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cauht by people in a canoe
This is a short story but it's the funniest thing to ever happen to me sexually. I grew up a country boy that loved to fish, camp and hunt. Back before me and my Wife were Married, we both worked at Wendy's and I got the Balls to ask her out and she said that she wanted me to take her fishing and the first time that we had sex was at my camping spot in a sleeping bag so she's the perfect Woman for me ! Now on with my Story- Back when we were teens one of my favorite spots to fish was where you could wade clear across the River and there was a set of Rapids so it was a good Small mouth Bass Spot. We was fishing there one day wading in mid thigh deep water and she surprised me by kneeling down in front of me, pulled my Dick out and started sucking it. I didn't stop fishing but I hoped that I wouldn't get a Bite from her ! Man, I was in Heaven, getting my Dick sucked while doing something that I Love to do ! We was doing that and all of the Sudden she stopped sucking, put my Dick away and I heard Voices so I Looked to my Right and there was a Canoe full of People staring at us. Hey, I caught a Sucker and I Mounted it Thousands of times ! The first time that we shagged was at my camping spot, we was cooking food over the Camp Fire and shes said "Do you have any Condoms ?" and I said "Yeah, I have a full Box down in my Dresser and she said "Go get one". My Camping Spot was on the top of a hill so I had to Jog down it, get one and climb back up the hill but it was well worth it because she was very tight because she only had 1 Dick in her before me. Unfortunately she Lost her Virginity due to being Raped so I am the first guy that she said "Yes" to ! Well I have to have 5000 Characters for this to be long enough to Post so I'll add more because I'm only in the 3000's. Later on in Life I became a Volunteer Firefighter and they had a Baseball Tournament with other Fire Departments one day and she made me a Deal that if I'd hit a Home Run she'd Let me Butt fuck her for the first time. Man, with that on my Mind I hit 3 over the fence ! My first time up to Bat, I hit a Homer and as I was Running to 1st Base I Pointed over to her and Yelled "You owe me". I absolutely Loved my Reward because it made her cum and when she did I could feel her anal canal squeezing my Dick and I Loved that feeling ! Those were the good ole Days. I was a Big Muscular Iron worker Foreman but I hit a patch of ice on my way to the Building we were Building one Morning, Rolled my Truck, was Ejected, Broke a Ton of Bones, went into a Coma for 1/2 a Year so I've been in a Wheelchair for the Last 13 1/2 Years. Unfortunately my Tongue is messed up from being in a Coma so I can't talk very good. We have been Married for 19 Years now and have one 16 Year Old Daughter. Unfortunately I'm not the man that I used to be that was Muscular, made good Money, walked 5 1/2 inch wide Beams high in the Air and raced motocross on a Honda 250R Quad. It really sucks going from a Stud to a Handicapped P.O.S. ! Well I have almost 2000 more characters to type so I'll talk out my Ass now. That Pretty much does it for the Sexual Part except for my Wife Bought me a Laptop to give me something to occupy myself with instead of just watching TV all day so I've done a ton of studying about sex on the Internet. I've Learned what the Best Woman pleasing Sexual Position is and I should be able to do it being Handicapped and all and I've done a lot of studying on Cunnilingus (Pussy Licking, for you that don't know what that is) so I Read how to make it feel 1,000,000 % Better, know exactly where the G-Spot is and Read that you don't have to like anal sex but a finger up the Butt durring Cunnilingus will make it feel twice as Good. What I plan to do is have a lady lay on the edge of my Bed with her feet on the floor, I'll get on my knees between her Legs, use 2 fingers of my Right Hand to massage the G-Spot, pour some Lotion on a finger of my Left Hand to stick up her Butt and suck on her Clit with a Cough-Drop in my mouth ! She just might Ejaculate on my face from the G-Spot stimulation ! Me and my Wife aren't together now because I'm not good enough for her being handicapped, I'm Living with my Parents so if any Lady wants to take advantage of my Studying Let me know, we'll chat and I'll give her the Address to here. Now I'm not much to Look at after sitting in a Wheelchair for 13 1/2 Years but I can give you pleasure to make you forget about that ! I hope that I can figure out how to Post a Picture of me before the Wreck on here because that'll help. Only 400 characters to go now so I'll tell you what I need you to Bring because I don't have any : a Cough-Drop. I Read that Mint flavored ones are the Best. Oh-Yeah, I've been using a Penis Pump but it went Bad but I have another one ordered and it'll get here in 2 days. Now the only problem is that it's been so long that I've shot a Wad that I'll only Last a couple of Minutes ! I can't Jack off because it's imposible to get up to get something to clean up with. There, I finally typed 5000 characters ! It took me all day because one Hand is in a Brace.
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