So was it ownership or submission?

“Both sir, to be owned one first has to submit. Then give oneself to another completely, in mind and body over time. Little by little.”

“So if you are owned by someone they have the full rights to you as person.”

“Yes sir, a slave is owned by his/her master. This means giving up an “I” only the will of the master exists. They get told how to act, dress, what and how to do something. As well as giving up control over one’s body. The master can do what they will, what ever when ever wherever they please.”

“Tell me why would one wish for such a thing”

“To take care of and be taken care of. In the bed room and out of it, to serve to please another person in who one has absolute trust. When a servant can make a master happy, they to will be happy.”

“So will you give yourself to me in mind and body here and now?”

“yes sir”

“ Strip completely naked, start with the shirt and work down. Slowly...”

“yes sir”

I began to unbitten my shirt from the top one by one batten. As I got to the last one he told me ”Throw it to me, likewise with the skirt and the stockings.” I took of my shirt exposing my bare chest, threw it to him. Slid the skirt of my hips sand did the same. Then I came to my shoes and stockings. “Ones your done with that put the stockings in the shoes, get town all fours, pick it up with your mouth and bring them here. And from now on speak only when I tell you to.”

I did as he asked, got down on all fours and brought him the shoes and stockings in my mouth.”Good, good. Now give me your hands” As I did so he took out a pair of lather handcuffs and put them on my wrists tightening them as much as possible. Licking them with a chain behind my back.

Ones again he reached in he got out a collar and put it tightly around my neck, locking it with a small black hart shaped pad lock in the back. “Now red mean stop, yellow slow down but continue, and green go ached. Understood?”

“Yes sir, I understand.” He takes off my glasses and places them on the table, puts his hand on my face. Leans in and kisses me, I can feel his warm moist thong in my mouth as I close my eyes and give myself to him in an embrace .

As I open my eyes I see him looking down at me “ I know what I will call you, from now on you are my little pleasure doll, got that dolly?”

“Yes sir, I’m your little doll” He puts a leash on the collar “Get back down on your hands and knees and follow me” I do as he sakes wail he leads me to an antique looking couch in the corner of the room.

“Get on the couch spared your legs and look at me” I did as he asked, when I got into position he took out his phone and snapped off a few pictures. I was so horny and my pussy was so wet. I wanted to give myself to him in everything.

“Which one of yore three holes do you think I will use first, my little pleasure doll?” He comes to me and puts his fingers in very wet slit, rubbing them up and down faster. I couldn’t help it but let out a moan.

“So... you want me to fuck you in your wet pussy, not yet. But remember this, you need my permission to come. Got it” Still gasping I answer “Yes sir, I understand.”

“But you know to come is a privilege, which you will needs to be earned. Spread your ass cheeks and keep then that way.” I did as he asks as he pulls out one of those thick markers, the next thing I know I feel a stinging sensation in my ass. I can’t help it but let out moan after moan as he puts it in deeper and deeper.

It stung at first but then it got better, even so I knew he was enjoying it and I wanted him to continue “So tell me, how does it feel like to be my personal fuck doll” Between gasps I say “I love it when you use me as your personal sex toy”

“Turn around and get on your knees” As the ropes twist I do as he asks “Do you think my cock is worthy of yore little pussy”

“My body is yours as is my pussy, you can do with it as you please. I’m your doll after all”

“Good answer” Then feel his thick dick deep in my clit, and it felt sooo good. “Thank you sir, thank you sir” I managed to get out between gasps. As his dick went deeper and deeper into my soaking wet pussy.

I felt something welling up inside me, a warm fuzzy feeling, as if a bunch of butterflies was going to burst out of my hot body. I realised I was going to come “I’m going to come, can I sir?”

“Hold it little dolly, not yet” I tried my best and was somehow managing to hold beck the flood welling up inside me. And then I felt him pull out of me “What an obedient dolly you are. Now suck my dick.” I felt disappointed and pleased, it felt so wonderful. Yet I couldn’t let it go...But I did exactly as he asked...that made me happy.

He turns me around and put his dick in my mouth, It was still all wet from my pussy and I could taste myself as the shaft went deeper and deeper into my throat. And I just wanted more and more of it. It felt that good.

After a while he started to moan, and pushed me back on the couch. “Put your legs around my hips my little fuck toy” the second I did so I could feel his dick in my ass. His dick was thicker then the marker he used on me earlier, and it stung a little bit. And then I felt something warm inside me as he let out a few final gasps.

“Now I want you to come, yore pussy should be really wet by now” An understatement to say the least, I was almost dripping. It felt so good when he put his worm thong in my clit and wiggled it around.

I could feel the heat welling up inside me, it poured over me like a flood and I involuntarily arched my back up and down. It felt as if a bomb had gone off inside me as waves of hot and cold rushed over me. I was in sheer blissful heaven.

As I lay there gasping for breath and totally exhausted I realised something. I had always looked up to other girls, feeling like I was lacking something. If only I had that but, if only I had those D-ups, if only I had those curves or that long blond hair...

I felt I was never good enough, and looked down at. By both girls and boys alike, especially Nancy on her high moral purity horse. But even like this, as scrawny as I was I could still feel and do this. I was no longer some tomboy anonymous virgin who couldn’t do it.

For ones I felt at peace with myself and happy in my own body, yes I still wanted those D-cups and what not. Even so I felt comfortable in my own skin. It was an invaluable for my confidence and comfort. I always felt I had to be domineering or better than anyone else around me and couldn’t except the softer and submissive side of me.

But now I knew it was ok...I could fully unleash my power and talents, wails experiencing the joy of submission and servitude. I felt I had finally taken that first step to turn from a girl into a woman.

“What happened my little doll? I have never seen you like this before?”

“Thank you so mach sir, thank you”
“Well, as of today you can begin your training period. First we have cobble together an excuse to get you to my place, but you are creative so I trust that shouldn’t be a problem”

“No sir, no problem at all. I won’t disappoint you. Thank you so mach”

AN: And I thank you so much for making it this far, this isn’t the shortest story. And no this isn’t how I lost it, but rather how I wish I did. If you want more, leave a comment to let me know. S.I. <3
Published by Lizz_SS25
3 years ago
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mjohntx 2 years ago
to Lizz_SS25 : Thank you so much for your kind message. I will send you my Email Address in a private message. -- Best, Markie
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Lizz_SS25 Publisher 2 years ago
to mjohntx : Like np, it’s not the only thing I have. Including another unfinished story and 300 page elder scrolls fan fiction. I have a “Windfall” on my MacBook. And can mail it to you just give me the email Adresse in a DM 
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mjohntx 2 years ago
Thank you for a lovely and erotic story! I have taken the liberty of saving a copy on my Posts. I just love your Videos too! -- Best from Markie Sissy in Texas USA 