I was sitting at home relaxing after a day at work, sipping a cold one when there was a knock at the door. For a few moment I sat puzzled at who would be knocking on my door at this time of night? The knock came again and wearily I walked to the door.
Opening the door I was surprised to see a young redhead woman standing there, a phone in her hand with google maps clearly visible. "Hello, can I help you?" I asked politely expecting she was some lost delivery girl.
"Are you James Jones?" She asked.
"Er... yes?" I replied wondering if I had forgotten something I ordered.
"With the email '[email protected]'?"
"Might be...." I said cautiously ( can never be too careful these days) however my face must have betrayed my shock at hearing my email read to me.
"I’m a friend of Alans. Alan Rhodes?"
"Oh." I replied wondering if I was in deep kaka. See I had written some stories for Alan that were... violent...
"Can I come in?"
I looked at this girl, her skin tight dress hugging her curveous hips and trying for force her absolutely monster tits out of her top. No way she his a cop badge in that... comfortably at least. "Come in".
We sat in the front room, both sipping a beer and I gestured for the girl to explain more.
"I'm Samantha. Or Sam. Or Sammy." She said, clearly flustered as her plans were becoming real.
"Hi Samantha, go on" I encourage.
"Well from my first sexual encounter I have known that I like rough sex. It really turns me on for a man to just take what he wants when I offer it. If I offer a BJ i want my man to push my limits...'
I waved for her to continue.
"Well I got friendly with Alan and we discussed my desires. He said that he would give me what I wanted but I knew Alan would baulk at my true desires."
I sipped my beers. "So... how that involve me?"
"Well to try and seduce me, Alan sent me the stories you wrote him. Then through his account I followed you on the forums you visit."
"Ummm hmmm"
"You have the imagination to make me feel how I want, but you also seem fair and caring. You would play within my limits but push them too."
Samantha seemed more flustered as she tried to explain what she meant and downed half her beer.
"Ok, Samantha" I started tentively "I think you better explain exactly what you want."
Samantha gulped. "Well I want to be your slave."
One look at my puzzled face she hastily went on. "I don't mean just some kinky sex.. though thats nice too.." she laughed nervously "No I mean I want to be subject to your wills and desires in all of your life. To be a servant to meet those whether its the hoovering or getting my arsehole fucked." She laughed again blushing at her words.
I nodded. "And for how long? Til your bored? The fun wears off?"
"You misunderstand!" Samantha said fiercely "Some women want equality. They want to stand side by side with men and that’s fine for them. But like some men support them and others don't, some women feel we should serve men. I feel I am meant to serve a mans wishes."
I looked at her, shocked at this gender political turn in the conversation. "Go on".
Samantha leaned forward her hands animated as she continued "what gets my heart pounding, makes me breathless, makes me wet, is when my man takes what he wants. Demands things from me. Not rape mind, I consent to it all, but being asked to sexually and domestically fulfil every desire and need of someone I chose. I chose you."
I kept nodding, the idea of being able to do whatever I wanted to this woman arousing me and making my cock twitch within my boxers. Oh god I had to play this right... "Tell me what you know about me, what desires you think you will be fulfilling."
"Well..." Samantha started, twisting a finger in her hair seductively. "I know you like redheads, know you like a freshly shaven pussy, know you like massive tits and a tight arse to spank. The tits and the arse I had. The hair and pussy I had to change." She commented to hint she was already meeting my desires.
"Go on".
Samantha wrinkled her nose cutely as she thought "I know you like rough sex but you like your partners to be consenting. I know from the stories you wrote for yourself that there is no aggressive violence in the physical contact, only disciplined and measured physicality. I know you have a good imagination and come up with creative punishments when a girl is bad. I know you have some fetishes that might be seen as disgusting or wrong to others..."
"Such as?" I interjected.
"I know you like piss play, I know you are interested in puke play and skull fucking, but think you have not done this. I know you also have a thing for squirters and I am proud to say I cum heavily in that regard. I also myself am intrigued by this "Hucow" thing you write about and milking. I hope to explore that maybe?"
She looked at me hopefully and cupped her massive tits into a even larger cleavage.
"Yes" I said "that is indeed an area that excites me and I have long had a fantasy of having a human cow slave that is milked daily for all my dairy needs. However you have only spoken of my sexual needs when you claim to want to be a domestic slave too."
I had to turn the conversation away from my fantasies or my poor cock was going to burst. Gods! I needed to fuck this woman or have her leave me in peace to relive myself if she kept talking about these sexual pleasures.
"Well sir, I can tell you that you like things clean.” She gestured to my pristine home "you like to dress smart and enjoy nice things. I will cook, clean and shop for you. I will do these things in anyway you tell me to. If you want supper at 5, it will be at 5. I expect to be punished for failing in any way that you think I might have, whether I feel it fair or not."
I smiled at Samantha as the talk of chores eased the pressure in my boxers. "Ok Samantha, I will accept your offer, however I have a few conditions and we must set some ground rules."
"Yes sir" Samantha said with excitement in her voice. I noted she had begun to call me sir. I liked the sound of that.
"Condition One: we go to a lawyer and sign a document outlining that all of this is by your choice and that you are in no way held against your will. It will also outline our banned things meaning that you have protection legally."
"Yes sir. Sounds sensible" eager Samantha said, eyeing my crotch.
"Condition Two: This arrangement is only for 1 year..." Samantha looked distraught at this "but" her eyes lit with hope "if we are both happy in 1 year we get married."
"Oh sir! I can't wait for a whole year to pass!" Samantha cried out joyfully.
Opening my trousers to ease the pressure on my now inflating cock I looked at my new slave sitting on the chair opposite me, her legs shameless wide open so show glimpses of her pale white pussy.
"Excuse me sir, I have a list of definite no no's from my side.... if thats ok?"
I held out my hand and she passed the list. It was incredibly short. I read it out loud.
"No Scat Play." I nodded "Fine by me. Hate the concept"
"No physical contact that breaks bones, scars or is generally permanent." I agreed to that though stipulated that this didnt include agreed upon tattoos. Samantha considered this and agreed.
"No pimping. Mutually agreed multiple partners is ok." I thought about this. I had never contemplated sharing her, but I agreed.
Samantha smiled at me because I was happy with her terms. "Ok I have a few rules of my own. These aren’t tacky teenage 'you wear this, don’t say that' rules. I’m sure your imagination and general kink with fill those rules" Samantha nodded and licked her lips.
"My rules. Obey without question except for clarity. I can fuck you in any hole whenever I like, however I like and expect them to be clean."
Samantha raised a hand. "What about my period?"
"Any hole, whenever." I repeated.
Samantha just nodded. "Sounds fair, I did say I wanted you to take what you wanted."
"Lastly, whether I use a condom is up to me. You are never to use contraception. Ever."
"Am I always going to have to repeat myself?" I huffed a little peeved that she might baulk at this, just one step away from heaven.
"What about... you know.. babies?" Samantha asked.
I turned on my tablet and showed her the porno I had been watching when she knocked.
"Oh my!" She exclaimed. "If that’s the plan then knock me up quick!"
I laughed at this, the tension of a minute before completely gone.
"One last thing."
"Someday I will treat you like the lowest if the low. Like an animal. Make you shit outside and eat of the floor. Other days like a princess with all the luxury you could want."
Samantha raised her eyebrows "I’m yours to do as you want."
"I tell you as it will be dependant on my mood, not a failure of yours. All punishment will have the reason and lesson explained."
"Oooooh goody!" Samantha was surprisingly delighted at this.
"Right." I sighed. "Er. I’m a bit lost where to begin now." We both laughed, and sipped our beers for a bit.
"Well although technically I haven’t signed anything..." Samantha started
"Uh huh"
"... in your stories you sometimes make the master go through the subs wardrobe. I brought mine with me?"
"Sounds good." I said cheerfully. "Never be scared to speak up. Companionship is one of your major tasks."
Samantha smiled an stood in her black dress, the colour setting off her marble white skin. She quickly rushed to her car... and I had a slave girl....
I sat in my chair and awaited the return of Samantha, slowly stroking my cock. When she did come back I was very surprised that she only had 2 small cases with her, about the size I'd use for a week away, not moving my entire wardrobe. Samantha saw my confused look.
"Well sir, before I came to see you I re-read all your stories and from them I gave away any clothes I knew you wouldn't like. These are all “maybes”. I might end up with no clothes!" She giggled.
"Ok" I said rubbing my swollen member, preparing to enjoy this fiction turned reality.
"Where should I start sir?" Samantha's eyes shone with excitement.
"Underwear?" I said seeing her bras on the top.
"Right-e-o" Samantha started with 3 bras that were pretty, but also nothing special.
"Why are those maybes and not discarded?" I enquired.
"Well sir." Samantha explained, hefting her large bust "these babies are 38G" I whistled in appreciation. They were G alright, G for gigantic!
"Thank you. These bras however are 36F. The smaller size is uncomfortable and pulls my tits into a bigger bust."
"Keep" I said, maybe a little too eagerly.
The next bras had metal studs across the outside but otherwise looked bland until Samantha turned them inside out and I saw the sharp points of the drawing pins. "I read about these and had to make some. They are deliciously uncomfortable to wear and scratch like a bitch."
I felt my cock twinge again like a dog begging to be let of its leash. I signalled to go on, not trusting my voice.
Samantha looked at my small tent. "I can help with that." She said licking her red lips hungrily.
"No physical until the contract is signed." I said. "Carry on".
Samantha pulled out some comfortable bras and I let her keep 1. Last were 2 metal hoops that looked like oversized handcuffs.
"What’s that?!"
Samantha looked surprised I didn't know. "It’s a bondage bra sir. The two loops go over the base of my tits and tighten like cuffs." I could see how they would make her tits stick out nice and proud. It could be very fun to use.
Samantha gave me a very sarcastic look and I laughed. She was going to be good for me this one.
Next out the case were here clothes. There wasn’t much to start with, but I planned to take her shopping anyways.
I let her keep a couple of the Lycra dresses, miniskirts, crop tops and of course all the shirts.
"Shirts are very sexy" I told her, pointing at her massive tits.
"Especially ones a size too small" she agreed showing me the wire used to secure the buttons whilst they strained against her bust. Just the imagined sight of a straining shirt almost made me lose my cool demeanour. Last out was a baggy jumper.
"I thought I threw this out" she said going to the discard pile.
"No!" I said. "Sometimes we will have guests and I will want to hide what you wear underneath."
Samantha shrugged and took out the last items, a ball of panties and thongs in various colours and sizes. "You want to go through these one by one?"
I shook my head. "You think of the rules we have, then decide."
I sat back waiting to see what she did. With a few seconds thought she added the panties to the discarded pile.
"What about your period?" I asked echoing her earlier question.
"I'll manage" she said. I shrugged; I had left it her choice after all.
Putting the clothes we were keeping back, she opened the second case and I couldn't help but laugh. It was chock full of shoes.
"I like shoes... almost as much as cock" Samantha defended her case of shoes as she lined them all up.
I laughed good naturedly again. "Ok, hitch your skirt to you waist"
Samantha did so with her back to me, teasingly sliding the skirt up her arse one inch at a time. Damn the girl could tease.
As I looked at those white cheeks I wondered how it would look in red hand prints and chuckled. Now with a clean view of her arse and legs I made her try on every pair of shoes walking, bending, standing and various other poses so I knew she looked good in them.
Most of the shoes we kept had high heels of at least 6", one pair a towering 10" tall! Also there was a pair of trainers for her gym stuff and some slippers for when I felt mushy. After all it couldn’t be sex every minute of the day. What was this, porn?
I looked at my watch. It had gotten late but I wasn’t sleepy.
"Ok slave." I said testing the phrase then shook my head "I prefer Samantha... er... right... yes. Tomorrow! We will go to my lawyer, sign the papers. A few more stops then home to.. er.. consummate our deal."
Samantha was extremely excited by that prospect and bounded up and down, deliberately I think as her breast wobbled very enticingly, almost breaking free of the stretchy dress she wore, confirming my suspicion there was no bra beneath!.
"Grab those!" I said sharply pointing at the discarded clothes, and thinking of my stories led her to the guest en-suite bathroom.
"This is your room and bathroom. Now put half of the panties in the bath." Samantha did and as instructed got in too.
"Now, piss on them." Samantha smiled and did as instructed, squatting over the pile of discarded underwear. "Mmm. Deliciously filthy." She sighed as a stream of golden piss flowed from her soon to be owned pussy.
When she was done I pointed at the clothes. "This is where you will piss. The other... thing.. You do as normal and clean that hole well, put you piss her on your.. um... litter tray"
"Yes Sir"
Taking her by the hand I led her to the guest bedroom. "I know I said no physical but..."
"I want it too" Samantha whispered.
"Only oral for tonight" I said.
Samantha only nodded a smile on her lips. With one quick motion she fell to her knees, that white ass still on display peeking under her ruffled up black dress. Reaching up, she grasped the waistband of my trousers, and I let her pull them down, an unsaid thought between us dictating my pleasure would come first... if hers did at all.
Now, I have never been one to measure my knob, never been interested in knowing the size. I did smile however at the gasp from Samantha as it sprung from my boxers. She sat staring at it. "It’s beautiful" she whispered.
Looking up she blushed and said "I've never done anything with one so big. My Ex..." she wiggled her pinkie to make her point.
I smiled at her, and pressed the tip against her lips, it already damp from my pre-cum. A sigh escaped me from the pleasure of her soft lips parting to suck gently on the helmet of my cock, before she let a bit more slip into her mouth. Letting the helmet loll on her tongue she start to move it in and out if her mouth, never quite letting it come completely out. The days sexual tensions had left me on edge and the bliss had hardly started when I felt the beginning of my orgasm, denied the feeling of her lips on my shaft for now.
"Get your tits out!" I ordered.
Without breaking her cock-sucking she reached both hands up from her waist and pulled the top of her dress down. For the first time since meeting Samantha I finally laid eyes on her gorgeous, round, soft white breasts. It was too much and I wrapped my hand in her hair. Samantha moaned in pleasure that turned to disappointment as I pulled her forcibly off my cock. A few quick strokes with my other hand had me gushing my pearly seed onto her tits before I collapsed onto the bed.
Once my high faded I sat up and looked at Samantha. She sat on the floor, holding her ankles, her now cum splattered breasts rising and falling deeply as she breathed heavily. I looked at her dark nipples on her otherwise ivory skin and thought how lucky I had become today.
I pointed at her ankles. "I like this".
"Thank You sir. You know the way you just took your own pleasure without thinking of me almost made me cum!"
"Almost? That’s a strong psycho-empathetic reaction."
"Pardon?" She sound insulted.
"It just unusual for someone to come from someone else’s orgasm."
"Oh. It’s more that I thought 'if he does this for a blowjob, how will he use my pussy?'"
I laughed. "Well, talking of your pussy..."
Samantha raised an eyebrow. "You don't need permission sir. Not even tonight."
"Well get on the bed then, on your back!"
Samantha scrambled to do so as I stood up to appreciate her arse. It was so round but so taut too! Again I thought if spankings...
The cheeky woman was laying on the bed with her legs pressed together, a smirk on her face. Shaking my head I wrenched her ankles apart to my shoulder width, to a squeal then contented sigh from the bed. Once her legs were open I could see that what I thought had been hints of pussy were in fact deeply cameltoe’d white panties. Well they were white, now they were see through from where she had pissed herself.
"Did you not take these off?" I questioned her pressing them into her sopping gash, rubbing the material deeper between her cunny lips.
Samantha giggled. "Why would I?"
"Your filthy... and that’s so hot!"
"Yes sir. I am a filthy, slutty slave."
"Mmm. I do love a dirty talking woman... a true slut"
"I know you do sir. You write about them a lot." Samantha smiled at me. "I am not a slut sir. I’m YOUR slut."
For some reason this made me incredibly proud and I wanted to reward my new pet. Leaning between her legs I reached for her soaked panties and pulled them down, the warm wet material feeling oddly good on my fingers. Putting my face near her wet, bald cunny lips I thought about how beautiful this pussy was... and now all mine. I could smell the scent of her excitement mingled with the ammonia of her piss.
Leaning close I could see the wet sheen of the piss on her bare skin, tentively I stuck my tongue out and licked some from the side of her gorgeous mound.
"Oh Sir, your filthy too!" she gasped
I sat bolt upright, frustration on my face that she had spoiled my moment. "Tonight you can talk, but next time I find you have pissed your panties you will have them shoved in your mouth!" I told her, my annoyance turning to a lopsided grin as I gazed on her beautiful body.
"Y...y...yess sir" she struggled to say as I buried my tongue into her snatch.
Pushing my tongue between her woman’s lips I could taste her creamy excitement, obviously she had been frustrated as well as me. Samantha annoyingly rolled around a lot as I pleasured her with my mouth, making it difficult for me to give her a proper licking.
I wrapped my arms around her muscular thighs, my own body holding her still as I explored the depths of her womanhood. Using my grip I pulled her close onto my face, my tongue flicking into her hole as my nose nuzzled her clit.
“I’m your slut” Samatha gasped as I sucked her clit into my mouth “all yours!”
I didn’t stop my assault as she came, her moistness pushing me to pleasure her further. I licked and sucked and kissed her through another 2 orgasms, until she begged me to stop, but she had said she wanted me to take what I wanted. What I wanted now was to hear more of her heavenly moans and screams.
I started to make small circles around her clit with my tongue as I built her towards her biggest orgasm of the night.
“oh… oh… oh, God! Mercy! Mercy Master!” Samantha cried as my tongue dipped into her honeypot again “I can’t take any more!”
I ignored her pleas still, my answer to lightly nip her clit with my teeth, playfully reminding her who was in control.
“Please, God! Please sir, fuck me!” She moaned.
I did paused at this, my semi hard cock agreeing with her, but I had to stay the course for now. “ Shush Slut, spread these pussy lips for me. “
Samantha did as she was told, and spread her pussy so wide I had a clear view of her engorged clit. By now my jaw was beginning to hurt and my throat was dry, so I decided to end this. She said she was a squirter but so far I had not produced a single drop from her, just creamy excitement.
Slipping one then two finger into her warm and wet hole, I curled them up, causing an inarticulate noise from Samantha. Slowly rubbing her g-spot, I licked her sensitive clit, until her writhing on the bed was almost too strong for my to contain.
“Sir… Sir… I need to cum” Samantha cried out.
“And?” I paused to ask, confused.
“May I?” She asked, and I caught on. We were going to do that then. Sweet.
“Name 5 names you want to be called by me, at all times”
“B… b… bastard!” She cried. “Erm.. Dirty Whore.. Fuckslut.. Subslut..”
She moaned loudly as I increased my rubbing of her g-spot. “Two more”
“er… stupid cow.. pleeeease sir”. Samantha gasped like a wild woman.
“One more or I stop” I was half tempted to anyway.
“Er… er… Cumdump”.
“Cum” I said and was rewarded with her squirting all over my face and hand. Gods, the waiting had built it up in her, it felt like litres! Slowly, I stood up, getting rid of the rest of my clothes, and looked at the pale busty woman on the bed, twitching slightly from ‘le mort petite’.
Laying besides her, I pulled her close to my body, my semi hard cock resting on her dripping cunt. “I hope you liked?”
“Yes. Yes. Yes” She whispered sleepily. “I think you wore my cunt out. I have never cum so much in one day!”
I laughed and looked at the clock. 3am. “Ok.. my subslut.. usually I have breakfast at 7am, but as you have been good, we will have breakfast at 9am tomorrow. I expect a full English.”
“Yes Sir” she said sleepily
“Oh, and fuckslut. You will need to change your litter tray in the morning.”
“umm hmm” A sleepy Samantha grunted.
I smiled and drifted off wondering what brought this woman I was spooning into my life, but there was more to come…
Any story that involves a hucow gets me excited. I'd give those big tits hormone injections and she will be dairy ready very quickly. Her big udders will sag but you will have plenty of milk to enjoy or even sell as hucow milk is at a premium price. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
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