Tranny Surprise: Taken on a Hiking Trail

Tranny Surprise: Taken on a Hiking Trail

Trigger warning: this story contains depictions of forced/non-consent fantasy and degrading sex. It is purely fantasy. I do not condone non-consensual sex acts of any kind. If this is not your thing, then move along.

"Keep going, girl. You're halfway there," I urged myself on as my leg muscles burned with intensity.

Hiking was one of my favorite hobbies. Not only did it get me out of the house and into nature, among the trees and away from all the stupid people, it also kept me in great shape. As a trans woman, I prided myself in maintaining a feminine and passable figure, and hiking was a perfect way to achieve that goal. It worked wonders on my legs and glutes, and it also helped me to burn all that pesky tummy fat. At only five and a half feet tall and 135 pounds, I loved my feminine body.

As I looked up ahead, I could see that I had almost reached the top of the last ridge on the trail. That meant smooth sailing all the way back to the car. I huffed and puffed and forced myself on up to the top, thankful that I was almost done with the brutal loop trail. When I finally got there, I leaned up against a rock and took in the natural beauty all around me. In that moment I decided that all of the aches and pain that I was feeling now, not to mention the greater pain I'd feel tomorrow, had been worth it.

As I took in the view and had a much deserved rest, I sprayed some more bug spray on my legs. If there was a single part of my body I loved the most it was my legs. Just the right amount of muscle and tone, smooth to the touch, and after being sprayed, they glistened beautifully in the sun light. Since it was a bit warm today, I decided to wear my short tan hiking shorts instead of long pants. I felt like my short shorts, coupled with my brown hiking boots and socks, made my legs look extra sexy.

Since I was wearing a halter top (no bra), I also had to spray my bare arms and my chest. A little more than a year ago I had opted to get implants, so now my lovely B-cup cleavage was sparkling in the late afternoon sun. I'm still not quite used to the extra weight in front of me, but I do love the view.

I looked down the trail that I had just come up and saw no one there. Then, I looked down the trail that I was about to take into the dried creek bed below. Still, no one in sight. That's when I sat my day bag down on a rock and opened one of the exterior pouches. From the pouch, I pulled out my favorite little toy. It was a medium sized vibrating butt plug with a cute little pink heart on the end of it.

Did I mention that I am an extraordinarily kinky person?

My plan was to wait until I got to the easiest part of the hike, the final leg, and if no one was in sight, I would shove this little jewel in my ass and see if I could have an ass-gasm on the way out of the trail. Crazy, right? I didn't think so.

I took one last look around while I used the little tube of lube that I had brought to prep the toy. Then, seeing that the coast was still clear, I quickly pulled my shorts down, along with my pink floral panties, and pushed the plug into my tight little hole.

"Mmmmmmm!" It felt so good going in.

I quickly got my panties and shorts back up, making sure my tiny penis was tucked nice and snug between my little testicles, and found the remote that controlled the vibrator. I turned it on to its lowest setting and shivered at the pleasure that swept over my body.

"Oh my!"

I just stood there for a minute, basking in the sun light and enjoying the feeling of the vibrations. Eventually, I regained enough of my composure to get my day bag back on and start heading down the trail. I could have stayed right there, grinding on the rocks until I reached orgasm, but I still had another couple of miles to go to get back to my car.

As I strolled down the rocky ridge, I played around with the remote, increasing and decreasing the intensity of the vibrations as I walked along. The plug had a milking effect on my prostate, and whenever it was on the maximum setting, I could feel semen leaking out of my uncut dick. I felt quite a bit of wetness between my legs. I glimpsed to make sure that I wasn't soaking through my shorts. So far so good.

I kept trudging along. My goodness! This is the way to hike! I was no longer thinking about bugs, or how far I had to go. In fact, I didn't want the trail to ever end, at least not while this plug was inside me. I was so fucking hot and horny that if a male companion would've joined me on my hike, I'd be jumping his bone right now. Unfortunately, I was all alone. Or at least I thought I was.

At that moment, I thought I heard voices, and as I looked ahead I could see two guys down the trail a little ways near a rock outcropping. As I looked harder I recognized the two of them.

Earlier that day, when I had arrived at the trail head, they were both there leaning against an old pickup truck with a camper shell. I remember thinking that they looked like pure white trash, and when I pulled up into the lot I made it a point to park as far away from them as I could. They were staring at me hard before I even got out of my car. Ughhh, I thought to myself, getting out of my vehicle and quickly grabbing my bag. All I wanted to do was get on the trail and away from those two.

One of the guys had a greying mustache. He was probably in his forties, tall and fairly lean with what looked like prison tattoos on his arm. He and the other guy were both drinking beer from an ice chest. His friend was quite large. He had to be at least six two and 250 pounds. He was probably about the same age as Mustache, and like Mustache, Big Man had what looked like prison tattoos on his arms and neck.

They both looked like rough characters. They both looked like trouble. I was hoping to avoid them altogether, but they were parked right by the trailhead so I had no choice but to walk right by them to start my hike. As I approached that morning, they called out to me.

"Good morning, beautiful," Mustache said.

"Wanna come have a beer with us, sweetie?" The Big Man asked, pulling a fresh beer from the ice chest.

"Uhh, no thanks," I said with a very pretentious tone.

"C'mon baby, we won't bite," Mustache persisted, but I just flashed a smug smile their way and strolled on by to the trailhead.

As I left their presence, I'm pretty sure I heard one of them call me a stuck-up bitch. Ugh, what a couple of assholes! Although, I have to admit, I did enjoy the fact that they clearly had no idea that I wasn't biologically female. Either way, I seriously didn't expect to see them again. I figured they had camped there that night and were about to head home. I guess I was wrong.

Now, I was going to come face to face with them again. I reluctantly reached into my pocket for the remote to my butt plug and turned it off. I didn't want to risk them hearing the humming sound as I walked by them. Having to switch off the plug and have my playtime cut short pissed me off. I was really hoping that they wouldn't hassle me too much. I was planning to turn it back on as soon as I got away from them.

As I got closer, I noticed that Mustache was sitting on a small rock and Big Man was standing across from him in the middle of the trail, his dominant frame blocking the path. Finally, Big Man turned my way and said, "Hey there again... I don't suppose you have a first-aid kit by chance do you, honey?"

From the ground Mustache looked up at me, holding his leg, "I cut my damn leg on a jagged rock."

Well, shit. I did have a first-aid kit and I couldn't very well ignore these guys if they needed help. No matter how unsavory they might be.

"Oh no, that sucks! I actually do have a kit, let me get it for you," I said as I walked up to Mustache dropping my bag on the ground right beside him. I then knelt down to detach the very obvious first-aid kit that was strapped to the outside of my bag.

"Where's the cut?" I asked, looking at his legs. "I don't see-"

Before I knew what was happening, Big Man grabbed ahold of me with his massive arms, scooping me to my feet and covering my mouth with a very rough and calloused hand. I struggled, trying to free myself from the grip of his arms, but there was no use. He was freakishly strong. As I squirmed and kicked, Mustache stood up brandishing a huge buck knife. He held the knife right in my face as I froze in terror.

"You stop that struggling, missy. We're going to have our fun with you, like it or not. You can be a good girl and go on home once we're finished with you, or you can be a naughty girl and get what's coming to you." He ran the dull side of the knife across my throat sending chills through my body. "The choice is yours."

There really was no choice. I had to be a good girl, but what was going to happen when they realized that I wasn't really a girl? I wanted to cry out to them, to tell them my secret, but before I had a chance to do anything, Big Man was half carrying, half dragging me around the outcropping of rocks and down into the creek bed.

"Come on, bitch!"

I was like a sack of potatoes to him as he manhandled me all the way to a spot where no one on the trail would be able to see them as they had their way with me. My heart was racing, my chest heaving.

Mustache suddenly appeared in front of me again, tossing my day bag to the dirt, and as soon as Big Man removed his hand, Mustache shoved a rag into my mouth and quickly tied it in place with a bandana effectively gagging me. Then, Big Man locked my wrists behind my back with what I could only assume were handcuffs.

As Big Man held me there, he grabbed my ponytail and pulled my head back slightly with his free hand. I could smell beer on his fowl breath as he licked and nibbled on my neck. Given his height, I could also feel his bulge grinding against my bound hands. Under any other circumstance I would instinctively start massaging his bulge through his pants, but right now all I could do was look straight ahead at Mustache, my eyes wide with fear, wondering when he'll feel my crotch and realize that I have a cock. And more importantly, how he'll react to that fact.

Mustache grabbed my shirt and pulled it up exposing my tits. He immediately began to roughly fondle them, one in each hand. "Mmm we got us a good one today, huh?"

"I'll say," Big Man said as he looked down over my shoulder at my hard nipples. "We're going to enjoy this uppity little lady."

Mustache then began to slowly move his hands down to my waistband, his fingers gliding over my skin, while Big Man released my arm and began to pinch and twist my nipples. My heart was beating out of my chest now. Mustache was at my shorts and he was undoing the button. I wiggled and squirmed and tried to say something, but the only sound that escaped the gag was, "Mmmphh, mmmphh, mmmmm!"

Oh my god! Under the shock of everything that was happening, I had completely forgotten about the butt plug up my ass. I'm so screwed! Once these guys discover that I not only have a dick but I also have a plug in my ass, there's no telling what they'll do.

"Mmmm," Mustach said. "Let's see what you have for me down here, sweetie." Then, Mustache unzipped my shorts and slowly slid his hand into my panties heading all the way down for what he thought would be a hot wet slit. I was looking him right in the eye the moment his hand landed on my soaking wet dick. His eyes went wide with shock and possibly anger.

Yanking his hand out of my shorts and stepping back, he said, "what the fuck!"

"Huh?" Big Man was truly confused.

"This bitch has a fucking dick!" Mustache held his hand up, his fingers were glistening with my cum. "That's your fucking cum!" He waved his hand in my face and then, WHACK! Mustache slapped me hard across the cheek with his semen coated hand rubbing it into my face. I was seeing stars.

"What the fuck?" Big Man was utterly dumbfounded. "No fucking way!" He said as he released me and came to the front. He grabbed my shorts and yanked them down to my knees uncovering my soaking panties and the little bulge I was hiding. Then, he stepped back and for a brief moment they both just stood there staring at me in disbelief.

"Holy shit!" Big Man pointed his meaty finger at my crotch and began laughing. "The little tranny bitch is soaking wet. She fucking loves this!"

Mustache wasn't laughing though. "Man, I was looking forward to some fucking pussy." He walked up to me and slapped me again. WHACK! Then, he grabbed my hair and yanked my head back and forced me to look up at him.

Holding the knife in my face again, he asked, "Why the fuck didn't you say something, huh?" I wanted to tell him that I tried, but there was no use. I just moaned through the rag in my mouth.

Big Man piped up, "You people oughta wear a fucking collar or something so we know what you got down there!" He was still laughing; I felt humiliated.

"Yeah, well you could've saved yourself a lot of trouble if you did. What the fuck are we going to do with you now?"

Big Man approached closer and said, "back in prison we had a little punk bitch just like you, not as pretty though." Looking at Mustache he continued, "that little faggot ass was the tightest hole I ever had."

"Oh, I know... I just wanted a slick little cunt to slide into. It's been a while."

"Yeah man, but dick or no dick, I was gonna fuck this snobby little bitch in the ass anyway." Big Man was already undoing his pants.

Mustache chuckled, "well, it ain't ideal, but it'll work. You ready to get some dick up your ass, tranny?"

Just then, while Mustache stood in front of me glaring down at me with his menacing eyes, Big Man stepped up to my ass and squeezed my butt cheeks through the thin fabric of my panties with his big hands. Then, as one of his hands started to make it's way between my plump buns, he asked, "is that hole nice and clean fo-"

Oh fuck! I closed my eyes as my heart sank. Big Man's hand had landed on the jewel in my bum. My last secret had been discovered. Big Man quickly bent me over at the waist, yanked my panties down around my thighs, and spread my ass cheeks apart.

"Bwahahahaha!" Big Man roared with laughter. "You ain't gonna believe this!" He said, looking at Mustache who had no idea what was going on. "This slut has a fucking butt plug up her ass!"

"What?!?" Mustache hurried around to my back side and they both grabbed a cheek and spread me open. I was so embarrassed as Mustache grabbed the end of the plug and jiggled it in my ass, both of them laughing their asses off.

"I told you this morning that she acted like she had something up her ass, didn't I?"

Mustache then came back to the front pulling me upright and looking into my eyes. "You were fucking hoping that we'd fuck you, weren't you? You little cock tease." He began to untie the bandana around my mouth and said, "don't get any stupid ideas like screaming or something, ain't nobody gonna hear you anyway." I knew he was right.

Mustache shoved the bandana in his pocket and pulled the rag out of my mouth dropping it on the ground. Waving the knife in my face he said, "you're a fucking tranny whore and you want our cocks don't you?"

I stood there shaking from the adrenaline rushing through my veins, and I thought to myself, what the hell... I've been fucked by worse than these two, and besides, I'm just doing what I need to do to survive.

"Y-yes, sir." I squeaked out.

"That's what I thought." Mustache then through the knife down. "We won't be needing that anymore. This little slut ain't gonna put up no fight."

Big Man then pulled me towards him by my hair. "I bet you like to suck cock don't you? I bet you fuckin love it!"

"Ye-yes, sir."

"On your fucking knees." Big Man forced me down on my knees in the dirt of the dried up creek bed. His pants were already undone so once I was settled, kneeling before him, he tugged his pants and underwear down and pulled out his tool. It was thick and semi-erect, and the circumcised tip was wet. He slung his member around in front of me, flinging pre-cum in my face. As he stepped closer to me, the heat and stench of his unwashed genitals wafted in my face.

"Suck, bitch!"

I reluctantly leaned forward awkwardly and uncomfortably, my hands still cuffed behind my back, and he offered no assistance as I stuck my tongue out and used it to guide his penis into my mouth. I tasted his salty pre-cum as he deliberately took another step back forcing me to lean forward even further. He was trying to make it difficult for me.

"Come on little cock sucker, get it all the way down." He was laughing at me as I struggled to take him deeper in my mouth. I could see that Mustache was pulling his cock out too.

"Stop playing with her and give the cock whore what she wants." He grabbed my pony tail and pulled my head off of Big Man. I closed my eyes and winced at the pain of him yanking on my ponytail, but when I opened them back up, I was face to face with seven rock hard inches of veiny manhood.

With one hand on my ponytail and the other around his cock, he forced himself in my mouth causing me to choke. Then, with both hands on the back of my head, he began to tonsil fuck me. I gagged and drooled all over myself and his penis, but he didn't seem to mind. Finally, he made one very deep thrust into my throat making me retch and as he pulled his cock out of my mouth I spewed up all the water I had drank earlier. It was all over my exposed tits and the ground between my knees.

"That's how you do it!" Mustache proudly proclaimed as he stood back and looked at me.

"Let me try."

Not to be out done, Big Man quickly took up his position in front of me, and while I was still gasping for air, he shoved his meaty prick down my throat. Only Big Man didn't pump his cock in and out. He just held it there in the back of my throat, gripping my skull as I tried to buck and get off of it. I retched incredibly hard, coughing and choking on his member as more water and saliva began to leak out of my mouth around his cock.

Finally, Big Man released me and fluid exploded from my face. As I knelt there, coughing and gasping for air, my two tormenters laughed and high fived each other.

Mustache grabbed my hair, "you like that?"

"Ughhh, yes!"

"I thought so," Then he shoved his dick back into my mouth. "Choke on it!"

Mustache and Big Man took turns throat fucking me, each of them trying to make me gag harder than the other.

"Ghlagh! Rahlk!" I was making terrible sounds as they pounded away at my tonsils. I lost track of time as they used me so long that my stomach was starting to cramp up from the retching. My knees were also getting sc****d up from the coarse dirt beneath me.

When they finally decided that they were done fucking my face I was relieved. Even though I knew what would come next, I didn't care. At least my mouth would get a break.

"Alright, enough of this," Big Man went behind me and bent me forward. He forced my face and tits into the dirt, which left my ass sticking up high in the air and easily accessible. Then, Mustache walked up and removed the plug from my butt. He was surprisingly gentle in removing it, but then he held it to my mouth and said, "Open!"

I did as he commanded, and as soon as my mouth was opened, he shoved the butt plug in and secured
it with the bandana. I could taste the lube on the plug.

"We're done with this hole."

"Yeah," Big Man laughed, "don't want you to make too much noise while we use the other one!"

Then Big Man knelt down behind me and I could feel his cock head begin to press against my anus. I closed my eyes and tried to relax, knowing that there was nothing I could do to stop this from happening. He wasn't using any lube which made me particularly happy that I had worn the butt plug for so long; at least my hole had been pre-stretched. Big Man gave a forceful push, and I could feel my sphincter stretching even more.

"Relax, slut," he said, as he pulled back and spit on my brown eye, "let me in." Then, he gave an even more forceful shove and my tight little hole had no choice but to let him pass.

"Mmmphh!" I cried out through the makeshift gag. Having his cock forced into my un-lubed asshole hurt like hell. I raised up a bit, but because my arms were still secured behind my back I fell back down in the dirt.

"Yeeeah!" Big Man said, latching on to my hips and pushing deeper into me against my protests. "That hole is soo fuckin tight!

"Mmmphh! Mmmphh! MMMPHH!" He was stretching me and filling me up as I wiggled and squirmed against his forced entry, but it was useless. There was nothing I could do to get away from it. Finally, I kicked my legs back allowing my ass to drop to the ground. Big Man wasn't expecting that and his cock popped right out of me.

"Aghhh! You fucking whore!" He was furious.

As I lay face down in the dirt, Big Man straddled my bare ass. He aimed his engorged prick at my asshole, and I knew then that I had only made things worse for myself. Now that I was laying flat on the ground with his massive body on top of me, I couldn't go anywhere. This time, Big Man forced his cock up my ass with the full weight of his body, punching passed my anus and drilling deep into my guts.

"MMMMPPPHHHH!" I screamed into my gag lifting my head. Big Man immediately shoved my face back down into the dirt, and started ramming his cock in and out of me like a piston.

"Ungh ungh, yeah you tight assed bitch! Take my fucking cock!" Big Man fucked me mercilessly as I just laid there whimpering and taking it.

Mustache was standing off to the side watching us and stroking his cock as though we were performing a live sex show for him. "That's it man. Fuck her rotten dick into the dirt!"

As my ass began to get used to it's intruder and the pain lessened, I could feel my little penis leaking as Big Man's penis milked my prostate. That's when it occurred to me that since I had been edging myself all day it was very likely that I would have an orgasm while these guys abused me. The thought of cumming while these guys forced themselves on me made me feel like a whore.

Big Man began thrusting deeper and harder, forcing my body into the dirty creek bed. He was grunting loudly in my ear. "You ready for this load, you fucking gutter trash whore?"

"Yeah! Breed the bitch!" Mustached cheered him on.

"Ungh ungh... Arghhhhhh!"

Big Man's cock erupted shooting his hot semen deep inside my bowels. His slippery cum felt wonderful inside of me. It eased the friction between his penis and my inner walls and had an almost soothing effect on my aching hole. Plus, it meant that he was done and this whole experience was almost over, and having not had an orgasm yet, I was maintaining some amount of dignity. So far so good. One down. One to go.

As Big Man's explosive orgasm subsided and his cock softened he pulled himself out of me and stood up.

"Woo... That was an amazing ride!"

As I just laid there in the dirt like a lifeless slab of meat, Big Man looked down at me proud of his work. His cum was leaking out of my gaping ass pussy and I must've been quite the sight. A pretty blonde tranny laying face down in the dirt, my ponytail messed up, my shirt pulled up exposing my now dirty tits, and my panties and shorts around my thighs exposing my freshly worked over cunt. The truth is, had he fucked me for another minute I probably would've lost control and shot my own load into the dirt.

My break was short lived as Mustache stepped up to me and grabbed my arm with one hand and my disheveled ponytail with the other yanking me up to my feet.

"I'm not laying in the fucking dirt." He said, as he moved me over to a larger tree that had fallen over. It was the perfect height for him to bend me over and fucked me standing and as he threw me over the rough surface of the tree trunk I was thankful to be out of the dirt.

"I hope he didn't loosen you up too much, fuck hole," he said as he spat into his hand and lubed his shaft. "I like fucking tight sluts!"

Then, hand gripping his rod, he smashed into my gaping hole. Big Man prepared me well for Mustache, stretching my hole and lubing it up with his spunk. As he started to pound my ass with all his might, holding my bound wrists, I felt more pleasure than pain, and now that my dick was out of the dirt my penis became erect.

"Oh my god," I thought to myself feeling utterly embarrassed. What made my shame even greater was that I had been pushed so far to the edge that I actually wanted to cum. No, my body wanted to cum; my mind was saying 'you can't.'

Big Man approached from my right side and noticed my little cock standing up as his buddy stabbed at my ass.

"The little bitch is hard!" He laughed, as he yanked my head back and leaned in close to my ear. "You want me to help you with that?"

"What!?!" I said, but all they heard was, "Mmmm!"

Big Man spit in his palm and reached down between my thighs enveloping my little four inch hard-on with his massive hand and began to stroke me. I moaned helplessly, part of me wanting him to stop and part of me wanting to thank him.

"Mmm mmm mmmphh!"

"Hahaha, she loves it!" Big Man said as he jerked me hard with his calloused palm.

"Of course she does," Mustache answered, still pummeling my hole. "The little tranny's been strutting around the woods all day diddling herself with a butt plug crammed up her ass. We're making her day!"

With Mustache slamming my ass, his cock grinding against my prostate, and Big Man jerking me off, I couldn't hold back any longer. I clenched my fists while my body tensed up. I started kicking and stomping my feet as I let go and climaxed, spraying a huge load against the tree and leaking still more all over Big Man's palm. It was the biggest orgasm I had had in a long time; possibly ever! I felt a confusing mixture of pleasure and shame.

"Yes! She's cumming!" Big Man announced with pride.

"Fuck yeah! I felt it. She tightened that ass up so much! She's going to make me cum!"

Big Man finally quit pumping my dick and wiped his cum-covered hand on my tits, squeezing them hard as he did so. Meanwhile, Mustache fucked me harder and more aggressively as his cock swelled up, and like some ancient long dormant volcano, he erupted, filling me to the brim with his hot lava. Oh my god! I couldn't lie to myself any longer, it felt so good! As he spasmed in my ass and his thrusting slowed down, I began to rock my hips back into him. Moaning through my gag.

"Oh damn! I think she's in love with you!"

"Haha, I think you're right," Mustache said as he smacked my ass. I couldn't believe how my body was responding to the whole experience, betraying me like this. "Take that ass plug out of her mouth."

Big Man removed the plug from my mouth and placed it into Mustache's hand. "You love my dick up your ass, don't you?"

"Mmm, yes! Oh I love it so much!"

"You like having your fuck hole full of our cum too, don't you?"

"Yes, sir. Your cum feels so good inside me!"

Then Mustache pulled his cock out of me causing me to whimper and whine just a bit. After that, he quickly popped the butt plug back in my asshole. "There. Now you can finish your hike with an ass full of cum. That's just what you wanted isn't it?"

"Yes! Thank you so much, sir!"

Big Man, now fully clothed was still just laughing when he reached over and removed the hand cuffs. My wrists and arms were so sore, but I didn't think about it too much because as Mustache was getting dressed, Big Man decided to give me a very hard spanking. By the time he was done my butt cheeks were a nice rosey red and tender to the touch. I took it like a good girl, bent over the tree with my eyes closed. When he suddenly stopped, I looked over my shoulder and saw both men heading back up to the trail.

"We'll see you again at the parking lot, whore." Big Man called out.

"You better still have that butt plug in when you get there, or there will be consequences." Mustache looked at me through those menacing eyes again. "You didn't think we were through with you, did you? Don't make us wait too long."

And they disappeared over a hill.

"Oh shit," I thought as I collected myself. I brushed the dirt off of my body the best I could. I pulled up my panties and shorts, and pulled my top back down over my tits. I surveyed myself. My knees were red and dirty, my wrists were red from the handcuffs, my ponytail was a wreck, and my top was still wet from my own throat juice.

As I collected my day bag and began to head back to the trail, the feeling of the two stranger's semen inside my plugged ass was warming my blood. I could still feel them penetrating me, and I could feel my penis becoming slightly erect as I relived the experience in my head. I reached into the pocket of my shorts to find the remote for my plug. I flipped the switch on and started heading to the parking lot. This time, when I see the men again, I'll leave it on!
Published by Sissyfuckmeat
3 years ago
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CUMSLUT888 9 months ago
randytopguy 3 years ago
Hot story! I sent you a pm
78Jamie 3 years ago
Wow your stories keep getting better 
PrivatePersonality 3 years ago
Oh my dear, where do you hike I'd love to go with you :wink: