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Paula and her boyfriend had a nice con going until they tried it on the same man twice
by Diomedes

“Forty, and for an extra ten you can fuck my little ass as well”, Paula gave a giggle and smiled up at the man. She was nineteen but looked younger, much younger, and she played on it, her short hair, small bust and the way she dressed all served to make her look more like a sixteen-year old schoolgirl.

The man nodded in agreement and handed over the notes as she took his hand to lead him to the alleyway. Something looked familiar about him, but then again all suckers looked the same after a while. She checked and there was Tim’s car parked opposite as she turned the corner and led the ‘john’ towards the dirty mattress slumped at the alley’s end. Any minute now and Tim would be here to “rescue” her. They had pulled this stunt so many times now, an outraged boyfriend, a gun - take the sucker’s wallet, watch, and anything else of value and then simply skip. No-one was ever going to go to the cops and report that they had paid an underage girl and then been robbed by her, the scam was foolproof.

She turned and backed against the wall; the man looked at her and reached his hand under her short skirt. Paula shuddered, her mind raced, Where was Tim ? The bastard was probably enjoying making her squirm. A finger slipped inside the gusset, touched her smooth and shaven sex and then dipped inside her. She winced, she was dry and it hurt and she looked back towards the light at the end of the alley, saw some movement in the shadow and inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. She turned back to kiss the man; keep him distracted until the last moment.

There was a sudden movement and Paula broke the kiss expecting to see Tim. Instead she saw four men behind her “customer”, two of them were holding Tim between them, he was tied, gagged and his face was covered in blood. Her first reaction was to scream but she instantly found the point of a knife touching her throat.

“Now I would suggest that you keep quiet, very quiet.”

Paula breathed rapidly as the fear swept over her. One of the men whistled and a large black van turned into the alley. The next few minutes were a blur as she was thrown into the back of the vehicle and the five men climbed in beside her, dragging Tim after them and giving him the odd kick for no apparent reason. She looked around her in terror and at Tim lying on the floor, he appeared to have passed out when one of the men had kicked him in the groin.

“Nice scam you had going for a while missie.” It was the man she had first taken as a “customer”. “You don’t remember me, do you?”

She shook her head, her mouth open in fear.

“Guess I was just one amongst many. You took 800 out of my wallet and a watch that was worth five times that so if a fuck costs only 50 then I guess I’m in credit to the amount of nearly four grand, and we are going to get my money’s worth.”

“Please, please, let us go. We’ve got some money saved. I don’t know how much, but I’ll repay you, all of it” her voice trembled as she panicked, beginning to understand her situation.

“I don’t think so. You see the money is fairly irrelevant and we’d rather have the fun. Oh ! and this piece of shit ?” he kicked Tim’s face, there was a sickening crunch and he groaned “First time we have a problem with you we cut of one of his balls, second time we cut out an eye, and so on. You get the idea ?”

Paula nodded and began to realise the reality of her situation.

For what seemed like forever the van sped along. Hands groped her breasts and between her legs. Her mouth was covered with slobbery wet kisses and she kissed back, hoping to get some level of mercy but as the tears streamed down her face everyone ignored them. The road was getting rougher and they were all bounced around more, but at least she was now being leaving her alone.

Eventually she heard the sound of driving over gravel and the vehicle stopped. Paula was dragged out into the warm night air. Wherever she was it was dark, no lights beyond the moon and stars and that which came through the open door of a building she was pushed into.

It was a comfortable, no, it was a luxurious house and as she was bundled along the long hallway she saw expensive art on the walls and felt a soft deep carpet beneath her feet. She was led through a door and down a long flight of stairs, the warmth had gone now and the cellar was much colder. When one of the men threw the light switch she gasped in terror and turned to run in panic but simply bumped into two men behind her.

Despite any threats to Tim she screamed “No ! dear Gods, No !” as she was dragged into the massive single room of the cellar. The whole place was set up like some medieval torture chamber. There were whips along the walls. Iron tools lay out on benches. A rack, and gods know what else.

“I don’t think she likes her new home” the voice seemed disembodied as did the laughter that followed.

Paula was dragged, lifted onto a table and stretched along it on her back. Her arms was pulled down and fastened to the legs of the table and her head fell backwards over the end, unsupported. She was screaming, fighting, trying to scratch her assailants who simply avoided her efforts and laughed.

“Shut the fuck up” A hand smashed into her face and she felt blood in her mouth as it had split her lip.

Paula’s legs were pulled up into the air and separated into a wide ‘V’ with cuffs around her ankles fastened to ropes falling from the ceiling. The table supported her from shoulders to lower back but her head and ass hung over the two ends. She had her eyes closed in terror but opened them when she head Tim’s voice. His face was being held over her and blood dripped from him onto her face but she couldn’t brush it away.

“Just thought that you’d like to see him. Now if you want to continue being able to see him and for him to have eyes able to see you with you will earn your payment.” Paula was sobbing, tears rolling down her still beautiful face. She turned her head and watched as Tim was dragged to the side of the room where his hands were tied behind his back and then pulled up towards the ceiling. He screamed and the rope was tied off, leaving his feet just touching the floor.

“Now Timmy wants to watch what is happening guys, be fair.”

They laughed and a rope was tied around Tim’s hair and attached to a ceiling hook so that his head was pulled up and he could see whatever was happened in the room..

“Time to undress our little toy I think”

Paula screamed again as two of the men proceeded to meticulously cut the clothes from her. A knife cut her blouse open from hem to neck in one swift movement and the cloth fell open to reveal her sweet lacy bra. She had worn it because she knew Tim loved it and he was always so hot after they pulled off a scam. Two different hands cut the blouse’s short sleeves from neck to end and the whole rag was ripped from under her. Paula wriggled and struggled but it was hopeless, the bonds were tight, they had known what they were doing. Her skirt was cut from her as well and then she felt the knife between her legs. They were going to cut her there. She screamed but the man was an expert and swiftly cut the panties away hardly touching her.

“Hey she’s so smooth”, a hand roamed over her smooth mons and its fingers penetrated her cunt to an appreciative purr from their owner, echoed by the other men. Three swift cuts to her bra’s straps sufficed to remove it from her and she lay naked and bound in front of the men.

Paula lifted her head and looked along her naked body, between her stretched open legs. What she saw terrified her more than before. She had known there were six men, five from the alley and a driver, but she guessed now that they were at least twice that number. She began to beg, tried to talk her way out of this, offered whatever she could “I’ll do anything you want, please let me go.”

“Oh but you WILL do anything that we want and I know that if we released you then you certainly wouldn’t do half of what we want, what we are going to do with that body of yours Miss Lauren”.

‘Gods, they knew her name’ Paula’s mind raced as to every possible variant of how. She heard a camera clicking and saw the flashes as a man came close, now he was close up between her legs and she could almost feel the heat of the flash.

“Hey chuck that speculum up her. I wanna get some before pictures inside as well.”

Paula felt a cold steel insertion in her cunt and winced as she felt the speculum open her. The man had pushed a fibre optic light inside the speculum and was taking photos of her deep inside. His running commentary kept Paula fully informed of what was happening. Paula relaxed slightly as she felt the tool compressed and then removed from her.

“Jimmy. Pass me the anal one.” There was a slight pause “No, don’t bother to lube it. Just give it here.”

Paula tried not to, but she screamed as the steel was forced past her dry anal ring and when it was forced open to its maximum her scream should have woken the dead. She kept screaming. She had never known pain like it as the photographer’s commentary continued.

“Guess you are open about two inches back her now. Damned thing won’t open any more. Torn you a little by the way, but that might make things easier later. Can’t see no shit up there. Guess you cleaned yourself out, right ?”

Paula was crying and screaming and begging them to take the thing out of her ass. Some part of her remembered that had given herself an enema earlier so that she was clean for Tim, she had wanted to let him have anal sex with her tonight.

The anal speculum was pulled from her but they didn’t close it first and she felt like her ass was being ripped out of her as it dragged along her inner membranes. She screamed again and was still screaming when the first man pushed straight into her gaping hole. His anal rape of her was short and brutal and she was aware of little beyond the pain until she felt his hot cum shoot inside her bowels.

A second man pushed into her cunt and began a slow rhythmic fucking. She had dropped her head back so that she didn’t have to watch but someone pulled her up so that she could see herself raped. The man holding her head started to talk to her, it was the “john” from earlier, the alley seemed like a lifetime ago already.

“You ain’t on the pill, that we know, so I guess that means you gonna get preggers by us as well.” He laughed

How did they know all this ? Through her tears she started to beg again but no-one even acknowledged that she was talking. She felt that man cum inside her and his place was taken by a second and then a third and then a fourth and a fifth. She was no longer counting. A second man forced his way into her ass using his fellow rapist’s cum as lubrication and Paula screamed all the way through her second anal rape as she had through the first. She had never felt pain like it, until a short while ago the only man who had ever entered her there was Tim and that was always so gentle and only then as a ‘special gift’ from her to him. Now two men had brutally raped her ass and a third was even now forcing his way in, but she was stretched there and the cum inside was making each rape easier.

She lost count how many men came inside her cunt and ass, the continual rape lasted so long that every man must have had her at least once and most of them twice. She could feel cum trickling from her cunt and running down her ass. She thought she even heard drops fall onto the floor. She was no longer crying, she couldn’t cry any more and her disembodied self could hear Tim almost crying while he watched her endless defilement and always there was the man with the camera taking pictures, even while he was fucking her.

Eventually there were no more men fucking her and she felt gratefully empty and totally exhausted, only now did she realise that she had been fighting and trying to escape, her wrists felt raw against their ropes and her pelvic muscles hurt where she had struggled. Paula forced her head upwards and watched as all the men except the “john” left.

For a moment he simply looked at her then he turned and took a whip from the wall.

“No ! Please don’t hurt me. You’ve done what you want. Just let me go.” In her fear she had forgotten Tim completely.

The man gave no answer but walked back towards her and stood between her legs simply looking. Paula continued her entreaties, looking straight at the man but screwed her eyes tight as she saw him raise his arm. Moments later the whip crashed down into her gaping sex. Paula screamed and screamed and screamed as blow after blow hit and her open sex was reduced to a bloody mess.

Somewhere during the whipping Paula passed out and when she awoke the room was empty. Her first instinct was to scream at the pain that still racked her body. She turned to look at Tim, to talk to him but saw immediately that he had been gagged but his bulging eyes showed the horror of what he could see, of what she looked like.

She had barely come around when the door opened and two men entered, she guessed that she must be being watched on some sort of camera.

“At last. That was some whipping you gave her Jim. Her cunt’s just a mass of blood.”

Paula watched as the man came towards her and simply unzipped himself. She was screaming before he even touched her but he raped her nonetheless. Jimmy then took the man’s place between her legs and forced his way into her now tight again anal hole.

Paula cried for them to stop throughout but the more she did so the more violent and brutal they were.

“You want to try her Timmy ?” It was the second man “What d’you think Jim.”

“I have some ideas on that score Dave. Timmy’ll get his rocks off in this whore later, before we finish with them.”

The one called Jim reached over and pinched her nipple while he fucked her but it was no gentle squeeze. He dug the side of his nail into her nipple and pulled as hard as he could as though he was trying to tear it from her breast. “Wonder what she’s look like if we sliced off her nipples. Maybe we’d get more for her. I dunno, see how I feel later.” He grunted as he pushed deep into her rectum and she knew he was cumming.

“Dave, you wanna take young Timmy’s gag out ? Let them talk and maybe Timmy will give some encouragement as the other guys get to use this slut.”

Tim was ungagged and both men left to his cries of “You Bastards, I’ll get you for this, I’ll get you.”

During the following hour, two hours, three hours, she didn’t know, what seemed like an almost endless number of men simply came in fucked her, usually her cunt, but sometimes her ass, and left. They revelled in being brutal, pinching her nipples and even slapping her bloody and whipped cunt. They always made a point of telling Tim what she felt like or which of her lower holes they were fucking. One man even wiped himself on her hair when he had finished in her ass and Paula could smell the mixture of cum and sweat and blood and ass juices. Eventually the men stopped coming and Paula began to hope that her ordeal was over.

The respite was brief. Four men entered, followed by two more. Paula was blindfolded and although, unable to see, she could hear the grunting that suggested that Tim was being gagged again.

“There she is. You know what to do ?”


“How Long”

“Couple of hours at least. You got the stuff to knock her out ?”

Paula felt an injection in her arms and then nothing else for she had no way of knowing how long. When she awoke she was on a bed, although still in the same room, her face, breasts and ass cheeks hurt, not too badly, as though they had been spanked hard but her nipples and cunt hurt like she had never felt it before. She sat upright, looked down at herself and screamed.

Thick iron rings pierced her nipples, not the thin erotic piercings she had seen sometimes on her friends but heavy thick, slave-like rings. Across the top of her right breast in black letters at least an inch high was tattooed the word “CUM” and across her left breast the word “SLUT”. Across the top of her mons were the words “CUNT FOR HIRE”. She reached between her legs and felt a similar ring to that in her nipples through her clit hood. She dared, and touched her cunt lips but winced at the pain although she realised that she had been cleaned up while she was asleep. Her fingers travelled down her lips slightly and she almost collapsed when she felt a hole through one lip, A hole held open by a metal rim, like an eyelet on shoes, then she felt a second and then a third, there were three holes each side. Then as she moved her head she suddenly realised that another iron ring of a similar size to that in her nipples was pierced through the septum of her nose and moved against her upper lip as it swung with each movement.

She saw a mirror on the wall near the bed and moved towards it and although she could get as far as standing by the bed she now became aware that there was an iron chain around her ankle which kept her attached. She looked down at it and knew that it was the sort of iron ankle chain that had kept slaves in place in the South before the Civil War.

She looked into the mirror and saw the word “CUM” on one cheek and “PISS” on the other with the word “DRINKER” across her top lip. In a state of horror she turned so that she could see her back in the mirror and collapsed against the bed. The word “ASS “ was on one buttock and “WHORE” on the other with “ASS FOR HIRE” across her lower back.

“Oh God Paula, I’m so sorry” It was Tim.

Paula was crying and sobbing the words “I thought I was so clever, I was so convinced that it was a good idea, my idea, that nothing could go wrong. What have I done ? Dear Gods help me, what have I done ?”. She looked and could see Tim in a cage about halfway across the room. They were both unaware of the door opening.

“You are awake I see. I hope that you like the little enhancements we have added to your body.” It was the leader, the man Jim. There were three other men who simply stood near the door watching.

Paula retreated to the corner of the bed and tried to curl up into a ball. But she was pulled off. When the man released her ankle chain she tried to fight but he simply punched her in the stomach and then smashed the back of his hand into her face. She was dragged towards the middle of the room and her legs stretched wide apart and fastened to steel rings in the floor. Her arms were hauled up and fastened so that she formed a stretched ‘X’. She looked at the man for the first time, he was fit and muscular but his face was cold and cruel.

“I am sure your boyfriend wants to watch this” he was manoeuvring Timmy’s cage so that he was behind her.

She heard Tim scream “No” moments before the whip hit her. The man was an expert and over the next hour he used a variety of implements and whipped her from neck to knee, front and back until her body was a mass of red lines and marks and bruises, but he was an expert and ensured that she wouldn’t pass out but stayed fully awake throughout.

Eventually he stopped and without a word simply walked behind her and raped her anally while she hung there.

Paula was too weak to resist when she was finally taken down and fastened spread-eagled to a low table. Her eyes pleaded for mercy as a ring gag was forced into her mouth and strap buckled around her forehead to keep her head still. A funnel was pushed into the gag so that its narrow end may just inside her teeth.

“Now little girlie you can either swallow or drown. Your choice.”

The men stood around Paula’s heard and she saw them unzip themselves and suddenly realised that they were pissing into the funnel. She tried not to swallow but had little choice and drank what seemed like gallons of the acrid liquid and when one of the men wanked into the funnel she drank that as well.

Over the next days Paula was used in every perverted way that a man’s imagination can come up with even being forced to drink her own piss and eat her own shit. To persuade her of the latter they had been forced to cut off two of Tim’s fingers but they had then made her eat Tim’s shit as well, and all the while the camera was there, recording everything. A couple of times she passed out and awoke knowing she had been fucked while unconscious, ‘nearest thing to fucking the dead’ she had heard one man remark.

Paula was whipped and caned frequently by an almost endless procession of men, nameless faces she didn’t recognise or even see after a while. Many of the men wanted her ass but just as often they used her cunt as well, she just lost count of how many men used her openings. Some used her mouth but few spilt their seed in it although a number would use her ass then her mouth so she could taste herself and then finally cum into one of her lower holes. Any sense of health or safety was ignored as they freely moved from one hole to another. She was tied in every position they could get her body into and still have access to at least one hole and often left in bondage for hours. Food and drink was minimal and, what she did get was often soaked in pee or had cum layered over it. After that first night Tim was not kept in the room with her, simply brought back to watch her use sometimes like when he was forced to shit on the floor, or in her food, for her to eat, something they seemed to particularly enjoy watching.

Time passed without any way of measuring it and it was completely without warning when, perhaps three weeks later, Paula was whipped and caned ferociously until her breast, and thighs and buttocks were heavily marked and bleeding and then dragged back out of the cellar and bundled into a van. She had been made to shave herself smooth earlier of what she presumed was that day and she was still naked and cuffed at wrist and ankle. Tim already lay in the van and although cowed by his surrounding captors was otherwise unfettered in any way.

They were both unceremoniously thrown out into the same alleyway of a lifetime earlier and it looked little different to when they had seen it last but when in his returned freedom Tim stood and looked at the bound, naked, tattooed and pierced whore that had been his girlfriend, when he remembered all of the things that she had done, that he had seen her do, his stomach turned. He looked at the missing two fingers of his hand and reached down to her. Paula thought he was going to help her but he simply pulled her to her knees, pushed he face into the soiled mattress to keep her quiet and brutally buggered her. When he had finished he stood, spat on her named body and walked away. Paula knelt in the position of her final defilement in the alleyway and cried. It had seemed such a good scam… Once.

Days later Tim found copies of the DVD recordings had been left in his coat pocket. No faces were visible except her’s and his when he had fucked her front and back while she was unconscious, he thought them the greatest turn on he had ever seen.
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