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Incestia, where everything that is agreeable is also legal.

Part 4


For hours after screwing his virgin daughter in front of hundreds of Incestians, Yuri was dazed. With his brother’s help and that of his three children, he was led back to their home in the Incestia temporary housing center. It took time to revive him fully and even longer to assure him that everything that had happened was okay with them.

He had never dreamed of such things in all of his years living in Kassan, but in less than two weeks he fucked his son’s mouth and then deflowered Cambria---in public.

He looked at his brother and said, “Avan, what’s happened to me? I was an upstanding citizen when we were in Kassan and I feel like an animal!”

“Well, maybe this will help,” Avan said as he fanned out a great amount of currency.

“Wh...What’s that?”

“I told you Incestians pay a lot of money to see fathers fuck their daughters, especially for their first time. It’s two-months average wages. It would have been six-months but the promoter took a bigger cut because we were in such a hurry to book it.” ”

As he ran his fingers through the currency, Yuri’s face began to brighten because he had not had an income since fleeing molestation allegations in Kassan. He still felt guilt for his incestuous activities, but the cash eased it somewhat and Cambria eased it even more when she drew her father’s hand between her legs and said, “Let’s do it again. Right now. Fuck me daddy! Fuck me!”

He was helpless to her seductions and they spent two hours humping and soon after, Cambria moved her things into his bedroom and she lay with her father at night and received him into her and Yuri Volka inseminated his daughter repeatedly.

Two days after she moved into his bedroom, things happened quickly.

First, Cambria pulled her uncle Avan into private and with trembling words told him that she thought she might be pregnant. Avan told her it was impossible for her to know so soon, but she said she felt different and she was sure she was with child and she feared it would be too much for her father and he would reject her or refuse the notion of ever marrying her.

Avan called for Xia Zan, the forensic specialist who had testified on their behalf at the immigration proceedings. She arrived in an hour and within minutes confirmed that Cambria was indeed pregnant.

“Now what will I do?” the girl cried.

“Let me handle it,” Avan said. “It might take some convincing, but your father will do the right thing.”

Avan met with his brother and told him the news. As expected, Yuri was distraught and overwhelmed. Avan soothed his brother with comforting words and as Yuri began to calm, he said, “Yuri, you screwed her. You knocked her up. You knew before any of this began that she wanted to marry you. Don’t be a fool! If you don’t marry her and do it right away, she will resent you like Shyla did before she left you. But if you marry her now, she will be with you forever.”

In time, Yuri agreed and they went to talk to his oldest daughter Verity and his enigmatic, younger son Caci about the pregnancy. It was customary for Caci to show little response but it was not customary for Verity to remain silent and inexpressive.

Avan didn’t know what to make of her, but it was important to get the wedding planned so he pressed forward. “I suggest we have the wedding in the next couple of days and I can make all of the arrangements.”

After none of them spoke, he asked, “Verity, do you agree? The next couple of days?”

The girl’s face was rigid and silent. She had always been known as a polite, and pure girl, but when she finally spoke, it was an eruption.

“You have to be kidding! Isn’t there any fucking person in this family besides me who sees it?”

Except for Caci, the others were visibly stunned.

“S...Sees what, Verity?” Avan asked.

“You can’t fucking be serious! There is no way in hell they should get married now!”

Yuri’s face tightened. “Verity, my angel, what---”

“I’m not your angel, daddy. Not anymore.

Avan intervened. “But why shouldn’t they get married now, Verity?”

Her eyes rolled and she huffed, “Because we aren’t citizens yet! What if that stupid judge doesn’t sign our citizenship papers? We’ll all be sent back to Kassan and it won’t take the Kassians two minutes to find your marriage license in the Incestian records. God, do I have to think of everything?”

Avan’s head dropped. Why hadn’t he thought of that? She was right. Had they done things his way, the family could have been in even greater danger.

She continued, “If you think daddy’s trial for touching that little girl was going to be hell, just think what would happen when they found out my father married my sister! You want to get married before we’re citizens? Why don’t you just go ahead and shoot me now!”

Clearly she was right that the wedding be delayed and Avan told the others it would be put on hold.

Before sundown, there was a knock on the door and a courier handed Avan a subpoena that required Yuri to appear before the judge the next morning.

Avan assured his brother that there was nothing to fear although he wished he believed that himself. “Don’t worry,” he said, “I’ll go with you. I’ll do the talking. Everything will be fine.”

The next morning, they dressed well and walked three blocks to the courthouse only to learn that Avan would not be permitted in the judge’s chambers.

He told his brother, “Don’t agree to anything and whatever you do, don’t sign anything!”

Yuri agreed but when he returned from the chambers of Judge Ciro T. Nikolai, his shoulders were slumped and he looked like a defeated man. Avan pulled him quickly from the courthouse and asked him what happened.

When Yuri finally spoke, the news wasn’t good.

“He made me sign...this.” He handed papers to Avan.

Avan took the papers while berating his brother. “I told you not to sign anything!”

“H...He made me. He said if I didn’t sign right then and there he would never sign our citizenship papers.”

Avan scoffed as he scanned the document enough to see that it was a side agreement for the judge to keep fucking Caci’s mouth for another year.

“This is preposterous!” Avan shouted. “He can’t do this! Can you find your way home by yourself?”

“Yes,” Yuri replied, “but where are you going?”

“I have some business to take care of.”

Within minutes, Avan entered the office of Omar Topete, an attorney who had helped in simpler matters. Avan told Topete about the family’s recent problems and the temporary grant of immigration and he handed the attorney the side agreement.

Topete was a well-dressed and well-fed man in his fifties. He had a hard face but one that transformed pleasantly when he smiled.

“Well, looks like old Nikolai is up to no good again. I’m afraid I can fix part of this but I can’t fix all of it.”

“I didn’t read all of it,” Avan admitted.

“Well, it says the boy has to keep going back to suck Nikolai’s cock for another full year and if there’s any default, then Yuri has thirty days to pay twelve months average wage. If that don’t happen, then Yuri gets sent to debtor’s confinement for 10 days and the cycle starts over.”

“So, what can you fix?”

“I can break that 12-month cycle but the rest of it, well, Yuri signed it.”

“That doesn’t sound like much help.”

“Oh but it is because you won’t have to put up with a full year of his bullshit. I’ll file an Arbitrar’s Lawsuit and demand this side agreement be nullified altogether on the basis that the one-year term is unconscionable. An arbitrator will hear the case in a few weeks instead of months like we would have in a court trial. Til then, I’m afraid the side agreement is in force.”

“So, you’re saying Caci has to keep sucking his cock for weeks?”

“Heavens no! If you do that, Nikolai will say your family doesn’t think it’s so unconscionable after all and that will weaken our case. I’m saying the boy only sucks for the next week-and-a-half under the terms the current grant of temporary immigration. But once Nikolai signs the citizenship papers, the boy don't go back. Instead, I file the lawsuit.” The fat man laughed, “I would love to see that old bastard’s face when he realizes what’s going on!”

“But if Caci doesn’t suck his cock during those few weeks of the side agreement, it means we default and we have to pay.”

”Yup. No way around it. So, my advice to you is to find a way to raise the default money because the first day that boy don’t show up is the start of 30 days for you to come up with the money.”

Topete walked Avan to the door and said, “Listen Volka, you can’t say a word of this to anyone, not Yuri and not the kids. If Nikolai gets wind of you talking to me, he never will sign those citizenship papers.”

Avan called a meeting with the family and said he was working on a solution but he could not discuss details. “The less you know, the better. But, no matter what I do, there is no way we can escape having to pay the default money. So, we have to get to figure out how we’re going to raise it or Yuri will be in jail for ten days.”

Cambria shrieked, “We can’t let that happen! But, how can we raise that much money? We only got two-months of money from when daddy fucked me in front of those people.” She paused. Then, she said, “Maybe...Maybe Caci should just do it. It’s only for a year and---”

“No!” Avan protested, knowing that his own plans for the boy would be ruined. “We can’t spend a year under the control of that ruthless judge! Now let’s figure out how we’re going to get the money.”

Cambria mused that she and her father could fuck in public again but Avan said the money in the future would be much less because Cambria was no longer a virgin. “Besides Cambria, your father is by no means ready to do something like that in public again so soon. But, there is...there is one thing we’ve talked about,” he stammered. “I’m not saying we should do it, but we all know that wealthy men pay huge sums to fuck light-skinned virgin girls.”

Verity’s eyes were squarely on him as he added, “I’m not saying we should, but at least it is an option.”

As Cambria realized what he was saying, she pleaded with her sister to do it while their father agonized. “Not my sweet angel! There has to be another way.”

After an extended silence, Verity stood and screamed. “Okay! I’ll do it!”

“You...You don’t have to Verity,” Avan said. “Maybe we can come up with something else.”

“No,” she scowled. “I said I’ll do it.”

“Well, it will solve our problem. They will pay Yuri extraordinary amounts of money, so much that he wouldn’t have to work for years.”

“What?!?” Verity shrieked. “No way they’re paying anyone but me! I’m not going to keep doing everything for this family and have them pay someone else and I get a pittance. I arrange it. I do it. I get the money and I’ll give you all what I think you deserve!”

“But Verity, you’re not old enough to make those arrangements.”

“I don’t need to be because you’re going to get that Topete guy to draw up emancipation papers and then I can make whatever the hell arrangements I want!”

Avan could see she was determined and wouldn’t be swayed. He also realized that she might be taking control of the family and he needed to stay in her good graces.

“Okay Verity, as you say. I’ll have Topete draw up the emancipation papers.”

The girl smiled with triumph. He wondered how such a pure and wholesome girl could so quickly become somewhat of a shrew and he asked what had happened that she had changed so much.

Verity sat down on a cushioned footstool and said, “What’s changed? How about us being dragged to a place called Incestia where every kind of weird sex is considered normal? Or, how about the fact that my whole family is engaged in weird sex? My father fucked my brother’s mouth. Then, he knocks up my little sister and now they’re going to be married.”

She looked at her father. “Hell, I’m the only one in this family you haven’t screwed!”

“Verity...angel...” he said. “I didn’t know you wanted me t---”

“No!” she interrupted. “I’m not going to fuck my sister’s boyfriend who---oh bye-the-way---also happens to be my father. Everyone in this fucking family is into weird sex so why not me? If you all can do it then so can I only I’m going to out-weird all of you! I’m going to sell myself to the richest, fattest, sweatiest, sleaziest, slimeball in Incestia and I’m going to fucking love every single minute of it! And, I’m going to love the money even more!”


Avan met with Omar Topete and had the emancipation papers drawn. As he was leaving, Topete smiled, “Ah yes, another pretty girl and some lucky lech is going to fuck her. See why I love Incestia? Hell, if I was a little richer, I’d make an offer. But listen Volka, don’t let that girl sell herself until after the citizenship papers are signed. That might throw a monkey wrench into everything. After Nikolai signs, you’ll still have a few weeks to get her good and fucked and get the money.”

Avan brought the papers to Verity and she agreed she wouldn’t act on anything until after their date in court.

“Where’s Caci?“ Avan asked.

“It’s almost noon and this is ‘milking’ day at the courthouse.”

Avan’s insides tightened. No one could imagine how much he hated Caci sucking that perverted and arrogant judge.

In that same moment, the boy was on his knees and softly nursing on the judge’s hard cock. He understood little of the family’s issues and he cared even less once his mouth was doing what it loved most.

“Good boy!” the judge said. “You like sucking that dick, don’t you?”

Without changing the pace of sucking, Caci nodded and hummed.

“Yeah, that’s what I like. A boy who loves to suck.”

Caci was in dreamland. He had waited so long and had become so wanton for it back in Kassan that he had begun to formulate plans that he hoped would finally get a hard cock in front of his face. Instead, the allegations against his father and their need to flee Kassan had resulted in a grant of temporary immigration and in that grant was the requirement that he suck the judge’s cock twice a week. Not only was he finally sucking cock, but it had actually been mandated by a court of law!

“Now, you just keep yourself relaxed,” the judge said. “You just hold still while I...” His hands held the boy’s head while his hips pushed forward and his hard cock began to push into the boy’s throat, “while I fuck you good and deep!”

He began slowly and with short strokes, pushing in and easing back a few inches and groaning with each stroke. He looked down at the pretty boy and admired how much he looked like his sisters and that made his need to fuck even greater.

In a matter of minutes, his strokes became more powerful and with a little more speed. And a few minutes later, his hands gripped the boy’s head harder and his hips began thrusting more quickly.

“Yessss!” he crooned. “Just what I need. And, just what you want, isn’t it Caci?

Ahhhh...hold...still…” His fervor became greater and his thrusts like that of a revving engine, driving in and pulling back and driving in again.

The boy’s eyes were closed as the piston-like action was igniting waves of sexual impulses within him. He wanted it to last for an hour.

For nearly fifteen minutes, they were joined in their frenzied mouth-mating until Judge Ciro T. Nikolai could take no more and he cried out, “Hold still! Hold still. Get ready to take it. Get ready!”

He drove his cock deep into the throat of Caci Volka and his hips jerked and his cock burrowed deep and he reached the crest of no return and he began ejaculating. His desperate nuts released one thick glob of thick spunk after another into Caci’s depths as the boy held still and gladly received every bit of it.

Another and another and another until the judge’s body froze and his cock jerked to its greatest hardness and he let loose with one final blast of man-jizz into the young boy’s throat.

Caci loved it all. The penetration. The fucking. Especially the feel of a man’s erection as it pumped warm seed into him. He knew he could never get enough.

After the judge finished, he didn’t extricate his dick from Caci for nearly two minutes. When he pulled out, his cock flopped from the boy’s mouth and a streamer of clear fluid hung from the tip. He wiped it on Caci’s face.

“So boy, you like that? You like it when I fuck you in the mouth?”

Caci’s nodded with a devilish smile.

“Well, what would you say if I told you I might be able to keep fucking your mouth for a full year? Bet you would like that, wouldn’t you?”

Again, Caci nodded.

“That’s good because I might be able to arrange it. But, I will only do that if you keep your family doing what I say. You got that?”

“Yes,” Caci replied.

“So if you want me to keep fucking your mouth, then you tell the lot of them to keep the agreements they signed. Otherwise, they’ll be owing me a helluva lot more than your mouth!”

The boy felt lightheaded and serene as he meandered his way home.

As he reached the front door, Cambria greeted him. Then, she giggled until it became a full laugh which confused Caci.

“Hahaha, look at you! You actually walked home like that? You want everybody to know how queer you are?” She leaned forward to look closer, then laughed again. “You got dried jizz on your face! I wonder who all saw my little brother walking home with dried semen on his face.”

She laughed again.

“You better go wash up before uncle Avan gets here!”

[part 5 follows]
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