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A summer romance with the girl next door.
Summer Romance

I always called the old lady next door ‘grandma’ even though we were not actually related. My parents started it as a sign of respect.

Then her granddaughter Brandi came to visit her for the entire summer. Brandi was fourteen years old, just like me. She was just as cute as a button but she had a mouthful of braces and she wore glasses, just like me. She was a brain and a nerd too, just like me. The only problem was that I really liked Brandi and that my dad always said that opposites attract. Brandi and I were almost identical.

We had only ten weeks to live a lifetime together that summer.

Brandi and I had met many times over the years. It seems that she and her parents come to visit about every other year. Brandi and her parents lived about two thousand miles away. Brandi had certainly changed her looks since being ten years old and then twelve years old. At fourteen years old she was pretty well developed and definitely had come into her sexuality. Her tits had grown pretty well too and she had on a really tight pair of shorts. When she knocked on my door and asked me if I wanted to play house I laughed. It was an old joke between us because we used to play house together when we were younger. Brandi had Barbie dolls and I had a GI Joe.

However this time when Brandi asked me to play house with her it had entirely different connotations. I watched as Brandi brushed her beautiful black hair out of her face and flipped it back over her shoulders to allow me to see her tight tank top and especially her hard nipples. Then my eyes drifted down to her pussy, encased in those tight pink shorts. The light pink color allowed me to see the outline of her pussy lips much better than a black pair would have. Then Brandi walked right up to me, hugged me tightly to her, and then kissed me right on the lips. When I felt her tongue come in between my lips I opened my mouth and let her enter. It was my first real kiss from a girl and I didn’t even initiate it. Then she French kissed me again and it was great.

That’s when my mother stood in the doorway and cleared her throat. Then she said, “Why hello Brandi. When did you get in?”

Brandi replied, “Just a few minutes ago. I rushed right over as soon as I could get away from my grandmother.”

Mom looked her over and said, “Well Brandi you certainly have grown up. Haven’t you?”

Brandi just smiled at my mother and then said, “Why thank you.” Then Brandi straightened her shoulders back and threw her breasts out proudly.

Mom just smiled, turned away, and then mumbled under her breath, “God, I hope to hell she’s on the pill.”

After mom left the room Brandi French kissed me again and I enjoyed for a minute or two. After we broke apart Brandi hugged me and whispered into my ear, “Yes I am on the pill. My mother insisted on it when I first started to have my periods, but I’m still a virgin. My mother hardly lets me out of her sight.”

I whispered in her ear, “So do you still want to play house?”

Brandi replied, “I sure do! We can play doctor too and I can tell you all about my gynecologist. Boy does he ever do things to me.”

I asked, “Like what?”

As we walked out the door and headed toward her grandmother’s house, Brandi told me about how she has to go to her gynecologist once a year. She told me about how she has to put on a paper gown, lay back on his examination table, and then the way that he feels her breasts, looks inside of her pussy, and even the way he pokes his finger in her asshole. She said that she really likes it too even though most of her girlfriends in school think that its disgusting and that they hate to go for their yearly exams. Brandi on the other hand can’t wait for her doctor to feel her up. He was the first man to ever feel her up and she liked it a lot. She told me that she now lets the boys in school feel her up all the time and that she is just about the only girl in her school that will let them do that to her. All of the other girls call her names, all because she likes letting the boys feel her up. It just doesn’t seem fair.

Then we went into her grandmother’s house holding hands. She is old and isn’t use to having kids around so when Brandi said that we were going up to her room to play she just smiled and said that it was okay with her.

We had hardly gotten inside the door to her bedroom when Brandi was hugging and kissing me again. She even put my hand up under her tube top. I got my first feel of her bare breast, any bare breast for that matter. She took her top off first and then she took off her pink shorts. Brandi hadn’t been wearing any panties either. As she stood there in just her shoes I got my first look at a naked girl. Her breasts were high on her chest and her pink nipples were sticking straight out at me. My cock was sticking straight out at her too. I didn’t even have to look I just knew it. She had a little more hair on her crotch than I did but on her it covered everything up. Not for long though because she got on her bed and showed me the position that she has to get in for her doctor. She had me come closer so that she could put her ankles up on my shoulders and then she told me to use my fingers to open up her pussy wide enough to look inside. I did as she asked too and it was simply incredibly amazing. The inside of a girl’s pussy is a pretty remarkable thing. It’s all soft, moist, and pink and it looks like tiny little fingers in there. She didn’t even have to tell me to poke around in there because I did that automatically. When I got two fingers into her pussy hole she really liked it. Brandi told me to poke them in and out and then she told me that it was called finger fucking. I knew right then that she was going to teach me a lot about sex that summer. We were up in Brandi’s room for only a little while when her Grandmother called us downstairs for a snack.

When Grandma saw us she just smiled at me and said, “You had better wash your hands young man. No telling where they have been.” Then she looked at Brandi and said, “You too young lady.”

Then as we sat at the kitchen table Grandma told us that she knew what we were up too. Oh shit! In fact Grandma was a lot smarter than we had given her credit for. She told us that we could fool around all that we wanted too as long as Brandi kept taking her birth control pills and that she didn’t go home pregnant. Then Grandma asked us if she could watch us make love some time. Her husband had been dead for a long time and she said that she hadn’t had sex in many years. Brandi smiled at her Grandmother and said that she would be willing to share me with her if she would like it. Hey what’s up, she never asked me what I wanted. I guess it really didn’t matter much anyway. I would do just about anything that Brandi asked me to do now and she knew it too. I would do anything for her too because I now knew what the prize would be… Brandi herself.

Grandma then asked me, “Do you really want to see me naked?”

I replied, “Honestly? No! But I really want to see Brandi naked some more. So I guess the answer after all is, yes I would like to see you naked Grandma.”

Grandma smiled at me and then told Brandi to lock all of the doors and then to join us in her bedroom. Meanwhile Grandma took my hand and led me toward her bedroom. My heart began to race.

I sat on her bed where she told me to sit. Soon Brandi came in and joined us after locking both the front door and the backdoor. Grandma had Brandi sit on the bed next to me. We held hands.

Grandma stood in front of us and said, “Okay you two, now everything that we do in this house stays in this house. Do you understand?”

Brandi and I both said, “Yes Grandma.”

Grandma said, “Okay then you can both start by calling me Jessica. That’s my real name. Grandma makes me feel like an old lady.”

I said, “But you are old.” Just as soon as I said it I wished that I hadn’t.”

Jessica said, “I am only fifty-five years old and that’s not old by today’s standards. It’s considered middle age. Now just sit there and watch this.”

Jessica slipped off her shoes and placed them just under the edge of her dresser. She unbuttoned her blouse and opened it up for us before taking it off and placing it on a hanger. She had on one of the prettiest and sexiest bras that I had ever seen. Actually I might have seen it in a Frederick’s of Hollywood catalog once upon a time. It was white and mostly see-through with a white embroidered rose on the center of each cup covering up her nipples. The center of the two cups only came together at the very bottom and there were no straps holding it up. It was made for a low neckline and it was strapless too. Her breasts filled the cups nicely and she had big ones too. Then Jessica hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her pants and started sliding them down for us. I watched in anticipation as her pants were slipped further and further down her body until I could see her panties. They matched her white bra with the same embroidered rose over her pussy and her black pubic hair was showing through the transparent material. Jessica bent over more and more as her pants went down her long legs allowing me a fantastic view of her cleavage. Then she slipped her pants off her feet and folded them very neatly before placing them on another hanger. She was a very neat person. As Jessica stood back up straight she corrected her posture. She put her shoulders back, stood up tall, and sucked her tummy in just a little bit. All of a sudden Jessica looked like she could have been one of those Frederick’s of Hollywood models. I was now looking at Jessica in an entire different way than I had ever looked at Grandma. She was very beautiful standing there in just her bra and panties like that. I had seen my mother like that only once and just for a brief moment but I don’t remember mom looking that good and mom is only thirty-five years old.

After Brandi and I had feasted our eyes on Jessica’s semi-naked body for a while she said, “Okay you two, this is as far as I go for now. However I would like to see you both get naked, if you wouldn’t mind.”

Brandi stood up between Jessica and I and pulled her tube top down to her waist this time and grabbed her pink shorts too as she pushed them both to her ankles and then stepped out of them to stand before us completely naked. I think Brandi was naked before I could even take a breath or blink my eyes. It was as if she were dressed one moment and naked the next. She was! It was very nice but somehow I felt cheated after what Jessica had just done moments ago.

Jessica looked Brandi over for a while and then smiled at her. Jessica looked at me and said, “Okay now it’s your turn. Please take your time so that I can enjoy the show.”

So I stood up while Jessica and Brandi sat on the bed to watch me. Earlier up in Brandi’s room I hadn’t been able to get naked before we were called to come downstairs. I was just as excited as Brandi had just been but after watching Grandma, oops I mean Jessica getting undressed I knew what she wanted. I also knew that I wouldn’t be as good at undressing as she had been either. So I grabbed the bottom of my T-shirt and tried to lift it in slow motion for them. Inch by inch I raised my arms all the way up over my head until I could see them both sitting on the bed with their eyes glued to me. Then I finished removing it and tossed it on floor. I smiled at them and they both smiled back at me. I slowly fiddled with my belt buckle, the snap on my jeans, and with my zipper just to stall for more time. I really wanted to take as long as possible to remove them. When I had the front part of my jeans opened up into a ‘V’ I stopped to removed my shoes and socks. Jessica smiled at me and I knew that she was enjoying the show but I could also tell that Brandi was anxious to see me buck naked, after all I had seen her naked twice already. Soon I was standing back up straight again and back at my pants. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband and lowered them over my hips and part way down my legs. As the ‘V’ got just past my balls I looked down at my crotch. My hard cock was sticking straight up but it was still covered with my underwear. I had on a dark blue pair that day. Both girls were staring at my bulge and for the first time in my life I was proud of my hard-on rather than being embarrassed by it. I even turned sideways so that they could get the full effect. When I felt that they had enough I finished removing my pants and stood before them in just my underwear with my hard-on and my balls showing prominently. I was very impressed at how intently these two girls were watching me, especially my crotch. As I looked at Brandi’s naked breasts and Jessica’s in her sexy bra I could feel my cock twitching and knew that the girls could see it too. Then I lowered my underwear slowly and on purpose I let the waistband catch the head of my cock. I had done that many times before by myself and I knew what was going to happen but I hoped that it would impress Brandi and her Grandmother. I lowered my underwear until my cock was pointing directly at them and cocked like a catapult, then all of a sudden it sprang free of my underwear and flung itself into the air slamming itself against my belly with a cracking sound like a whip would make. Brandi’s eyes bugged out of her head but Jessica just smiled at my hard cock and licked her lips. I was pretty sure that I was the first naked boy that Brandi had ever seen but Jessica was just as impressed and I didn’t know why.

Jessica told Brandi to stand next to me while she looked at us together. Then she walked over to a drawer and took out a digital camera. Jessica then took a few pictures of us naked together.

Jessica then asked us, “Are you both virgins?”

Brandi and I both said, “Yes.”

Jessica said, “Good. I’ll leave you alone then while you remedy that situation. Let me know when you’re done and I’ll come back in to talk to you.”

Jessica left as she said and even closed the door behind her. Brandi got back in her gynecologist position on her grandmother’s bed and had me come in closer to her. I got between her legs and with her help I managed to get my cock into her pussy. It wasn’t all that easy at first because it was so hard that it stood straight up and didn’t want to bend down far enough to get into her hole. Eventually I had to bend over top of her so that it would line up and slip into her pussy. It was a new experience for both of us but we sure liked it. Brandi felt so good to slip my cock into that I knew why my father was always trying to get me to go to bed early. Brandi told me how wonderful she felt having my cock in her too. It was great that we both liked it. I had jerked off a lot but fucking into Brandi came so naturally that I soon felt like an old pro. In a few minutes I cum in her but I stayed hard and kept fucking into her as though nothing had happened. Just before I cum the second time Brandi had an orgasm. That started my second cum and that time I kept it in her as it shrank and finally fell out of her pussy. It was the most amazing feeling in the whole world.

Brandi called for her Grandmother to come back in and talk to us. All Jessica really wanted was to hear what each of us had to say about our first sexual experience. She was pleased that we both had enjoyed it and that we both wanted to do it again just as often as we could. That was fine with Jessica.

Jessica then leaned down and started to suck on my cock. That was a first! No it wasn’t. Jessica explained that when I was about ten months old she had sucked my cock too. She had been babysitting me while my parents went out to a party. She was changing my diapers and just couldn’t resist the urge to suck my baby cock. She also said that I had peed in her mouth but that she never minded it. She did say that my cock was much nicer to suck on now that it was bigger and that Brandi’s pussy juicy on it tasted very good too. She then licked Brandi’s pussy and told us that she had also done that to her when she was a baby too. She said that Brandi’s pussy was much better to lick now also. She also liked the taste of my cum that was in her pussy.

Then Jessica asked, “Would it be alright with you two if I sucked and lick you guys every time after you had sex?”

Brandi and I both said that it would be okay with us.

Jessica called over to my mother and asked her if I could stay for dinner and mom said that I could. Jessica then told mom to take advantage of her time alone with her husband and then laughed.

Jessica stayed in her bra and panties while Brandi and I ran around the house naked. Every time that I got a hard-on Jessica would tell me to go fuck Brandi and then she would suck my cock and lick Brandi’s pussy clean. I started to look forward to getting my cock sucked by her.

After dinner I got to fuck Brandi for the last time that day then Jessica sent me home. When I walked in the front door of my house dad jumped up quickly and zipped up his pants. Meanwhile mom casually grabbed her shirt and covered her breasts up. I just smiled at mom as I walked up to my bedroom. I really needed a goodnight’s rest after fucking Brandi all day.

After I got undressed and climbed into bed, mom came in to say goodnight to me wearing her old tattered housecoat. She sat on the edge of my bed to talk to me. She sat near my feet and she slid one of her knees up further onto my bed as she turned to face me. As she talked to me all that I could do was stare at her white panties. They were very plain in comparison to the ones that Jessica had been wearing around in front of me all day long. As mom tried to explain to me what had been going on in the living room when I came home I just smiled at her and told her that I knew all about sex. Then I told mom that it was all right with me and that she and dad could do it anytime that they wanted too do it and that I didn’t mind. I got the impression that mom wanted to know how I knew so much about sex but she didn’t ask. So as they say, “Don’t ask, don’t tell.” As mom got up I could see that a wet spot had formed in the crotch of her panties. I made a mental note to find those panties in the laundry basket in the morning. Mom kissed me on my forehead as she usually does and pulled my covers up around my neck. In doing so she looked down at my erection. It was making a tent in my covers. Mom looked up and smiled at me. I swear that I heard her mumble, “Like father, like son” under her breath before she left.

For the next couple of days nothing much changed. I would go next door and fuck Brandi as much as I could. I would eat lunch and dinner there and then come home. Mom and dad got much better at their timing so that I didn’t catch them in the living room again. Every night mom would come into my room and sit on my bed to talk about my day. She got interested in how Brandi and I were getting along. She also started to wear her sexy robe instead of her old tattered housecoat. She also stared to wear sexier panties to show me when she opened her legs up for me. I knew that she was showing them to me on purpose. She also stopped wearing a bra when she came into my room. Her kisses started to be on my lips instead of on my forehead. As she bent over to kiss me I was always treated to a great view of her breasts. They were almost as impressive as Jessica’s breasts were. She never failed to give me a hard-on before she left either. I think that was the whole idea.

After about four days of running around in front of me in her bra and panties Jessica started doing it in the nude. God for an old lady she sure could get me hard, just like my mother does every night when I go to bed. Brandi didn’t seen to mind how I got hard as long as she got to fix it. I had told them both about my mother tucking me in at night.

After another week Jessica invited mom over to have lunch with us while dad was at work. Of course we all had to get dressed but I knew that Jessica had something special in mind. She had Brandi put on just a pair of bright orange panties and a white button down shirt with just the bottom three buttons done. Very sexy! I put on my T-shirt and jeans as I always wear. Jessica put on a very pretty bright green bra with matching panties then she too put on a white shirt with only the bottom three buttons done. Jessica’s white shirt seemed much thinner though and it was easier to see her green bra through it. However Brandi wasn’t wearing a bra and it was much easier to see her nipples when she moved around.

When Jessica greeted mom at the door mom’s mouth fell open and her eyes widened. Mom looked at Brandi in the same way she had looked at Jessica. Then her eyes drifted to my crotch and I had an erection as she had suspected.

Jessica smiled at mom and said, “My but you look a little over dressed honey. Could I interest you in one of my shirts?” Then Jessica unbuttoned her shirt and opened it up to show mom her new bra and panties.

Mom blushed a light crimson color and said, “Jessica you look so beautiful.” She looked over at Brandi and said, “So do you Brandi, no wonder my son has a hard on every night in bed.”

Jessica touched mom’s shoulder and said, “That’s all your fault honey. Brandi takes very good care of him over here.”

Mom at her and said, “You mean they have sex over here?”

Jessica replied, “Yes five or six times a day for almost two weeks now. That boy of yours is a typical teenager isn’t he? He gets hard at just the sight of a pussy. Especially yours honey.”

Mom blushed again. Jessica took mom’s hand and lead her toward her bedroom. When mom came back out she was just wearing just her bra and panties and another one of Jessica’s white shirts. Neither woman had any buttons done up so Brandi unbuttoned her shirt too. Brandi was the only one not wearing a bra though. Mom had worn a very pretty baby blue bra with matching panties. I had never seen them before but mom really looked beautiful in them.

For lunch we had soup and sandwiches. Afterwards Jessica sent Brandi and I up to her bedroom to make love and told Brandi to be sure and call down to her when we were done.

We rushed upstairs, stripped quickly, and got on her bed. I had been looking at my mother the whole time that I ate lunch so I was more than ready for sex with Brandi and she knew it. It was very good but it sure didn’t last very long, then Brandi called out for her grandmother.

Jessica came in with mom. By then they had lost their white shirts and their bras. They had also exchanged panties. That was interesting. Then mom came over to us and sucked my cock and licked Brandi’s pussy like Jessica always does after we make love.

Mom sat on the edge of the bed and placed her knee to the side just like she does at night in my bed. I looked at her naked breasts real good for the first time. Her breasts looked just like Jessica’s breasts but a little firmer. Their shape was almost the same and their nipples and areolas were the same dark shade of pink too. Then mom explained to us that she and Jessica had been lovers for many years. It was a once a month love affair and my father didn’t know anything about it. She wanted to keep it that way too.

Brandi immediately asked, “Can we watch you guys do it?”

Jessica said, “That’s not fair. I never watch you guys do it. Do I?”

Brandi then grabbed my hard cock in her soft hand and gave it a little squeeze. She said, “You can watch us right now if you want too.”

I know that I blushed but I also knew by that time that I could last a lot longer the second time in a row and give them a good show. So I kissed Brandi on her lips, on each of her ears, on each of her nipples, and on her pussy. Brandi assumed her gynecologist position and I slipped my cock into her as my mother watched us from behind me. I smiled at Brandi and she smiled at me as we got started. This was something that Brandi had been wanting do for a couple of days now. The thought of having someone watch us make love was driving her absolutely crazy. She was putting on a really good show for them too. She was breathing hard from thrusting up at me, her breasts were swelling up and expanding with every breath, and she was purring like a little kitten. The purring was something new for her. Brandi was really excited. Then she had a powerful orgasm followed by a second orgasm, then a third one and a forth one. Brandi was going out of her mind and it was all because she had an audience watching her. She could be a great porn star. Soon I had caught up with her and filled her with my cum again. This time when I pulled out Jessica was right there as she always was sucking my cock clean and licking her granddaughter clean too. The women were taking turns.

My cock never went down. I was sure that it was because I was staring at my mother’s bare tits and Jessica’s panties that she was still wearing. I was lost in my own lust. I’m not sure that I really knew what I was doing but I had pushed mom back on the bed, removed Jessica’s panties, and was fucking her. My own mother! I was fucking my own mother and she wasn’t stopping me either. Soon she was having orgasms too and she was crying. It was tears of joy not of shame. For the past week mom had dreamed about me fucking her every time that dad was fucking her. She had seen me get hard that first night in bed and had known that I could see her panties. She also knew that I had taken them out of the clothes hamper the next morning and every morning after that too. I lost count of mom’s orgasms but eventually I had more than I could possibly stand and I filled mom with my cum too. This time Jessica cleaned up my mother while Brandi sucked my cock clean. Then we both watched as mom and Jessica made love together. It was the most beautiful and natural thing that I had ever seen.

After that day mom joined us at Jessica’s house for fun and games. She was always home when dad arrived and always available for sex with him. Everyone’s sex life took a turn for the better that summer and we all had a summer romance of one kind or another.

At the end of our summer Brandi didn’t want to leave me but her grandmother and my mother said that they would take care on me for her. That was NOT what Brandi had wanted to hear.

Two days after Brandi got home Jessica got a call from her daughter asking her if Brandi could transfer schools and live with her for a while. Apparently Brandi was a very depressed young lady when she got home. Jessica was more than pleased to have the company.

My summer romance turned into a lifetime romance. Brandi and I were married and moved in with OUR grandmother. Jessica was sixty-one years old when she held her great-grandson in her arms for the very first time.

The End
Summer Romance
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