Suspension of Belief and Other Such Things

Suspension of Belief and Other Such Things

The porn industry has always been head of the game when it comes to what is or isn't considered normal from a sexual perspective in this country, and the world around really. Certain fetishes will always remain in the fringe where they belong, but the industry has always show itself to be rather progressive in its views that it puts forward through its films. I will admit, while the industry has done its very best to keep up with the changes in technology, I do miss the days of actual films, adult theaters, and even the VHS days. Sure, modern media technology gives you better picture and freer access, but the industry has lost something by getting away from the storytelling aspect in my opinion. I get that it is just people fucking, but I have never been a fan of these gonzo style pictures. The very best the industry has to offer all were legit films with plots, acting, and everything else you expect from a film. They were never really on par with the mainstream Hollywood stuff, but you could immerse yourself in the stories while you stroked yourself silly all at once.

Two things have changed that I don't personally care for, above and beyond this plot issue. The first is with the talent. The industry used to have great varied talent for both sides. You had lovely ladies, and great guys, and the best part was that anyone could recognize or identify with somebody in the film typically. Now you still have lovely ladies in the industry today; in fact you have even greater variety today than you did in the golden age of the 80s and 90s. The industry has done a great job on the female variety point. My issue (which may seem silly to some), is with the male performers. It seems like every male performer these days is the exact same. I'm not looking for every guy to be a star, but a little variety for the sake of the audience would be nice. It is a film, so you have to suspend belief to begin with, but when did it become normal to put forward the idea that every guy is toting around enough wood to build a house? It the glory years, it was the big names that were literally huge, but you had plenty of average guys too that did a great job. The failure to portray this coincides with the fact that most people think every guy is well-endowed, and those that aren't are ostracized. Forget the fact that three quarters of the entire male population world wide is of average length or less, and of that quarter that is above average, only 5-10% break the 8 inch mark. Doesn't matter really what your ethnic background is either. And most girls can't actually physically handle much more than 7 inches without extreme pain. So yeah, that is my first issue.

My second issue is a cultural thing. I'm not big on ink, tattoos. I never have been. I can understand one or two, but some people just seem to go crazy with them. It was always easier in my mind for guys to have them than women from an aesthetic perspective. Ink tends to detract from the beauty of most women; unless you are just drop dead gorgeous to begin with, which few actually are honestly. Guys don't have to be aesthetically perfect in the same way as women do, which is why the ink was less of an issue. So many of these performers today though have ink, and not a little. Even when you see performers with just one or two, they have these big sprawling tattoos. Maybe I'm od fashioned in this matter, but it doesn't look good.

Perhaps as I said, I'm a little too old fashioned, a bit too conservative in that respect. But you got to admit, some of the stuff in the past was great, and it would be amazing to have that sort of thing in this modern time frame.
Published by AdmlJoey1701
3 years ago
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