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A man gets a fun thrill getting to fuck multiple women in the same body.
I am not a tall athletic guy, nor am I a rich guy, nor am I extremely self-assured or suave. What I am is about 5 foot 7, decently in shape, just coming into my late 30's and reasonably well into my career in loan origination. I have good skin and nice hair that I really don't even have to style and I have been told I have beautiful eyes and am a very good kisser. Basically my whole life I have always been a bit unsatisfied in the sexual department.

I have dated some really good women, a few dazzlingly intelligent women and even a few very sensual women. What I have never done is dated a true hottie. Well that isn't true, once in my college days I dated a smoking hot little gal from Ireland but she was oddly a prude despite dressing provocative, flirting all over and loving to kiss. But getting clothes off never seemed to happen.

Anyway, I gotta be honest, it's the reason I never got really serious with any woman or considered marriage. I knew I would cheat, at some point. It took every ounce of resolve I had to not buy a night with a super hot hooker. I just didn't want to pay for sex . . . . ever. It seemed like the line you cross from normal man to pervert. It may seem like a silly line to draw, but it is what I felt deep inside and I couldn't help it.

At this point I was worried it would never happen, after all, how many hot young phillys want to give it up to a middle aged dude who isn't paying for their pussy, directly or indirectly? So I just figured I would finish out my life, dating one woman or another for companionship and sexual release and that would be that. I would get my rocks off from porn or maybe an occasional web chat. I know, isn't that kind of like a hooker? But I see it as more like a stripper. At this point I avoided those too because I worried at some point I would offer cash, and again, I didn't want to be that guy.

It was just a regular Tuesday down in Huston and my buddy was turning 39. He wasn't a big party guy and just wanted to meet up with three or four of us and he and another buddy brought their wives. I showed up early as it was very close to my work and I took a seat at the bar and got a glass of Johnny Walker black.

I was still in my suit, and it was my nicest one, so at least I felt like I looked decent. That was when she walked in and sat two seats down from me, round the corner of the bar top. It was one of those times I sat and stared. I didn't care that she would notice, she was fucking gorgeous. She was somewhere in her mid twenties I assumed, and Hispanic in some way, though mixed with another race. She could have passed for a very tanned white woman if not for the jet black hair, eyes, eyebrows, and the body. White women can be hot and sexy and have nice figures, but there is something unmistakable about a Latin woman's physic.

Her hair was in long flowing waves, cascading over her bare shoulders. Her eyes, which were wide set sparkled and shimmered, her long lashes stood out with her makeup. She had perfect teeth, slightly plump lips, and could have passed for a distant cousin of Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz mixed together. She wore a gold necklace with some hanging charms, which tickled the start of her breasts.

Her breasts . . . Jesus H. Christ. Fuck me, they were amazing. First off, let me explain the outfit. She was wearing a purple dress, it was kind of Greek style, like a toga could hang. It tied behind her neck, and each side of the tie went down into a hammock for each breast. While the hang of the material was copious and strong, it covered her breasts completely, there was only a bit only the inner edge of each was visible. Her skin was so flawless all over, it was all she needed to show. The inner corner of each breast canopy was hooked over a large brass circle ring. The bottom have attached to the rest of the dress as did the canopies so at the waist the dress was full. The skirt portion was do her mid thigh and very free flowing.

When she turned to put her shall on the chair back I watched her breasts jiggle. It was absolutely hypnotic. There was certainly no bra on them and yet they were pressing full against the dress. There were sizable, CC's maybe, as they filled the canopies and gave them weight. But they weren't held up by them, in fact they pressed out more than down. They were large, round, perky and firm. Some women have big breasts, some have perky breasts and some have symmetrical breasts. When a woman has all three, it is a literal feast for a man's eyes.

Her thighs that came out the bottom were tanned, toned, slender and fucking hot. Her calves were perfect stems and her feet were thin, small and each toe was just right. She was a fucking vision of sex, and that was when she caught me staring.

"For an eyeful do I get a drink?" She asked in a voice much higher and softer than I would have expected out a woman looking like that. Weird how we form biases like that.

"Om, sure, of course. You're husband won't be mad?"

"Husband . . ?" She giggled in a delightful manner. Her manners and laugh reminded me of the girls from high school, she had a fire in her eyes to go with it. She looked like one of those women you knew was just a wild amazing fuck, just like I had watched those girls in high school, college and adult life, wondering what guy got to experience them. Those assholes.

She waved her left hand showing no ring.

"I am actually here to meet a blind date." She said.

I ordered her a drink, she asked for a margarita.

"You are on a blind date? Why? No way a woman as stunning as you couldn't pick her man."

"Awww, you're such a sweetie. Your wife must be happy."

"No wife, no girlfriend actually."

"Are you here on a date? Are you my blind date?" She said her voice squeaking with excitement.
"God I wish. I am here for a . . . what do you know, there they are. Birthday party."

"Oooh. Ok, well have fun I guess." She seemed genuinely disappointed and embarrassed, why I can't fathom.

I started to walk past her and just on a whim, "Hey, if your date doesn't go well, here is my card, I would be your blind date any day."

She slowly took it from me, her fingers and nails brushing my fingers as she took my card. I went and joined my friends and kept an eye on her. Before long a decent looking guy came in and they were talking and I assume he was her date. Within a half hour she was obviously very drunk and very loud. She got very crass and had her hands all over him. I couldn't believe she was practically humping him at the bar. He wasn't tall, or really handsome and he didn't look rich. How had he captured this goddesses heart so fast?

Soon after they walked outside and I could see her kissing him and then pulling him into the cab with her. It was just after 7 PM. I wondered how much longer until that lucky fuck was gonna be fucking that diamond. Even with the bad manners, slight ditziness and crass attitude, not to mention the voice, still, she was the fuck of a lifetime, she had to be. Even if she didn't make a sound or move a muscle she would be the hottest fuck I ever had. And something told me she wasn't the silent type.

We had a good time that night and I was home by about 11. I jacked off in the shower thinking about that knockout. Sadly, I didn't know her name, so I couldn't search for her or fantasize about her well because it made it so distant. That isn't to say I had trouble ejaculating. I coated the wall of my shower that night, and fell asleep still pissed at her blind date who surely emptied his cum into her in one way or another.

My phone rang at 7:30 AM. I was pissed because it was Friday and I had taken the day off expecting a hangover. I had a bit of one but not an intense one. I clicked on my cell,

"Yeah . . . . ?"

"Um, is this Marc?" The squeaky voice on the other end said. It was a scared voice, very soft and she sounded scared.

"Yes. Um, who is this?"

"This is Sarah."

"Sarah who? I don't know any Sarahs that I can think of."

"I found your card in my purse. . . "

"Oh, OH! Did we talk at the bar last night for a bit?" It sounded different but is there a chance it was . . . .. her?!?!

"I. . . I--I don't know. I just woke up in a strange bed and I thought maybe it was yours."

"Sorry, but I am in my bed, ha ha. Must be your blind date's bed."

"Wh-where is he?" Again she sounded very worried.

"I have no idea I don't know who he is."

"Oh, ok" Click. That was it, she was gone. I thought of calling back, but was pretty confused and decided to give it a bit.

Within minutes I think I fell asleep. It was almost 2 PM when I got another call.


"Hi. Who is this."

"It's Elizabeth."

"Ok, hi. Who is Elizabeth?"

"Didn't we have a drink together last night? You told me I should be able to pick my guy, didn't you." Holy shit! It was her! So who was that Sarah girl? Oh well, who gives a fuck, she called me!!!

"Oh yeah, yeah that was me. Nice to hear from you. What's up?"

"So were you the one I picked?"

"Um, no you had a blind date remember?"

"Oh, so you weren't the guy I was with last night?"

"Um . . . no. I. . . I wish you had spent your time with me, but no . . ." She was really an odd duck.

"Oh, ok. I was wanting to find the guy so he could pay to dry clean my dress. There is cum all over it." Holy shit, did she really just tell me that?

"Sooooo, you had a fun night I take it?"

"I don't remember. I remember you and I talking and I thought you were nice. I had a time loss after that so not sure who I was with."

"Well who set up the date, can't you ask them?" Was this girl mentally challenged? Hard to believe with how she looked.

"I . .. . I think I met him on a message board, I don't remember anymore. Um, I don't have a car, could you give me a ride to the dry cleaners?"

This had to be the oddest conversation I had ever had. But it was worth it I figured. "Um sure, why not? What is your address my dear?"

A quick shower and protein shake later I was on my way. She didn't live too far. The next town over but that was an arbitrary line. I found her address, a modest apartment, ground floor, adobe style. I knocked on the door and the stunner from the previous night opened the door. Only she wasn't stunning today. Her hair was frizzy, she had on no makeup and was wearing sweat pants and a sweatshirt. Seemed a little hot for today.

"Hi Elizabeth, here I am! Do you have your dress?"

"My dress?"

"Yeah you asked me to give you a ride to the cleaners. You need to get that purple dress cleaned."

"Oh, ok. I wondered who you were." She turned and took a few steps into her apt. She looked around until I pointed out her dress hanging over the chair at the dinning table. She hadn't been kidding, there was a huge white crusty stain all over one of the tit canopies. I couldn't believe the guy wasted the cum on her dress, I would have found a way to leave it in her. Stomach, pussy, ass, anywhere to mark the conquest.

"Jesus," She said, her voice much deeper than usual and sounding like a slight Bostonian accent. "Did you mess up my favorite dress?"

"Me? No. We just talked for a bit yesterday, we didn't, um, we weren't like intimate or anything."

"Oh, hmmm, I wonder who she fooled around with . . . "

She grabbed the dress and walked back towards the door where I was waiting. "Ok, let's go."

"Sure thing Elizabeth." I said turning to walk back out to the parking lot.

"Call me Katie." She said.

"Um, ok, Katie." I opened the door for her and she was almost emotionless. Her face like stone, no enthusiasm. She seemed only interested in what I told her to do. Which made me think of suggesting naughty things, but at this point I was so confused by this woman, I was just going to take it one step at a time.

We went to the cleaners and I tried not to laugh at the face of the dry cleaner when she say the stain. Not much else it could be. I offered to pay for it and my sometimes stunner thanked me but with no enthusiasm.

As we were walking out I said, "So, Katie, would you like to get lunch out somewhere? I paid for the 1 hour cleaning. We could come back by and grab your dress after."

"Ok." Again she didn't seem to care what happened. So I walked her across the street to a Mexican restaurant and got us a seat outside. I remembered her liking margaritas so I ordered a pair. She at first told me she didn't like margaritas but I asked her to drink it so it didn't get wasted.

They certainly were not weak drinks. There were 3 shots in each one and after the first her mood lightened and halfway through the second suddenly her eyes popped wide open and had life behind them again.



"Wow, what are you doing here?"

"You asked me to give you a ride to the cleaners for your dress."

"Oh yeah! I forgot! Man you sure made a mess of it."

"Um, no that wasn't me Katie."

"My name is Elizabeth!" She said, furrowing her brow at me.

So this is when it started to dawn on me that this wasn't an act, or a bad memory drunk, or even a bi-polar lady. This woman was fucked in the head, royally. We had one more drink, and she was heavily intoxicated, but was now fun and flirty like she had been the last night.

She looked down at her clothes. "What the fuck am I wearing? Why did you let me leave the house like this?" She asked sounding annoyed.

"Um, Elizabeth, you dressed yourself, you didn't want to dress nice. In fact until a half hour ago you were in a bad mood."
"Huh, I don't remember. So what are we doing? I need to go home and change."

"Sure, let's grab your purple dress, it should be cleaned by now."

"Oh really! I love that dress!" She bounced out of the chair. And kept hanging on me as we walked back to the cleaners.

"Oh shit, where is my wallet?" She asked.

"Don't worry, I took care of it." I said.

"Oh thank you sweetie!" and she wrapped her arms around my neck, hugged me and gave me a big kiss on the lips, and I could taste some of the margarita mix on her.

We got into my car and headed back to her place. She went to the pantry and came back with a bottle of tequila and two shot glasses. She poured a pair and slammed hers.

"God I feel so ugly, she dresses so stupid!" and she disappeared.

I heard the bathroom door shut and within seconds I could hear the shower running. I could hear, Elizabeth, or Sarah, or Katie, or whoever singing in the shower at the top of her lungs. I sat at her table, wondering what the fuck was wrong with this woman and if I was gonna regret getting involved with her.

About 14 minutes later I knew I wouldn't regret it. She walked out of the bathroom and into her bedroom right next to it and didn't even seem to know I was there. Her hair wrapped in a towel, the rest of her body naked as a jay bird. Due to the angle I only saw the back of her, but it did not disappoint. Her ass was rock solid. No fatty jiggle, no cellulite underneath her halves. Just perfect skin, long slender legs, a waist shockingly small for her hips and the outer edge of her right breast, just visible enough to make my dick jump in my pants.

Not two minutes later she came out of the bedroom, dressed in that purple dress again, and back into the bathroom. Another minute later she walked back into the kitchen. Her hair was wet, but looked sexy as fuck, her lips cheeks and eyes dolled up and her breasts again filling the canopies something awesome. She stopped when she saw me.

"Who are you?"

"Um Marc. We met last night and we just had a few drinks?"

"Oh yea, from the bar. Wow we sure had a wild time last night."

What she was talking about I didn't know, but fuck it, I was gonna run with it.

"It sure was. Sadly I drank too much and only remember it was amazing, but don't really remember anything specific."

"Ha ha, no shit huh? Me too, I totally blacked out. Ooooo! Shots!"

She downed another and poured two more, we toasted and downed them.

"Were you the one that was all obsessed with me holding your cum in my mouth? That was wild. I hate that taste but after holding it for a minute I really wanted to swallow until you made me spit it on my dress."

"Yeah baby, that was cool. I sure would love to try that again."

"You mean now?"

"Sure, why not?" Oh please, oh please, oh please, OH PLEASE!!!!

"But it is still daylight. Sex in the daytime seems slutty." She said. But it wasn't slutty to talk about holding cum in your mouth?

"Well, let's have another few shots and we can go grab some dinner first."

"Ok, yeah!" She poured and we drank and poured and drank. The little ditz did't notice my pouring mine into the potted plant next to the table.

Four more shots and she was starting to slur a bit, but it removed the rest of her inhibitions.

"Oh man, I am dizzy!" She plopped onto my lap and giggled, hanging on for balance. I got hard nearly instantly.

"Oh shit, someone is ready. Ok, ok, a little snack before dinner." She giggled and stood up, turned around, pulled all of her luxurious hair over her left shoulder, draping it over her breast and dropped to her knees, her eyes looking up at me expectantly. My mouth was agape and I embarrassingly was too stunned for a second to process what was going on. I couldn't fathom that I was possibly going to be pleased by this exotic goddess.

I forced my hands to my pants and fumbled with my belt and then the button. I couldn't take my eyes off her face. Her eyes open wide, the brown pupils staring at me hungrily, her thick hair reflecting the light in shine, those huge breasts, pushing against her dress, begging to be freed. I probably should have gotten out of my chair, but I was afraid my legs wouldn't support me.

As I unzipped my pants my boner shot through the slit in my boxers and stood out, anxious and proud. It wasn't a big dick, not by porn standards, but it could still deliver a hell of a lot of pleasure to me.

"Why hello there mr. dick!" Elizabeth said with a loud laugh. She reached out and wrapped her fingers around my throbbing erection. Just the feel of her soft hand on me sent a jolt through my manhood, enough so that for a moment I worried I was going to pop right then and there.

Thankfully I was able to keep my composure as I watched her mouth open and she bent low, beneath my crotch, stuck out her tongue and licked it from the base to the tip on the underside. I am not sure whether the feel of it, or the vision of it was better. That long red tongue, danced over the top after licking up and I watched as a gooey string of pre-cum
attached at one end to the tip of her tongue, the other still emanating from the tip of my cock.

I felt my entire body shiver. A lifetime of fucking 5's and 6's didn't compare to a single lick from a hot, sexy, sensual bombshell. She bent low again and began licking my rod like a popsicle. Base to tip, on the bottom, the sides, even on the top. I felt some pain as she bent my extremely hard manhood from one direction to another to get in the next lick, but it was a pain well worth enduring.

After watching those big brown eyes continually staring at me as she licked her pre-dinner treat, I felt my balls aching and knew I didn't have long left. It had been about 3 minutes, but oh god, what an amazing fucking 3 minutes!!!

"Ah-ah-ah-ah-oh-oh-ho shit Elizabeth! Oh fuck baby!"

I gripped one hand on the chair and grabbed her head with the other pushing her down to my penis. The licking was amazing, but I wanted my cum inside her, anywhere.

"Oh wow, already?!" She teased. Bus she was a good little slut and obliged, opening wide and slid her lips down to the base of my 6 inches as I erupted.

"Ho fuck! Oh god!" I screamed as the orgasm rocked my body and I deposited what felt like a gallon of cum into her mouth.

"Mmmm-ooommm-mmm-hm-hm-hm" Elizabeth moaned and giggled as I continued to spurt my cum against her tonsils.
"Oh! Oh fuck! Oh. Oh shit. Oh. Oh damn baby. Oh wow. . . " I trailed off as my orgasm went past its peak. My hand released her head and my own head fell back against the chair. Holy shit, I hadn't cum like that in . . . . ever? My whole body was hot and tingling as I force my eyes open, hoping to watch her swallow it.

She sat back on her heels, her hand covering her mouth. "Ooly schet. Ou caam a rot!" She gurgled through her full mouth of my semen.

"Blech!" She said as she shoved her tongue forward, causing my sperm to spill out of her mouth and it fell right on to her bulbous left breast. So that is how she got that stain. Apparently she always spits to the same side?

I watched my cum and her saliva slowly soak in and drip off of her breast. Some falling onto her luscious thigh, some
onto the carpet. Boy that WAS a lot of cum. Enough to sire a 1000 kids I thought to myself. I don't care if she was nuts, I would have a kid with her every year if I meant I got to have her.

Elizabeth got up and went to the bathroom and I heard her rinse her mouth and brush her teeth while I slowly came back to reality. It had been a very intense orgasm but also extremely fast. I felt cheated, like I didn't get the full pleasure I should have. Not that that was her fault.

While she was still brushing her teeth I felt my cock begin to have feeling again and could tell it was getting hard. Good God, hard again in a minute? Couldn't remember the last time that happened.

I felt almost like it was an out of body experience, I had a hot fucking poptart in my area and she was nuts. I figured even if she was angry, who would believe her? I kicked off my shoes and pants and boxers and walked over to the bathroom.
She saw me in the small mirror above the sink and said "hey I am almost ready to go."

She hadn't noticed the outward cock, or the look in my eyes. I wrapped a arm around her waist, gripping the opposite hip. I kicked her left leg to the side and pulled up the back of her skirt showing her outstanding ass. The slut wasn't even wearing underwear. Even better.

I pressed against her shoving her waist into the sink. Holy shit I was finally going to fuck a 10! Hope she didn't mind too much.

"Hey! What are you doing?" She whined into the mirror, staring at me.

"I am gonna fuck your hot little pussy!" I growled as I rubbed my almost fully hard again penis on the globe of half of her ass. Fuck it was just as good as it looked. Light brown skin, smooth, silky and firm.

"Oh shit. You gonna fuck me? Oh shit, yeah." She moaned back to me. I felt her sticking her hips out into me, this little fuck slut was ready and willing.

I rubbed my cock up and down between her labia lips and got my cock very wet. I pushed it to the back end of her lips and found her opening. She was certainly a slut, as her pussy let me right in, what I didn't expect was once I was inside her her pussy clamped down around my manhood.

"Uuuunnngh Elizabeth! Oh fuck!" I cried as I dug my head into her shoulder. I couldn't believe how good she felt. Was it her pussy? Or just a mental thing knowing how hot she was? I don't know, and I certainly didn't care.
"Oh yeah baby. You love me baby!" Elizabeth howled back to me. My hand that had guided my cock pushed its way past her dress to her left breast. I gripped her across the waist with one hand and gripped across her chest to her breast with the other and just started slamming. bending my knees to pull out a ways and shoving up to my toes, burring myself into the hilt.

"Oh my god Elizabeth, oh fuck! Oh my god you are so hot baby!" I was practically out of my mind, my head was spinning and my heart was pounding in my ears and temples.

"Hu-hu-hu-hu . . . " Elizabeth moaned with each pump. Now I have been on this Earth long enough to know how good of a lover I am, and I am sure I am not that good to make this woman, who can pick her man moan like this. But either way I was fucking enjoying myself like no one ever has.

I gripped her hard to me and jacked my legs again, again and again. I could feel my groin and her ass getting slick from the fuck sweat and I could hardly believe that my balls were aching again already. Two cums in 10 minutes? I would have thought it impossible, but there was NO denying, another load was on the way.

"Oh my god Elizabeth! Oh shit sweetie, oh god I am gonna cum in you!!!!"

"Oh shit! Oh yes baby! Oh baby I'm cummiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!" Elizabeth screamed until I slammed my last time and held firm.

I nearly blacked out from the force of the orgasm that flooded over me, but I held my grip on Elizabeth and gave her the gift of my semen where it belonged, in her womb. The fuck I had always felt I deserved, the bombshell slut I have always dreamed of.

My hips continued to push, my calves continued to flex, my pumping motion now devolved into short minuscule thrusts, more by instinct than act. I had empties everything I had into her and held her, panting into her back, sweat dripping from my face.

"Oh damn baby. Oh baby that was so nice. So ssssnnnice. Mmm. Hmmm. . . ." Elizabeth was panting hard as well, but I could feel it stop very suddenly. I finally relaxed my iron grip, and fell back to the wall, pulling my shrunken cock all the way out. Elizabeth was gripping the sink, her eyes shut, her face blank.

I stumbled out to the living room and fell to the couch, exhausted. I didn't really notice Elizabeth leave the bathroom until I heard her snoring in the bedroom. I dozed myself for a bit.

I woke with a start and took a second to remember what had happened. I realized I was naked and got up to clothe myself when I heard her snoring again. I should have just left and been done with it but I couldn't. I may never get another opportunity to ravage a body like this.

I stumbled to her bedroom, nearly drunk on orgasm and stared at the beautiful sight. She was on her tummy, her legs splayed, tan and glistening with sweat. Her skirt was pulled under her and her ass and pussy were in full view. Her hair was all over her back and she was out.

I laid behind her, rubbing my cock with my hand. I had to get the old man up for at least one more run. I pushed her onto her back and unclasped her dress from around her neck to free her ample bosom. I sucked on the one and then the other. Rubbed them, kneed them, sucked, kissed and bit them. There were just as perfect as they looked.
Elizabeth began to stir and rolled to her side away from me. I scooted up to her, my once again hardening, though slower than before for sure, penis poking her in her gorgeous lower back. She made a slight groan and curled her knees up.

I slid till I was right against her and rubbed her thigh as I kissed her shoulder. I realized then that I was passing up a golden opportunity. I hopped out of the bed and shot over to the living room and grabbed my phone. I put in on the dresser and turned on the video. I slid back up to her and began massaging her leg again, trying to decide on the best position to fuck her in this time.

"Please daddy. . . you promised you wouldn't make me help you anymore." She said in a soft, high crying voice.
"Come on baby, just one more good fuck and we will go have dinner."

"No daddy, it hurts so much. . .You promised I wouldn't have to!" She cried softly now shaking. I couldn't figure out why she was acting suddenly like she didn't want any attention. What kind of nutty slut was this?

"I won't make it hurt baby, you can take me easily, you just did. Just relax." I said as I kissed her back, lining up my cock to spoon her, seemed easier with the way she was curled up. Her pussy was her pussy, which ever angle I was coming from.

I found the right spot and put my hand on her hip, holding her as I pushed.

"Daddy please! Mommy hates me! Don't make me do this!" She was shaking like crazy and sobbing as my head slipped into her.

"Daddy!" She cried loudly this time.

"Daddy's here baby, don't worry. Daddy is gonna take care of everything. Unnnph! Oh shit baby. Take care of daddy like he takes care of you!" She was so wet, so warm, so . . . .tight. She had gripped me before, but this time, it was like her pussy had shrank to 1/8 size. I had only gotten 3 inches in and was stopped cold. Damn this chick was wild!
"Daddy don't! It's too big!!!" I could get used to hearing that.

I pushed again, hard, but still only got another half inch in. "Come on baby, don't resist, I just want more of my baby." I continued to kiss her shoulder and back, my hand now massaging her breast as well.

"Daddy! You promised you wouldn't hurt your little Maria again!"

Now she was Maria? Obviously I had figured out she was fucked in the head but for the first time I really thought she was a split personality. It made everything make so much more sense. I pulled out.

"Thank you Daddy." She said. But she wasn't going to be that happy, I wasn't finished..

I walked on my knees till I was below her and pulled her onto her back. She looked at me with terrified eyes. "No Daddy! I'm sorry I got too hot, it's not my fault! Daddy stop!" She started crying loudly as I aggressively pulled her legs apart.

"Daddy please! The other girls don't have to do this! Please, my coach gets mad when I play volleyball bad! You make it hurt to stretch! Please Daddy! The middle school championship is tomorrow!"

Holy fuck, this chick was giving it up in middle school? Guess her daddy knew a good thing. Well, her other daddy is gonna get his good thing too.

"Just relax baby it won't be long. Daddy just wants to love you."

She turned her head to the side and cried but relaxed her legs. I spread her muscular toned thighs apart and saw how wet her pussy was. She was pre-programmed to be ready for a man. Her daddy must have shattered her personality with his cock, and I couldn't blame him. God only knows how early she developed that body and became a sexpot.
Her feet were flat, her legs making triangles, and when I slid between them, her silky thighs were close enough to be gripping me, she was a good girl. I lined up and slipped easily inside her, again about halfway. I sat on my knees, grabbed her hips and yanked while I thrust. That got it!

Her pussy gave way and I buried myself inside. God what a pussy. My dick was aching from being hard so much, but damned if I was gonna quit now!

I balled my hands into fists, put them on either side of her hips and jack hammered away. Within seconds the bed springs were creaking, the headboard was smacking the wall, she was sobbing and I was grunting. It was glorious, starring at those bouncing jugs, her beautiful though sobbing face, her tight taut tummy, her great legs. All of it so amazing!

I hoisted her legs onto my shoulders and wrapped my arms around them and pumped my hips back and forth.
"Oh my god baby, you . . . make. . . daddy . . . so. . . happy!!!!" I screamed as I felt my third cum of the day approaching.
My hands fell to the bed and Elizabeth's shapely smooth tan legs slid slickly off my shoulders and onto my arms, her legs bending at the knees, now, flopping up and down over my elbow joints as I felt my testicles clench, then my teeth clenched, my fists clenched the bedspread, pulling it over the two top corners exposing the mattress underneath. I quads flexed as I rammed my cock inside this crazy woman one final time and emptied the remaining contents of procreation fluids inside of her vaginal walls.

My orgasm gripped me and I felt every muscle flexing simultaneously as my fatigued body, over sexed, over stimulated and over used did it's best to complete its duty of passing my genes into her. I could feel pain in my balls and dull ache in my penis from so much use and excretion in such a short period. I was amazed I even had cum left to give.

Elizabeth hadn't made a sound for the last 5 minutes of our tryst, but that was fine by me. She was hot as fuck, and that was all she was worth to me. I gingerly removed my cock from her tight cunt and fell to the bed beside her and kissed her shoulder before laying my head on her breast as a pillow and fell asleep, despite it still being light outside.
It was dark in the room when I felt her stirring beneath me. Rain had moved in and was slapping against the bedroom window, much like the way my balls had slapped against her taint as I filled her with my juice. I sat up and Elizabeth was staring at me.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Elizabeth, it's me, we had lunch . . . went to the cleaners . . . had sex?" I just couldn't believe she was that looney.
"My name is Marissa. So you fucked Elizabeth?"

"Um, yeah, I think Maria too." I replied, tired of her games.

"That's not fair, I should get to have fun too." She said as she pressed her lips to me and put her hand on my cock, trying to bring it to attention once again.


2015-04-03 16:00:03
Thank you. I may post the picture of the woman this is based on. She really is looney and insanely hot. Still wondering if I want to date her.


2015-04-03 04:49:28
Hell yeah!

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