In his free time after completing his assigned daily tasks the enjoyed time with the hibernating crew.
After 3 months in space, James found himself bored and unable to keep himself entertained in his free time after completing his assigned daily tasks to maintain the craft and the sleeping crew. He had trained himself for this but was quickly learning that training and reality are two very different things.
The first part of the mission he had kept himself busy texting and emailing with friends, family and friendly coworkers from the control center. He’d used The Craft’s on board data to prepare to earn a few degrees while in flight and was doing well in his studies, but he needed some thing more fulfilling.
James was working through his monthly maintenance tasks in the crew hibernation quarters and was dreading the task of cleaning out the waste recycling system that was connected from each crew member into the collector. The crew were fed liquids and nutrients though feeding tubes and the waste recycling system took the waste, separated liquid from solids and left him with the unsavory task of moving the solid waste for storage and reuse. The system was all very clean with very little odor, but James still didn’t like the idea that he was handling, essentially, the fecal matter of every crew member on board. With a crew of 50, there was only around 50-60 lbs of dried matter to dispose of each month, and all of the liquid went back into storage for drinking.
The upside of this rotation in the task list was the personnel utility wash. The crew inspection and saline wash was a weekly task where he would check vitals for each crew member, inspect them physically from head to toe to be sure that there were no lesions, radiation damage, or other concerns that needed to be addressed. There were 32 women in this crew of 50. Of the 32 women on board, there were 10 that made the whole task worthwhile. He saved their inspection for last.
Early in the trip, James had moved the 10 favorites into the same area so that they were the final inspections for the day. For the weekly monitoring task, James was required to physically inspect all crew members, sanitize all feeding ports and waste ports, run a saline and moisturizing bath into their hibernation chamber and take care of any concerns or comfort maintenance of each sleeper. For the 40 crew members at the top of the list, all of the inspections were professional, clinical and boring.
All crew members knew that on a voyage this long, there would be an attending technician that would remain awake while the crew slept. They knew that the technician would eventually see and touch every inch of them in a 9 month voyage. Some even made jokes about who was going to get the most attention when it came to comfort maintenance. Everyone understood that comfort maintenance was part of inspection and included follow ups like custom levels of skin moisturizer in the bath and adjusting air pressure on the side of the skin touching the hibernation mattress. Anything done to prevent or correct lesions throughout the flight or things to make reanimation more pleasant, was considered comfort maintenance. In the days before the crew was to be brought out of stasis, more detailed things would be added. Finger and toe nails would be clipped and hair would be cut using vacuum enabled devices. During voyage time, it was at the technician’s discretion if a crew member needed additional care. James’ favorite 10 got a lot of additional care. They even got their own internal designation in his mind. They were the F-10. F-10 described the group of people as well as the level of detail he took in the tasks of their comfort maintenance.
James never crossed any professional boundaries with his favorite 10, but their nails, hair, air pressures and moisture levels of their baths were always given extra attention. Their skin was maintained perfectly and they always looked angelic laying in their sleep tanks. James never crossed any professional boundaries, but it was part of his job to inspect and if needed, touch every inch of every one of his patients. One of his favorite team members and one of his F-10 jokingly told him to monitor her closely for breast cancer while she was sleeping. He jokingly told her that she would constantly be in good hands while she slept.
James certainly knew, and very well, all of the breast tissue of his favorite 10 as well as the breast tissue of a few others on the crew. He had sexual relations with 2 of the crew during training and quarantine, but none from the F-10. In the beginning, James was well behaved in doing his tasks. As time went on, he entertained himself more by letting his hands enjoy the inspections for a bit longer than needed. At first his hands only spent extra time enjoying inspections on the 2 women in the crew that he’d slept with. James never crossed any professional boundaries but after 3 months in space, James found himself bored and unable to entertain himself in his free time after completing his assigned tasks to maintain The Craft and the sleeping crew.
James spent the next 6 days working in other parts of the craft and only stopped into crew hibernation wings for reviewing charts and preventive maintenance. The crew were in a dark, heavily shielded room next to his monitoring panel. He didn’t see them most of the time. During that week he thought more and more about how isolated he felt and how horny he was. James was watching more porn than usual and one night after all tasks were completed he stumbled across scenes of sleep fetish in the E&E database.
The system database was a snapshot of the internet as it existed in the month before launch. The database was filtered and data was chosen to go into the database as part of the enrichment and entertainment allotment in storage. The enrichment and entertainment systems were assigned more storage space, more power for AI and more total system power than any other 2 systems on The Craft. Scientists knew that E&E could make or break scientific research facilities and ensured that there was as much available as possible. Very little was filtered from the snapshot before loading it onto the ship’s system. Pornography was filtered very little.
After watching sleep fetish videos for a few weeks, James was starting to see very blurred edges on the line between patient inspection and what would be considered unprofessional behavior. In reality, James knew that those edges were blurry to him after only a week or two of being on the mission but James felt that he was about to break rules at a level of his morality that he’d never questioned before.
James scheduled additional inspections and maintenance on the two women on board that he’d slept with. He also scheduled 3 men from the list so that it didn’t throw a flag up in an audit. As usual, he only gave the men a quick look over during the extra inspection. When he looked at the 2 women, he spent more time touching and squeezing. He brought moisturizer and thoroughly coated them and massaged their sleeping bodies. He wasn’t able to put his fingers inside of the patients due to the life support systems attached to hibernation garments. The mouth was closed and sealed with a small hose and device inside. A very small pair of panties were on the ladies and were solely to hold the urine and limited solid waste collector tubes. Skin was covered as little as possible to avoid lesions. As much as James wanted to finger these women, he knew that there would be a procedure to follow, and document, if he removed the hibernation garment. He got himself very worked up touching and kissing the sleeping former lovers and when he couldn’t take anymore, he finalized the inspection and went to his state room to use the onboard AI generator and toys that he’d printed. He watched more sleeping fetish videos that he’d programmed to have characters that looked like F-10 crew and ejaculated into the toy he had made that was connected to a collection device near his bunk.
The weekly cleaning was a few days away and James spent the time thinking about what he could do to enjoy the time when he did the F-10 cleaning tasks. He had several things in mind and as he started inspecting the F-10, he knew which patient would be first and he knew exactly what he’d be doing. For this first break from professionalism, James picked Angela. She was one of the youngest and lowest ranking crew members on board, and to be F-10, she was also one of the prettiest. She was small and had a very lean body with perfect, small, perky breasts. Even lying still her body showed a little muscle tone. She was blonde and had shoulder length wavy hair with curls that formed around her face. Her nose was well defined, graceful, strong and unmodified by surgery. Her arms were long and lean and her clavicles and ribs showed softly through her skin. Her stomach was flat and her hipbones contrasted against the soft curves beautifully. She had beautiful A cups that were almost flat against her chest. Her legs were long and lean like her arms. She was barely 5 feet tall and 90 lbs. James thought about how easy it would be to take her out of the hibernation tank and use her unconscious body on a softer transfer gurney.
James adjusted Angela’s hibernation tank elevation so that it was at a comfortable level for him. The hibernation tanks were designed around the inhabitants body and cradled them with just enough space for inspections and utility wash liquid to fill the tank and cover them. Air pressure from below kept the skin from chafing against the synthetic tub bottom. James took out his cock and started rubbing it on different parts of Angela’s helpless body. He licked and bit her breasts and nipples. He kissed as deeply between her legs as he could without disconnecting her catheters. James took his time and adjusted Angela’s body position, using the robotic assistant, so he could rub his cock on all of soft curves of her skin. He ran his hands over her body and rubbed his cock on her belly until he couldn’t wait anymore. He watched cum explode onto her stomach, filling her navel and running down her waist, dripping into her hibernation tank. James stood still letting his balls empty onto the sleeping body. He pulled at her nipples and enjoyed the sight he just created.
James wanted to use one more crew member for one more orgasm before going back to his quarters. There was a particularly pretty, but also particularly bitchy member of the crew and James wanted to cum on her face. He turned on cleaning mode on Angela’s tank and set the system to complete a basic utility wash on its own. He turned his attention to Kit.
Kit was an Asian scientist that was about 40 years old. She had shiny, black, super straight hair, that was cut in a fringe style to frame her perfect flat face. Asleep in her tank, Kit looked very sweet and peaceful, but awake, she was a bitch to the core. She was one of the top leaders and top minds on the mission. All she lacked was the ability to treat people well. She always did what was best for the crew’s success, best for the mission and best for science, so everyone respected her, but even her decisions to implement crew enrichment programs were implemented with a cold, driven calculation.
James was always a bit more rough when inspecting Kit and this inspection was going to be no different. He groped Kit’s body forcefully and pulled her tank into position so he could lay his cock across her face. He was careful to avoid hitting the life support tubes in her mouth and nose, but he slapped the rest of her face mercilessly with his cock. He squirted some moisturizer onto the eye closest to him and started pushing his slippery cock hard against her closed eyelids and the bridge of her nose. He alternated between slapping her face and humping her face. He was starting to see some red marks in the shape of a shaft and he knew that she would be a little bruised from the punishment. She would never know the difference, but he knew he may be able to see the marks for another 2 cycles of cleanings. He felt a pang of guilt but this also stirred a darker side in him and his cock got harder from the thought of seeing the reminder for a few weeks. He gave her face one final slap and started cumming on the pretty flat Asian features.
Having ones fluids analyzed daily for optimal meal and vitamin administration allows a man to have more energy and more semen production than most health fanatics even dream of. James’ second orgasm wasn’t as intense as the first but there was an equally abundant amount of semen as the first load. James aimed the different shots of that load to all of his favorite spots on Kit’s face. Despite how harsh she was, James always found Kit’s eyes soft and beautiful when she was sitting still and thinking. Her large dark eyes and epicanthal folds always caught his attention and mesmerized him. Her strong cheekbones flattened her face and her gold skin always reflected a better version of whatever light was on her. Her short straight hair and fringe were always the perfect, precise frame for her face. The end of the fringe, where it almost touched her eyebrows, was as sharp as a knife and always in a perfect straight line. It was in these three areas that James focused his load.
He knew that the would get 2 good shots when he came on her, maybe a 3rd but it would be weak. He aimed the first one by laying his cock on her forehead. His rope-like load coated her bangs and fell in a long splash into her eyelid. He twisted his cock and let the second shot squirt across her cheekbones. He knew that the rest of his load would only leak from his cock so he laid it across the side of her face closest to him and let it shrink and drain as he took pictures.
As pretty as she was at work, she was much prettier laying in her hibernation tank, with white globs of jizz on her face. He knew that the next 6 months on this voyage would give him plenty of time to cum on all of the women in the crew that he wanted to. He knew the F-10 would get most of the attention, but he knew he would spend time with a few other sleeping women, showing them his new hobby. He turned away from Kit and programmed Angela’s hibernation tank to go into low power mode until the next scheduled inspection. He turned back to Kit’s control panel and canceled the cleaning cycle for Kit so he could come back later and see his load on her face again before cleaning her up.
I hope you enjoyed the story. It got a little long, but I already have Part 2 brewing. Please leave a comment letting me know what you thought. I always enjoy feedback.