Background info: I'm 23 years old female. I irjnued my back about 7 or 8 years ago, I got whiplash from a bucking horse. They think I tore muscles and ligaments in my lower back, nothing was broken for the X-rays. I did physical therapy (PT) for it for about 6 months. About 3 weeks ago I found out that my left leg is about 3 cm longer than my right and could be causing some of my back pain. Oh and I have consent lower back pain. About 1 year ago in March I was diagnosed with lateral tracking of the patella on my right knee. I did 6 months of PT for it and I'm back in PT for it and have been doing it for a month and half. I got an MRI and it was clean, nothing torn or broken. The surgeon says I definitely have knee pain but the cause of it is unknown and surgery right now is not a option. I can't run, go up or down stairs with out pain, sitting or standing for a long time hurts, driving hurts sometimes, I cant put all or some of my weight on it. I get a burning pain in the inside of kne
Well written .... i had a very special lady in my life who wrote some poems. I never read them until after she passed away. She wrote of crying, pain, hope. She was only 38.
She had Cancer. I did the best i could for her. I hope you find someone to be with you. LOVE is powerful. Try to ignore the twits on this site. They are a sorry lot.
anonymous readerReport
anonymous readerReport
I'm sorry that this website has real losers.
Truly, I am.
She had Cancer. I did the best i could for her. I hope you find someone to be with you. LOVE is powerful. Try to ignore the twits on this site. They are a sorry lot.