After you all destroyed my masterpiece Family series I have reverted to this to stop you all moaning. If you don't like this you are just miserable????
This guy goes up to a woman in a bar and whispers in her ear," I'd love to fill your puss y with Vodka and then drink it all".
The woman runs over to her husband and tells him what he had said, expecting a violent reaction.
She waited for a minute or so, but he never even said one word.
"Well aren't you going to kick the s h i t out of him"? She asks.
"No, no, oh no he said. I'm not fighting any f u c k e r that can drink a crate of Vodka.
Great joke, you below are very funny, seacod? ha, ha, have you been fishing with your tiny maggot dick as bait? ha, ha, leaf space? did you drop out of a tree during fall? ha, ha, what a dipstick, ha, ha.
ok first off not funny seacod why are you be such a fucking prick.and why the fuck did you leaf spaces between pussy and all the curse fucking low life peice of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!
All the people saying how wimmers sucks at telling jokes obviously have no lives since they try to troll just based on that, no im not a fan of this guy i am just saying lol.
LOL!! I was being sarcastic, I don't plan my life that far ahead of time, and I never make lists, in ataculity, when an idea hits me I drop everthing and get it done (which is not always the practical thing to do) because I know tomorrow I'll be distracted by a different idea. I really don't need to make resolutions, I don't spend much time debating wheteher I should do something or not, if I feel passionate enough about something, it WILL get done, whatever the cost. There's nothing for me to quit because I'm not addicted to anything, whenever I notice in myself a pattern of behavior (good or bad) taking shape I stop abruptly and change course on the fly, not because I have a strong will but because I have a very short attention span. I have always felt that having a particular fetish and being addicted to any one drug or thing or whatever, is for the masses, of course, things are not that black & white and people have justifications and reasons for everything but I believe an artist
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