Kiss – rhyme with the word “bliss”? Kissing sparks unexplainable joy among people, who use it as a medium to communicate their affection for each other. In fact, there is nothing like a bad kiss and every kiss with the right intention is a good one. However, different types of kisses evoke different emotions and feelings.
A kiss is the touch or pressing of one's lips against another person or an object. Cultural connotations of kissing vary widely. Depending on the culture and context, a kiss can express sentiments of love, passion, romance, sexual attraction, sexual activity, sexual arousal, affection, respect, greeting, friendship, peace, and good luck, among many others. In some situations, a kiss is a ritual, formal or symbolic gesture indicating devotion, respect, or sacrament. The word came from Old English cyssan ( to kiss ), in turn from coss ( a kiss ).
Kissing says, ‘I want to play with you and spend time with you. We’re taking our time and not just moving towards the goal of having an orgasm.’ It tells your partner you’re into them,
The lips are not the only part of the mouth which should be joined in kissing. Every lover is a glutton. He wants everything that is part of his sweetheart, everything. He doesn’t want to miss a single iota of her ‘million-pleasured joys’ as Keats once wrote of them.
– The Art of Kissing, Hugh Morris (1936).
It is so true that a kiss is not just about the lips or the face. It is about getting every part of your body and mind involved in it, to experience the feeling of togetherness. These different types of Kisses signify different meanings depending on whom you kiss, where is it placed and the purpose behind it.
There is a complete one chapter on Sexual Union by Kissing in Kamasutra.
As an example of the forms of intimacy discussed in the Kamasutra includes chumbanas (kissing). The text presents twenty-six forms of kisses, ranging from those appropriate for showing respect and affection, to those during foreplay and sex. Vatsyayana also mentions variations in kissing cultures in different parts of ancient India. The best kiss for an intimate partner, according to kamasutra, is one that is based on the awareness of the avastha (the emotional state of one's partner) when the two are not in a sexual union. During sex, the text recommends going with the flow and mirroring with abhiyoga and samprayoga. which you can find by the title " Vatsyayana Kama Sutra Part 2, Chapter 3 : Sexual union by Kissing" in my stories.
This articles further details about types of kisses how they are done and their effect during sexual union.
A love kiss is the one that is filled with a desire for each other and most commonly had on the lips. It shows both a person’s attraction and loving relationship towards each other as well. It also shows the passion, romance, respect, friendship, peace and also the affection towards one another.
Royal Hand Kiss
A person kissing the top of another’s offered hand is the most formal of kisses. The traditional ritual doesn’t imply affection—it's more a polite and respectful greeting among strangers meeting for the first time.
Air Kiss
Air-kissing is a social gesture that involves pursing your lips and leaning in as if you’re kissing, but without actually touching the other person’s cheek (the little mwah sound is optional). It can be a hello or a goodbye and communicates endearment—like, something you may do with a friend or family member when you're saying goodbye.
Cheek Kiss
Very popular in Europe, one or two light kisses on the cheek is a friendly greeting that says happy to see you between friends, family, partners, and sometimes, strangers. But say it happens with a romantic partner post-date, assume it's their respectful way of telling you they had a great time, but want to take things slow.
Forehead Kiss
The forehead kiss is atypical, which makes it more memorable, explains Richmond. Perhaps this is the reason foreheadkisses have been tagged 33.8k times on Instagram. Not only is it compassionate and warm, but it communicates love in a non-sexual way. The gesture is typically reserved for someone special, like someone you're really feeling.
Eskimo Kiss
Some think it’s corny, but some couples love to rub noses because it’s their thing and unique to the relationship. There’s no lip-touching in an Eskimo kiss, but it’s intimate without being sexual. You have to be very close to someone, whether you’re looking into their eyes or closing your eyes and feeling their breath, says Richmond.
Single Lip Kiss
This seductive, warm-up move involves kissing the person’s bottom lip while they kiss your top lip (or vice-versa). The single lip kiss is a playful tease; an offer that maybe there’s more to come...
French Kiss
Oui, oui! The open-mouth kiss with tongue is all types of erotic—there’s almost no other kiss that connects two people more. But keep it for the bedroom, mmk? It's probably not appropriate when you're tonguing at a funeral or a Starbucks.
Bite Kiss.
Kissing and playful biting on the lips, cheeks, jawline, collarbone, or neck can be really tantalizing (but no hickies, please!). How hard you nibble is of personal preference, so make sure to tell your boo what really drives you crazy. And while it makes for a seductive first-time hookup, introduce the idea slowly. Go easy to start and you’ll know if it’s well-received, If the person pulls back, it’s off the table.
Lizard Kiss
Just tongues, and that’s it. The lizard kiss is an unconventional type of foreplay that two people really have to find sexy… but, hey, don’t knock it ’til you try it!
Neck Kiss
Neck kisses are highly depicted in movies and most often referenced in romance novels starring Fabio-esque male leads, but they’re even more sensual IRL. The neck is an underrated erogenous zone full of delicate, sensitive nerve endings, making for very fiery foreplay especially for women.
Body Kiss
Besides the neck, there are tons of other areas on the body worth kissing, including the chest, stomach, torso, feet, and booty. All this depends on an individual’s sexual preferences and ticklish meter. what feels good to one person might not feel good to another. If you really pay attention to your partner's body language, you’re going to get a lot of information,
Nipple Kiss
Kissing, licking, and sucking a partner’s nipples is a body kiss deserving of its own category, it feels pretty effing amazing for both women and men. But again, everyone’s sexual proclivity is different and this is an area that requires staying attuned with intimate communication If your partner is moaning and moving towards you, that’s a green light. If his or her body recoils or tenses, take that as a no-go.
Genital Kiss
It’s a sultry tease to kiss your bae through their underwear, using only your lips for epic foreplay at the spot where they really enjoy it. With your partner begging for more, remove the barrier, introduce tongue... and enjoy the grand finale. Are you seeing sparks yet?