Seven days to sissyhood. Day seven

Seven days to sissyhood. Day seven


At last my wife has relented, and released my cock. I can feel it throbbing, enjoying it’s new found liberty.
It is tenting my knickers, at the moment of release when it snakes past the waistband of my knickers.
The feeling of the elastic of my knickers, as it rubs against the underside of my cock is fantastic, this kind if restraint I don’t mind at all.
I am not sure when she had removed my cage, it must have been while I was asleep.
I look over to her, and see her breathing slowly and deeply, showing she is still asleep. I almost feel like kissing her feet in gratitude, and the thought of doing that make me throb more.
I gently rock from side to side, so I can feel the sensation of the frilly hem of my baby doll nightie rub against the exposed underside of my cock, I hope that even though she has uncaged me, she still lets me wear the frillies that got me into this situation in the first place.
It is no good, I can’t resist for any longer, I reach down my hand under the bed covers, not to have a full wank you understand, just a few strokes so I can enjoy the sensation more.
I reach down and grab…………...Nothing!
I can still feel the elastic of the waistband of my knickers rubbing against my cock, and the slight scratchiness if the frills if my nightie rubbing against it, but my hand feels nothing, it touches my knickers and I can feel the bars of the cage that my cock is still incarcerated in.
It crosses my mind that when someone loses a limb, they sometimes feel a ‘phantom’ limbs, I have obviously got a phantom cock.
A small moan of disappointment escapes my lips and my wife’s sleepy voice says “What’s the matter?”
“Oh just a bit of cramp,” I lie, I could hardly say the real reason, I am sure she would find some way of torturing my with that knowledge.
Just then the alarm goes off.
“Do you want to use the shower first, or make the breakfast?” my wife said, as she looked at down at my nightie clad body, almost as though it is normal for a wife to see her husbands body dressed like that.
“I’ll make the breakfast,” I said as I got up and put ‘my’ silky kimono on.
By the time I had prepared the breakfast my wife was coming down the stairs my cock throbbed in its cage. I always find her sexy, but today she was wearing a tighter skirt than normal, it was also shorter than she would normally wear to work, not quite a mini skirt, but wasn’t that much difference. As she walked I could just make out the straps of her suspenders. The blouse was a white satin with the top three or four buttons undone, showing her cleavage with the key to my chastity device nestling in it.
“That’s new,” I said.
“I can’t have my husband looking sexier than me, can I. Don’t worry I bought something for you as well"
My cock throbbed even harder in its cage, wondering what she bought for me.
I ate my breakfast as quickly as I could, and almost ran up the stairs to have my shower and see what she had bought.
I know I could have gone straight to the bedroom and seen, but I decided to shower and shave first.
When I had prepared myself, I went into the bedroom, and at first all I saw was my suit and my heart dropped, then I moved the suit to one side and saw what my wife had bought me.
There was a pair of seamed fishnet stockings, which had bows on the seams. A lacy blue teddy, which had suspenders attached with matching knickers.
The thought of my wife buying lingerie especially for me made it so much more exciting and I wondered if there was significance of the colour for a boy, is she beginning to come round to me wearing frillies?
I became excited wondering if tomorrow we might be shopping together, buying frillies for each other, and then the fun of doing a ‘fashion parade’ for each other.
I was idly stroking my caged cock inside my knickers, frustrating myself but getting no real pleasure. Then I realised that I had better actually get dressed.
The silky Teddy slid down my body, and as I pulled on the stockings, I could feel the sensation of the stockings putting tension on the Teddy so as I moved it made the bra cups of the Teddy rub against my nipples, it was fantastic. If we go shopping tomorrow I will definitely be buying more of these.
As I pulled the matching knickers up, I saw they were thong style, but the slight discomfort of the thong between my bum was more than made up with how the Teddy moved on my body as I walked around.
Then the slight disappointment as I put the suit on, hiding all my sexy lingerie. I looked in the mirror and could see the Teddy under my shirt, and there is no way anyone would think it was a man’s vest, it was obviously more feminine, so another jumper day for me. When I walked out of the bedroom I was aware of a slight swishing noise as I walked, and it took me a few seconds to identify it, it was the bows of my stockings rubbing against the material of my trousers. Obviously normally the wearer of these stockings would be normally wearing a skirt (or even NOT wearing a skirt), I don’t think it is that noticeable, but I will have to get used to it.
When I went downstairs my wife said “do you like your new clothes?”
I did a little curtsey (holding the hem of an imaginary skirt) “Yes Mistress, I LOVE the colour.” Hoping that mentioning the colour blue, will make her realise that I appreciate that she is coming round to the fact that I am a man who likes wearing frillies.
“You can have your door key back as well.”
Another curtsey “Thank you Mistress.”
She opened her hand and I could see my door key, but it was attached to a very feminine gold chain.
“Please Mistress, I can just put it in my pocket.” I pleaded.
“You do as I want, I will put it on string if you don’t like the necklace, but you are going to wear the key.” She picked the key to my chastity cage, which was hanging from a similar chain, but nestling between her tits “so whenever you feel the key around your neck, you will be thinking of this key, to remind you who is in control.”
I meekly go over to her and she clipped the chain around my neck, it is an action I done many times to her, when she wanted some assistance with putting a necklace on. Then the chain slipped under the collar of my shirt, and I felt the key on my chest.
When I went into my office, aware of all the sensations of my stockings pulling on my Teddy, my thong in my bum, and even the key moving on my chest as I walked. Trying to think ‘walk like a man'.
Jane was already at her desk, and looked up at me and said “Morning Miss Thorne.”
“Morning Miss Jane,” I replied, thinking if everything goes as I hope this weekend, and my wife accepts my dressing without all the restrictions I will DEFINITELY say next week about her calling me Les again.
My mind immediately jumped to the thought of going lingerie shopping with my wife, then just as quickly thought of the dream I had of Jane wearing a leather corset and thinking of suggesting to my wife of buying something like that.
By now my cock was trying to squeeze between the bars of its cage, partially I was glad it was in a cage, otherwise it would have been tenting out my trousers, just when it was at eye level of my secretary, who was sitting down.
My mind just as quickly imagined being able to unzip my trousers, take my throbbing cock out and either have my secretaries lipsticked lips surround it, or wanking myself until I shoot cum on her tits, and watch it as it slid down her cleavage.............
STOP IT! I hope she hadn’t caught me ogling her tits, the last thing I needed at the moment is a sexual harassment case against me, she looked at me and smiled, so I assume she is not offended, but I suppose if you are well endowed you are used to men ogling your tits.
She handed me my post, so I took it and retired to my office, being careful to sit down daintily to avoid a suspender becoming detached.
I was flicking through the letters wondering which to start with, when I came to one which took all my attention, it was internal mail marked for ‘Ms L Thorne’, seeing it written down shook me, it is all becoming more real.
My hand was shaking slightly as I opened it, and inside was my new security pass in the name of Thorne, this day is turning out to be very good.
Then to my horror I looked at it, and realised they had spelt my name LESLEY, which is the female version of the name.
I pondered for a few minutes of what is best to do. If I reject it, then there will be no ‘access all areas’, but anyone looking at it might question of a man having a woman’s pass.
I came to the conclusion I had to phone Amy Danvers, and take it from there.
I phoned her extension and said “Hi, Amy it is Les, here, Les .........Thorne” (I almost forgot what name to use).
“Hi Les, what can I do for you?”
“My security pass has arrived, thanks for that, but there is a mistake on it,” as I was saying that, I was looking at the picture on the pass, and in the corners of the picture I could see a hint of red and I was puzzled for a second at what it was .........then realised it was my red bra strap, my wife had chosen a picture which showed I was wearing a bra. To a casual look it would mean nothing but I would know.
I suddenly realised that Amy had said something so I asked her to repeat it.
“ I said, what is wrong with the pass?”
“Err, the name is wrong, it is spelt LESLEY, rather than LESLIE.”
She had a coughing fit, which I think was hiding laughter.
When she controlled herself she said “Leave it with me, and I will get back to you.”
About an hour later she phoned me and said “The problem was with the printers, when they typed ‘Ms' and started typing your first name it defaulted to the..........alternative spelling of your name. They will have a new pass in a week, but until then you can use that pass. Most people wouldn’t notice the........err.........spelling mistake.”
“Will you need a new photo" I said, hopefully to be able to get a picture NOT showing I was wearing a bra.
“No, that won’t be necessary.”
With that sorted, I decided to text my wife to tell her I have received my pass with my new name, at least I will be able to ‘access all areas'. I did say there was a spelling mistake on it, but did not elaborate on it.
Whit Whoo, ‘Very good sissy, I hope your pass clears security, because I want cock. I need a good fucking. Must go now as Rob wants to have me in his office’.
The image that came to my mind was my wife bent over Rob's desk, with him fucking her, and with that my cock started throbbing.
It was only when Jane came into my office to wish me a good weekend at the end of the day that I realised that I hadn’t had any other texts from my wife asking for pictures of my lingerie, making me even more sure that things were getting better.
As I pulled up outside my house all I could think of was ACCESS ALL AREAS.
I got to the door, and I suddenly realised my house key was around my neck, maybe my wife is right that thinking is not my strong point. I could have taken it off at any time, but as it was I was struggling to undo the chain, whilst standing at my front door, praying that no one saw me.
I felt relief as I managed it and opened the door.
When I went into the living room, my wife smiled and said “good day in the office, sissy?”
“Yes Mistress” I say while doing a curtsey. All I wanted to do was go to the bedroom, get this cursed cage off my cock, and fuck my wife, but she had other plans.
“So let’s see your security pass" so I took my purse out (I had put it in there, as I was not allowed a wallet and I was scared it would slip out of my pocket and be lost) and handed it to her.
“Go upstairs and get dressed, and when you come down we will make sure it clears security” she said.
I went upstairs and saw my dress and shoes were laid out.
When I went downstairs she pointed to the window and said “stand by the security scanner.”
The road we live on and it is not busy, also with net curtains people MIGHT not be able to see my in a dress, but I knew she was doing it to humiliate me.
She held my security pass and said ‘hmmmm, Ms LESLEY Thorne,” and the way she stressed my first name she was making fun of the female spelling on my first name.
I curtseyed, knowing if anyone looking in from the street would not see clearly, but would definitely be able to see a shadowy figure doing a curtsey.
She was looking at the picture on the pass, and my face, as though she was unsure if that was correct, then said “it says your job title is sissy, is that correct?”
I know it says ‘sales manager’, I am sure if she could have made me put it as sissy, she would have. I wondered if to correct her, but took the cowards option and play along. “yes Mistress” I say with a curtsey.
“Lift your skirt, so I can see if you are dressed like a sissy.”
I glanced at the window praying that no-one was walking by, then lifted my skirt.
“Hmmm those are the pretty knickers that a sissy would wear, but I thought a sissy would be excited by wearing something as sexy as those and would have a nice hard cock.”
My cock was throbbing against my cage, but apart from a slight bulge in my knickers, my cock was not too evident. You can see the cage through the lacy knickers, but that was not good enough for my wife.
“Pull your knickers down, I want to see what you are hiding in your knickers.”
I pulled my knickers down to reveal my caged cock, it was filling the cage to the maximum.
“Oh, I can see you are a sissy, now hold your skirt up front and back, and turn slowly in front of the security scanner.”
As I obey, I notice someone walking along the road, he doesn’t seem to be paying particular attention to looking into the house, but I know I have to do as told, so slowly turn round in front of the window not knowing if someone could see my stockings, or my partially pulled down knickers.
Once I had turned back to face my wife she said “ one more security check.”
She began to part her legs, pulling her skirt up as she did it, firstly showing her stocking tops, then her bare thighs, then showing the knickers she was wearing.
As with all her lingerie I was familiar and recognised them. They were a pair of crotchless knickers, VERY crotchless, what was there was red satin and black lace. I had bought them for a valentines day present, and like most purchases, like that, the present was more for my pleasure rather than my wife’s. She had dutifully worn them once and then they had remained in her drawer, I obviously had used them a few times.
Now the thought crossed my mind, had she worn them all day, or just put them on when she came home. The thought of her being in work, bending over, and flashing them to all the men at work was not helping with the pain that was caused by my cock pressing against its cage.
Then she took my security pass, placed it in the cleft of her exposed pussy, then ‘swiped' it as though she had a card reader hidden in her pussy, smiled and said “ cleared, access all areas confirmed”.
I would have loved to run upstairs and fuck her there and then, but my wife had other ideas.
She made me make the tea first, then told me to wash up and come up to the bedroom when I was finished.
I was as quick as I could, but knowing she might check my work had to do the job properly.
I had mental images of me fucking her in lots of different positions, and felt so excited as I went into the bedroom, and saw her sitting on the bed, only wearing her stockings and suspenders.......and latex gloves, I saw the tube of KY jelly. Oh no she was going to milk me.
“Please, Mistress, don’t milk me". I pleaded.
“I want a good fucking, not a couple of thrusts and then you are done, so this should take the ‘edge’ off you. It is either that or access NO areas, get on all fours”.
I had no option but to obey, so got on the bed, and kneeled down as ordered, she pushed my skirt up and pulled my knickers down.
I felt her spreading the jelly on my bum, sliding her finger up and down, I must admit I felt my body reacting and enjoying the sensation, then her finger lingered on the entrance of my bum, slowly sliding in, like last time it felt odd, but a sigh came out of my mouth and I felt my body pushing against her finger so it went deeper.
She was gently probing me, and then it happened again, I could feel cum splashing from my cock, no orgasm, no feeling of pleasure, no relief. Just the thought of how randy I feel, how much I want to fuck my wife, but my cock shrivelling away.
When the cum finished, my wife took the chain off her neck that held the key for the lock of my chastity device. I felt the click as the lock released, she pulled the cage of the device from the part that went behind my balls.
For the first time in almost a week, my cock was free!
“Go and have a shower, be quick as I want cock.” She said.
As I was in the shower, thinking almost how strange it was to be able to feel my own cock, I was trying to play with it, as at the moment it was shrivelled away, I was thinking of the positions I will fuck my wife, doggy, her on top, me on top, anything to try to wake it up, it was only when I thought of me curtseying to her or my secretary there was some movement. Some movement was better than none.
I couldn’t spend too long in the shower, as I know my wife was waiting for me, so I went into the bedroom and saw her lying on the bed just dressed in stockings and suspenders, her legs parted and playing with herself, her fingers deep in her pussy.
She looked at me and said “Mmmm, I am thinking of a real man’s cock in my cunt.”
This surprise me as normally she is not hugely into ‘talking dirty’, and I assume she was doing it to turn me on. Unfortunately it had the opposite reaction as my cock shrivelled away again.
“Fuck me Les, use me as a whore, treat me as your plaything.”
In my mind I was going ‘yes, yes, yes' but my cock was having nothing of it. I had to do something so I kneeled between her legs and started licking her pussy, she could not object to that, and me tasting her juices will surely turn me on.
“Use me as your slut, fuck me until I beg you to stop.”
I keep licking, knowing from the reaction of her body she was enjoying it.
“I want a cock in my cunt NOW!” She said as she pulled my head away from her pussy, and pulled me up her body until our groins meet, unfortunately there was no way I could fuck her with the state my cock was in, I used my fingers in her pussy to try to give her pleasure, but she said “I need my cunt filled with a cock, I need a man to fuck me.”
I said “maybe in an hour or so I will be able to fuck you.”
“ I bet if you could go on the computer and talk with all your sissy friends, you would be wanking yourself silly within minutes. I want fucking, and I want fucking now!”
And with that she got off the bed, unlocked her wardrobe, reached inside and pulled something out. When she turned to face me I saw she was holding a dildo with straps attached “it wasn’t what I thought its first use would be but this girl has got needs, and I need to be fucked.”
The words filtered through of what she meant, but my cock gave a little throb, which I hope she didn’t notice.
She held the dildo in front of her pussy and said “come over here and suck my cock.”
I dutifully knelt in front of her and parted my lips, and felt her pushing the dildo into my mouth, holding my head she started gently thrusting “Make it nice and wet, I want it in my cunt as soon as possible.”
I was using my tongue on it as though I could make it more excited, as though it was a real cock, again I could feel my cock give another few throbs, but before it could become hard enough to be able to fuck my wife she took it out of my mouth and held the straps for me to step into, then tightened the straps until it was me who was wearing the strap on dildo. I could feel my cock pushing against the restriction of the dildo, as though it had got so used to being restrained, it liked the feeling.
She then climbed onto the bed and was on all fours and said “I have got a cunt here, that needs to be filled with a cock.”
As I positioned myself behind her, I was more aware of my cock pulsing behind the dildo, and said “maybe I can fuck you without this.”
“Maybe? I want to be fucked now, if you take that off and not fuck me to my satisfaction, it will be a year before you can access all areas.”
With the threat of that my only option was to keep the dildo on, at least with the thought I was sort of fucking my wife.
I held the dildo until it was positioned to enter her, then watched as it slid into her body.
“Oh Rob, fuck me, I want to feel your cock in my cunt.”
Rob???? Was she saying that because that is what she is fantasising about, or to turn me on with the fantasy of watching my wife being fucked by someone else?
I was thrusting into her and could hear her moaning and saying “Oh god Rob, you are really filling my cunt, use me as your slut.”
When she had been satisfied by her fucking she collapsed on the bed, still panting, “That was the fucking I needed" and unclipped the straps from the dildo and held it in front of my face. “It needs to be cleaned now.”
It was obvious she wanted me to lick it clean, I reached out with tongue, tasting my wife’s juices “that’s right, lick my lovers cock clean,” she said.
Again I didn’t know if she was thinking of the fantasies I had shared online, and doing it to excite me.
When she was satisfied with that she held the two parts of my chastity device and said “this needs to go on again.”
I felt like crying as I had not had the fun I was expecting, but did not know of what I could do to avoid it, and have a good outcome.
“Lets make it a challenge, if you can put it on within 2 minutes, I will think about releasing it in a week, if it takes you longer, it will be a month before it comes off.”
I quickly took both parts. One part goes behind my balls which was not a problem, but when I tried to put the cage on, whilst my cock was not hard, it was beginning to swell, it was like trying to push a marshmallow into a test tube. The more I was trying to manipulate my cock, the more it was swelling.
I ran, and I do mean RAN, into the bathroom, turned to cold tap on in the sink, and while it was filling madly splashing my cock to reduce its size. After what seemed like forever I was able to dip it in the cold water, and it shrank away. I quickly caged it, and could feel it swelling again, I lined up the cage to other part, and pushed until it snapped closed, catching some of my skin, which bloody hurt, but had no time to worry about that, as I had to run back into the bedroom.
My wife was looking at her watch and I ran in and said “1 minute and 45 seconds, hmm at least we have a baseline time now. Come over here so I can check it, we wouldn’t want to fail because it wasn’t properly on, would we?”
I ran to her, and she inspected it, then grabbed it and gave a yank, and I did yelp when she did that.
She smiled and said “that look OK. Now to prepare you for your punishment.”
“Punishment?” I asked.
“Yes, I wanted to be fucked by a real man today, I had been thinking of it all day, getting so excited during work I could hardy think about anything else, I even had a little play with myself at my desk, I don’t THINK anyone noticed. But I wasn’t fucked properly, so you need to be punished.”
Whilst I thought it unfair, as usual I couldn’t think of any way to avoid the punishment without making things worse.
She picked up the bells she had previously attached to my cage, and carefully attached them.
“There you go Tinkerbell, if you are good over the weekend I will take them off on Monday, otherwise just imagine having to go to the office still wearing them, how would you explain to your secretary what the noise was.”
Just then the though of standing in front of Jane with my trousers around my ankles, explaining what I was wearing made my cock twitch enough to make the bells twinkle.
She laughed and said “your cock lets you down for all kinds of reasons, doesn’t it.”
The rest of the evening was fairly normal, that is if you consider the ‘man’ of the household wearing a dress and lingerie, and every movement being accompanied with a tinkling noise.
When my wife decided it was time to go to bed, she gave me the last chores of tidying up before I could go to bed.
When I got to the bedroom, she was already in her nightie, and watching me as I put my nightie on.
I started to take the bells off my cage and she said “What are you doing?”
“If we want to sleep, I thought these would disturb our sleep.”
“Was I not clear, that you are not allowed to think, you could have asked permission, and I would consider it. As it is, to make sure my sleep is not disturbed YOU can sleep in the spare bedroom.”
I was being banished from my own bedroom, but I knew better than try to argue, so I left the bedroom and went into the spare room, which was next door.
I was trying to get to sleep when I was aware of noise coming from what, until just now I thought of as my bedroom.
My wife was talking to someone on the phone, I could not hear the words, just the tones and occasional laughter.
I was tempted to get out of bed, and put my ear to the wall to see if I could hear what was being said, but I was worried that the sound of my bells would alert my wife that I was trying to listen to her, and what punishment would ensue.
She then finished her call, and I thought at least now I could get to sleep, then I was aware of a low sound hum, and wondered what it was. Then as I heard my wife beginning to moan, I realised she was using her vibrator to pleasure herself. I was literally next door to her, I would have loved to pleasure her, but she preferred to pleasure herself.
Maybe it was to get back at me for all the times I wanked myself while looking at tranny porn.
I could do nothing other than listen as she got more excited, then eventually I heard her gasp as she came, followed by the silence as she obviously was asleep.
Me in the other hand, had a cock, trapped in its cage, but hard enough that I could have fucked her if I was allowed, listening to the occasional tinkle as my cock throbbed, wishing I could wank it to get some relief, but afraid to even touch my cock in case my wife was somehow aware of it and found some punishment for doing that.
My only bright thought that was in my mind as I drifted off to sleep, that maybe we would be going shopping tomorrow to get lingerie for each other.

All comments appreciated.
Published by sarah_hot1
3 years ago
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jimmcd 1 year ago
I thought this was the last episode so am delighted there is another. They just get better and better. I did the same as you with the red and black open crotch panties. I bought them for her but with myself in mind. I have worn many more times than she has. It must have really turned you on when she started her filthy chat.  I just love ladies saying the word 'Cunt'
sarah_hot1 Publisher 2 years ago
to Leomoore : The trouble is the love of the frillies take over. Also there is a saying 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.' There should be an extra to that saying 'the way to his brain is through his cock' and the Mistress owns his cock ? 
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Leomoore 2 years ago
Looking forward to the finale,  i think i would be disobeying mistress by now.  She is taking it too far.  
sarah_hot1 Publisher 3 years ago
to clairelucyscott : I should be posting it early next week. I hope you will like the climax :wink:
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sarah_hot1 Publisher 3 years ago
to incalad : Hopefully you will like the finale, which should be early next week xx
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sarah_hot1 Publisher 3 years ago
to DobbsCD : Thank you, the last episode should be posted early next week. Xx
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DobbsCD 3 years ago
Great story again xx
incalad 3 years ago
The story always leaves us wanting more, wonderful imagination !! thank you.
clairelucyscott 3 years ago
Glad there is another episode in the pipeline....already looking forward to it xxx
petewilliams 3 years ago
to sarah_hot1 : Love it. So good to hear others who share the same fetishes and desires. Mine are cock and suspenders along with mush more
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sarah_hot1 Publisher 3 years ago
to petewilliams : Thank you, I am glad you are still enjoying it. The next episode will finish the story,  I hope you find it worthwhile xx
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petewilliams 3 years ago
another wanking session as I read your descriptive story. I especially loved the paragraph about your wife i her tight skirt and suspender straps showing through the tight material. Also loved your use of language your wife used to describe her needs. Cunt can be so sexy when used by a woman. Be assured I wanked all the way through your latest story