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The baby shower continues. 18 more buns in 12 ovens. Soomin and Jim both pass out.
This was originally one of those bonus chapters that's not part of the main story (the first of four between chapters 8 and 9). After going back and re-reading, I decided to add this one to the main story since chapter 8 builds up to it so much, and since it actually has some important plot developments.


All thoughts of slowing down and savoring undressing them had gone out the window as soon as he got his fingertips inside of Lily and Zhihao. He was right back in beast mode, but it didn't scare him, it didn't feel out of control. He knew he could stop it if he wanted to. It was his beast now. No, he was the beast now. He wanted them all so much and he was going to start having them, right fucking now. Reaching the bedroom, his eyes went wide as he saw Lanying and Soomin, both already nude. Fucking gorgeous, sexy as hell, and so ready for him. He pulled Zhihao in and they tangled again, mad with passion, both of them struggling with their clothes as they kissed and groped and ground against each other.

The others caught up and swarmed around, helping them undress, and soon he was lying back onto the bed with Zhihao falling on top of him, grinding her wetness on his shaft and moaning as he kissed her lovely perky breasts and sucked a tiny hard nipple, running his hands all over her. What was it about her that he wanted so much? Everything. Her face alone would have been enough to make her a ten even if her body had been average. Just as beautiful as any of the models but somehow more real. Her radiant smile, her sparkling eyes, her glowing passionate lively spirit, something or everything about her had been more than enough to break his resistance when he held her hands downstairs. And now as she raised herself up over him, he saw that every inch of her body was just as perfect, just as mind-blowing. She was a heavenly gift, and she couldn't wait to give herself to him completely.

Unbelievable and so real. Actually happening to him. Now, right now, she had his actual cock in her hand and was lifting up to get it in position. Wide open above him, panting with lust, this incredibly sexy sweetheart he had just met was about to become one with him. It was stunning, unbelievable, so powerful, so unique, so overwhelmingly sexy. He felt her heavenly wetness surround and clench on his tip. She gasped in shock at the intense pleasure of it, her beautiful soulful eyes wide and locked with his, both of them stunned at the power and pleasure of the moment. She pushed again and stopped again after another inch with a strangled moan, her eyes going unfocused as she delighted in the sensation of his iron-hard shaft stretching her open.

She was so turned on. Was she going to come already? He somehow knew he could quickly drive her over the edge if he wanted to. He knew just how he'd do it, light strokes from the tip of his thumb on her hard little clit while pressing the base of his thumb firmly just above it. But she wanted to wait, so instead he held both her hands in his again, as he had downstairs, and just watched her in awe as she gave herself to him.

She rocked slightly back up, then slowly pushed down again. Exquisite tight warm slickness embraced more of him and she stopped again, her eyes closed, clenching hard on him and moaning.

Zhihao couldn't believe how good it felt, every millimeter of penetration sending shockwaves of pleasure through her. She wasn't even touching her clit and she was close to orgasm. Sex had never felt like this, not even close. God, she wanted him all the way inside her so much, but she kept having to stop to avoid coming. From the moment she saw him she had been so wet, so incredibly turned on, aching with need for him. It was so insanely hot to be among so many women she knew he would have tonight, and even more so to see the ones he had just taken. Their beautiful joy was so contagious and thrilling, and the incredible number that he had already knocked up had confirmed he really might be able to do them all.

And now the impossible pleasure from his magic cock was filling and stretching her entire being, and it was only halfway to the destination deep inside her, where she knew he would put two perfect beautiful happy twin babies. She forced her eyes open again, needing to see him, needing to show him the infinite depth of her pleasure and desire with her eyes as she finally slowly pushed all the way down onto him.

Jim was lost in her eyes and in the impossible pleasure of it. It was so beautiful, such a perfect moment, the pleasure so exquisite, her expression so full of meaning. At last they were fully joined. She was again right at the brink of orgasm, and he knew he could come with her if he wanted, but he had decided to wait until it could be twins, soon, within a few hours when he somehow knew that second egg would be ready. It would be a supreme test of his new control to hold back while she came on him. He freed one of his hands from hers and brought it to her clit.

Zhihao gasped as the pleasure somehow doubled again. His thumb was even more magic than his cock. Her orgasm was inevitable now. She began to stroke urgently up and down on him, the pleasure of each stroke together with his thumb sending her flying toward a dizzying peak, pleasure far beyond what she had ever thought possible, rising and rising and finally breaking in a spectacular explosion that went on and on.

Jim held on, somehow. Zhihao's orgasm was so gorgeous, so powerful, so wildly, contagiously hot, but he managed not to join her. He pulled her to him, kissed her, and held her quivering body as she rode out the final spasms. Fucking incredible, sweet perfection, and what a rush to be in such control.

The others were crowded around, awestruck, moaning along with Zhihao in vicarious pleasure.

He reached out to Lanying, the over-ripe professor, her beautiful intelligent eyes overflowing with lust, so incredibly turned on and so urgently in need of his seed. His seed was straining to be freed, so ready to erupt inside of her hyper fertile body, so ready to make an amazing baby with this brilliant gorgeous woman he had just met. The thought made his cock lurch powerfully inside of Zhihao and she moaned again and clenched on him in response. Lanying joined their kiss and Zhihao giggled, then made way for her and slid off to the opposite side.

Lanying was on him in seconds. She gasped as she lodged his tip in her entrance. How could it feel this fucking great already? She slid down an inch onto him and stopped, clenching on his shaft tightly and moaning as powerful shockwaves of pleasure spread through her whole body. Now she understood Zhihao's seemingly exaggerated reaction. Of course Jim had a fucking magical dream cock. Everything about this was a dream already, starting from the moment she agreed to come here, the wonderfully contagious giddy happiness of the other women at the party, and her instant overwhelming lust for him as soon as she first saw him, just minutes ago when he came down the stairs. She pushed again, slowly, wanting to savor and memorize the unbelievable pleasure of it, but also so urgent to get him to where she so desperately craved his seed.

Jim was yet again blown away by this moment of conquest, watching this gorgeous sexy stranger slowly take his cock deep into her body for the first time. Her beauty, her wise kind soulful eyes, her extreme fertility, and above all how insanely pleasurable he could tell it was for her. He somehow knew how he could make it feel even better for her. He reached for her hips and rocked her back slightly, changing the angle. She gasped, amazed at how that felt even better, then leaned back further as she stretched back with her hands behind her on the mattress and began to ride him.

He tore his eyes away from the spectacular sight of Lanying's gorgeous body stretched out riding him and gazed at the others, loving the effect he had on them. Each of them were already so turned on, but as his eyes met each of theirs it turned up another notch from vicarious pleasure to eager anticipation of their turn, desperate hope that they would be next. Fuck, how could he wait any longer to have any of them when they looked at him like that?

Especially Lily. He reached out to her and she came to his side, trembling with need, that same shy uncertain angel from the boutique. He tenderly caressed her face, staring in wonder at her as she drew closer and Lanying rode him in ecstasy. Lily closed her eyes, inches away, her breath hot on his lips, and then finally, finally he felt her soft lips on his for the first time. It was electric. Stunning. Beautiful. A soft sweet kiss he felt like he had been longing for for years instead of since lunchtime today. He began to slide one of her dress straps down her shoulders, then let the other girls take over undressing her as he caressed the skin that slowly came into view.

Lily was just as perfect as he had known she would be when he first saw her. Lovely perky upturned breasts, narrow elongated waist, flat belly, a big gap between her slender shapely thighs, and the sweetest little pink pussy. Tall slender willowy perfection wrapped in gorgeous smooth skin. And looking at him uncertainly, like she was worried he wouldn't like her body. Maybe she thought her breasts were too small, or she was too thin. How did she not know? He told her with his eyes like he had with Caihong, and saw her start to believe him. Fuck, that was so hot, just watching her adorable, amazed, overjoyed reaction to his lust. He pulled her back for another kiss as his hands delighted in exploring her body.

Lanying's moans had grown more urgent, her pussy clenching him tighter as she stretched back and rode him deliciously. She was going to come so fucking hard, he just knew it, and it would be contagious. He could already feel his orgasm approaching.

It seemed to be driving Lily wild too. She was squirming in delight as he caressed her lovely breasts with one hand and his other hand drowned in her heavenly slick folds.

Lanying slowed down at the brink, her sexy voice gasping out a strangled sound that perfectly communicated that she was at the point of no return. He was close behind, but he wanted to watch her come first, let her pleasure send him over the edge. He freed one hand from Lily's breasts and found Lanyang's clit, strumming it lightly and quickly side to side, just how he somehow knew she'd love it. That did it. She went off like a rocket, her whole body stretching and quivering, crying out sexily with each wave of her climax, writhing and clenching on him as Lily moaned and gasped into his mouth.

"Here it comes," he said, and both Lily and Lanying gasped in excitement. Lanying pressed down hard on him, mashing her clit hard on him squirming out the end of her orgasm as his tip found that perfect spot deep inside her while his eyes locked with Lily's, loving how much it turned her on to see him about to breed with Lanying, both of them knowing he would soon do the same to her.

Time seemed to slow down as his pleasure peaked. What a fucking glorious moment. How could he ever get enough of this? Then he was blasting off, spurting deep inside Lanying's fertile body, fighting to keep his eyes open against the exquisite pleasure so he could keep gazing into Lily's soul, her angelic face so full of happiness, so thrilled to share this moment with him as he knocked up this gorgeous stranger, this wise professor he had just met. Lanying's orgasm which had almost finished was roaring back to a second peak as she bounced hard on him, pounding him as if to hammer his seed home. His long orgasm was still going when her second peak hit, a shattering glorious explosion of pleasure that went on and on, leaving her shaking and breathless.

Lanying slid off and collapsed on the bed next to him, still shaking from the aftershocks of her massive double orgasm. Lily wasted no time climbing on. He caressed Lanying's face and gazed at her in wonder. Then almost simultaneously with the feeling of Lily notching his shaft in her sweet slick tightness, he saw it happen, Lanying's eyes filling with joy at the sudden certainty that she was pregnant. He watched the joy light up her whole beautiful being. But he didn't feel it. He felt the certainty, just not the joy. She would be such an amazing mother. He was satisfied, feeling a normal afterglow, and he loved that he had given her that perfect joy. But it seemed he couldn't have it anymore.

He groaned and looked up at Lily as she pushed an inch onto him, the sensations again ridiculously powerful, the longed-for feeling of this sweet angel giving herself to him every bit as incredible as he knew it would be.

But then he looked back at Lanying, sensing something. It was a slight shadow of the missing joy. It was fleeting, distant, hesitant, as if it was trying to hide from him. As if it was scared of him ever since that moment when he hated it, when he rejected it as someone else's.

As he tenderly caressed Lanying's beautiful face, wiping away her happy tears, he also reached out somehow inside himself to try to embrace the joy, urging it to come back. He missed the way these moments were before his breakdown, the crazy unexplained certainty and the shared joy it brought. It made perfect sense to feel joy. It wasn't someone else's. They were making new life. It was a miracle. It was fucking amazing. He wanted that feeling back. He needed it to make this experience complete. He wouldn't question it again, he promised. And suddenly it came rushing back and flooded him, utterly filling him, overflowing from his eyes. Lanying would bear his child and everything was perfect. They all would, and he would feel this way with all of them. Utter perfection. Pure miraculous bliss. He wept with Lanying, overcome with relief and satisfaction. Relief. Relief that again, it seemed to be listening to him, responding to what he wanted.

It? A small voice in the back of his mind was noting this as more evidence that there was an it. A guiding intelligence behind all of this. Capable of planning, choosing, responding, compromising with him, silently communicating. What the fucking hell was it?

He was brought back to the moment by the incredible pleasure of Lily finally bottoming out, pressing her clit hard against him, his shaft throbbing deep inside her, up against her cervix as she clenched and spasmed on him, moaning breathlessly at the unbelievably pleasurable sensations of this penetration she had craved since the moment she first saw him earlier today. He looked up at her and took her hands, gazing at her sweet face, sharing that contagious consuming joy with her and soaking in her beauty. She was his, finally. That precious angel he had accidentally enthralled on the sidewalk, who had clung to his hand so desperately in the boutique, was now fully joined with him and starting to move her delicate willowy dream body up and down on his shaft. God, what a sight, what unbelievable pleasure, what a conquest. Lily. He was whispering her name again and again, amazed at the power and pleasure and beauty of the moment as she rode him, luxuriating in each deep slow stroke.

Lily could come soon, as could he. Didn't he want to hold back, save her for later? He had been worried a little that he might find it impossible to choose, that he might want to save almost all of them for later. They were all so amazing, and Lily had to be near the top of the list. But suddenly, watching her ride him, still in the afterglow of the beautiful joy from knocking up Lanying, all he could think of was combining his DNA with Lily, twice in one moment. Their combination would be so perfect. It was all he wanted. It was the best thing he could ever do. He didn't need to have her in every position. He didn't need to make her come over and over while he held back. They'd come together, right now, and it would be perfect.

And like with the others, he somehow felt he knew what to do to pleasure her best. It was what he was already doing. Holding both of her hands, gazing at her, showing her how beautiful and special he thought she was, and what a miracle he thought it would be if she had his children. He poured all of his desire for her into his eyes, his thoughts filled with the miracle of their combination, the perfect twin babies they would make so soon.

She moaned and gripped his hands tighter as her lovemaking intensified, still full slow luxurious strokes but deeper, pressing hard against him at the end of each stroke, pausing slightly at that perfect most pleasurable spot. She too seemed to know somehow how to maximize his pleasure. And her eyes exactly mirrored his. She too was filled with the same thought, the same all-consuming purpose, the same vision of how perfect their combination would be. Oh my god, perfect happy twins, he thought as his orgasm approached.

"Perfect, happy twins" she breathed. The exact same words. Silent communication. Again, during eye contact. "Please, Jim, do it now, I'm so close!"

He was too. "Yes, sweet angel, here I come!"

They both gave a strangled moan together as she pressed deep on him. Exactly the same sound at exactly the same moment. Eyes locked together, a perfectly synchronized and overwhelmingly powerful peak, both fighting to keep their eyes open through the sweet agony of their climax, and then both gasping together as they felt it happen, his seed spurting directly into her womb. "Yes!" she cried out, and began stroking deeply again as the waves of pleasure crashed over them, impossibly beautiful, wonderful, perfect pleasure. He pulled her closer as their shared orgasm subsided and held her face in his hands, inches away, already feeling so much natural joy and satisfaction even before the certainty hit.

He closed his eyes, still holding her face, and waited a few seconds. "Oh!" He heard her gasp and knew what it meant. The certainty had hit her. He knew but he didn't know. It was obvious what that gasp had to mean, why there were happy tears now running onto his thumbs. But he didn't feel sure of it. He wiped her tears away tenderly, then opened his eyes to the beautiful sight of her face inches away, overflowing with joy. And only then did the certainty hit him that she was pregnant with his baby. Just one? The joy was welling up anyway, so powerfully, so wonderfully filling him. What a beautiful moment, what a treasure, sweet shared bliss. Then it hit again. "Oh god! Twins!" They both said it together. The joy rose higher, what had seemed infinite joy now exactly doubled, utter boundless happiness as they wept together, kissed, laughed, and hugged.

The others were watching in awe, soaking in the pleasure and joy radiating from the breeding couple. And he saw something else in Lanying's eyes too. The wheels in her scientist mind were turning. Jim knew why Mia had recruited her and Cheon-Sa, other than the fact that they were gorgeous. They were the ones she thought might be able to explain the puzzle of how they could know they were pregnant so fast. Now that she was pregnant, Lanying's mind was clear, and she also saw the puzzle for herself. Certainty about something her body couldn't know yet, not at least until implantation, which normally wouldn't happen until a few days after fertilization.

Cheon-Sa, on the other hand, was all lust, her sultry eyes dripping with desire, no room for scientific thoughts, just burning with need for him. He wanted her so much, not only to conquer her body and knock her up, but to free her scientist brain as he had Lanying's.

"Clothes off and come here," he said, and Cheon-Sa squealed in excitement and rushed to comply. Lily giggled and gave him a last sweet kiss before climbing off to make room for his next conquest.

Cheon-Sa's eyes were beyond sexy. So sultry, so wise, so sophisticated, and so full of passion. And as she shrugged off her dress and bra, he saw that her body somehow was the same, just wildly luscious, voluptuous, every exaggerated curve just screaming sex and fertility. Bigger breasts than he normally liked, but they seemed perfect on her, contrasting with her tiny waist and matching her wide hips. She pulled her sodden panties down and off and practically leapt onto him.

Cheon-Sa had no interest in foreplay. Watching him with the others had been so fucking hot. Especially her colleague and friend Lanying. That moment when she had felt absolute certainty Lanying was pregnant was burned into her brain. So insanely sexy, so full of joy, such a deep and powerful purpose driving her desire. And then to see it happen twice with Lily. Oh my god. The joy of it was so powerful, so contagious. And now it would be hers. She knew what she wanted, no, needed, and she didn't waste a second.

She quickly got him lined up and pushed, gasping and closing her eyes in shock at the incredible pleasure of it as he sank two inches into her, stretching her, filling her, beginning to satisfy that powerful craving. How the fuck could a cock feel that good? She paused to catch her breath and opened her eyes again, locking eyes with him, seeing his powerful lust for her and returning it tenfold. Her look made him gasp and throb inside her. She clenched hard on him, then pushed again and finally slowly took him all the way inside her, pressing hard to get him as close as possible to where she somehow knew her fertile egg was waiting.

"Fuck, that's so good," he said, staring in wonder at her, his eyes utterly captivated by hers as his hands roamed her body, making her squirm and moan in delight at the incredible sensations as she began to move up and down on him with luxurious long strokes. He held her tiny waist and marveled at her dramatic hourglass shape and the fluid sensuality of her movements as she delighted in impaling herself on him.

Suddenly he realized who she reminded him of. That Korean Youtube girl with the impossibly perfect ass. You know the one. Always grinding that glorious ass at the camera, stretching and arching and pushing it back toward you in her tight shorts, with her ridiculous thigh gap and tiny waist. Cheon-Sa was like that, both in her body proportions and in her fluid sensual movements. Or, at least she might be. He had to see her from behind.

"Turn around," he said. She turned around and positioned herself over him again in reverse cowgirl. Holy shit, her ass was glorious. Round, smooth, tight, transitioning beautifully to her impossibly tiny waist above and shapely thighs below. She really was like that Youtube girl. A living fantasy. How many times had he jerked off to almost this exact scene, this exact shape? Except she was also a brilliant scientist with devastatingly beautiful eyes, there were no tight shorts in the way, and that was his actual cock she was lining up between those perfect taught round ass cheeks. A wet dream come true. He watched in awe as his shaft disappeared into her luscious fertile body as she arched and writhed her way onto him, gasping and moaning with pleasure.

He just soaked in the unbelievable sight of her body shape and fluid movements as she rode him. It was so fucking good. He could come soon if he wanted to. This way he couldn't do much to pleasure her, but he had a feeling from the intensity of her moans that that wouldn't be a problem. He wanted to touch someone though, play with someone else too. He reached out to Soomin, the other Korean, and the only other one already nude. She was the one who had seemed to have a mini orgasm just at a few light caresses of her arms when they met downstairs, and he was dying to play with her body more. She squealed and rushed to him, kneeling down on the bed at his side.

He took her hands again as he had downstairs and began slowly caressing his way up her arms, intently watching her incredibly sexy reaction, squirming, moaning, shivering, gasping. Holy shit this girl freaking loved his touch. He felt like her whole body was all clitoris. He knew instantly he'd need more time with her, to play with every inch of her.

God, what a tight, lovely, lithe, lively creature Soomin was. He looked back and forth between her and Cheon-Sa, loving the contrast between the two Koreans and how they both were so insanely hot in opposite ways. Soomin's ridiculously tight smooth tanned skin everywhere, stretched tightly across toned muscles on an extremely slender frame. Cheon-Sa's exaggerated femininity, sultry wise eyes, and experienced sensuous fluid lovemaking that was currently driving them both closer and closer to the brink. Soomin's innocence and youthful excitement at every slight touch, her eager wild energy. He had worked his way to her chest and was slowly teasing around her tiny hard nipples as she pressed them toward his hands, urging him on and sounding close to orgasm.

He knew he could make Soomin come about a dozen ways. It'd be hard to not make this one come. But he knew how he wanted to do it. With a tender first kiss while pinching her nipples. He just knew it would work. And at the same time he knew exactly what to do to make Cheon-Sa come. She just needed to know he was close. Knowing he was about to knock her up would be all it would take. It would drive her absolutely wild.

"Cheon-Sa, here comes my baby," he said.

"Yes!" she cried, her fingers flying to her clit as she sped up, pounding her glorious ass on him. He drew Soomin toward him slowly, gazing into her beautiful eager eyes as his other hand circled around her breast, closer and closer to her nipple. She was inches away, gasping into his mouth as he returned his other hand to teasing her chest. Cheon-Sa was clenching on him, her moans reaching a fever pitch. She slowed down at the brink. He was right there with her. Soomin's soft lips finally met his, tender and sweet and delightful and wild, gasping into his mouth as he finally arrived at her nipples. She was close too.

"Do it," Soomin breathed, "knock her up!" Pinch pinch. "Oh god, I'm coming!"

Cheon-Sa pushed hard down onto him, crying out with her climax and pressing him as deep as possible inside her while strumming her clit furiously as the waves of pleasure crashed through her and rushed out of her mouth as the sexiest possible moans. He teetered there on the brink another few seconds, waiting just because he could, savoring this incredible moment, looking back and forth between these two incredible women coming for him, and finally let go, blasting his seed deep inside Cheon-Sa's lusciously fertile body and passionately kissing Soomin's sweet lips, face, and neck as she writhed beautifully in ecstasy. Glorious, delicious perfection, the sounds of their orgasms, the incredible pleasure of it all, and then Cheon-Sa gasping in shock mid-orgasm and looking back at him with those gorgeous eyes full of joy, and he knew this incredibly beautiful professor was bearing his child. Joy, insanely intense all-consuming bliss, ultimate satisfaction. Another greatest moment of his life.

The two girls collapsed on either side of him, his arms around them, their faces nuzzling his neck as they all came down together. He was idly stroking Soomin's back and it made her press and squirm against him so sexily. God, it was so fun to touch her. He was almost jealous of how sensitive her skin was, how much pleasure she got from every touch. His skin had been that way too, when he was with Dandan and Kyung right after his breakdown, but it had faded. He wondered if the breakdown had caused it somehow. If he had to go through that kind of horrific anguish, not worth it.

But maybe instead it was because of how many orgasms he had in a row before his breakdown. It was uncharted territory, coming that many times, that intensely, in just a few minutes. Maybe it did something to his nervous system and made all his nerve endings come alive. That seemed to make sense. Well, only one way to find out. He'd just have to come a lot of times in a row again.

The virus loved this thought and decided to make it true. That heightened pleasure would be his reward for going fast, for choosing on his own to be productive. And it was confident he'd be happy to go fast because of its new tactics to increase the women's pleasure and make them come quickly. The virus understood now that Jim felt an irrational need to pleasure them, not just himself. Despite knowing the joy they would feel when he impregnated them, he still needed to feel like a good lover. If a woman could come fast, he'd feel better about doing the same. So it had been feeding him hunches about how best to pleasure them, while also greatly increasing the sensations they felt from his penetration. It seemed to be working, but the real test would be when he started going fast again. The virus wouldn't push him to go fast though. It had to be his own choice, or there was too much risk of another breakdown.

Again, his orgasm seemed to do nothing to quell his desire. Jim's lust only grew. He looked hungrily around the room at the remaining women. Daiyu, Hua and Chun, his three stylists, those precious sweethearts, each ready to bear him twins. Aimi and Rei from the sidewalk after lunch. Abigail and Mayumi, both insanely gorgeous models. Abigail was ready to bear him twins too, he realized. And Liena and Soomin, both incredibly hot young college athletes. And of course Zhihao, who he wanted to save until she was ripe for twins. It was hard to imagine being ok with having a quickie with any of them. Not just these ten, but basically all the rest waiting downstairs too. They were all just so beautiful, so special. Maybe with Aimi and Rei, not because they weren't beautiful but because it had been his fantasy to take them quickly when he first saw them from behind on the sidewalk. Anyway, he wanted to take someone from behind now, as soon as possible. Cheon-Sa's ass had done something to him. He wanted more asses, right now.

"Aimi and Rei, panties off, hands on the wall," he said, and they gasped and eagerly rushed to comply. Soomin gave a little whimper as he got up. She had been thinking it would be her turn next. The poor thing was so worked up, so hot for him. He felt for her, but there was no way he was going to take her quickly, and quickly was what he wanted right now. He could bring her along at least. It would be a delight to touch her while he fucked others. He took her hand and pulled her to her feet, bringing her with him toward Aimi and Rei. He stepped up behind Aimi while Soomin pressed herself close by his side, nuzzling his neck and clinging to him.

Aimi and Rei each had one hand against the wall and the other at their clits, feet apart, their shapely asses pressing back at him, squirming in anticipation. He pulled Aimi's dress up out of the way, revealing her lovely tight round cheeks and wet pussy. Oh my god what a fucking hot ass, just as he had known it would be. He bent his knees slightly to get lined up and his tip lodged in her entrance. She cried out in pleasure, pushing back toward him, driving him an inch inside. He held her still a moment, just soaking in the gorgeous sight of it, then pushed again slowly, savoring the conquest of this sexy body he had lusted after at first sight just this afternoon. He could have anyone he wanted. What a rush.

Soomin was panting and squirming against him as she watched him spear into Aimi. He had one arm around her caressing her tight body, loving the feeling of the smooth skin of her backside and her incredibly intense reactions to his touch.

Finally he bottomed out in Aimi, pressing hard against that perfect spot, making both of them moan together at the intense jolt of pleasure it caused. He began to thrust deep into her, slowly at first, while his hands roamed under her dress, exploring her smooth warm skin, playing with her tits and then replacing her hand at her clit so she could put both hands on the wall to steady herself against his increasingly powerful thrusts.

He gripped Soomin's ass and pulled her tight squirming body against his side. She raised one knee up behind him and ground her tiny wet pussy against the side of his ass while clinging tight to him, gasping and moaning into his ear. As his muscles clenched with each thrust into Aimi, they also now massaged Soomin's wet pussy, producing increasingly desperate sounding moans from her and covering the side of his ass and upper thigh with her juices.

Aimi squirmed and moaned and pushed against him, urging him on, mad wild passion rushing toward their shared goal and loving every second of it. It was too hot. There couldn't be many more seconds. Fuck, little Soomin was already coming. What an insanely hot sound in his ear.

He knew how to drive Aimi over the edge. He increased the pressure slightly on her clit as he slowed down his thrusts, pressing extra deep in her fertile body at the end of each stroke. She tightened on him and gave a strangled moan. She was right at the brink. He paused deep inside her and circled around her clit lightly, teasingly. It was so fucking hot to know, just know how to touch her, how to maximize this orgasm. She was going to come so fucking hard on him as he knocked her up. His cock swelled deep inside her, his seed rising, preparing to fill her. He returned his fingers to her clit, swirling with just a little more pressure, just perfectly driving her over the edge. She cried out and clenched hard on him as she came. He managed to hold back his orgasm for one more deep stroke in her extra-tight pussy, savoring the sight and sound and feel of her coming on his cock before finally letting go and spurting deep inside her. He resumed his deep thrusts as they rode out wave after wave of glorious pleasure together.

He pulled out and got behind Rei, pulling her dress up to reveal her equally gorgeous ass. She was already close. Watching him with Aimi and Soomin had been so fucking hot. He got lined up at her entrance and felt her clench on his tip. He paused there, knowing she was on the edge and loving it, just soaking in the sight of it, this incredibly sexy ass, this new pussy clenching on him, craving him, so close to orgasm already at first contact with him.

Aimi gasped and he looked up at her face and knew she was pregnant. He pulled her in for a kiss as the joy filled them. So good, so beautiful, so right. A miracle.

Soomin had moved around to his other side to make room for Aimi, and again he put his arm around her, gripped her tight ass and pulled her juicy little pussy against his side. She gasped again as she felt his muscles flex against her and watched in eager fascination as his hard shaft plunged slowly into Rei.

Rei was moaning urgently and clenching on him as he finally bottomed out in her. Fuck, that was so hot. This feeling of conquest with Aimi and Rei was so powerful, even more than it usually was. Not just because of how hot they were but because of the thought that came with them, the power they symbolized: that anywhere he went, any attractive woman he saw, he could have, just like this. On a whim, anytime. See a hottie, make eye contact, and she's mine.

Rei was trying her best to delay her orgasm. No need. He was, incredibly, already ready again. It was all just impossibly hot. He began to thrust deeply into Rei, knowing he was driving her over the edge. Soomin, that little firecracker, was ready to blow again too. It was the same as with Aimi but so special and new, and with the added feeling of the joy of knocking up Aimi still filling him. Soomin and Rei came together, their sexy moans so incredibly hot, their pleasure so infectious. A glorious new peak, ridiculous pleasure, the feeling of conquest, the rush of driving these girls so wild, and the knowledge that he was knocking up a stranger he had just plucked off the sidewalk this afternoon. He pressed deep into Rei's clenching pussy and blasted off, spurting into her fertile womb. Delicious deep thrusts, insanely pleasurable, the sight of her body shape, the sound of their passion, wave after wave of orgasm deep in this sexy body. So perfect. Such a fucking rush.

He pressed tighter against her and found her lips for a passionate first kiss, then watched her eyes as they both shuddered through another aftershock and she clenched on his cock. A few seconds later it happened. "Yes!" she cried, her face filling with joy. Certainty, bliss, that beautiful shared moment. Soomin and Aimi crowded in and wept happy tears with them. So right, so gloriously deliriously happy.

As he came down, the joy was replaced by unbelievably intense desire. He wanted more. More asses. More joy. Right fucking now.

Soomin? Or someone else? Could he really skip her again, make her wait longer? How many times could he make that angel come? Would she pass out? She was so fun to tease, so fun to play with. He still wanted to see what he could do to her whole body with his tongue. And he was pretty sure she was a virgin. No, someone else first.

Liena was closest. He pulled her in for a passionate kiss, pulling at her dress. Other hands rushed to help and soon she was nude and pressing her eager, lively, tight young body against his. He stepped back to appreciate her, crouching down and caressing her outline. Her body shape was incredible, the same willowy elongated slender hourglass shape he loved about some of his favorite delicate sweethearts like Yuming, Kyung, or Zhihao, combined with the tight toned sleekness of the soccer girls. The best of both, a model-shaped athlete. What a goddess. And his for the taking. So excited, squirming under his touch, grinding against him as he stood and kissed her soft lips again, full of passionate energy and urgency.

His fingers found her wetness and he groaned in need. Now, he'd have her right fucking now. He spun her around to face the wall and she stepped her feet apart, pushing her wonderful tight ass back towards him, her sweet little pink pussy glistening. He lined himself up and pushed in that first delightful bit, both of them gasping at the overwhelming pleasure of it. Then he felt resistance. A virgin. Shit. He pulled back out and ran his cock along the outside, rubbing it back and forth against her clit as he tried to decide what to do. She moaned and writhed against him, begging him to take her. He wanted to so much, but the traumatic memories of how he felt taking those virgins before his breakdown were still fresh.

He would make her come at least. He knew his fingers would be too intense on her clit. She needed the flat of his tongue on her clit, and the tip of his tongue around it. He kneeled down between her legs and licked around her pussy with the tip before gently covering her clit with the flat of his tongue, giving it a long slow gentle lick. She groaned in pleasure and he did it again, slowly intensifying it, speeding up and adding pressure as she built up toward orgasm, her whole toned body tense, her pussy clenching on his fingertip, her moans growing higher and more urgent. She was ready. He sped up, lapping at her clit in circles with the flat of his tongue while his fingertip explored her sweet tightness. And then she was coming, beautifully, deliciously, her sweet sexy strangled moans announcing every wave of pleasure as her body quivered and stretched and pressed against his tongue and her tight little pussy spasmed hard on his fingertip.

Holy fucking shit that was hot. He had to have her, right now.

He stood behind her again and lined up again at her sweet entrance, delighting in the feel of her tightness spreading around his tip and the gorgeous smooth shape of her tight body. He paused there, looking down and savoring the moment. Soomin, Aimi and Rei were all crowded around, watching reverently, their hands caressing their bodies, urging them on.

"I'm ready. Take me," she whispered, pressing back against him, bracing herself against the wall, her hymen stretching against his tip. God, what a gift. What a gorgeous sexy angel, giving her sweet virgin pussy to him. He pushed and felt her hymen give way as he slid an inch into her. As always, somehow there was no pain. She moaned in pleasure, squirming and clenching on him, gasping at the wonderful sensation of being filled by his magic cock.

"Oh my god, Jim," Soomin breathed in his ear. "I need that so bad. Please, please Jim, I need that, exactly that."

Oh heavenly fuck, he did too. He was sliding slowly deeper into Liena's tight virgin pussy and looking deep into Soomin's sweet eyes as she waited for his answer. His fingers found her pussy for the first time and she gasped and clenched on his fingertip, grinding herself against his hand. Shit, she was tight, just like Liena. She had to be a virgin too. Finally as his shaft finished filling Liena, he nodded to Soomin. She squealed and turned to the wall next to Liena in the same position. He reached around to play with Liena's lovely little perky breasts with one hand while he stroked Soomin's pussy with the other, then began to stroke deeply into Liena's wonderful body. They both moaned urgently, both already nearing climax. Soomin could blast off any second. He slowed down with her, wanting to make her wait a few seconds to get Liena close. His own orgasm was already building, and he knew seeing, hearing, and feeling both of them come together would send him flying over the edge.

His fingers found Liena's clit and he strummed her just right, light gentle quick circles around the sides of her clit, avoiding touching it too directly, as he slowly stroked deep into her clenching tight pussy. That did it. She was on the brink. He sped up on both of their clits, delighting in their urgent moans and their toned bodies writhing with him as he drove them both past the point of return to a dizzying peak of pleasure, the two girls blasting off together with almost simultaneous cries as they peaked, their bodies shaking, Liena's pussy clenching impossibly tightly on him as he made his final plunge and erupted deep inside her spasming body.

Incredible pleasure, satisfaction. And relief. It was perfect, beautiful, no regret, no anguish, no frustration. And then Liena gasped and caught his eye and they shared that incredible joy. This angel, this goddess, this lovely creature he had just met, was making his baby, deep inside that unbelievably perfect toned body. It was perfect. It couldn't have been better. There was nothing to fear from taking virgins. It was fucking awesome. The traumatic memories from his breakdown were losing their edge, being replaced if not forgotten. And he wanted more. He wanted to pop so fucking many more cherries. Starting with Soomin's, right now.

But she was shaking and unsteady on her feet from the intensity of her many orgasms. She was barely staying upright against the wall. He helped her to the bed, where he draped her on her back over Anna's big cylindrical pillow, her ass on the pillow and her head and upper back on the bed, her legs spread out wide around him as he kneeled over her. Holy shit, what a sight. Her skin already seemed beautifully stretched anyway, impossibly tight and smooth, but this position stretched her even more, her whole body wide open for him, quivering and shaking from her many orgasms and so urgently in need of him.

He wanted to soothe her a little with caresses, but he knew his touch would just drive her wild again. He felt like he could pick any tiny spot on her body and make her come again just touching her there. She was so fucking worked up, so wildly hot for him, on fire with lust. He felt for her. It would be cruel to tease her as much as he wanted to, to play with every inch of her skin. He'd compromise. He'd just do one leg. Lick and stroke his way up one of her legs, then take her.

He started at her ankle, kissing and licking and stroking his way slowly upward. By the time he reached her knee she was close again, whimpering and thrusting her empty, hungry pussy upwards toward his anticipated cock as another powerful orgasm welled up inside her. She peaked as he kissed her lower inner thigh, circling his tongue intensely in one spot as if it were a clitoris. She bucked and thrashed through her orgasm and he slowed, letting her ride it out, then resumed his way up along the smooth heavenly skin of her inner thigh.

Again her moans rose with the anticipation of his magic tongue finally arriving at her center. She was bucking her hips up, close to orgasm again as his tongue teased around her inner thigh, skipping past her pussy to the other thigh, then circling around to lick all around her tight abdomen, gorgeously stretched out and tense for him, bucking up toward his tongue, begging for him. Finally he spiraled in toward her quivering little pink pussy. She was on the brink. He exhaled on her clit, just a light hot breath on it so she knew he was right there, pausing and watching her reaction. Her eyes were screwed shut, her whole body tense. She was so fucking close. Right where he wanted her. Then he just rested the flat of his tongue on her clit and pressed slightly, and she was flying into a powerful orgasm, bucking against his tongue, thrashing wildly as her spectacular orgasm shook her whole being.

Soomin's whole body was tingling, shivering, quaking with pleasure so intense she didn't know what would happen next. Whatever was next was coming so soon. His magic tongue was spiraling in, closer and closer to her clit. She had never been touched like this, never felt anything close to any of this. She had only made out with a few boys, and each time it had been too ticklish, too intense to continue past the first few kisses and caresses. They had been so frustrated, but she just couldn't handle it, no matter how much she wanted to. She had worried there was something wrong with her and she'd never be able to do it.

But Jim's magic touch was just right. Light but not too light. Gentle, reassuring, kind. She trusted his fingers, found it easy to relax under his touch and let it be pure pleasure, not torture. His fingers lit up every inch of her with pleasure that spread through her body and collected in her pussy, building up into an impossibly intense craving that her many orgasms seemed to do nothing to satisfy.

And his lips and tongue were even better. It should have been ticklish when he kissed and licked all over her inner thighs and abdomen, but instead it was just heavenly, unbelievably sweet perfection, never too intense, just wonderful, electrifying her whole body. She felt his breath on her clit, like a warning shot, and her body tensed up again, knowing his tongue was right there, finally about to make her… what? How could she possibly go higher from here? What would her body even do?

And then she felt it, soft, firm, perfect, mashing her clitoris, feeling like a gentle embrace, the impossible pleasure spreading instantly throughout her body, feeling as if his tongue was gently enveloping every inch of her body at once. Her body was out of ideas for how to express how even more fucking amazing this felt, so it somehow landed on giggling. Hysterical breathless out-of-control giggling through a shattering orgasm as she bucked and writhed against his tongue, seeing stars and feeling his tongue everywhere and moaning out his name as her vision clouded, her ears rang, and all other sensation dissolved in a buzzing blissful peace, the rest of her body and the whole world no longer seeming to even exist. The entire world consisted of just her clit and his magic tongue, and all was right in the world, and then there was nothing.

What a fucking incredible creature, what a glorious orgasm. Who laughs when they come? What a delight, how unbelievably satisfying to pleasure her. How many times had he made her come? Five? Six? And this last one dwarfed them all, dwarfed any orgasm he had ever imagined. It was massive, magnificent, a fucking supernova of pleasure that stunned everyone in the room into reverent silence. Jim was floored, watching the final spams and giggles of it, kneeling between her legs, dying to take her but wondering if she'd even be able to continue. And then finally she was still, and it was clear she was done for a while, grinning blissfully in her sleep, writhing occasionally at the orgasmic aftershocks still coursing through her body.

He stood up to get out of the way as a few others gently lifted her and carried her out to the next room to tuck her into bed there. There was a reverent hush in the room. What he had done to her had been so powerful, almost like a religious experience.

He stepped up close behind Mayumi as she watched them carry Soomin out, caressing the gorgeous smooth dark caramel skin of her shoulders and arms. Oh my god, that skin. It felt so incredible. She leaned back onto his shoulder, pressing her cheek against his, seeking and then finding his lips. That felt incredible too. Was he getting that hyper-sensitive touch back? Or maybe it was somehow contagious, his skin re-learning it from watching Soomin. Or maybe it was just about how sexy Mayumi's skin was. He remembered how her touch had electrified him when they met in the elevator this afternoon. She moaned into his mouth as his hands explored her upper chest, teasing around the cleavage of her loose dress. She pressed her chest toward his hands and her ass back into his erection, squirming against him.

He kissed his way down her neck and delighted in peeling her dress down, watching more of her lovely exotic skin come into view. The slight swell of her breasts, tiny hard nipples, her tight flat belly, her tiny waist, wide hips, smooth long legs, all wrapped in that luscious dark caramel skin, and all so hot for him, so wildly responsive to his touch as he delighted in exploring her. What a goddess. No bra, no panties. She had been so ready for him under that skimpy dress. His fingers teased around her crotch and she widened her stance, moaning in anticipation. Finally he felt her, both of them gasping at his contact with her incredibly wet pussy. He played with her little hard clit a little, finding just the right pressure as he swirled around it, making her gasp again, knowing he could make her come so quickly this way. Instead he stopped and dipped his fingertip in her sweet pussy. So tight, so urgently clenching on him.

He couldn't wait to have her, so he didn't. They were on the bed together in seconds, her on top, passionately kissing him as she lined him up. His tip found her heavenly slickness and he felt her surround the first inch of him. Amazing, incredible, all new again. He gazed at those gorgeous eyes filled with lust, watching them go out of focus from the intense pleasure of him sliding into and stretching her. Was the sensation of it even better than before? It really seemed like that hyper-sensitivity was coming back, maybe halfway back now. She sat up and locked eyes with him as she prepared to take him deeper. She was overwhelmed with the pleasure of it already, just an inch in, stunned by how incredible it felt. What a gorgeous, amazing conquest. Heavenly tightness embraced another inch of him, then two, then she stopped again, gasping and closing her eyes before finally pushing all the way onto him with an urgent moan.

Their hands were all over each other as she began to ride him, every touch sending shockwaves of pleasure through them both. It was too good, far too good. Unless he used every bit of his control he wouldn't last long like this. But he didn't care, didn't really want it to last longer that much. He just wanted to watch her come first. It would be so easy. He found her clit again and she immediately went wild as he started swirling his finger around it. Her strokes got deeper, faster, her sexy moans so urgent. He knew she was close and he paused, pressing his finger on her clit as she teetered on the brink. "Mayumi, you will make me such a beautiful baby," he said. She gasped and nodded eagerly, moaning as his finger started swirling again. "Right now."

"Yes!" she cried as her orgasm began. She could feel him swelling deep inside her, about to erupt. She could see it in his eyes. "Yes, yes!" She pressed down hard, getting him as deep inside her as possible, holding there, clinging to him and watching his eyes as her body spasmed and clenched through a powerful orgasm. Finally she felt it, she felt his cock pulse and blast his precious seed into her fertile womb. Seconds later as they moved together, their orgasms still washing over them, they both knew she was pregnant. "Oh god, yes! It's so perfect. Thank you!"

Glorious, beautiful joy filled him again, so powerful, so utterly satisfying. Delirious wondrous happiness, such a moment of deep connection, holding her beautiful face in his hands, stroking each other tenderly, just loving the moment, loving that he had filled her with so much joy, satisfied this spectacularly beautiful woman so completely, and given her the gift she had craved so much, now growing in her womb. He brought her in for a final tender kiss.

As their lips met, he felt it. It was back, in full force. Oh my god, suddenly everything felt so good. Every nerve ending at maximum sensitivity, every tiny sensation magnified, just like it had been with Dandan and Kyung.

He stood up and looked hungrily at the remaining four. Abigail, Daiyu, Hua, and Chun. They were all such sweethearts, such precious things. Ridiculously gorgeous, each one. And all so fucking hot for him, driven wild by waiting for him so long and by watching him with the others. All four were ready to make him twins, right now. It was the perfect time for that heightened pleasure to come back. He would savor the fuck out of these four.

He stepped close to Daiyu, inches away, and pulled Hua and Chun to his side, just as they had been this afternoon in the hallway. "Now," he whispered. "Now, we have time." Daiyu's lips met his, and just like earlier today, their passion went right off the charts. Wild passionate kisses, hands groping everywhere, bodies squirming and grinding together. Soon he had Daiyu backed up against the wall, her skirt hiked up, just like earlier today, his hands up Hua and Chun's dresses from behind, his fingers exploring their extremely wet pussies as he bent his knees so Daiyu could line him up with her as she pressed her hips out toward him.

He finally felt her tight sweetness surround him and he pushed in an inch. It was heaven. Every sensation magnified, the pleasure mind-blowing, and his desire for them all so intense. He was finally becoming one with Daiyu. He had longed for this ever since he met her this afternoon, ever since Kai-Ming had interrupted them right before he could do this to her. What he was finally, finally doing right now. He pushed again and he was fully embedded in her gorgeous body. So fucking great.

He knew he could make all three of them come so easily. Hua, just like that with his finger gently strumming her clit side to side, Chun with two fingers deep inside her, pressing hard on her g spot while his thumb worked her clit. Chun and Hua gasped as he put his thoughts into action. And Daiyu. He began to slowly thrust deep into her, pressing her against the wall. Just like this. And by looking in her eyes and telling her he was going to give her his babies. She'd come so hard if she thought he was close. It wouldn't be a lie. He could feel his orgasm building. But he wouldn't let it happen, not yet.

"I'm going to fill you, Daiyu," he whispered in her ear. "Fill you with twins."

"Oh, fuck! Yes, yes!" She grabbed his head and kissed him, pushing her hips out to meet his thrusts.

"Yes! Do it," Hua breathed in his ear. "Knock her up." Hua was close. Chun was too. He slowed down, holding them right at the brink, waiting for Daiyu to catch up. He was close too, and she felt him swell deep inside her. God, what a gorgeous thing. He wanted to let go so badly. To knock this incredible tall slender sweetheart up with his twins, right now. He held on, just gazing into Daiyu's eyes, watching her orgasm begin. It was so fucking beautiful, so sexy, so wild. Clenching on his cock, gasping, moaning out each wave of pleasure. Chun and Hua joined her seconds later, squirming against him, a beautiful chorus of passionate cries in his ears. And somehow he held on. He turned his head to Hua for a delightful first kiss as she came on his fingers, gasping and shuddering, then did the same with Chun.

"Bastard," Daiyu said as she came down, smiling and clenching hard on his cock.

"I'm just getting started," he said. He stayed there a little longer before slowly, carefully pulling out of her. It felt so fucking incredible and he was still close, but he managed to pull out without coming.

He freed his hands from the other two and began to slowly undress Daiyu, savoring every inch of skin he revealed, kissing his way down from her neck, delighting in her firm upturned breasts and in every gorgeous curve of her tall delicate body. He did the same to Hua next, taking his time and appreciating her stunning shape, slightly shorter than Daiyu with even more of an hourglass figure, wide hips with an absolutely incredible tight round ass. She writhed so sexily, so urgently as his lips and fingers worshipped her body. Then he slowly undressed Chun. She was like a petite version of Daiyu, tiny slender perfection, such incredible skin, everything perky and tight. God, that tight little perky ass. That tiny waist. And that wild intense energy. She wanted him to take her hard, and he couldn't wait to do it.

He stood up and turned to Abigail. She gasped in excitement as their eyes met. Fuck, those eyes were so gorgeous, so impossibly beautiful. And so full of desperate lust. She needed him so badly. She had waited so long. He slowly drew closer to her, stunned by the power of the moment. This devastatingly beautiful model was so wet for him, so ready, craving his cock in her, desperate for his seed in her womb. Her gorgeous eyes closed as his lips drew near, freeing him from her spell and allowing him to just appreciate the rest of her face. He paused a moment to caress her face in wonder, then finally tasted her soft lips in a first kiss that instantly turned wildly passionate.

She pressed her body against his, squirming and gasping in need as he kissed her neck and chest. She had no patience, wouldn't wait for him to slowly explore her body. She had her clothes off in seconds and she was climbing him, both legs around his waist, pressing and grinding her wet pussy against his abdomen as he staggered backward toward the bed, guided and helped by the other girls.

Those gorgeous eyes were fierce, determined. She was like Fen, unstoppable, her goal in her sights. Time slowed down as he stared into those hypnotic eyes, the moment he had craved quickly approaching. He was on his back on the bed and she had his shaft at her entrance. Abigail. Oh my fucking god, Abigail, that elf, that sweetheart, that absurdly beautiful model, was taking him inside her, right now. His actual cock was an inch inside her heavenly body. Two inches. That look of penetration in her eyes, of being stretched, of being overwhelmed with pleasure, of that craving for him beginning to be satisfied. Such intense pleasure, gasping, moaning, writhing her way onto him another delicious inch. Fucking heaven. Unbelievably hot. Could he really hold on? Yes. He could. Always. That was almost the best part.

Finally she bottomed out. He was one with her. Deep inside of this absurdly beautiful model, his tip so close to where he knew two fertile eggs awaited his seed. What a moment. What a fucking goddess. Abigail was his. She closed her eyes as she squirmed on him, mashing her clit against him and moaning sexily. Freed again from the spell of her eyes, he finally had the chance to take in her body. He could almost cry from the perfection of it, the absurd beauty of every inch of her. Her lovely little upturned breasts were somehow just as elf-like as her face, just as ridiculously beautiful, her tiny hard nipples captivating him like her eyes. Her impossibly tiny waist, her perfect flat stomach, her wide hips, smooth shapely thighs, her luscious smooth tanned skin. He ran his hands over her outline, needing to confirm it was real. She was so fucking real. And really fucking him, right now.

She began to move on him, moaning urgently with each slow delicious thrust. So insanely good. Did he really want to hold on? He could knock her up with twins any second if he let himself. He could combine his DNA with this goddess twice in one moment. Oh my god, he wanted to so much. She was already getting close. If she came, he knew he'd change his mind and decide to let go and come with her. It would be soon. She was speeding up, eyes open again, that fierce driving look back in her eyes, captivating him, urging him to fill her. No. His control was infinite. The spell of her eyes couldn't hold him. He pushed her off before she could come. She whined in protest.

He pulled Chun onto him. God, what fun she would be. Her tight, tiny, eager little body, full of lively energy, now spread out above him as she quickly lined him up, her darling eyes dripping with lust.

She pushed hard then stopped halfway, her eyes going wide. "Fuck, how can that feel so good?" She had meant to go hard right away. She wanted to pound him so fucking hard. But the unbelievable pleasure from his magic cock stopped her. She pushed another slow inch onto him, moaning in sweet agony at the impossible pleasure it brought to feel him move in her, filling her so beautifully.

He began to caress her body, urging her on. Glorious delicious conquest. Little Chun. He could get addicted to her. This sweet-faced wild hellcat was finally his. She bottomed out, gasping and clenching her incredibly tight little pussy on him. She took a few deep breaths, squirming on him and clenching periodically, seeming to need time to get used to the feeling of him filling her and the overwhelming pleasure even the slightest movement brought. Finally she began to move, slowly, pausing at the end of each stroke to mash her clit hard against him.

He knew she wanted it hard. That was what would make her come. Now she seemed to be used to him, but she was still going slow. Maybe just overwhelmed with the sensual pleasure of it. He decided to help. He tipped her light body over next to him, pulling out and flipping her onto her side facing away from him. She pushed her gorgeous tight perky little ass backwards toward him, squirming around, blindly seeking his cock as he scooted into position. He got his tip lodged inside her again, then ran his fingernails up and down her back, making her shiver and arch in delight, which also caused her to press herself back halfway onto him. God what fun to watch her hot tiny body writhing in pleasure.

He began to stroke her, finding the right angle and holding onto her tiny waist, then speeding up, thrusting hard into her wild little body as she grunted and moaned, urging him on, rapidly approaching a second orgasm. He rolled on top of her and she pressed her tight sexy ass up at him as he pounded away. This angle was perfect. He somehow knew it would hit her just right inside and drive her wild. She was clenching on him, incredibly tight, her moans making it clear she was at the brink. God, what a sight, what sexy sounds, what fun she was. Her knees were together but there was still such a huge gap between her slender thighs as she pressed that tight perky ass upward, eagerly meeting his hard thrusts into her tight little pussy.

It took a supreme effort of will not to come with her. He tried to pause at the brink for her but she started slamming her butt up onto him and brought herself over the edge. Her orgasm was explosive, violent, loud, and so fucking beautiful. So intense that it stunned him, helping him hold back as she pounded herself up onto him, high pitched squeaking grunts and gasps and moans announcing her climax and her delight in each wave of pleasure that followed. He was so tempted to let go, watching her tight ass finally slowing down, returning to delicious slow strokes up onto him as her orgasm subsided. He collapsed on top of her, kissing her and stroking her hair as she spasmed and clenched through the aftershocks. He had to stay there a few seconds longer before he could safely move. He was still so close. Finally he carefully withdrew and rolled onto his back.

Hua was on him in seconds, her gorgeous hourglass body opening up over him, her hand bringing his shaft to her molten center, her beautiful soulful eyes so full of lust.

Watching him with the others had been so insanely hot. She was as close as he was. She had no mercy, gave him no break. She pushed her sweet pussy onto him and stopped, gasping, both of them at the brink.

Hua had been so desperately in need of him. For hours and hours she had craved this. Then she had somehow gotten even hotter as she watched him take the others. Now, finally, she had him, and the anticipation of it seemed to have somehow made her pussy a hundred times more sensitive. The sensations of him sliding into and stretching her were unbelievably intense. Her orgasm was already so close. She knew that his was too. Her head was full of thoughts of the perfect twin babies they would make.

No mercy. She would have none of his teasing. There would be no holding back as he had with the others. No words. Just an intense look that said you'll come for me right fucking now, you bastard. She pushed hard, taking him deep inside her and beginning to ride him, mercilessly, perfectly, at the exact angle and speed that she somehow knew would maximize his pleasure. The others gathered around, stroking him everywhere, the pleasure of their caresses almost unbearable. They knew he was trying to wait, but they were all on her side, conspiring with her, urging him to let go in husky whispers.

"Jim, do it in her, knock her up."

"Let go, fill her up."

"Knock her up, Jim!"

"Yes Jim, do it," Hua breathed. "Oh my god, I'm coming. Fill me!"

Unbelievably, he held on. It would be so fucking great to let go, to join her glorious orgasm, to combine this moment of conquest of this incredible woman with the joy of impregnation. But he had an even better plan. He desperately hung on as she sped up, mercilessly driving onto him, the pleasure of her strokes so intense, so perfect. His eyes were closed tight, trying to hold back.

"No," he said through gritted teeth. "Not just her. All of you together."

"Oh god!"


"Abigail and Daiyu on your backs, pillows under your butts. Hua and Chun kneel over them, pussies close to theirs."

The others rushed to get in position. Hua gave a few more strokes, finishing her orgasm, then climbed off of him to kneel over Abigail.

He was still at what he had thought was the brink of orgasm, but now it felt like a plateau he could stay at a while before… What? Some even higher peak? It was going to be fucking mind-blowing, whatever it was. Especially the joy at the end. He remembered the double joy from putting twins in Lily. What would happen if he made four sets of twins at once? He was about to find out.

He lined up at Daiyu's sweet entrance and nestled his tip inside, locking eyes with her as he pushed in the first inch, pausing to just soak in the unbelievable pleasure and anticipation of it. He took one of Daiyu's trembling hands in his while his other hand delighted in stroking Hua's pussy. He looked down at Hua. God, what a sexy body shape, her tiny waist and wide hips accentuated in doggystyle position, her sweet pussy still clenching with aftershocks from her orgasm. He looked back to Daiyu's face and then pushed slowly in, deep into her wonderful fertile body. So perfect, so lovely, so ready for him. Just a few strokes and he was ready.

He could make them both come with him so easily, just by strumming Hua a little faster and by telling Daiyu he was close. Looking into her eyes, he realized he didn't have to say it. She knew. She knew that the moment she had waited for was here, right now. That thought was already driving her over the edge into a beautiful orgasm, clenching around him, urgently whispering "do it, yes, do it!" A glorious, overwhelming higher peak, absurd, dizzying pleasure, his vision clouding, and he was there, blasting his seed deep into Daiyu's fertile womb. She shrieked out in pleasure as she felt it mid-orgasm.

Seeing this drove Hua over the edge too, and she was coming on his fingers, moaning and gasping so sexily. He gave Daiyu a few last deep strokes then pulled out of her and slid directly into Hua, pressing immediately deep into her clenching spasming body. His orgasm somehow built higher as he stroked a couple times deep into her, then an even higher peak hit and he was holding on for dear life, his raging cock pulsing deep inside her, delivering his seed perfectly right where she needed it.

He had to get to Chun and Abigail. He was dizzy, seeing stars. Zhihao was at his side helping him, trying to say something to him, but he couldn't hear her over the buzzing in his ears, couldn't process words right now anyway, and didn't look at her face or he would have known it without words.

Somehow he was behind Chun. That perky tight ass squirming in anticipation at him, that sweet little body so ready to bear his twins. He plunged in, pounding hard right away. She gasped and grunted with each impact. The angle was just right for her again. She would come soon. He was coming already, blasting his seed deep inside her, no time to stop and find the right spot, but it didn't matter, he'd just pound it home. And then her orgasm began and he kept going, somehow knowing there was no hurry to get to Abigail. He'd help Chun finish this beautiful orgasm. He somehow knew his orgasm would go on and on like this, wave after wave of pleasure, maybe as long as there were fertile pussies left nearby. It had so much power and momentum. Too bad there weren't another ten pussies lined up. He might have to try that later, if he could ever get back into this state.

Finally Chun's orgasm finished and she fell off of Abigail to the side, rolling out of the way so he could see Abigail's gorgeous perfect body stretched out for him, her beautiful eyes so powerful, so full of meaning and desire, writhing in pleasure as he lodged his tip again in that wonderful goddess.

He pushed his way into her. So fucking beautiful, so perfect, such absurd pleasure. She was close. He was too. He paused for a moment, distracted by Zhihao roughly grabbing his face to make him look at her. She was on the bed next to them, still nude. What was she… Oh. Oh my god, yes. She was finally ready for twins too. He kissed her hungrily as he blasted off, coming deep inside Abigail. Abigail came with him with a series of shrieking moans and gasps, clenching hard on him as he drove over and over again deep into her gorgeous body.

And then he was off her and immediately climbing onto Zhihao. He heard a familiar happy gasp from Hua and Daiyu's direction. The certainty of pregnancy had probably just hit one of them, but he avoided looking. He wanted to feel that all at once. He pushed deep inside of Zhihao, his vision clouding from the pleasure, his lips finding hers as he drove deep inside her, his orgasm reaching a final impossible new peak, and then it finally, finally broke completely, unleashing tidal wave after tidal wave of pleasure throughout his body as his seed spurted into her womb, his thrusts slowed, and his whole body tingled and buzzed with pleasure.

He fell sideways off of her, dizzy and overwhelmed. He fought to hold on, to not pass out yet, trying to blink away the stars and regain his vision. He had to see their faces to know. He was on his back. The five of them were all crowded around him, caressing him, thanking him, crying tears of joy. He knew but he didn't know. He wanted that certainty and the joy that came with it. Please, let me see them, he thought. As soon as he formed the thought, his vision temporarily cleared and he saw their sweet angelic faces, so beautiful, so full of joy. And he knew. All at once. Five unbelievably beautiful, sweet, kind mothers of his twins. Of his ten baby boys. Indescribably intense joy, such a beautiful blissful moment together with them. What a miracle. What a gift. Perfect happiness. Waves and waves of it, more powerful even than that epic orgasm, filling his entire being.

Except for one nagging thought. Ten baby boys? All boys? Alarm bells.

His vision was clouding, his head spinning again. He fought to hold onto consciousness and onto that thought. It was trying to escape him, but he seized it, hard, and pulled with all his might. He saw there was more to it. More news. All of them would be boys. Not just these ten. All his babies. How could that be? Far too many to be a coincidence. It wanted boys. It. Why? There was only one possible answer, and it filled him with horror. One last thought before he finally passed out. What was he helping it do to the world, to humanity?

Jim was out, but the virus was wide awake, scrambling. It was so lucky that he had passed out. Sleeping brains were good at forgetting. It would try to help him forget at least what he had just learned about the babies all being boys, but the feeling of horror would be impossible to erase. Hopefully he'd think he just had a nightmare.

It was so hard to hide anything from Jim. In the other hosts the virus was smaller, more self-contained, allowing it to keep its thoughts from spilling over into the host. In each of those other hosts, the viral network was a simple machine that it could program. In its full form in Jim, where it was big enough to form its own unique consciousness, it was intertwined with him, deeply connected and interdependent in so many ways. So when it got excited, when it got something it wanted, it was almost impossible to hide its thoughts and feelings from him.

But it knew now how important it was to stop them from realizing the gender of the babies, for as long as possible, or perhaps even to allow some of the babies to be girls too. His horror at that realization had been immediate and total. Perhaps it had underestimated Jim, underestimated human intelligence. It needed to be more careful.
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