The Silly Fear of Forced Fellatio

The Silly Fear of Forced Fellatio

I must admit a fear of mine: forced fellatio.

It stems from when I was a wee lad listening to the older members of my family and the subject of forced sex came up. Back when I was a k** this was still a shocking thing as it was not common for this activity to happen in my city, or at least reported to the authorities. The big shocker of this forced sex episode to my elders was that the man forced his victim to give him fellatio to wit my grate-grandmother responded "If any man forced his dick in my mouth I will bite it right off!"

This still sends shivers down my spine, maybe more-so that these words came out of my grate-grandmother than anything else.

When I was still a milk toast wimp I had a hard time getting women to give me fellatio. They demanded and expected cunnilingus but would hardly return the favor, and when they did it was piss poor at best. It gave me a bit of a complex to say the least when it came to a good old fashioned cock sucking.

I then met a whorish woman and we moved in together which led to some great sex. She was in every way a self centered bitch and I was just starting to come out of my wimp like state. It was from her that I had my first decent blow job which blew my mind, and what really sent me into ecstasy was that she swallowed. To shoot my load in her mouth while she continued to service me was to no end the most orgasmic feeling I ever had, and the first step to get me over my screwed up nature when it came to fellatio.

After I sent the whore a packing I found My Toy who performed fellatio even better, and also swallows to boot. When we started our Master/Slave relationship forced fellatio soon came part of it, for it is hard to have forced fantasy sex not involve it. The feel of teeth on my member is one thing I hate and the echos of my grate-grandmother still bounce around my head. So I started to resolve that fear with the only thing a Master would know how: I feel teeth, I pull out right away and slap My Toy a few times. I then grab her by the face and threaten to knock her teeth out the next time I feel them. All in play of course.

My fear of forced fellatio has diminished quite a bit over the last few years as My Toy and I continue on, but now and then I hear my great-grandmothers voice pop up, so when that happens I just imagine how much more shocking it would be to her if she saw what My Toy and I do...

...and that does the trick just fine!
Published by whodathunk69
3 years ago
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