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Decided to type up an experience I had years ago. Hope you enjoy. Let me know if you like it.
"Fucking the Married Chick from Up the Street"

We had worked together for a time. She sat in the cubicle next to me at the call center. Everyday that we showed up, we were both happy to see one another. God knows that job was boring enough. So just seeing her made my day that much better. But she was off limits to me. She was married with a kid. Had she ever told me that she was off limits? No. But I respected that arrangement and never thought about breaking it.

As with most workplace friendships between men and women, we began to flirt. At first it was simple teasing, but then she became something of a confidante to me. I would let her in on my inside jokes and make her part of them. We played little games and what not, but nothing ever too serious. She was a gorgeous girl. About 5' 6", brunette, fit, big ass, and big tits. Always wore glasses like Sarah Palin.

One day while on the phone, she reached around the shared wall of our cubicles and handed me a note:

"What's up?"

I just stared at it. I didn't know what to say. I pressed my mute button and started to speak to her, but she held up her hand and did a writing motion in the air. She wanted me to write her back. So I simply wrote:


And handed it back to her. She kept it for a little while before writing on it and handing it back.

"Just thinking about you."

"What?", I thought. "Why is she saying this?" But I wrote her back.

"Shutup, you're crazy, haha."

I handed it back to her and it seemed like she immediately handed it back.

"Really," it said.

What was this supposed to mean? Did our flirting just go to a whole other level? I started to get excited but decided to just relax and roll with it. So I wrote:

"What about me?", before handing it back to her.

Back around it came.

"About me and you."

"What about me and you?"

"I dunno."


"Don't be like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you don't want to know."

"I'm not being like anything. I figure if you want to tell me, you will, or you won't. Either way's cool."

"I had a dream about us last night."

"Oh yeah? What about?"

"About me and you."

"What were we doing?"

"You know."

"No, I don't know. Why don't you just tell me?"

"I will, but you have to tear his up and throw it away if you keep it."


"I dreamt that we were having sex."

"Haha, wow."

"It was really good."

"Well, that's okay. I have dreams about fucking chicks all of the time."

"Ever had a dream about me?"

"Look at you, you're a freak, haha."

"Have you?"

"Never a dream."

"What then?"

"Just like a fantasy a few times."


"No big deal."

"So you want to?"

"Want to what?"

"Fuck me?"

"C'mon, I'm not about to write that down, haha."

"You can."

"Okay. I mean, I absolutely would. I'd love to, but you're married and I don't fuck around with people's wives. That's a good way to get shot."

"I'd let you."



"We can't. I'm not messing with your marriage."

"We don't get along anyway. We haven't had sex in a long time and he's mean to me."

"Then leave him."

"I'd leave him for you."

I knew that this was dangerous territory I was getting into. While I wasn't exactly friends with her husband, we got along well. And I didn't want to ruin their marriage or anything. I knew they didn't get along and fought all of the time. But the erection in my pants made my brain act strangely. I had to write her back.

"Be quiet."

"What? I would."

"Well do that and then we'll talk."

"Did you like that?"

"Like what?"

"When I said that I want you to fuck me?"

"Of course I did."

"What would you do to me?"

"I'm not going to write all of that."


"Yo, you need to chill out."

"C'mon, just tell me."

"I would bend you over my bed and fuck you from behind."

"Oh my."

"I'm sorry, but then I'd flip you over and fuck you while I played with your clit. And when I was ready to cum, I'd cum inside of you. That's why I don't just have sex with anyone. If I'm going to fuck someone I'm going to cum in them and they're going to be mine."

She looked up at me. Her cheeks were rosy red. She was embarrassed from the vulgarity of my message.


"Sorry. But that's what I fantasized about."

"Did you masturbate when you fantasized?"


"Did you cum really hard thinking about fucking me?"

"Actually yeah."

"Mmmm. I like that."

"Oh yeah?"


My cock was so hard in my pants and I could feel the precum leaking from the head of my cock. I imagined that her panties were soaked through with her wetness, and in fact they actually were, she would later tell me. She was just as aroused as I was.

"Well, maybe one day...."


"When you're not married anymore."

"Okay. Deal."

And that was that. She didn't hand the note back and threw it in the trash. When we went on our lunch break, I walked by the trash can, grabbed the note from it and put it in my pocket. Then I went out to my car and got my lunch. I decided to sit in my car and eat since the windows were tinted and I didn't like to socialize while I ate. I took the note from my pocket and read over it. "Man, this chick is nuts," I thought as I read it. My cock shot up the leg of my pants and strained against them. I started to rub it and once again, it started to leak it's precum. My underwear was still wet from the last time. I read over the note again and again and rubbed my hard cock. No one could see me. I wanted to cum so badly but knew that it would be a huge mess. It was all I could do to just put the note in my glovebox and stop touching himself. I finished my lunch and went back into the office, in a hurry.

When we got back in there, it was time to take more calls. We both put on our headsets and sat back down. A folded up piece of paper flew onto my desk.

"I'm really horny."

I was too excited not to write her back.

"Me too."

" Want to come over tonight? We're going to have a bunch of people over."

"I can come. But we can't fool around."

"No, I know. Just friends. 4 now...."

"4 now?"

"Until I can leave him."

"Okay, sure. What time?"

"About 8."

"I'll be there."


I sat and thought about fucking her for the rest of the workday. Man, I wanted to. I knew that it was wrong but it was all that I could think about. I couldn't stand it. She always wore low cut shirts to work. Her tits were always showing. Her pants were always skin tight. She wore a lot of track type outfits and I liked the way that they made her body look. For the rest of the day I had to stay seated so no one would notice the erection that I had. I hoped I hadn't soaked through my pants. I would hate to have to explain precum away as a piss spot.

Finally the day was over and I went home. When i got to my car, someone had drawn a winking smiley face in the minimal dirt on my window. I knew it had to be her. When I got home I sat around for a while, drank a few beers, and smoked a joint. I was feeling very relaxed. I went upstairs and got in the shower. As I washed my body, I started to think about her and since I was finally in a place where I could, I started to stroke my cock. I don't have the biggest cock there is but it's a little over seven and a half inches, and really thick. I'm also uncircumcised which makes it that much more fun.

I sat down on the edge of the tub and took my cock in my hand. I started slowly, pulling back the slick foreskin and working it back and forth over the head. I took my thumb and started to rub the head and could already feel the precum oozing out. I reached under myself and grabbed my balls and fondled them. Truth be told, I loved my cock and it turned me on. Sometimes I just thought about my own cock when I jerked off and that was enough to get me off. But this time I was thinking about her. As I played with my balls, I started to stroke my cock faster and faster. I thought about fucking her at her cubicle desk. I thought about fucking her on my bed. I thought about fucking her anywhere that I could, however I could. As I got closer and closer to climax, I started to moan.

"Good thing nobody's home," I thought.

I worked my cock with my hand faster and faster thinking about her tits bouncing as I would fuck her. I thought about the ripples through her big ass if I were behind her. It was all too much, and without much warning, I welcomed that familiar feeling that a man feels in his balls and his prostate. I moaned loudly and sprayed my hot cum all over the shower wall. It shot out in thick ropes and the sight of it turned me on and made me cum that much harder. It just kept shooting out of the end of my cock as I stroked it and when it finally stopped I sat back against the wall, opened the shower curtain, reached for my joint that was on the counter and lit it again. Cum was still flowing from the head of my now softened cock as I sat and relaxed until I finished my joint. I couldn't help but keep touching it thinking about her but it stayed semi hard. I decided not to try to jerk off again.

When I got out of the shower, I put on a nice button up shirt with my shorts and sandals. I threw on a hat and left the house, closing the side door behind me. I didn't have very far to go. They just lived a couple of blocks away so I just decided to walk. I walked over one block and then up a hill. I got to their big white and brick house and knocked on the door. She opened it and greeted me.

"Hey!!!! We've already been drinking!!!! Help yourself!!!!"

There were about 10 people there and they were either sitting around and rolling joints, getting high, or dancing in the living room to really bad rap music.

I grabbed a beer off the table and started talking to her.

"Nice place," I said.

"Thanks. We just rent it. Would you like a tour?"


I fucking hated tours but at this stage in my life, I felt like I couldn't turn HER down, at least.

"Let me introduce you to everyone first."


We walked into the living room. I saw her husband, Pat, sitting there rolling what they called "hog-leg blunts". I never understood why people wasted their weed like this. You could only get so high. You didn't need more than a joint, but if you were paying for it, I felt like you should do what you want. Anyway, there were about 12 of them sitting on the table on top of a mirror.

"Hey man," Pat said."

"What's up, homie?"

"Just chillin', man. 'Bout to get my smoke on. You down?"

"I'll take a hit."

"Nah man, this blunt's for you."

He handed me a blunt. I tried to refuse it but Pat wouldn't relent. So I just took the damn thing and stuck it behind my ear.

"Ain't you gonna' smoke, dawg?"

"Yeah man, I will here in a minute. Your old lady wants to give me a tour of the house."

"Aight man, I'll see you after a while."

"Yeah, man."

Pat went back to talking to the group of people that were sitting around the table.

She introduced me to various men and women but I forgot their names almost as soon as she told them to me. I didn't care. I was just there to see her.

"That room that Pat was in was the living room. This is the foyer."

"So I noticed, haha."

"Smartass," she said.

She led me into the dining room and then into the kitchen, telling me what each room was called. We walked back to the bottom of the stairs and started to walk up, her going first. I watched her ass the entire time.

When we got to the top of the stairs, she pointed to the bathroom, then walked me to the guest room, the baby's room, and finally hers.

"And this is our room," she said.

"That's a big ass bed."

"Yeah, he's the only one that sleeps on it. He makes me sleep on the couch."


"Yeah, we fight a lot so I just sleep downstairs or in the baby's room."

"Well, that ain't no good."

She walked closer to me and grabbed my hand.

"What are you doing?", I said.


She reached with her other hand and started rubbing the crotch of my pants. My cock shot straight up almost immediately. I jumped back.

"Yo, what the fuck are you doing?!?!"

"Something you like apparently."

"You can't do that!!!! Your husband is here!!!!"

She leaned in and kissed me. I couldn't help myself and I kissed her back. We swirled our tongues around one another's. I grabbed her ass and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I was enjoying myself, and my cock poking through my shorts showed it. She reached down and started stroking it. This drove me mad. I was ready to fuck her right then and there. But, in a moment of clarity, I stopped kissing her.

"If he caught us, he would kill us both."

"He won't."

She leaned back in to kiss me again, but I hesitated.

"I want to but I can't."


And with that she turned off the light, walked out of the room and went back downstairs.

I just stood there in a daze not really being able to process what had just happened. I walked to the stairs and decided to just sit down to let my erection go down.

"Where's Doug?", Pat said.

"He had to use the bathroom. He'll be down in a minute," she said. I got up quietly and opened and closed the bathroom door then started back for the stairs. I went back down to the living room and joined the group of people who were all sitting around getting stoned. She didn't say a word to me for the rest of the evening.

I sat with the group and smoked and smoked. I drank until I could barely stand up. I was so confused about what had just happened. Did she turn me on? Of course she did. But I couldn't fuck her with her husband sitting 30 feet away. Not to mention in his house. It just wouldn't be right.

At about 3AM, Pat looked at me and said," Alright. Okay. Mmhmm. I think.... I think... I think I'm done. I'm too fucked up. I'm going to bed." His eyes were blood shot and he drooled when he spoke. He stood up, stammered and fell back into the couch.

Everyone had left but me, and I was just sitting there with Pat getting stoned. She had went in the kitchen and hadn't come out for a while.

"Hey man," Pat said, " you okay to drive home?"

"I walked here, homie."

"Awwwww man.... Well why don't you just camp out down here?"

"Nah man. I appreciate it but I think I'm going to the house."

"Nah, man. I insist. Just sleep on the couch."

"Okay, but only because you insisted."

"Hey man, "mi casa".... er.... uh...."is your casa" too man."

"Hahaha. Okay buddy. Goodnight."

"Night man."

He turned and walked out of the living room and into the foyer. Pat yelled for her and I heard her footsteps walk in there.

"What?," she whispered.

"Doug's sleepin' on the couch."

"Well where the fuck am I supposed to sleep?"

"I don't give a fuck, hahaha. Sleep in the baby's room for all I care. He's at mom's."

I couldn't believe he would say this to her. But the fact remained that I HAD HEARD it. I laid down on the couch and listened to them fight but I was just way too fucked up to even pay that much attention. My head was swimming and I was tired of talking for the night. I reached up and cut off the lamp and fell asleep to the sounds of the upstairs doors closing.

I dreamed about what had happened upstairs with her. I thought about it going further. I thought about how her hand had felt on my cock and how badly I had wanted her to do more to it. I thought about taking her and fucking her right there on their bed. I thought about hearing her moan and scream and watching her writhe in front of me. I imagined sucking her tits and licking her clit. I imagined all of the things I wanted to do to her. And I knew, in my sleep, that my cock was rock hard. I dreamed that someone was touching it and rubbing it and I felt myself moan.

I awoke in the dark to her unbuttoning my shorts. And unzipping them. I started to raise up, but I was so drunk and high that I could hardly keep a thought. She reached into my pants, grabbed ahold of my cock and pulled it out. Then she pulled them down. I was about to tell her to stop when she leaned over and took it into her mouth. She never said a word. She just flicked her tongue over the head of my cock and deepthroated it every time she brought her mouth down around it. She fondled my balls and tugged them. All I could do was lay there and enjoy her warm mouth. I felt around and reached down to her. She was wearing some kind of a nightgown with straps. I pulled one to the side and started to squeeze her breast. I licked my fingers and reached back down and squeezed her nipples. I could barely see anything in the dark but the silhouette of her mouth making love to my cock and my hand fondling her large breast. She lifted my shirt a little and kissed my stomach as she continued to jerk my cock. I could feel my balls bouncing against the inside of my thighs. She bent back down and focused completely on the head of my cock, sucking it and licking it. My hips bucked as I fucked her eager mouth.

Then without warning, she stood up, slid off her panties and climbed on top, straddling me on the couch. She reached over and turned the lamp on. Her breasts were so big. They had to be at least a "D" and weren't saggy. I reached up and grabbed both of them in my hands, freeing the other one from her night gown. She put her hands on the back of the couch and raised up a little. She positioned her warm pussy right over the head of my cock. I could feel how wet she was from the head of my cock and I couldn't help but try to push into her. When I did, she lowered herself down onto it as hard as she could. She started fucking me as hard as she could, bouncing up and down on my cock. As she rode me, I could look between us and see the white foam building up on the sides of my cock from where she was so wet and fucking me so hard. It was amazing and I was so stoned that my cock was almost numb to it. Every time she raised up, her tits bounced up and when she came down they came down and spread apart. I reached behind her and grabbed her ass. With that she really started to grind her pussy on my dick. Hard. So hard that as she ground me, her ass would grab my balls and pull them with her before realizing them and grabbing them again. This woman was trying to pull the cum out of me! I could feel the pressure building inside of me and I knew that if she kept riding me this hard, there would be no way that I would last much longer.

I started to ask her if I could bend her over or lay her down but she put her hands over my mouth and kept going. I couldn't help it but I was breathing harder and faster at the anticipation building inside of my cock. She leaned down on me, grinding the entire time, and whispered," Cum in me." People say crazy things when they're horny, so I thought this was just something she was saying.

I couldn't hold back much longer. She started slamming her pussy up and down on my cock and it was driving me crazy. It didn't matter what I did at this point, wherever my dick was when I climaxed was where I would shoot my cum.

She bounced on me for a couple of minutes longer before I caught eye contact with her. I was going to cum and I wanted her to know that if she didn't raise up, I was going to cum inside of her. She shook her head yes and started to grind on my cock again. When her hips started working on me again, I felt the tension in my cock build until it couldn't build anymore. I moaned a muffled moan and with that released a torrent of my cum inside of her. She never slowed down for a second and I could feel my cock pumping my jism into her pussy. I could feel her cervix rubbing the head of my cock inside. I knew that this could very well lead to her getting pregnant but at the time, all I was thinking about was how good that pussy felt.

She rode me until I had calmed down and my dick had started to soften. Then she got up, slid her panties on and sat beside of me on the couch. There was cum all over my stomach, cock, and balls. And I could see where she was sitting on the couch that my cum was soaking through her panties as well.

"You made a mess," she whispered.

My head had started to clear and I asked her for a towel. She went into the hall and got a towel from the closet. She came in, sat down beside of me and started to clean me off. I just sort of smiled at her and she grabbed my flaccid cock and kissed it on the head. A dribble of cum ran out and she engulfed it with her mouth and drank it hungrily. She sucked and sucked and licked and licked until my cock started to get hard again.

"We can't do this again," I said.

But she wouldn't stop. I tried to push her head away but she grabbed my legs and sucked me harder. It just felt too good. I didn't want to but she was making my cock feel so amazing and that feeling overrode every other thought I was having.

Again, she started playing with my spent balls. She leaned down and kissed, licked, and sucked them. Then she raised up and straddled me again. Why was she doing this? It made no sense. We had just fucked?!

She pulled her panties to the side and slid right down on my cock again. It had no trouble going in. Immediately she started slamming down on it as hard as she had before. I thought I would last longer this time, this being the third time I would be cumming in the last few hours. But after just a couple of minutes, I felt the pressure again. I smiled at her and she leaned down to kiss me, grinding my cock still yet. I whispered," Baby, I'm going to cum again!"

"Go ahead."

I pushed my hips forward and came in her again!!! She rode me, never missing a beat, the head of my cock once more rubbing her cervix, shooting my cum inside of it. I could feel my cock throb as it tried to release what little cum it had left to give. And her sopping wet pussy drank it all in. My cock started to soften and she rode me until it slipped out of her and my cum gushed back onto me from out of her.

She grabbed the towel and wiped me off once more. I stood up and the blood rushed to my head. I fell back into the couch with my pants around my ankles, my cock dripping cum onto the hardwood floor.

"Whew," I said.

"That was good."

"Yeah it was. Ummm.... You're on the pill, right?"

"No, haha."

"You're NOT?!?"


"You're going to get pregnant!!!"

"Well that's okay!!!"

I was just 19 years old. I couldn't handle that. But her pussy had been so good. And she had fucked me so hard.

She reached down and took her finger and caught some cum that was on the head of my cock, then stuck it in her mouth. She then started putting her fingers inside of her panties, then inside of her pussy, then back in her mouth.

"You're wild, girl."

"I know."

"You know, I need to get the fuck out of here. I'm sure it smells like sex in here."

"Okay, well.... I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"Of course you will."

"You can go out the back."

I stood up, pulled up my shorts and slid on my sandals. I walked to the back door and she followed me. I turned to say goodbye and she leaned in to kiss me. I grabbed her and kissed her really hard.

"Thanks for the good time," she whispered.

"The pleasure was all mine."

I opened the door and walked out onto the deck, and she closed the door behind me. I walked down the stairs and sat at the bottom. I found that blunt in my pocket and lit it, staring up at the stars. I leaned back on my elbows and breathed a contented sigh.

"She's going to get pregnant," I said. I shook my head, stood up, and walked down the street with a smile on my face. I'd save that worry for when I woke up the next day.

I got to my house, walked in, kicked off my sandals, locked the doors behind me, walked up the stairs to my room, locked that door and fell into my bed.

I couldn't believe what had just happened but I didn't regret it either.


2016-10-18 15:48:08
Got me , I could enjoy such an episode.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-23 13:49:28
Too much detail to be truthful. Memories are good, but they don't improve with age, nice fantasy, but a True Story, I doubt !!!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-23 04:39:23
notes are stupid.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-22 02:32:48
Mkay wierd but whatever

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-20 08:04:28
It got me erected again though I had just had two rounds of hard fuck

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