I Could Just (Die Tonight)

I Could Just (Die Tonight)

I could just die tonight
And everything would
Be just alright

No more worries
And no more cares
No more of your empty
Cold dark stares

What is it
This world is for me
It can't amount to much
And there isn't much I can be

I could just die tonight
And everything would
Be just alright

I could finally
Begin to be free
I wouldn't have to wonder
Why no one cares for me
Though I don't really care at all
But I hate the wondering
And I hate the fall
Every time I get to somewhere
I almost want to be
It all comes crashing down
Which wouldn't be so bad
If it hadn't got hold of me

I could just die tonight
And would everything be alright
I think it could
I think it might
I could just die tonight
And everything would...
Be just alright
Finally alright
Published by CumMaster8
3 years ago
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