The Last Straw

The Last Straw

I fell in love with Beth on our first date. I’m Greg Miller Beth and I were tied at the hip, from our first date, at least that’s what I thought. I was a senior in high school and Beth was a junior. We went to different schools, I had met Beth at work our first date was supposed to be a double date with my best friend Ron, but his date Beth’s partner at the snack bar was sick. Ron and I worked the stockroom and took care of custodial duties.

I worked in my friends fathers garage after school from the seventh grade till I got the job in the variety store through school. I still worked at the garage when I was off from the store. In addition to the store and the garage I had worked all last summer for the county’s utility bureau. They liked my work and offered me a full-time job when I graduated high school. Of course I also had to address my military obligations, so I joined the Army Reserve, one weekend a month then January after I graduated high school, I was scheduled for six months of basic training and advanced school. I also spent time working with my Dad and Uncle with their crop
dusting business. My Dad flew the fix winged plane, and my uncle flew the helicopter for the tighter locations. By the time I had graduated high school I had my pilots license with certification for both single engine fixed wing aircraft and helicopters , to say had a lot of irons in the fire was an understatement.

Beth had an older sister and brother also a younger brother and sister. Beth’s parents were strict Catholics, but they liked me so I was accepted even though I was Methodist. Of course I had to promise Beth would be able to ware a white wedding dress. That meant Beth got lots of oral sex BUT she was afraid if my cock came out we would not stop. So I had to fend for myself. I got really passed when Ron told me he had taken his girlfriend’s virginity. So the only virgins were Beth and l so I thought.
So everything was on schedule, I went to work for the county right after graduating, our wedding was scheduled for July, I would be heading to Ft. Knox for basic mid January. Beth’s big brother has a New Years Eve party every year at his big house on an inlet off the Chesapeake Bay. It was a big ell shaped ranch house with walk out basement, five bedrooms four bathrooms lots of nooks and crannies.

Harry’s parties had a reputation to become a bit wild. I had to work the next morning so I was not drinking, Beth was drinking screwdrivers and was feeling no pain. At midnight we had our welcome in the new years kiss and she could hardly stand. I took her to a bathroom washed off her face and she came around a bit, when we went back out we danced one dance and a friends wife asked me to help her get her hubby in the car as he was drunk. When I got back Beth was nowhere to be found. It was getting late I had to get home and get a few hours sleep. I located Beth’s sister and asked her to tell Beth I said good night.

She said she would then wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her tongue in my mouth and reached down grabbed my cock. I jumped back she says what’s wrong, afraid of a little pussy, come let me make you feel good. I said my God what’s wrong with you Marge I’m engaged to your sister. She mumbles you wouldn’t be if you knew where she was. I said what did you say. Marge said sorry Greg I guess I had too much to drink.

The next night when I got home and called Beth I asked her where she had disappeared to the night before, she said she was not feeling well so Marge helped her to bed. She didn’t tell me she was in bed with one of her brothers cop friends.. I knew she was lying because her sister was trying to seduce me when she said they were together. I told her I would be up to see her in an hour , she said she had too much homework and could not see me tonight. The next night she was scheduled to work, I always picked her up and took her home, imagine my surprise when I arrived to pick her up and was told she had called in sick.

I called her house Marge told me she had bad cramps and was in bed but I was told by a mutual friend that she had been in school all day and seamed fine in her turtle neck sweater. I thought that strange because she hated turtle necks. This continued for the entire week, one excuse after another I told Marge if she wanted to end our engagement she could just tell me, but I would be leaving for basic in two days if I didn’t see her before then I would assume we were done. The night before I was leaving I sent her a dozen red roses with a card that simply said I Love You. The following morning as I was about to leave for the Airport to go to basic my phone rang, it was a crying Beth saying she has been so depressed over my leading she hasn’t been able to see me she said she loved me and the thought of not seeing my for six months was unbearable. She said the roses were beautiful. (The actual truth was new years eve Beth though I had left and she hooked up with one of her brothers cop friends that had been hitting on her all night and he fucked her till dawn leaving her neck, boobs and thighs covered in hickeys, her lips were swollen and chapped and her pussy was bruised and swollen.)

The first week of basic was a bitch, processing in, the standard haircut, issuing uniforms, socks, boots, rain gear and tent half, backpack etc. Then there was medical, shots and testing. Dog tags and the issuing of my rifle. Company, barracks and bunk bedding assignment. Meeting the drill Sargent and Corporal. They introduced us to PT, they called it physical training we called it physical torture. This was all on the first day.

It would be a week before I could call home and talk to Beth, unfortunately she was not home but I talked to her Mom, Mary. She proceeded to read me the riot act for spending the night with Beth on new years eve and sending her home all marked up and in such bad condition. Then not coming down to see her before I left for basic. I told her I did not spend the night with her, that she had disappeared and I had to go home because I had to work the next day. I had told Marge to tell her I said goodnight and I loved her. I told her when I left Beth was sobering up but did not have a mark on her. I told her the following week every time I called to come see her Marge would give me an excuse why I couldn’t come see her, I’m not the one you want to ask about Beth’s condition she needed to ask Beth and Marge and when she found out to let me know, because they are both lying. Mary apologized and said she would get to the bottom of what was going on.

Then she said that I needed to go see the Chaplain and take Pre-Cana classes and get a certificate to be able to get married in July when I got home, and reminded me I would have to send Beth money ever month when I get paid to help pay for her wedding dress, I replied that is if there is a wedding, and hung up.

Mary yelled MARJORIE ANNE GET YOUR ASS IN HERE RIGHT NOW. She came into the kitchen where her Mom was and said what’s wrong Mom. Mary said I just spent the last hour chewing out Greg for the condition Beth was in when she came home new years day, and for not coming down here before he left for basic. Only to find out that he didn’t spend the night with her, actually he left just after midnight and she did not have a mark on her when he left. Then I found out YOU ran interference for her until he left for basic. I am assuming you two didn’t want him to see the hickeys all over Beth. Now tell me WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON.
Marge says you should really talk to Beth about what or who happened new years eve, but yes I did block Greg from coming down so he wouldn’t see her hickeys, and destroy her chance of happiness with Greg because she made a few mistakes. Mary says A FEW MISTAKES HOW MANY. Marge says many, Mary asks how many with Greg. Marge says standing at the alter will be one virgin and it won’t be Beth.

Mary asks where is Beth now, Marge looks down and says she is with a guy. Mary yells YOU MEAN SHE IS OUT HAVING SEX WITH SOME BOY RIGHT NOW. Marge says well actually it’s one of the officers Harry works with.
Mary gets on the phone calls her husband Harry Sr. he was on duty ( he was also a cop), and says get ahold of your eldest son find out which one of his fellow cop friends is fucking Beth and where he has her now. Don’t come home without her and the cop fucking her in the hospital.

Harry SR. called his son on the radio and asked him to meet him at the 29th street under pass. Harry Sr. with his partner of 20 years Pete Simmons Beth’s God father met Harry Jr.. Harry Sr. grabbed Jr. by the lapel of his uniform and violently pushed him against the concrete support for the overpass, Pete poked him in the midsection with his nightstick.

Jr. was bent over looked up at his Dad and said what the fuck. Harry Sr. asks which one of your low life friends is fucking Beth and where does he have her right now. Jr. says things are different today then when you grew up, Pete hit him hard across the shoulders and said you father asked you a question, I am so disappointed in you, your supposed to protect you sister instead you pimped her out to a friend and probably destroyed her chance of marriage with a really great guy. Pete raised his nightstick again Jr. said ok ok it’s Dennis Cooper he probably has her at his house, I heard he was having party tonight.

When Harry rolled up on Dennis house they could hear the music thumping, they knocked on the door it cracked open they saw a pair of eyes then a big smile, the door opened and a nude officer Jim Smith welcomed them in, when they walked in they could smell pot and booze. Jim said your just in time she is Dennis’s so he gets her first but rank has privilege so you can go second, Pete your going to be last. I heard her moan look off to the side of the room there is a mattress on the floor Beth is dressed like a whore with a black shelf bra, black garter belt, black thigh highs and six inch black spiked heels. Dennis is on top of her fucking her as hard as he could. There are five nude young cop standing around waiting their turns with Beth. Pete pulls his gun and backed off the five young cops, Harry reached down grabbed Dennis’s hair and yanked him off of Beth, his nightstick came whistling through the air and crashed into his balls, over and over, Dennis was u*********s by the third swing, Beth yelled DAD STOP YOUR GOING TO KILL HIM..
There was an audible groan from the young cops being held at bay at gun point when they realized the slut they were about to fuck was their Sargent’s daughter. Harry told his daughter to get dressed. Pete told the young cops to get dressed take Dennis to the hospital and tell them he had been mugged.

Harry put Beth in his squad car Pete got in and they took her home. She was drunk and high when they walked in the door her Dad who seldom raised his voice and yelled GET IN YOUR ROOM AND DON’T COME OUT TILL YOUR WEDDING DAY, THAT IS IF GREG WILL HAVE A SLUT LIKE YOU.

All the k**s s**ttered they had never seen him mad before much less ballistic. Mary asked how bad was it, Pete says look you have this now I’ll go turn in the squad car and sign us out and I’ll pick you up for our shift tomorrow. Mary gives him a hug Harry says thank you Pete and he leaves. Harry looks at Mary and says I’m afraid we have lost her, Mary says please don’t say that. Harry says when we pulled up to the house we could hear the music thumping, we knocked on the door and were let in by a nude young cop. There were six of them in there Beth was dressed like a whore laying on her back on a mattress with a cop between her legs fucking her like the slut she is, the other five cops were nude stroking their cocks waiting their turns with her. All you could smell was alcohol, pot, and sex.

Mary was in her husband’s arms crying, Harry says I’m afraid we have lost her, she is obviously a slut and I doubt she will ever be satisfied with one man ever again. Mary says we will put her in therapy, get her counseling, OH GOD WHAT ARE WE GOING TO TELL POOR GREG. Harry says as slutty as she is my guess is he is already getting her, Mary says according to Marge he is still a virgin, Harry says poor k** she is going to chew him up and split him out.

They walked in Beth’s room, she had taken off her dress and was lying on her bed with in her slut underwear with her legs spread wide pulling on her nipple and pushing two fingers in and out of her pussy as fast as she could. Mary and Harry stood there with their mouth’s open, Beth says what you pulled him off of me before I could get off, hold on almost there, and they watched as Beth masturbated herself to organism. Then she says I’m really sorry but I had to finish.
Mary says what about Greg, Beth says I love him with all my heart and soul, that’s why I couldn’t see him before he left for basic, I didn’t want to hurt or lose him, Mary asks what about tonight, she says oh that was just sex, relief because Greg’s not here. Mary says so your having sex with Greg, Beth says oral only, well for me, I won’t let him pull out his cock cause I know if I see it I will have to have him in me. Mary says so Greg gets you off orally and that keeps you satisfied, Beth says oh yes my God he is so good he gets me off five or six times right out front when he brings me home from work. Mary asked what are you going to do when Greg has to on his annual training, Beth says look at me do you think I will have any trouble finding someone to keep me satisfied while he's gone. What if Greg finds out, she says he hasn’t so far has he.

Her Dad says you have a lot to learn young lady, there is no way I’m going to permit you to marry that boy he deserves a fateful loving wife. Beth says wait a minute no one will ever love Greg as much as I do as to the fateful part I’ll work on it. Mary says we are putting you in in counseling you have six months to get yourself together or no wedding, and you can start by going in the bathroom washing off that whore makeup, throwing away that slut underwear and putting on you PJs and reading Greg’s letters and replying to them.
Greg’s three months of basic was not without incident, when he went to the rifle range he hit every target they put in front of him. Finally they took him to a thousand yard range gave him an hour to sight in a sniper rifle with scope, then he spent the rest of the day knocking down target after target.

Upon completing his three months of basic Greg was redirected to Ft. Benning Georgia for Ranger School followed by sniper school, this would extend his training garage by two weeks but he would come home a trained killer with the rank of Corporal.
One Sunday after a particularly tuff week Greg needed to blow off some steam, so he went to the base airport and after presenting his pilots license rented a plane for an hour, he was told the rifle range was open for low level flying and maneuvers. It just so happened his battalion commander, Colonel Neal Jones was also renting a plane Greg had no idea who he was but Neal. knew who Greg was. Also Greg didn’t know he was a trained combat pilot. Neal talked him into sharing the rifle range with him. When they got out to the rifle range he said ok k** show me what you got, Greg dove for the deck flying just feet off the ground, then flew directly at the woods did a vertical clime just yards from the trees, flipped the plane back around and came back down again feet off the deck. Once Neal saw his flying abilities he was somewhat impressed, he radioed for Greg to come back up and spent the next half hour teaching Greg some basic combat maneuvers.

Greg learned really fast so Neal said so let’s try some simulated combat situations, and Neal flipped his plane and was gone, he radioed Greg try not to get shot down k**. Greg had read several books by WWII pilots, so he flew directly into the sun making him impossible to see. Once he had reached maximum altitude leveled off and looked down. Neal radioed where did you go k** you can run but you can’t hide. Greg saw him cross under him several hundred feet below him, he dove on his six directly out of the sun, pulled down directly behind him and radioed to Neal rat tat tat tat, I’m on your six Neal, he says what the fuck, Neal tried every maneuver he knew but he could not shake Greg. Finally he said ok k** time to get back to the airport.

When they lauded Neal asked Greg where he learned to fly like that, he told him his father and uncle owned a crop dusting business with plans and helicopter and he was licensed for both. Neal said if you ever want to come in full time look me up and he gave Greg his card and said if you ever tell anyone you got the drop on me you will be pealing potatoes for the next six weeks.

Two months later just before Greg was due to come home, Mary met with the Father John the Priest that had been counseling Beth three nights a week for the last six months, he told her he felt it was safe for her to get married as long as she continued counseling at least two nights a week (little did she know he was a predator priest that had been fucking Beth every session and was sharing her with his friends, she was actually far less mentally stable than she was before she started seeing him).

When Greg came home Beth met him at the airport, when Greg came off the plane Beth ran up to him jumped into his arms, wrapped her legs around his waist, crying I love you over and over, then whispered in his ear take me to the bathroom and eat me. Greg says Beth your Mom and sister is standing right there, she says it’s ok they will wait.

Marge says oh my God he was cute when he left but now he’s a hunk, damn he’s hot. Mary says I see, they say the Army makes a man of you, Marge says give Beth an hour and she will take care of that. Mary says get off him so I can give him a hug, Marge says me too. As Marge greeted him Beth told her Mom I need some time alone with him, I promise I won’t screw him just oral, please Mom I need him so bad. Mary says ok we will drop you off at his house, Father John says I can trust you (what no one knew was Father John had filled Beth with his cum the night before and instructed Beth to save it in her and feed it to Greg the next day, which she did).
The day of the wedding was hectic Father John presided over the ceremony. After the ceremony there were pictures at the church Greg pulled out an envelope for Father John, just then the photographer said he needed him for a few shots with his family, Beth said I’ll take the envelope to Father John. She went directly to his office walked straight in closed and locked his door bent over his desk pulled up the back of her wedding dress slid her g-string out of the way and waited for him to mount and fuck her. She didn’t have to wait long before he was pounding her pussy with his gigantic cock. He bent over to bite her neck she said DON’T YOU DARE, I’M JUST CLEARED UP ALL YOUR BITE MARKS ON MY BOOBS. Shortly he grunted and filled her pussy with his cum. He said make sure you save that cream pie for Greg to eat, before long we will have him sucking it right out of my cock after I fuck his tight ass.
Everyone went over to the hotel for the reception, there was lots of, drinking, dancing a good time was had by all, till we cut the cake, I very politely fed her a piece of cake and she took my piece smashed it into my face and spread it all over my face and head. To say I was pissed is an understatement. When I get mad I get quiet, she realized she had fucked up. I quietly got up Beth was apologizing as I walked to the men’s room to clean up.

When I came back Beth was no where to be found. What I didn’t know was one of the black servers was a guy she had met at a club and fucked in the parking lot. She took him up to our room he pulled her g-string fall to the floor and she let him fuck her ass in what was to be our marital bed where we were going to take each other’s virginity.

She finally showed up an hour later avoiding me like the plague, and proceeded to drink all the vodka she could lay her hands on. Her Mom observed everything and when she returned after her fuck session her Mom grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the women’s bathroom, where she read Beth the riot act. Beth looked at her and said I’m not yours to order around anymore. Oh and by the way your Father John and his friends have been fucking me three times a week for the past six months, in fact not fifteen minutes after he pronounced us man and wife, he had me bent over his desk fucking me, here look she pulled up her dress and said that’s his cum dripping out of my pussy. Beth dropped her dress and walked out leaving her Mother crying in the bathroom.

Half an hour later I saw my now father in law and his partner Pete drag Father John into the alley, ten minutes later Harry and Pete came back in there hands were all bloody. I had, had enough I finally caught up with Beth drunk barely able to stand and walk and took her up to our room. As soon as I walked into the room all I could smell was pussy and cum, I would learn what I smelled was sex. As I walked her to the bed I saw her g-string laying on the floor soaked with cum. I thought what have I gotten myself into, by this time Beth had passed out. I thought fuck this I have waited two years for this, so I pulled off her wedding dress, she had a half cup corset with garter straps holding up a pair of lace topped thigh highs.

I looked down at the cum running out of her pussy and ass, well so much for taking her virginity, I decided there was no way I was going to fuck her bareback so a rubber was needed, of course I didn’t have one. I dug into our luggage got out a clean t-shirt, pair of cut offs, a pair of sneakers and I was off to the CVS on the corner. I bought a three pack of condoms and a ten dollar Willy Wonka scratch off. When I got back to our room Beth had not moved. I took off my cut offs jerked my cock hard, I was good at that by then, climbed between her legs and went to push into just slow and easy, next thing I knew my cock was buried to my balls with no pressure or pleasure. It was like fucking a well, she was so stretched out and sloppy I couldn’t feel her. That really worried me because I knew from the locker room I was in the top ten percent of men in the school except for the black guys, I mean I had seven and a half inches of thick cock and I was confident my cock could satisfy any normal women.

I thought this was bullshit, climbed back off of her, went in took a shower packed my clothes, put her wedding dress back on her, then dressed, put my tux in the garment bag went, down got a garment cart went up to our room got all our stuff, left a note;

gone to my apartment your in no condition to be my wife.

The apartment was supposed to be our first home. It was a two bedroom unit I had rented it in my name, I had also financed the furniture and both cars were in my name all purchased before we married, so when we got to the divorce it would not be community property. I put all of Beth’s stuff in the spare room, right now I didn’t want to be anywhere near her. I sat back trying to figure out what I was going to do. I didn’t have the money to hire a lawyer, and if she fought the divorce the cost would only go up, plus if marriage counseling was ordered I would have to pay for that too, I could also get stuck with paying her lawyer costs. I was getting more depressed by the minute.

As I sat there trying to figure out what I was going to do I searched my pockets for a piece of gum, first I found a quarter, change from CVS, two condoms, the scratch off ticket, finally a pack of gum. I started scratching off the ticket, when I had finished I couldn’t believe it I had one winner it was 10X the amount, wait that was a million dollars. I was ready to get excited then realized half of that after taxes was Beth’s. I need advice I also didn’t want Beth nosing around in my room.

A quick trip to the hardware store and I installed a locking door knob on my bedroom door. Then a quick call to my uncle who was a CPA who’s client list included people with questionable sources of income. He was not only my Uncle he was my godfather to. I explained I had a won a fair amount of money from the lottery and I wanted to hide it from my wife. Uncle Bud says smart man. He told me to take the ticket to the lottery office on Monday, tell them I didn’t want my identity released then have them take out all the taxes, and bring the check to him, he will make the money disappear in off shore banks and investments. He promised it would worth over two million in three years. He also said don’t tell anyone about the winnings.

When I got home I saw my sister in laws car out front of my apartment, when I walked in Beth came running to me I held up my hand to keep her from latching on to me. I yelled BACK OFF SLUT, she stopped her and her sisters mouths fell open. Beth asked why would you say that to me, I said I don’t know maybe it, was your g-string soaked in cum laying on the floor beside the bed, or the smell of sex in our room, no it was the cum running out of your pussy and ass and the fowl smell emanating from between you legs no it was your cunt and ass gapped so wide only a horse could get pleasure from them. How many times have you fed me someone’s cum as you got off on my face leaving me to fend for myself. Who’s cum was flowing out of your cunt and ass.

Beth fell to her knees crying saying I’m so sorry Greg believe me I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL, BUT I HAVE A PROBLEM. I said no I have the problem how to get rid of a slut wife. Beth yells out NO PLEASE I’LL FIX THIS. I said there is no way to fix two years of betrayal, a cunt the size of the harbor tunnel. Tell me who fucked you yesterday, Beth looked down and said Father John and Malcom Jones. WHAT YOU MEAN THE MALOM JONES THE BLACK GUY THAT WAS LINE BACKER FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM, she shakes her head yes.

I said ok now here are the rules you stay the fuck away from me, stay out of my room, help keep my apartment clean, pay your share of the expenses, AND NO BRINGING ANY OF YOUR JOHNS OR CLIENTS OR WHAT EVER YOU CALL THEM INTO MY APARTMENT. I strongly suggest you look to find a new place to live and a car, because as soon as I can save enough money I’m filing for a divorce. Beth cries up from the floor but I love you, I’ll can fix this you wait and see.

I turned around and went to leave she asked where are you going, I say that is no longer any of your concern, and walked out. I went to Sonny and Gloria’s house, a married couple I respected. When I got there they were surprised to see me and Sonny asked why I wasn’t in bed nailing my hot little red headed wife, I said because someone beat me to it. There was suddenly silence, Gloria grabbed me pulled my face to her big boobs hugging me saying you poor guy. Sonny says Gloria I don’t think you’re helping his situation any judging by the lump in his cut offs. She let me go, and Sonny asked what happened, and I told them what had happened.

Gloria said we were about to cook out stay for dinner, and she went in to supposedly make some more hamburgers. Sonny saw her on the phone and knew she was up to something. Sonny and Gloria were about five years older than me, Gloria had sisters lots of sisters all blond hot and stacked, built like a brick shit house with all the bricks in place.

Gloria calls her Mom's house, and gets her sister Tina who was a year younger than me. Gloria says Tina get you ass over here as fast as you can, remember Greg the guy you had the hots for, well long story he is here and he is available and variable, put on your Daisy Dukes, and that off shoulder top that exposes your abs, and no bra panties optional.

When Gloria came back out Sonny says why so many hamburgers, she says oh Tina called and she is stopping by for burgers, Sonny says hey Greg play your cards right and you can get some of that she is grade A prime. Gloria says oh stop that Sonny, but seriously she has always been attracted to you.

From behind me I hear hi Sis, Sonny then smell her sweet perfume, feel a soft hand on my shoulder as she says hello Greg. I don’t know what came over me but I reached around put my arm around her bare waist pulled her to me and we kissed full on tongue. I don’t know what was harder her nipples or my cock, that she was steady rubbing on with her mound. Sonny says the sheets are clean in the spare bedroom. I smiled and say hi Tina, she smiled back at me and said not yet, but make sure the sheets are kept fresh it won’t be long. (Actually it would be almost six months and it would my bed.)

Gloria says come on sis help me in the kitchen, when they got inside Tina says I really liked him before but now my God he is a hunk damn he is smoking. Gloria says he went thru Ranger training in the Army, they bulked him up and gave him more confidence, he’s not shy like before, Tina said I noticed that kiss he laid on me has my pussy flowing like a stream, but wasn’t he supposed to get married yesterday, Gloria giggled and said he did, but before he could get he into bed two guys nailed her one the Priest that married them the other a black guy she had picked up in a club one night. He described her pussy as the harbor tunnel, he didn’t fuck her, actually he has never fucked her or any one else, that was the one thing the Army didn’t do for him, Tina says I will do that for him.
Over the next few months Beth did everything a good wife should do for her husband except make love of course Greg wouldn’t touch her and they still slept in different rooms.. One evening when Greg came home the table was set for two on his plate was a thick juicy steak, still sizzling, Beth was dressed nice, she said oh good your home come sit down dinner is ready. As they ate Beth said Greg, I have really tried to get past my problem, between the counseling and medications, tomorrow I go for surgery to correct the damage I let happen to me, when they are done I’ll be twelve-year-old virgin again, I should be fully recovered by new years eve, would you please take me to Harry’s party then bring me home and make me your wife.

Greg sat and thought about what she had said, he knew he still had feelings for Tina but he did still love Beth. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do. The next day at work he got a call from Megan telling him there were problems with Beth’s surgery, she was ok now but in a lot of pain. She was still u*********s but calling his name. Greg went to his Boss and explained his situation his boss said it’s family, just keep me informed.

Greg took off for the hospital, when he got there Beth was still u*********s, he sat in the chair beside her bed and held her hand. She was very pail, and you could tell she was in pain. The doctor came in and said the damage was much worse than they had anticipated, but Beth was a real trooper. He said he was keeping her heavily sedated due to the severe pain she had to be in. About two am I was sound asleep still holding Beth’s hand. Visiting hours were long since over but no one had the nerve to try and make me leave. The nurse came in to check on Beth she was awake and quietly crying, the nurse says, I know it hurts, Beth shakes her head and whispered no he’s here, he’s holding my hand, I don’t deserve him I cheated on him terribly, but he is still here holding my hand he still loves me. The nurse said all I can tell you is he got here yesterday afternoon and he hasn’t budged.

The next morning at the crack of dawn, Greg was awake first he checked Beth she was sleeping restful, her color was improving, Greg hit the head then came back and resumed his watch over Beth. The night nurse came in for her last check before going off duty, she says my she is looking much better this morning, she started improving after she woke up last night and found you here holding her hand. She should be up in a few hours, you know she really loves you, let me tell you, you just being here has improved her condition considerably.

Eight am they brought in her breakfast, the noise of he tray being set up woke her up. She squeezed my hand an looked over and smiled, and in a horse voice she says I Love You. I squeezed her hand and said I said I Love You to baby, how about a little breakfast, she asked me to raise the back of her bed I pushed the button for her and slowly raised the back of her bed. I took off the lid on her plate, she had scrambled eggs, green jello, and apple juice. The nurse came in and said they don’t give you much for the first meal after surgery, but here is you choices for lunch and dinner.

The doctor came in at nine checked his work, he told us everything looked normal, then he had the nurse clean her up and coat her stitches with Vaseline. After they had finished Beth was sore and tired the nurse came in injected her Iv with pain medication, and she drifted off to sleep. The nurse looked at him and said time for you to get out of here, she will sleep till noon. Go get cleaned up, change you clothes get something to eat.

That afternoon when I returned I found both Mary and Marge visiting, after welcoming hugs we decided I should go back work and they would visit during the day and I would visit in the evenings. The hospital had made it clear now that Beth was stable they would insist we abide by normal visiting hours. We also agreed Beth would live with her parents for the first few weeks until she was recovered enough to fend for herself.

It was the first of December before Beth moved back in to our apartment. I immediately moved her in the master with me. As she was still recovering and her doctor had not cleared her, so there was To be no sex, but we cuddled and got closer every day.
Christmas Day we spent the morning at Beth’s parents, Beth and l were inseparable cuddling hugging, I whispered in Beth’s ear remember when I use to eat you on this sofa after your parents went to bed. Beth looked over and saw her Mom with tears in her eyes, we went over to her Beth asked her what was wrong she hugged us both and said I’m just so happy to see you two back together, and Beth I hope you appreciate this guy. Beth says I do Mom believe me I do.

I talked with Tina we had never committed to a relationship and she understood me trying to make a go of our marriage. She moved on and was dating a guy she worked with. December thirty Beth had her last doctor’s visit, he declared fully healed and once again a virgin. As planed we would finally consummate their marriage after the party. I had to work that day so the plan was for me to go home shower change and meet her at the party. Our friends Jonny and his wife Jo and Sonny and Gloria were also invited.

My relief shift operator was late, so I didn’t get to the party till nine, of course by that time it was in full flow. When I arrived she was wearing a black see thru top and no bra, a very short mini skirt, thigh highs, I could clearly see a garter clasp clipped to her nylons, she had a pair of black spiked five inch heels. She was dancing with some guy I had never seen before. He was all over her and she was encouraging him.

Gloria came over and said she is going to break you heart again, they have been all over each other all night. It was obvious she was drunk and feeling no pain. I walked out side to calm myself, I knew if I confronted them now I would wind up killing the guy she was with. I went back in but she was nowhere to be found. I started to search and found them in a back bedroom, her skirt and top were on the floor, he was on top of her pounding his cock in her as hard as he could.

Somehow I had a moment of clarity I got out my phone and video taped them fucking, I was able to get both their faces and all their sex action, just to be spiteful I took her clothes. I knew this was the last straw and went out found her purse and coat took out her social security card and drivers license. Then I went and found her sister handed her Beth’s SS Card and License, then pulled off my wedding ring, handed it all to her and told her when Beth gets done fucking her new lover give these to her and tell her never talk to me again. The apartment, the furniture, and the cars are all in my name and as far as her stuff goes it will all be in the dumpster by sunup. Tell her to never contact me again, she will get divorce papers by the end of the week.

I threw Johnny Beth’s keys and asked him to drive her car to the shop and lock it up so she didn’t try and take it. I walked out got in my car and drove home. When I got home I sent a text to Neal Jones and said I’m ready, Neal knew this was not good for me but good for the Army, Neal had never seen anyone with the skill set and abilities I had. He messaged me back be at your company HQ at nine hundred hours the day after tomorrow.

There was a knock at the door, I though ok the shit starts now, thinking it was Beth, when I opened the door, Tina was there, she jumped into my arms wrapping her legs around my waist pushed the door closed and said take me to the bedroom and fuck my brains out. I said what about your boy friend, she said I made him up to make you jealous now go.

When we got to the bedroom Tina climbed off of me and directly onto the bed turned around ripped open my shirt pulled my t-shirt off, then she said get your shoes and socks off she pulled off her top off, and her gorgeous boobs were there starting in my face her areoles were big and surprisingly dark, our babies would have no problem finding and latching on to those puppies. I pushed down my paints as always I was commando. Tina was pushing off her paints and panties, when my cock popped into view, Tina mouth fell open and she stared at my cock, and said you have never used that on a woman before, I blushed and said no, she said are you really divorcing Beth I said she should be served by Friday, she asked what the chances of us getting married in the near future, I said we can go pick out a ring set tomorrow.

Tina reached up pulled me down on top of her, we kissed her nipples were like nails boring into my chest as we kissed, she said just relax and make me yours forever, Tina reached down grabbed my cock, placed my head at the top of her slit and proceeded to rub it up and down her soaked slit lubing it up for the penetration to follow then lines me up to the entrance of her love tunnel. She could feel me wanting to push in her, and said please ease it into me, I have never had a cock as big as yours in me. Slowly I pushed in, inch by inch suddenly Tina pushed up bearing me to my balls in her, and she went off like a roman candle. I asked her are you ok she says so good yes baby yes oh so good, go baby make me yours. I started pumping my cock in and out of her she was so hot so wet so tight, God she felt so good, I felt Tina grab on to me wrap her legs a round me and call out oh my God Greg yes yes I’m cumming again oh God yes, suddenly I felt my balls tighten and I began filling he pussy with my cum, Tina screamed feeling I knew I should give Tina several organisms before cumming, so I continued pumping in and out of her for another twenty minutes, by this time she was in a constant state of organism, finally I could hold off no longer and filled her pussy with twenty three years of pent up cum. I was still on top of her my hips steady working me in and out of her. Tina began to recover from the biggest orgasm she had ever had, she says Greg honey its ok you can stop oh my God your still hard Oh Greg yes baby yes my God yes all no here I go again, yes baby yes oh yes cumming again come on baby cum with me, I think she wants me to cum so soon oh well and start to pump faster and faster that’s it baby cum with me that’s it yes that’s it, I felt myself getting ready to cum again. I pulled her tight to me and exploded pumping rope after rope of cum in her.

After I had cum the second time I was still hard so I continued making love to her. Tina wrapped her arms and legs around me stopping me from making love to her. Tina said Greg honey I’m sorry but I need a break. She kissed me and said damn Greg, no one has ever made me feel so good. I love you Greg you just made me feel things so wonderful you just know. I asked did I do it right, Tina says you’re a unicorn, your handsome, strong, you have a cock that women would cum from just looking at it. You melt my heart every time you hold me. All you have to do is look at me and my pussy starts dripping and my panties get soaked. Greg I have to be honest with you I’m not on birth control. And I’m probably ovulating, with all the cum you just pumped into me my guess is in nine months you are going to be a daddy, and Gloria and Sonny are going to be an aunt and uncle.

I said well I better see that my lawyer does what it takes to push my divorce through. I look at the clock and its almost midnight, I pulled Tina into my arms and kissed her and said happy new year, tomorrow the stores should be open let’s go find us a jewelry store and get you a wedding set. Tina’s cell phone rings , she answers hi sis (Tina turns on her speaker) happy new years to you, actually I’m in bed. Damn Tina is in her bed at midnight on new years eve. Tina says I never said I was in my bed, Gloria says you little slut who are you shacked up with, I’m about to bust a gut, Tina is trying to keep me quiet. Tina says remember when you called me earlier to tell me about what happened with Greg at the party you were at, well I went over to his apartment to console him, one thing lead to another, and I yell out I’m not a virgin anymore and you should be an aunt in about nine months. I say and you will have a new brother in law as soon as I can get a divorce from that slut I’m married to. Gloria says if you need help paying for the divorce Sonny and I can help. I say don’t worry I have enough to cover it . Gloria asks Tina so how was he, Tina giggled and says we made love for almost forty five minutes he came twice I can’t count how many times I came and he is still hard and wants more he's a fucking machine. If I live thru tonight after we get done at the jewelry store tomorrow we will CCOME SEE YOU GUYS TOMORROW, GOTA GO HE’S BACK IN ME AND READY TO GO. Tina just dropped the phone Gloria put her speaker on and she and Sonny listened to thirty minutes of them making love, Gloria says he’s a fucking a****l she won’t walk right for a week after tonight.

The next morning Beth put on the t shirt of the guy she had slept with because she couldn’t find her clothes. When she walked out saw Marge sitting at the kitchen table, and asked if she had seen her top and skirt. Marge said yes Greg took them with him when he left last night, Beth says Oh NO NO NO, Marge says you dumb cunt you couldn’t even wait an hour for your husband, she says I have to go see him, tell him I was drunk. Marge says he left these for you she gave her SS Card, License and his wedding ring. He told me to tell you not to contact him and you would receive divorce papers by the end of the week. He took your clothes and purse too. Beth says I have to go talk to him Marge says your covered in hickeys again. Oh an by the way he says he is dumping all your stuff in a dumpster. Beth breaks down crying,

The following week Tina had moved in with me, she didn’t let me throw out all of Beth’s things instead we boxed everything up and sent them to her brothers house, we had herd that’s where she was staying. A week later something that was supposed to happen to Tina didn’t, a week after that Tina gave me a long thin box wrapped in blue and pink ribbons, opening it I found a positive pregnancy test strip. Phone in hand I called Uncle Bud’s lawyer Simon Schwartz, he was representing me with my divorce I told him I needed to be divorced in thirty days or less. Now Simon was as slimy as they come, Beth’s pro bono lawyer didn’t stand a chance. I had videos of Beth fucking and blowing six different guys in the back of her car outside a club, and Ron had stashed a camera in the managers office and had video after video of him fucking Beth during their lunch break and I had the video of new years eve. With the threat of the videos being emailed to every, coworker, relative and friend, Beth signed the papers and as they had never consummated their marriage Simon was able to have the marriage annulled, which immediately ended the marriage. Two weeks later Tina and I were married.

Five months later I had just graduated Warrant Officers School and we were home on leave to see our parents and attend a baby shower Gloria had thrown for Tina. We were at the mall, Tina had gone off to do what pregnant woman do, pee. I was sitting at a table in the food court when from behind me I herd there’s my hansom son in law soon to be daddy. I was thinking shit no one had told her. I turned around stood up gave her a hug I said hi Mary, she says where you been I haven’t seen you since Christmas. Just then Tina came up and put her arm around me. I said Tina this is Mary Beth’s Mom. Mary this is Tina my wife. Mary said and Beth, I said I got hung up at work new years eve by the time I got to the party she had replaced me and I found her in bed with the guy she had replaced me with, I haven’t seen or talked to her since. Mary asked you divorced her, I said no our marriage was annulled as we had never slept together. Mary says so your not the Father of the baby she is carrying, I said no that’s impossible.

Mary looks at Tina and says take good care of this guy he is very special, Tina says oh I know. Then Tina whispered something into Mary’s ear, Mary says oh my God. Mary says well its good to see you again Greg, and such a pleasure to meet you Tina, I gave her a hug and with a tear in her eye she turned and walked away, sadly it would be the last time I would see her, in a year Mary would be lost to cancer.

Two months later a huge Tina waddled down the hall of the Army Hospital in Ft. Rucker Alabama checking herself in, I had been summoned off the flight line and arrived in time to be part of the delivery of our second and third babies. Little Greg didn’t wait for me to get there.
Published by ohmyyes64
3 years ago
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ohmyyes64 Publisher 3 years ago
to tromboneski : Thank You Happy you enjoyed the story
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tromboneski 3 years ago
Great story..