This is my first stab at a short-form standalone story rather than longer series. It's about a woman in my life that I've been imagining hooking up with. This one is a slow starter but is based on a recurrent fantasy born out of my frequent travel. I have a few other unrelated fantasies about the same person that I might use as inspiration for future stories, so please comment if you would like to hear more about Vicky.
I'd planned to be in London for a couple of nights, however my meeting on the second day had been cancelled. Since my hotel room was fully refundable, I decided to head to the airport and see if I could get my flight swapped to get home the same day. Normally I would have phoned up the Amex travel service but there had been issues with mobile networks across the country and my phone was no exception. I'd caught a BBC news ticker on my way out of the office but it seemed the press had no real information and were just speculating... my favourite kind of journalism! Needless to say the most popular theory was that the UK was under some sort of cyber attack from some rogue state. Normally I would be skeptical, however for the issue to be plaguing ALL the networks seemed like more than a coincidence.
I got off the DLR at London City and made my way down the escalators, tapping out on my way past the ticket offices. I was immediately disheartened to see large queues of people trailing out the main entrance to the terminal. 'This can't be good' I thought to myself as I approached. It seemed like the queue was for the check in desks, so I walked over to the BA customer service desk instead. The lone member of staff there was surrounded by a smaller, but still significant group of frustrated people and was apologising.
"I'm sorry, unfortunately we're as in the dark about it as you are. All we've been told is that all flights are currently subject to an indefinite delay. It's affecting all airlines in the country." she added.
I took out my phone and managed to get onto the public wifi hot-spot. As a bit of an aviation geek I had a flight tracking app which I opened up. I'd never seen anything like it - the skies seemed to be almost empty. There were still flights in the air but very few and it was across not just the UK, but all European airspace seemed to be emptying.
"As soon as we have more information we'll make an announcement. In the meantime, if you booked via a travel agent, I would suggest contacting them as they may be able to provide further assistance." the member of staff tried in vain to placate the cohort of people around me, to scoffs of incredulity at the suggestion given the lack of mobile phone service all day.
First the mobile networks, now this, there must be something major going on? I looked around the terminal and considered my options. As I scanned the concourse it struck me that there were quite a few more police officers present than I would normally have seen. A handful was pretty standard for City airport but I could count at least 10 dotted around. Maybe they were just there incase any tensions flared.
I had no flight to catch today, no idea when flights might resume and a hotel room in the City waiting for me. So I decided to just cut my losses and come back tomorrow rather than hanging around the airport for who knew how long not even guaranteed to get a flight. As I turned to walk back towards the DLR station I noticed a passenger pointing at the TV screen which was also showing BBC news. The subtitles read:
"Once again, if you are just joining us, we are getting reports of a large fireball being observed by Edinburgh residents."
I was alarmed, that was exactly where I was trying to get to. I immediately took out my phone to call home but realised it still had no service. Was all this related...
"... I must stress the reports are unconfirmed at this stage and we are not certain if there is any link to the ongoing nation-wide communications disruption."
I looked around, most other passangers were focussed on the departure boards. Then I noticed a face I recognised walk past me towards the check-in queue.
"Hey Vicky!" I called and she looked around trying to spot who had said her name.
Vicky and her husband were friends of my wife's from before we started going out. Since getting together, we would meet up as couples now and again and had gone on the occasional holiday together with mutual friends. Vicky and I hadn't really spent any significant time together apart from our spouses so she had really remained more my wife's friend rather than mine too. Vicky was petite, with a slim build and blonde hair that she kept cut above her neckline. She had small facial features but large eyes. I thought she was reasonably good looking, in a girl-next-door sort of way, but she'd never featured in my fantasy line-up in the years I had known her. That was until one holiday in the south of France.
We were sharing a villa with a group of friends. It had a pool and this was the first time I had ever seen Vicky in anything other than jeans and a rugby shirt. One morning, as I was laying on a sun lounger she walked past me wearing a modest green one-piece which was in-keeping with her generally reserved almost prudish nature. As she turned her back to me to enter the pool, I saw her suit had ridden up a bit and I got a fleeting glimpse of her backside. She had the smoothest, pale white thighs and a little peach-perfect, toned ass. There wasn't the slightest hint of cellulite. This, combined with her small chest, made it look like she had the body of a teenager!
I'd never thought about her in a sexual way until that day, but that all changed in a split second. Every night of that holiday I laid in bed thinking about her and during the day I looked for any opportunity to watch her in her bathing suit, hoping for another view of that cute little butt! Ever since, whenever we would meet up, I'd be checking her out. I noticed how the tight fitting jeans she wore accentuated her perfect little butt. Being markedly taller than her, sometimes I also found an opportunity to surreptitiously look down her top if it had a wide enough neck. In that department, as I say, she didn't have a lot going for her - I could she wore padded bras and I assumed there wasn't much else underneath. Certainly I'd never been able to see anything. Nevertheless, that ass though... I would tap that little cutie in a heartbeat given the opportunity.
Over the years since, I'd got to know her a little better and as we both worked in corporate environments, we could generally relate to whatever challenges were going on in our respective offices. It gave us some common ground to chat about things that neither of our spouses could really relate to. Vicky and I's conversations were never flirtatious, but we did become more familiar with each other and we would sometimes mock our respective spouses' playfully. It started to feel like we were building our own friendship.
I knew from my wife that Vicky's husband tended to take her somewhat for granted - frequently doing his own thing with little regard for responsibilities at home or what she might like - this was especially true when it came to childcare. She never gave the impression she was unhappy in her marriage but I couldn't help but wonder if Vicky was just a dutiful wife who always put the needs of her family above her own. About six months ago I gave her a lift into town and we were alone in the car together. She confided some work difficulties to me and I tried to be supportive. I got the impression I was the first person she had really talked to about the stress she was under. Afterwards it felt, not awkward, but it seemed like she caught herself opening up to much... perhaps in a way that she felt wasn't appropriate for our relationship. Maybe it was all in my head, but I think there was a level of emotional attraction that she was resisting because unlike her husband, I had taken the time to actually listen to how she felt and sympathise with her. We had never had occasion to be along together like that since, but even with our other halves present, she seemed a little more standoffish and cautious about how we interacted. I felt a tension.
"Hey!" she replied, monetarily surprised "Fancy seeing you here."
"Yeah, just down for work. You?" I replied.
"Same. Came down this morning. What's going on?" she asked looking around a bit confused.
"Looks like all flights are grounded. Did you see that?" I asked, pointing to the TV.
Vicky turned to the screen and look of alarm flashed across her face as she read the headline. I immediately felt bad that I'd drawn her attention to sensationalist journalism, given how little anyone actually seemed to know about anything today. For all I knew it was just some poor soul had a gas explosion in their house.
"I'm sure it's nothing too serious." I said, trying to downplay things, but I also harboured an underlying feeling of unease about the various events of the day.
The subtitles below the TV anchor provided some new information:
"Okay, we are now going to go live to Downing Street, where the Prime Minister is making a statement."
The image cut to a wood panelled room where the PM stood at a lectern, flanked by two other suited individuals. As we stood looking at the screen the PM began a prepared statement in which he confirmed that the nation was currently under an attack which had targeted critical national infrastructure including telecoms and air traffic services. He said that it was not currently known who the perpetrators were, but that the National Cyber Security Centre was working to attribute the source. However, before he was able to complete the canned briefing, another suited individual walked up to the podium, whispered something in his ear and he abruptly left the other pair to complete it on his behalf. Leaving the briefing room in total chaos as the press tried to ascertain what was going on by hounding the unprepared IT boffins. The TV anchor attempted to fill the gap by recapping what was known so far - which was very little.
As we watched, the familiar chime of the airport tannoy system sounded and I turned around and looked up to the ceiling, as if I would be able to see anyone making the announcement.
"Attention please, this is an announcement for all passengers. Due to ongoing air traffic control disruption, all flights in UK and European airspace have been grounded. All flights scheduled to depart London City Airport this evening have been cancelled. Passengers are advised to leave the airport and contact your airline or travel agent directly for further travel information. I repeat, all flights scheduled to depart London City Airport this evening have been cancelled. Passengers are advised to leave the airport and contact your airline or travel agent directly for further travel information." The announcement ended to the groans of hundreds of frustrated and bewildered passengers who started to look around at each other and inspect their phones.
"Doesn't look like we're going anywhere tonight." I said to Vicky, who was still staring at the TV with a worried expression on her face.
"No..." she smiled, trying to hide her concern, "...guess I better try and find a hotel."
"You and a thousand other people!" I joked, unhelpfully.
Seeing an increasing number of people walking towards the exit, I thought quickly, realising the DLR was about to be overrun by a huge number of people needing to get back to central London. I looked at Vicky trying to join the public wifi on her phone in the hopes of sorting out some overnight accommodation.
"We should get on the DLR now, before the queues get crazy" I said.
"I don't know where I'm going yet." She replied.
"Just head to Canning Town or Bank, then it'll be easier to get wherever you need to." I suggested, "if you wait you could be stuck here for hours."
Vicky looked around at the hoards of people now moving out of the terminal and realised I was right. We moved quickly back towards the escalator, skipping the Oyster terminals already surrounded by a mass of people. Vicky, who is probably the most honest person I know, protested but I dragged her by the arm insisting it was better to just pay a penalty fare and get on a train asap. My approach meant we were able to get onto the platform just as a relatively quiet train arrived. Once we had boarded it, Vicky once more returned to her phone but soon discovered she had no service and no wifi between stations.
"I don't really know where to go." she wondered, sighing "I can't get any signal to find a hotel."
"Look, why don't you just come to mine and get a room there, the rates are OK." I suggested adding "Probably best to stick together given the situation."
I wasn't sure why I said the last bit, I guess I just had a nagging feeling that things were worse than we realised. I regretted saying it because as I heard the words come out of my mouth I realised it sounded patronising and a bit melodramatic. However, Vicky actually looked a little relieved at the suggestion and nodded in agreement.
It took about 30 minutes to make our way to my hotel via the tube and when we entered the lobby it was busy with lots of people and suitcases. I guessed there were a large number of travellers now unexpectedly stuck in London for the night. There were already long queues at the main reception but the priority lane was unoccupied and I had status with this particular brand. I ushered Vicky up to the desk beside me.
"Hi, I'm checking-in and I'd like an additional room for my friend"" I said, handing over my credit card.
"Of course" replied the member of staff tapping my name into her keyboard, "welcome back, I can see you have a deluxe room booked for two nights. Unfortunately we are fully booked this evening so I'm afraid I don't have any additional rooms. Sorry."
Vicky's face fell again. I asked the staff member to find out if there were any rooms in any of the chain's other location in the city but she informed us that everything had sold out in the last hour or so, apart from a suite which ran at £2000 per night and neither of us had any faith that our employers would ever reimburse us for that, regardless of the circumstances!
"Here are your room keys, you're on the sixth floor. Do you need any help with your luggage?" the girl concluded, motioning to the elevators.
"No thanks." I replied.
I walked away from the desk back to Vicky who was now standing by some occupied seats staring at her phone.
"Any luck?" I asked.
"No, I don't think the wifi is working here." she replied despondently.
"Here. Take my room - I'll find something else." I said, offering her the keycards.
"No! I'm not taking your room. I'll find something I'm sure." Vicky replied scoffing at the suggestion before adding "Thank you though."
"Well... it's not ideal, but why don't you just share with me then? If you're OK with it." I offered, not seeing many other options.
"That's OK, I'm sure I'll find something." Vicky replied politely, one more adding "Thanks for the offer though."
"I'm not sure you will, look at this place!" I said skeptically, "Come on, it's late, I really don't mind! We're grown ups."
Vicky looked hesitant but lacking any better options she reluctantly accepted the offer. Entering the quiet lifts from the noisy lobby was a welcome change in ambiance as we rode up in silence together to my floor. I surveyed the room as we entered but was disappointed to find there was no couch. A deluxe room doesn't pass for much in London, event with Platinum status!
"I'll take the floor, you can have the bed." I said, hoping that agreeing the sleeping arrangements up front might put Vicky more at ease with the situation.
"Eh, no way! It's your room, I can take the floor." she retorted.
There was a bit of a back and forth before I realised that for all the room was lacking in a couch, the bed was actually huge and Vicky was small. After some convincing that the bed was more than large enough to accomodate us both with plenty of space in between Vicky finally agreed that we would share it. I started to unpack my things from my bag and went to the bathroom to get changed as it was now almost 10pm.
"I have a couple of clean shirts in my bag if you need something to sleep in tonight." I shouted through as I brushed my teeth.
"Thanks" Vicky replied, "I was thinking I might have to try the hotel gift shop for something, but that works, if you don't mind?"
Vicky went into the bathroom to change while I removed my work attire and climbed into the bed in just my briefs and an old t-shirt. I had turned off the main lights when she came out of the bathroom wearing my shirt. It was long enough to reach halfway down her thighs and the cuffs hung at fingertip level. The backlighting from the bright bathroom lights cast a silhouette of her body under the white cotton. She looked incredibly sexy as she walked around to the other side of the bed, placing her neatly folded pile of clothing onto the desk next to some of my own which I had unpacked. Vicky's plain white bra was resting on the top of the pile and I could see little pokies through the shirt fabric as she climbed into the bed on the opposite side to me, pulling the sheets up to preserve her modesty a little more.
I did have the TV on but as there was precious little extra information, I turned it off, and turned to face her.
"I hope everything is okay." Vicky said in a worried tone.
"I'm sure it'll be fine. Try to get some sleep." I reassured her. "I'm sure we'll hear more tomorrow."
"Thanks for looking after me." she replied, smiling at me.
I wasn't sure exactly what she meant by it or if she was being serious or sarcastic, maybe I'd come across as overly protective? But I was glad we'd run into each other rather than her being stuck in a hotel lobby somewhere trying to find a room for the night.
"Good night." I said, turning off the bed side lights.
I lay in bed for a while, thinking about how sexy Vicky's legs had looked as she came out of the bathroom in my shirt, recollecting the ass they rose up to meet, which I'd glimpsed in France. I had a boner. I rolled onto my side to face her but Vicky had her back to me. She had curled up a little so her bum was now a little closer to my side. I could hear her breathing slowly and was certain she was asleep. My eyes had adjusted to the dark, so I lifted the bed sheet between us to take a peak underneath.
The shirt she was wearing had ridden up as she had gotten into the bed and I could see the lower half of her bottom and the white panties she was wearing. I began to feel my cock through my briefs as I stared at her hot little ass, mere centimeters from my hand. The temptation was irresistible. I moved my hand over the mattress towards her, listening carefully for any change in her breathing. I ran the back of my fingers softly over her cheeks, still stroking my hard-on. Touching her panties and the perfectly smooth, warm skin either side was exhilarating. I turned my hand and placed my palm on her ass to feel it properly, cupping it in my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. It was firm and toned and fit perfectly in my hand. Vicky inhaled more deeply and whimpered a little. I snatched my hand away and let the sheet drop. Enough!
I must have slept for a couple of hours, but I awoke to a baking hot room. My t-shirt was lying on the floor, although I couldn't really remember having taken it off. The bed sheets had been pushed right down by one, or both, of us so that only our lower legs remained covered. In addition Vicky had rolled over onto her front right beside me and her arm was extended out over on my chest. Her shirt was tangled around her midriff and I could now see her panties were riding low, revealing the very top of her crack. Her face was now close to mine, if I leaned over a little our noses could touch. I looked intently at face partially obscured by stray strands of her hair, for any indication that she was stirring while I repositioned her hand. I had intended to just move it off me, but I was unable to resist moving it down over my stomach to rest it on top of my underwear.
Vicky remained motionless in a deep sleep. I tucked her hair back behind her ear see all of her pretty, peaceful face. I moved closer to feel her breath on me as she exhaled. I could smell her scent and it really turned me on. Although one of my arms was trapped under hers between us, I was able to move it just enough to reach over and stroke her leg, feeling her soft, clean shaven skin. My cock had swelled under Vicky's hand but it was trapped below my waistband. I wondered about pulling my pants down so that I could feel her hand touch my erection directly. I managed to slide a finger into the elastic of Vicky's cotton panties. Pulling on them, I was able to expose a little more of her right cheek and crack.
With my unrestrained hand, I slid my own underwear down then repositioned Vicky's hand so that it gently pressed on my now partially exposed boner. I moved it gently up and down the tip of my cock which was protruding from my underwear, pleasuring myself with Vicky's hand. I was excited and terrified at the same time. The jeopardy was part of the turn on. I pulled my briefs down further and tucked them under my balls, so Vicky's hand rested entirely on my straining member and swollen balls. As I was puppeteering Vicky's hand, her fingers twitched a little causing her to unintentionally grip my testicles. At the same time her thumb wrapped under my shaft. Closing her fingers around my boner, I clenched my pelvic floor causing it to lift up in her hand and lower as I relaxed. Repeating the motion while rocking my hips made it feel like Vicky was jerking me off.
I leaned my head closer towards her, as I continued to hump her inanimate hand. I licked my lips, then carefully, gently placed them upon hers, reaching across to slide my free hand down the back of her panties. I ran my finger between her cheeks and down her crack as I squeezed her ass.
Vicky sighed quietly and did something I wasn't expecting. Her eyes remained closed but she pursed her lips a little. She was still asleep, but she was kissing me back! My erection suddenly kicked up a notch. Then her mouth opened and I felt her tongue venturing into mine. I began to caress it with the tip of my own. Suddenly Vicky's hand moved independently of me and she made stirring noise indicating she was becoming more conscious. Shit! She was waking up.
I stopped groping her ass and quickly pulled my briefs back up between my throbbing cock and her hand just in time to see her eyes open. The looked into mine for a second, our tongues still touching, before growing wide. I was rumbled! Now conscious of what was going on, Vicky pulled back and abruptly snatched her hand away from me. I'm not sure if she had felt my erection or if it was just a reflex to the surprising position she awoke to. I didn't know what to say. I felt ashamed. Afraid of what she might do. Words failed me. But Vicky was the first to speak.
"Oh my god! I'm soo sorry, I don't know what I... I didn't mean to do that... I must have been dreaming. I'm really really sorry..." she blurted out in a flustered voice, her face beetroot red.
It took me a while to process that she believed herself to have been the perpetrator so I didn't reply. Meanwhile she clocked her state of undress and hurriedly tried to cover herself up.
"I should go! I'll sleep on the floor tonight and I promise I'll be gone first thing in the morning." she continued, moving to get out of the bed.
"Wait!" I finally answered, reaching out to put my hand on hers, "it's OK, you don't need to go, it's fine... it was an accident! It's been a weird day, we'll just pretend it never happened. I'm sorry I let it happen."
"Really? You're not mad...?" Vicky seemed shocked that I wasn't angry.
"Yeah, really." I re-iterated "It doesn't mean anything right?"
Vicky was worried about what our spouses would say when they found out. I reassured her that I wasn't planning on saying anything, which I think she found hard to make her peace with, as honest a person as she was. However on this occasion I guess her desire for self preservation overruled her moral compass.
I rolled over with my back to her, feeling a little sick at how bad that could have been, hoping she hadn't realised I had a massive erection tenting inside my pants. I felt guilty about making Vicky feel so mortified about something I had done but I didn't feel like there as any other option.
"No... OK... yeah... sorry again." she replied as I felt her also roll over with her back to me.
We both lay motionless for a while, I listened to hear if Vicky's breathing indicated she had gone back to sleep. But I heard nothing at all and it made me wonder if she was holding her breath in embarrassment?
"Still awake?" I asked after what seemed like an eternity but was probably not more than five or ten minutes.
"Nope." Vicky replied.
The sexual tension was now palpable to me. I was convinced she had felt something in that kiss which her conscience was now desperately fighting to ignore. I rolled back over to face her but she didn't move.
"What were you dreaming about?" I asked.
Vicky didn't reply and she kept her back to me. I lay there, debating whether or not to do what I wanted to do. Then I decided things couldn't really couldn't get any more awkward. I shuffled closer in behind her and put my hand on her leg just above her knee, running it very slowly up her thigh to the hem of the shirt which she had now pulled back down as far as she could make it. Vicky inhaled, remaining dead still, yet she didn't resist my advance. I moved my head in close behind hers and smelled her hair obviously. The tip of my hard-on now gently touched her covered bottom.
"Vicky..." I asked again, beginning to stroke her hair through my fingers, "...what were you dreaming about?"
Vicky again said nothing but her short, shallow breaths became deeper and louder. I reached down her front to take her wrist and lifted it, moving her limp arm behind her back, resting her hand on my bulging package. I let her wrist go and returned my hand to her thigh, resuming stroking her leg. Vicky didn't move her hand away. I worked my way further up her thigh and under her shirt, my thumb tracing the cut of her panties along her bottom before reaching her hip, then her side, then around and down onto her stomach. I traced my middle finger over her trim, belly, teasing her naval for a few seconds to assess how she would react to more intimate touches.
Until now, her hand had rested, unmoving, on my crotch, but as I dipped the tip of my finger into her belly button she began to grasp and rub my cock. Her hips moved back, pressing the tip of my shaft in between the backs of her thighs and her bottom.
Vicky turned her head back and I propped myself up to see her face. She was biting her lip and her eyes remained closed as she now intentionally stroked my rigid shaft. I leaned in and kissed behind her ear, nibbling on her earlobe playfully. Vicky sighed loudly, open mouthed, as my hard-on poked deeper between her legs, clearly stimulating her despite our underwear. I licked inside her ear with my tongue and kissed her cheek softly, gaining confidence to slide my hand further up her shirt, reaching for her breasts. Vicky's chest was heaving now as she became more and more aroused. Her hips gyrated and she was actively directing the position of my cock to maximise her enjoyment as she dry humped it.
Just as my fingers began to ascend the soft fatty tissue at the base of her modest chest, Vicky suddenly snatched her hand off my throbbing manhood and began to shake her head, wriggling away from me and pulling my hand away from her breasts before I could touch them properly.
"No!" she announced forcefully, "Stop! We shouldn't be doing this, we're both married."
I retreated from under her shirt and rolled onto my back.
"Sorry." I said, "I shouldn't have done that."
"Me either." she replied.
"I just couldn't stop thinking about how good it felt to kiss you." I added, hoping to tempt her back.
"I'm sorry I gave you mixed signals." Vicky added, wriggling under the sheet to pull her shirt back down again. "But you know it's wrong."
I looked back at her as she moved towards the edge of the bed and pressed the sheets down between us. Then I closed my eyes, still fantasising about what we had just done and how close I had come to touching Vicky's breasts. I knew that it wasn't all in my head now. My boner eventually subsided but my balls ached as I drifted off to sleep.
When I awoke it was still dark in the room, aside from the glow of a phone illuminating Vicky's face. She was sitting up in the bed, the sheet pulled up over her chest, held by her arms as she peered at her phone. Damn, she was pretty. She had a face that just looked good without makeup.
"What time is it?" I asked in a croaky voice.
"Five thirty." Vicky replied "You should see this."
I sat up and moved closer to her so I could see what she was looking at. At the same time she checked she was covered and moved a little to the side so that I didn't get too close for comfort. My vision was still a bit blurry but on her phone screen she had the BBC News app open.
"Phones are working again?" I asked.
"No, but the WiFi is. Look though!" she replied.
I put my hand on the back of hers to move the phone closer and bring it into focus and I began to read the headline.
"Explosion rocks Port of Leith, Edinburgh residents being evacuated." it read, with what I recognised as a satellite image of the Edinburgh port with a partially sunken ship sitting in the basin.
I scrolled down, still holding Vicky's hand, which I could feel was shaking. The article continued below the image.
"Police Scotland has confirmed that there is an ongoing major incident following a large explosion onboard a vessel docked at the Port of Leith in the north of Edinburgh. The explosion occurred at approximately 9pm on Tuesday evening. Police have set up road blocks on major roads for several miles around the area and mandatory evacuations have been put into effect for residents living within the affected area. Police advise all City of Edinburgh residents to remain in their homes with doors and windows shut due to a potential unnamed hazard associated with the explosion."
I scrolled further down and scanned the article looking for the salient information, unsure why an explosion a couple of miles from her own home would cause Vicky to be so shaken. Then I found it.
"BBC sources within the Ministry of Defence have confirmed that fire fighters were initially prevented from approaching the site of the explosion due to the detection of dangerously high levels of radiation. Subsequent aerial surveys have also confirmed the presence of radiation in the atmosphere at a level which poses a risk to public health. This has yet to be confirmed officially, but residents evacuated in the early hours of the morning report that police and fire fighters assisting with the evacuation were wearing protective equipment including face masks and respirators, and that evacuees were required to shower and change their clothes upon reaching evacuation shelters established in the south of the city.
Any link to widespread cyber attacks yesterday has not been officially confirmed and it is not yet known whether this is an intentional act of terrorism or an accident. However experts who have spoken to the BCC have indicated that this could have been a failed attempt to detonate a nuclear weapon or an intentional 'dirty bomb'. Weather forecasts currently predict the prevailing south westerly winds will switch directions later this afternoon which could result in contamination being blown over a far large area of the city, potentially necessitating a significantly larger evacuation."
I didn't finish reading the article as it seemed to be entirely speculative from that point onwards but I now understood the ghostly white appearance of Vicky's face.
"Have you heard anything from home?" I asked her, my hand still holding hers as it clutched her phone.
Vicky shook her head silently. She had two young children at home and was no doubt worried about them. I tried to reassure her that the risk was probably minimal but I suspect it did little to make her feel any better. I checked my own phone and it too had no signal. With the WiFi working I sent a message to my wife letting her know where I was and who I was with - although obviously omitting several key details.
"I think we might be stuck here for a little longer." I posited, realising that flights were unlikely to be operating into Edinburgh any time soon.
"Yeah" Vicky replied, withdrawing her hand from mine, "I'll try and find another hotel."
"Don't." I answered, instinctively, "I think we should stick together."
I didn't want Vicky to leave. Just sitting next to her in the bed was exciting me. I knew there was something between us and I knew she had felt it too. She smiled at me skeptically.
"I don't think that's a good idea." she replied putting her phone down.
"Look, about last night... It was crazy I know, this whole situation is just... stressful. Being tired and stressed doesn't make for good decisions y'know. It won't happen again. I promise" I insisted, knowing full well I desperately wanted it to happen again... and more!
Vicky swung her legs out of the bed and taking care to ensure the shirt she was wearing preserved her modesty, she stood up and walked towards the bathroom. I watched her cross the room, her nipples once more protruding through the thin shirt fabric. The side of her pale, smooth thighs were also visible where the hem of the shirt rose higher up between the front and back. My morning wood was pushing against my tight briefs as I watched her petite frame float across the bedroom and close the bathroom door behind her. Now that she was gone, I reached into my pants and started to masturbate, recalling what we had done the night before, the feeling of her thighs and stomach as I had touched them. I rolled over a little and smelled the pillow she had been lying on, it smelled way she had as I was kissing her ear. My grip tightened around my shaft as I continued to stroke it.
I noticed her phone was still sitting unlocked on the bedside table so I picked it up and scrolled through her photo album, looking for something to provide additional stimulation. As expected there was nothing particularly revealing, but I did find a photo of Vicky on holiday, wearing a tight fitting vest top that revealed a little more of her chest than would normally be the case. I airdropped it to my phone as I continued to jerk off. Then I head the tap turn off in the bathroom. I quickly pulled my hand out from under the sheet and ensured her phone was back in place on the bedside cabinet, just as Vicky emerged.
She walked over to the bed and picked up her phone before returning to sit on the seat at the desk, still wearing the shirt I had lent her.
"If you can't find anything reasonable, then stay here." I re-iterated.
"Okay." Vicky replied, "thanks."
I was in an awkward position now, I wanted to go get dressed but still had a prominent erection which would be hard to hide as I walked over to the desk next to Vicky where my jeans were located. I reached down to get my t-shirt from off the floor and pulled it back on. I stood up and walked towards the bathroom, trying to pull my t-shirt down to cover the protrusion with little success. I approached the desk and reached over to pick up my jeans. Vicky's eyes clearly glanced up from her phone and I could tell she looked at my bulging underwear before catching herself and returning to her phone. I entered the bathroom and closed the door.
As I began to brush my teeth I saw, reflected in the mirror, Vicky's panties hanging from the shower rail. They were wet, she had clearly washed them in the sink and hung them up to dry. Whether she had intended this as a come-on or, more likely, just wanted to clean them up following, amongst other activities, sleeping in them last night. Regardless, it turned me on to know she was now going commando in only my shirt. I picked her panties off the rail and smelled them, but they just smelled heavily of the floral hand soap provided by the hotel and not at all of her. Nevertheless, once I had finished brushing my teeth, I wrapped them around my cock and began to jerk off over the sink, finally able to achieve a release. I blow a large load across the sink and up the mirror. A little of my cum ran down onto Vicky's clean, damp panties. I used them to wipe what was also splattered across the bathroom mirror then hung them back up again, infused with my spunk. As my erection subsided I cleaned up and pulled my clothes on then returned to the bedroom.
When I came out of the bathroom, Vicky was still sitting on the desk chair but had the TV turned on and was watching the news coverage of events back at home. It was now clear that large parts of the wider city area were having to be evacuated and that what was going on there was indeed linked to the cyber attacks of the previous day. The country was at war... but with whom we did not yet know.
"They'll be fine." I said, referring to Vicky's children, as I walked up behind her and put my hand on her shoulder.
Vicky said nothing but she placed her hand on top of mine and we stood in silence like that as the news cycle repeated in the background. Vicky was scrolling through hotel room listings. I leaned over her shoulder, took the phone out of her hand and placed it face down on the desk. My face was at the level of hers and she turned to look at me. I looked back at her. At that moment, I knew Vicky had exhausted her emotional energy and was unable to resist her feelings any longer. The worry of the morning had sapped her and left her vulnerable. I think she just wanted to be comforted, to feel that everything was going to be OK.
So I did.
I lent in and placed my lips on hers once again. For a moment we just kissed with our mouths closed, pecking at one another's moist lips. I put a hand on her cheek and stroked her ear. I opened my mouth a little and she reciprocated. I tentatively pressed my tongue inside, finding the tip of hers, gently caressing it until she opened her mouth wider and I was able to probe inside more fully. Vicky began to breathe more heavily as we made out. She squeezed my hand, which was still resting on her shoulder and I began to move it lower over her collar bone and onto her chest, trying to undo the top shirt button by feel as we kissed passionately.
We took a moment to catch our breath and looked back at one another in the large mirror overhanging the desk. I wondered if Vicky was about to put the brakes on again as she reached up to remove my hand from her chest. But then with both of her hands, she undid the button, not breaking eye contact with me. I watched her intently in the mirror as she moved down to the next one and slowly undid it as well, followed by a third. As I stood over Vicky she pulled the shirt open and down off her slender shoulders, revealing what I had wanted to see ever since that holiday in France.
Placing her hands back by her sides, she sat still, allowing me to look at her bare chest rising and falling as she breathed. It wasn't completely flat, but her breasts were like small mounds which protruded from the rest of her torso. They didn't hang off her like larger breasts would, but instead each one merged back into her body like sand dunes merge into a shoreline. Her nipples were long and erect, surrounded by little dark and puffy areolae. Vicky had a small, tanned birth mark on the underside of her right breast. My cock had once more swollen inside my jeans and was straining to be released. Standing directly behind her now, I ran both of my hands down each side of her neck slowly onto her exposed chest which I massaged firmly, feeling her stiff nipples between my fingers as I traced over them, pinching and squeezing, flicking and pulling at them playfully. Vicky's eyes closed and her head tilted back against my crotch, pushing against my hardened phallus, and she moaned in pleasure. Finally giving in to the desire she felt last night, Vicky's legs, which were tucked up together on the edge of the seat, slowly parted and rested against on the arms of the chair.
I bent over her shoulder so that I could reach one of my hands down under her shirt, the lower buttons of which remained done up and hid what was between her legs from view. I continued to manipulate her breast firmly in my remaining hand and traced the fingers of my other hand around her naval sensually as I moved downwards. Once again teasing it with the tip of my middle finger.
"Mmmmmmmm" Vicky moaned, as I pinched her sensitive nipple and gripped the soft flesh of her breast.
I began to kiss her exposed neck and collar as my hand continued down over her belly and my fingers felt their way into her pubic hair, groping at the fatty mound of her prominent mons. It was hard to tell by feel alone, but Vicky's bush seemed to be well established, yet neatly kept, as I could feel crisp lines of demarcation between it and silky smooth skin on either side. I gently pulled at her hairs between my fingers while I continued to knead both her swelling mounds assertively with my other hand. Vicky continued to respond in growing intensity to my touch, sighing and groaning in my ear as I stretched my hand down between her legs.
"Ahhhh" Vicky inhaled sharply and shuddered as my finger unexpectedly made direct contact with a firm, protruding mass.
Vicky's seemingly large, heavily engorged clit was already standing proud above the soft flesh of her mons. My dry finger had pressed over it as I probed between her legs, sending a bolt of electricity through her aroused organ. Using my first and third finger, placed over her hair covered labia, I spread her lips apart and dipped my middle finger into the warm, wet slit between.
"Yesss" Vicky encouraged as I stroked her intimately and sensitively.
I wrapped my arm around her chest and held her, as my now moistened fingertip moved back up towards her throbbing clit. Vicky moved her own hand down over mine and guided it, teaching me exactly how she liked to be touched. I wanted to slide my fingers inside her but I resisted the urge and just allowed Vicky to reveal her body to me, continuing to kiss her neck and hold her firmly, pressing her hard nipples into the back of my forearm.
As she steered my fingers over her clit, Vicky began to pant and her body started to jerk. She pressed more firmly on the tips of my fingers, applying greater pressure to her receptive mini-erection, as she drew circles around it.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" she called out as her orgasm took me by surprise.
She stopped her motions and her legs closed around both our hands as her body began to shake in the chair, her legs quivering. I kept holding her, squeezing her tight and kissing her cheek as she climaxed. As the initial waves subsided and Vicky caught her breath, the muscles in her thighs relaxed and she laid her head against mine. I gently withdrew my hand from between her legs but clutched her tummy instead, continuing to hold her as she enjoyed the lingering feelings of post orgasm delight.
After a little while, I relaxed my hug and stood up - largely because my back was getting a little sore at that angle. Vicky turned in the seat a little and looked back up to me. Her sexual energy subsiding and suddenly feeling self-conscious, she pulled the shirt back over her shoulders and began to button it up, but I stopped her. I wanted to be able to look at her pert little teats as I undid my jeans and pulled my huge throbbing erection from my pants, right in front of Vicky's face.
She looked momentarily stunned as she stared at my cock for the first time, it moved slightly each time my heart pumped. Reaching her hand up, Vicky took hold of my shaft and pressed it against her lips, planting a tentative, almost nervous, kiss on it. She looked uncertain what to do next. I placed my hand back on hers and showed her how to stroke my shaft back and forth, peeling my foreskin back on itself to expose the entirety of my now swollen, pink glans.
"Oh Vicky, that feel soo good" I encouraged, as her petite hand stroked my burning organ slowly and sensually.
Although I had cum in the bathroom only a few minutes earlier, I knew I would have no problem blowing another load very very soon. I just needed the right stimulation from her.
"Open your shirt" I said, desperate to finally see Vicky's beautiful little body completely naked, "let me see you properly."
Vicky blushed and shook her head, screwing up her eyes like a shy child. But she did continue to tug me off. If I wasn't going to see her naked, I needed something else. I steered my cock towards her lips and with my other hand behind her head, pressed them against the tip. Vicky's eyes widened with a look of shock as though she'd never given a blow job before. I pulled her head towards me and before she had a chance to resist, I had pushed the end of my cock into her mouth. Vicky made a muffled noise of surprise as I filled her orifice. I encouraged her to continue stroking as I gently swayed, sliding the tip to and fro between her lips. I felt her tongue touching the underside of bell-end and I knew I was getting close. I really wanted to cum in her mouth, but given her earlier reaction I decided it was better not to risk that shock.
"Can I come on your boobs?" I asked.
Vicky, I think relieved to have my cock out of her mouth, obligingly held her shirt open again and I moved around the chair so I could aim at her chest as I finished myself off over her. She turned her face away as I shot multiple ropes of thick cum over her little breasts and chest. It ran down her onto her belly and began to soak into the shirt. Vicky blushed again as I finished off over her and without saying a word, after I had wiped the tip of my wilting boner over one of her areola, she ran off into the bathroom and I heard the shower turn on. I looked down at the empty chair, a damp patch was left where Vicky had been sitting.
A short while later Vicky came out of the bathroom wearing one of the hotel robes. I could see she had tried to wash my shirt and it was also hanging from the shower rail in the bathroom. Things felt a little awkward at first, like that feeling when you wake up the morning after and the person your one night stand is still present. I offered her a coffee and made a few comments on the news stories to try and restore normal conversation. A little later in the day we both received messages from our respective spouses indicating that they were safe. Vicky's husband and her kids had not been part of the mandatory evacuation but they had left the city anyway and headed to relatives through west so they had no internet connection until they made it through the long queues of traffic. My own wife had remained at home but owing to the location of our home relative to ground zero, did not appear to be in any immediate risk.
The news that Vicky's family were safe seemed to buoy her spirits and conversation became more relaxed. For the rest of the day, neither of us mentioned what we had done together, instead we just watched TV and made small talk, trying to decide what to do next. I did a little work and Vicky checked in with her office but given to the situation she was allowed some time off. I was due to check out of the room tomorrow morning, however I confirmed with the front desk that I could extend the stay to the weekend if needed. I secretly hoped for a few more days alone with Vicky. We checked with BA regarding flights and although airspace had partially re-opened, as predicted there were still none operating to Edinburgh as a no fly zone was in effect. However, I was able to book us both onto a flight to Glasgow tomorrow morning, provided we forked out for business class.
Given Vicky had only the one set of clothes, we stayed in the room and ordered room service throughout the day. I enjoyed having the time to chat with her at length and just be in her company and after a while I think Vicky sometimes even forgot the strange reality that she was only wearing a bath robe in my company. Sometimes she would lean forward to reach for food or her phone and I would catch a good look at her chest. I basically had a semi for most of the day, looking at her pretty face or down her robe, or just remembering what we'd done kept me in a state of near permanent arousal. I don't know how much she was thinking about it or if the stress release had been all that she needed and she had now moved on putting the experience behind her.
By 9pm in the evening we were both yawning, the early start having taken it's toll. Knowing we'd have to leave pretty early for our flight the next day, I suggested an early bed, although that certainly wasn't my only motivation! Vicky went into the bathroom to assess the clothing that was still hanging up.
"My nightdress is still a bit damp." she called through "Don't think I can sleep in a robe given how hot it got last night!"
Vicky walked out of the bathroom and looked at me removing my jeans.
"Maybe I could dry them with a hair-dryer?" she suggested.
I looked back at her as I pulled my T-shirt off, then without pausing I pulled my briefs down and stood naked in front of her, my large, banana shaped semi hanging down over my balls. Vicky's eyes widened and she panned up and down looking at me.
"Maybe you don't need to wear anything?" I said in a suggestive tone.
I climbed into the bed and pulled the sheets over me. Vicky switched off the bathroom light and walked around to the other side of the bed, my eyes following her around the room. With her back to me, she undid the tie around her robe and let it drop to the side. After a pause, seemingly taking a deep breath, she slid the robe off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor.
Fir the first time, I gazed at her bare, perfectly smooth ass and her tight toned glutes now completely uncovered. Her body had a perfect hour-glass shape and I could make out her vertebrae rising up from the little cleft between her cut little cheeks. I had hoped she would turn around to let me see her naked form from the front but she sat down on the edge of the bed and slipped under the covers, pulled them up over her breasts and turned away from me clutching the sheet. Vicky reached over and turned her bedside light out, but I left mine on and moved in towards her. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer into me, our naked bodies spooning as I listened to her breathing.
"We shouldn't" Vicky protested lamely, while at the same time grinding her silky buttocks into my semi.
I placed my palm over her hairy mound and slid my fingers between her inner thighs, curling them up into her noticeably wet pussy. My cock swelled quickly and began to press between her wonderful butt cheeks and she continued to grind me. As I quickly became hard, I began to rock my hips to slide my shaft up and down Vicky's crack as I fingered her. Vicky moaned in pleasure and reached down to guide my hand back onto her clit, clearly preferring my fingers touching her there, rather than penetrating her. But this gave me another opportunity. I momentarily pulled my hand out from under hers and used it to reposition my cock so that it pressed between her thighs, and up against her perineum, searching for an opening. I wondered how tight her ass must be, certain she would never have done anal, but I wasn't going to push my luck. My inflamed glans eventually slipped inside the narrow entrance to her warm, slick front passage and I reached back around to continue rubbing Vicky's sensitive clit.
"What are you doing?" Vicky asked, feeling me begin to enter her with my primed cannon.
"I know you want this too." I replied, kissing behind her ear and licking her earlobe and I pressed harder into her.
"We shouldn't be doing this." Vicky again argued.
But she did nothing to prevent me as I pulled her hips in towards me and massaged her clit while my shaft penetrated deep into her. Vicky was so slight, that even from behind I was able to reach deep into her. Her pussy remained tight too, I could feel how my thick shaft was stretching her hole wide as I filled her. She let out a loud groan of pleasure as I reached full depth, impaling her on my rod still rubbing her clit just as she had taught me. I felt the muscles in her pussy contracting around me as I stimulated her swollen, sensitive pleasure spot. Vicky grabbed her breast, causing the sheets to fall down and I saw her pulling at her long erect nipple, twisting it as she did so, moaning in delight as I started to withdraw from inside her. I pulled my cock almost fully out from between her closed thighs and then pressed it in again. It slid between them more easily now that it was covered in her slippery juices. I clenched my pelvic floor pulling the tip of my shaft upwards, guiding it through her tight opening once more to moans of pleasure. My pulsating baton drilled here once more and I heard the sound of her pussy expelling copious amounts of fluid as she constricted around my rigid implement.
I continued thrusting with increasing speed and vigour, causing Vicky to begin calling out in ecstasy as her senses were overloaded by pleasure. Although she appeared small and delicate, I didn't treat her as such. I pounded her savagely as I got into the zone and she loved every minute of it.
"Oh YES! YES! YES! YES! Ooooh please... oh I'm so close... don't stop!" she pleaded.
I had no desire to stop but I could feel my own climax building inside me and didn't want to take any chances.
"Oh Vicky!! You're so tight, fuck you feel so good, you're gonna make me come!" I warned her, hoping she was paying attention to what I was saying.
"Come inside me, it's OK, just don't stop! oh yes! oh YES! YES!" she insisted, struggling to reach her orgasm before it was too late.
I bore down, trying to hold back as best I could, continuing to pummel her as she began to pant and her little body started to jerk in time to my motions on her clit.
"YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!" Vicky cried out as my shaft rammed into her for the final time.
I grunted loudly as I spewed multiple streams of cum deep inside Vicky's spasming orifice while continuing to rub her clit throughout her initial climax.
"Ohhhh oohhh ah ah ah ohh oh again yes! oh YES, oh YES, OHHH don't stop! keep goinnnggg YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Vicky yelled at the top of her voice as she orgasmed for a second time.
My cock was still inside her and I felt her clamp down on me while expelling a gush of fluid with a loud squelching sound from between he legs. Every muscle in her body seemed to twitch randomly.
"Ah hahaha oohh" Vicky proclaimed as she basked in the joy of her second achievement, "that was incredible! Oh I've never felt like that before... twice!"
Her comments suggested Vicky's husband was perhaps as selfish in the bedroom as I suspected he was in every other area of their marriage. I was glad to have given her an experience that she would remember and perhaps want to repeat. I was however boiling. The room temperature had crept up as we had frolicked and both of us were perspiring intensely. I pulled out from inside Vickys still shuddering body and she rolled over. I tossed the bed sheets aside to finally see her naked body it all it's glory. Her eyes remained closed as she breathed heavily to catch her breath and I gazed upon her. Her skin was glistening with perspiration. Her cheeks and chest were flushed. Her nipples towered, engorged and erect over her modest breasts which even seemed to have gained a little extra size as she had peaked in her arousal. I panned my eyes down over her trim belly which looked pretty flat for a woman who had carried two children. Her pubic hair was, as I suspected, neatly trimmed and extended down between her legs which were were parted every so slightly, revealing the corrugations of her large pink inner lips which bloomed from her little slit, like petals of a flower couching her swollen clitoris as it protruding from her bush.
I lay down over Vicky to kiss her again and she immediately welcomed my tongue into her mouth, fawning over it with her own. I stroked all over her naked, hypersensitive body, sparking sighs of delight. My wet cock rubbed against her thigh as we continued to make out, enjoying one another as though long separated lovers finally reunited. I don't think I've ever seen Vicky happier or more contented. She wrapped her leg around mine and her arms around my back holding me close as I devoted myself to pleasuring her. Kissing her face, her neck, her chest. My hand reached under her thigh and moved up onto her bum, squeezing her cheek firmly and pulling it apart from the other. My fingers reached into her parted crack to find her ass hole, tickling it and her taint in ways that at first shocked then exhilarated her.
Finally we rolled over so that I was on my back and Vicky was straddling me, her hands on my chest. I grasped both her cheeks. My cock had recovered and was resting between her soft, moist labia, her pussy dribbling her continuous secretions and probably some of my own earlier deposit down over my balls. Vicky looked down at my hard cock and taking it in one of her hands began to stroke it. Her little hand made it seem huge. I looked up at her, she was glowing, I'd never seen her look more beautiful, more radiant, than as she towered over me now, pressing my once more pulsating bell end between her soft fleshy pink lips. Vicky had stretched my foreskin back, the crown of my shaft now full exposed and she pressed it firmly against her engorged clit, rocking her hips to rub it back and forth over herself for maximum stimulation. I just watched the expression on her face as she pleasured herself unabashedly before me. Her face was entirely focussed on the sensations she was producing deep within her body as she tried to push herself over the edge for a third time this evening. I wanted to be inside her again, but I had already got so much more than I had ever dreamed of with her, and I wanted to be the selfless partner she didn't have at home. So instead I just reached down and helped to peel her labia apart pinning them open with my thumbs to enable the entirety of her clit to feel the sensation of my bell end passing over it.
"Ooohhhh" Vicky groaned as her hips thrust and she ground over the tip of my cock, pressing it hard into her spread vulva, "oh ye-aaaasssssssss."
She fell silent as she finished exhaling, her thighs squeezing me tight. She stopped moving, and pressed my shaft hard against herself. Then she took a deep breath, tilting her head and arching her back.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" she cried out
A splurting sound accompanied a stream a liquid pissing from between Vicky's fanned lips over my cock and down my legs. Her prolonged squirt drenched me and the bed sheets before she was even aware it washappening and she convulsed uncontrollably, collapsing on top of me shaking, before finally regaining control of herself. As her senses returned, she jumped off me and knelt beside me looking down at my soaked stomach and sheets.
"Ohh, I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened, I didn't realise I needed to go, I just couldn't stop it!" Vicky blubbed through tears of joy or embarrassment. I wasn't sure which.
"It's OK, It's GOOD!" I reassured her "You squirted. It was the sexiest thing I've ever experienced!"
I had to take a few minutes to convince Vicky she hadn't pee'd on me and that I loved that she had come so hard on me like that. She was still mortified despite my best attempts to make her feel as sexy as I found her right now. I wiped myself down with the bedsheet (knowing we wouldn't be needing it) and cuddled her, exploring her body with my hands while I was still able.
"You are incredible." I assured her
"Are we terrible people for doing this?" she asked.
"If they never find out, what harm can it do them?" I answered, philosophically rationalising my own infidelity, "it would be terrible to have lived our lives never having experienced a night like this together - wouldn't it?"
"No one has ever made me feel like that. Or do... that." Vicky acknowledged, fingering her pussy and peering down at it suspiciously. "It was amazing. But we can't continue this. It needs to stop."
"Okay" I said stroking her hair, disappointed but still holding out some hope "it ends tonight and we go back to how things were."
Vicky nodded in agreement, but continued to snuggle in to me. She was completely at ease in our nudity now and she allowed me free reign over her naked body to play with her. I picked up my phone and unlocked it.
"Can I at least have something to remember this night with?" I asked, pointing the camera at her.
She initially covered the lens with her hand, but I assured her it would be kept securely and never shown to anyone else. Eventually she relented and granted me permission to take just one photo of her for my future enjoyment, on the strict understanding that it could never possibly be found by my wife and her friend of many years. After I promised to take good care of it, Vicky agreed to pose for me. I asked her to sit, legs spread, holding her pussy lips over with her hands and I ensured the photo was hidden in my photo album, showing her as I did so.
"One last thing" I said, causing her to turn to me with a raised eyebrow, "can you at least finish me off tonight?"
Vicky smiled wryly at me, but got onto her knees on the bed. She bent over and took my cock in her hand to begin stroking it, while I looked at her pussy next to me, raised in the air and presented along with her taint and puckered ass hole. As she concentrated on re-energising my semi hard member, I secretly snapped a second picture of her rear, then licked my fingers.
"Who said we were finished for the night?" Vicky asked before taking my cock into her mouth.