Friends on Xhamster

Friends on Xhamster

My goal is not to have a large number of friends. Quality over quantity.

I am not here to flirt with women, but straight-up and frank conversation with women about sexually intellectual topics of mutual interest is absolutely welcome. (To state the obvious here on xhamster, I have few if any women "friends" which is interesting).

Let's start with the most important thing: If you want to be my friend here, I am curious ... why?

The best way to get me to take your request seriously is to take your best shot at writing me a personal message. Be articulate. I prefer not to wonder what you're thinking.

I will always take a look at your profile. Sometimes the answer is obvious. Like me, you like buttsex and your life is good when you're with a woman who reveres your sperm. If we are kindred souls, then hey, you're on. Let me state clearly that I have nothing against people whose preference is not straight heterosexual, but if your profile is all penis photos and tributes or anything that is not straight heterosexual, I'm most likely going to be less interested because we actually don't appear to have a lot in common. I'm a straight heterosexual, and it turns me on. Things that are not straight heterosexual don't turn me on particularly.

Well ... I have been known to get excited about lesbians on occasion. Depends on the lesbian.

If I can't figure out what we have in common and you don't take the initiative to write me a private message after everything I just wrote, then I may not accept your request. If I'm feeling charitable, I may write you a private message to give it another chance. If I write you a private message and you don't respond to it, but your profile says you were "last seen" more recently than I wrote, I will assume you saw my note and chose not to respond in which case you must also be choosing to withdraw your friendship request.

If you have more than a few hundred friends, and you don't write me, that probably means we look at things differently.

Hint: Don't make me work. I'm here to have a good time.
Published by Buttster-Brown
3 years ago