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Coercing a Mother for sexual gratification,
I smiled to myself thinking of the saying “revenge is a meal best served cold”. For in a couple of minutes I will be enjoying that meal and snooty Mrs Pamela Barratt will be the main course.

I did not consider it blackmail or coercion, more a business transaction. My information would land her in jail which she does not want, and her complying to my needs will prevent that happening. Each party gets a result they want. And I really want her to earn her part of the contract.

I parked down the road from the corner house she lived in and could see the French windows and Juliet balcony of a rear bedroom that looked out over the rear garden and the neighbours opposite garden and houses.

I rang her number and after nearly half a minute she answered.


I smiled at the inflection of resignation in her voice.

“It,s me lover” I answered even though we had only met face to face the once previously when I showed her proof of the paperwork that would land her with a long prison sentence.

“ Have you got Dick there” I continued knowing her husband was called Richard.

A pause then “No, he is at work, there,s only me”.

“Good, do you have a thong or panties that have a narrow waistband ?”.

There was another pause,

“Yes” was the reply.

“Good, put them on now, plus a bra and one of your work dresses. And you had better hurry, then call me back…and I mean hurry, I am a impatient man and prison for you would not be the best place…and when you call I want you to say I am longing for you now, understand say I am longing for you now”, I hung up still with a grin on my face as I checked the time.

13 minutes later the phone rang.

“Yes lover” I answered.

There was a pause then a hesitant “ I… longing for you”.

“I had better come cum for you then, be at your door in two minutes”. With that I climbed out of the car while adjusting my now semi hard cock for comfort and started towards the house.

Tapped the door twice and waited, but almost immediately she opened the door and I entered and she closed it as though she did not want prying neighbours seeing me arrive which in the circumstances I understood fully.

I looked Mrs Pamela Barratt up and down. She was small at maybe just over five feet tall compared to my six foot and had flat shoes and I thought should have insisted on her wearing heels to accentuate her calves, ah but never mind.

She wasn,t wearing nylons, then again I did not order her to. The woollen dress reached a couple of inches above knee length and was black with a grey check pattern and zippered at the back I presumed. I guessed she was a size 10. Face wise she wasn,t overly attractive and had brown hair styled short for easy management. But there too was a MILF about her and me having control of her made her even sexier.

I had my phone in my hand and raised it to get a good image.

“What are you doing?” she almost shrieked.

“Oh I am filming this for my own gratification Pam. Don,t worry Babe, If I were to show this to someone else I would get in trouble with the law and I don,t want the idea of going to jail hanging over me like you have Babe if the information I have got into the wrong hands. No, you can rest assured that only me will be tossing myself off ogling you on film. Now let me hear you say you want only me wanking over this film….say it now Pam just me, or I go and the deals off”.

Her blue eyes had a coldness but she uttered “ I want just you wanking over this film”.

“ I will Babe and you can finger yourself knowing I am” I answered. “ Now lead me to the bedroom and I want to see you sway that booty Bitch.”

Mrs Barret, the stuck up snob who,s family bakery firm had employed my Mom, and who had made her life a misery and sacked her just before Christmas a couple of years ago

She started up the stairs and put a slight sway to her bottom as she took the steps, I grinned knowing I for one will enjoy today…not so sure whether Mrs Barrett will.

At the top on the landing she turned to head towards the front of the house. I stopped her.

“Where is the room with the French windows” I demanded.

She looked slightly shocked “ No, that.s my daughters room. Mine is “ I cut her off.

“ No, my little bitch we will use your daughters room” and I opened the bedroom door and gestured her in.

She reluctantly entered her daughters room. Against the wall on the far side was the bed and at the wall directly opposite the lace curtained French window was a chest of drawers. I pointed to it “ Stand there” I ordered. She obeyed and stood facing me in front of the chest of drawers directly opposite the French windows.

“good now take your dress of for me lover” I told her “ and make it sexy”

I saw a slight expression of disgust on her face, though she started to unzip herself then slowly shrugged the dress from her shoulders and let it fall to the carpeted floor.

She stood there in bra and panties, the bra cups were black and the straps a black and greyish pattern. The panties were as ordered, a small triangle of matching material to the bra covering her groin and a black string waistband joining the front and rear triangle. I supposed her coordinating the dress and underwear match was subconscious .

“Nice” I said. “Now walk over to the French window, raise your arms and open the curtains and when you do so stay in that position looking out. Even if someone see,s you….understand?”.

She did not reply but walked over to the window and raised her arms and drew the curtains wide and stood there looking out.

I stepped behind her and was dissapointed that there was no one looking in this direction.

“Stay just like that, do not move” I said in her ear, and with my free hand as I was still recording I placed my hand on her pantie covered left buttock and gave it a firm squeeze and felt her arse muscle tense in reaction. I squeezed it again before sliding my fingers around her torso and over her stomach that betrayed by her stretch marks that she had kids , upwards to her bra covered breast and again I gave her boob a caress and squeeze before sliding my fingers down over the triangle of her panties rubbing my finger between her legs and felt the trace of the outer lips of her slit beneath the material.

I stepped back. “Now open the French window lover” I ordered.

She unlocked the window and started opening one side.

“Both at once like the curtains” I demanded.

I saw a brief hesitation in her stance but she complied and opened both sides at once and stood framed in the opening, arms spread apart visible in her skimpy bra and panties if anyone were to look.

“Good, you have given any guy or kid watching some wank material seeing you like that. Now back over here”

She turned with that hard disdainful look on her face for being forced to do things with no personal control. And walked back to the chest of drawers opposite the full length open French windows which allowed us to look out on neighbours properties and the street, and likewise anyone curious enough could see into the room where she was placed.

“I want you to face me and lean back on the furniture hips forward, hands on the counter top and legs apart “.

Her disdainful look was still there, and I was turned on by the fact she hated what she was being made to do , but could not prevent it other than if deciding 5 years in prison was better than a couple of hours mistreatment today. She obviously preferred the later because she again obeyed.

Mrs Pamela Barrett, Justice of the peace, school governor and town councillor stood there in her daughters bedroom in front of a virtual stranger and maybe visible to strangers or neighbours in nothing but a skimpy bra and panties.

I propped the camera phone to the left of the window on a dressing table so it kept her in focus and me free to play, and saw a framed photo of her daughters face and positioned that better so the Mother could see her child as she endures my wishes.

“ Nice girl” I commented gesturing to the picture “Will you be telling her what you did in her bedroom when she comes home?”. I raised a eyebrow . She just looked at me.

“You will play to my fantasies lover, From now on let me hear what I want to hear from you…. now ….Are you going to tell her?”.

She looked down at the floor for what seemed an eternity then almost whispered “Yes, I will tell her”.

“Tell your daughter in graphic detail?”.

Again the whisper, “ I will tell her in graphic detail”.

“You want me naked lover?” I asked.

She was still staring at the floor but knew what I wanted to hear.

“Yes” she answered.

“Look at me when you tell me and not in a whisper. Tell me you crave to see my bollocks and cock Lover”.

She raised her head in defiance and spat out slowly “I want to see your bollocks and cock”.

I smiled, “ You only had to ask Lover” And took off my polo shirt and tossed it on the floor. Kicked off my trainers and unbuckled and pulled down and took of my jeans leaving me in just my black boxers with a bulge from my cock more than evident.

“I bet you want to get your hand in my underwear and fondle my cock and balls , am I right Lover?”.

She knew what I wanted to hear.

“ I want to fondle your cock and balls”.

“Say please, and tell me you want to in your daughters room”.

She looked directly at me for a moment then said “Please can I fondle your cock and balls here in Maddie,s bedroom.”

Maddie is her daughters name then I thought.

I moved till I was directly in front of Pamela “ Put your hand in there. I want to feel your hand cupping my balls and feeling my cock, so you can tell Maddie what it is like”

She moved her right hand inside the waistband and down to my groin and my hardening cock greeted her fingers immediately. She was looking towards a corner of the room so I gripped her jaw and pointed her face towards mine so it was just several inches from mine.

“Look me in the eyes lover” she did as obeyed “Cup my balls in your hand Babe, feel my bollocks…tell me what they produce Babe. What are you making my balls produce Babe. Tell me and use coarse words Babe.

I am not sure if I had broken her for a moment or she just thought fuck this, lets just get it over, but she spat almost breathlessly. “I am making you fucking balls ache with cum till you spunk “

I was hard as a rock and she was right in that I would soon be shooting spunk into my underwear if she continued.

I smiled and pulled her hand out. And placed it back on the counter so she was back in position.

“One good turn deserves another, you enjoyed exploring me, so I want you to stay there and do not move and I will explore you Lover, Understand.”

She just nodded. I turned to ensure my camera was still focusing on where we were, it was.

I took my underwear off. “Tell me how you love my cock Lover.”

She swallowed before saying “I love your cock”.

“My big hard cock and balls full of cum” I encouraged.

“I Iove seeing your big hard cock and your balls that are full of your cum”. Her voice was sounding hoarser.

“ Lets see what you have got Babe” and I reached round and uclasped her bra and brushed the straps off her shoulders exposing her mature sagging tits and proud pink nipples.

“What size Babe” I asked as I weighed them in my palms.


“A saggy 34 Babe, but nice even so, I bet these Babes have given a fuck load of milk, Hey Babe, Tell me you were like a Fucking cow giving tit milk.”

“I was a fucking tit cow giving my milk.”

“Can tell by the size of your bipples” I said while feeling them between finger and thumb of each hand.

I leaned my mouth towards her right nipple “ Better check if the well is dry,” and started to suckle the proud hard baby feeder.

I sucked, licked and nibbled her nipple covering it with my mouth saliva for nearly half a minute before raising my head. Pamela,s face and cupper chest was flushed.

“Nice, but milkless, perhaps the other” I lowered my mouth to her left nipple and started to enjoy that one while cupping the saggy tit. I moaned with pleaure at being able to use her and heard a couple of sighs and gasps from her as I worked her tits.

After some more second I stopped.

Yes her face and chest were flushed from my use of her now spit covered mature tits.

“Very nice, but again you’ve milked that tit dry too….though you may end up pregnant even at your age and become a tit cow again. You would like that wouldn,t you?.” I grinned.

She just looked at me…and the coldness in her eyes were still there but not so much so.

In that resigned voice “Yes…..I would like that.”

“Now I want you to give a verbal commentary of what I am doing .I want you to be crude in the words you choose to use too, no medical terms understand.?

She just nodded.

She stood there leaning slightly backwards , hands gripping the edge of the counter top and her hips slightly forward.

I reached a hand out.

She started to speak.

“You have your hand on my stomach, and I can feel your finger in my belly button. Your pressing it.”

I angrily interjected “Pressing what Bitch?. I said be graphic and crude didn,t I. “

“Your pressing your finger in and out of my belly button……You now are using your tongue on my belly button…your prodding and licking it……I can feel your hands on my hips”.

I stood in front of her.

“Carry on.”

She continued the commentary of her degradation.

“I can feel your fingers at the top of my panties. Your hand is moving down my thigh and stroking me. Your hand is on my groin.”

She saw the glare on my face.

“Your hand is on my cunt” she rectified immediately.

“Your hand is moving up my body…your hand is moving down. I can feel your fingers going into the top of my panties. I can feel you in my panties,,,your fingers are playing with my pubic hair…oh god I can feel your finger stroking my cunt slit.”

I could feel her body reacting as she spoke of her humiliation and her tone of voice began to change.

She was still speaking.

“ I can feel your finger on my slit…OOOOOH your in me ..your fingering me God your fingering me.” She gasped.

I felt the warm moist dampness of her love tunnel and inserted a second finger into her and started finger fucking the bitch and feeling her with my palm against her curly bush.

I turned to give the camera a letcherous smile and caught some movement and could see a two teenage boys in the garden opposite playing with a football.

I immediately grabbed Mrs Pamela Barrets panties and pulled them down exposing her dark curly fanny and put her hand on my rock hard cock which she gripped immediately. Then I grabbed the back of her neck and whispered to her.

Look out the window Bitch…see them? .”

I watched her eyes move to the window and the reaction as she saw the two youths that she probably knew, and the realisation that if they were to look in our direction she would be seen like this.

Before she could react I pushed my two fingers back into her cunt and vigourously started to finger fuck her again still gripping the back of her neck so she remained looking at the youths playing.

Her body involuntarily reacted to the primal instinct of sexual gratification her body was experiencing even though she may be seen at any time in all her naked glory …and she started to squirt! ….I finger fucked her even harder as the squelch of her love juices became louder and I felt her shudder and her muscles contract in a massive orgasm.

I needed to fuck the Bitch now a still holding the back of her neck, forced her naked, her legs unsteady post orgasm to her daughters bed.

I pulled back the patterned duvet and pushed her onto the bed. I could smell the scent of her daughter on the sheets and so could her Mother.

I pulled her legs apart and placed my bellend at the opening of her cunt and just rammed my cock into her up to my balls.

She gasped with pain but I then felt her pushing her hips towards the thrusts as if trying to get my cock more and more deeply inside her.

I gladly responded and fucked her as deep and hard as I had ever fucked before, and as I did I hoarsely whispered. “ “I am going to fuck you so hard and deep your going to get pregnant Bitch…I am going to make you have a bastard baby from me?.”

I repeated it as she was caught up in the emotion of pure physical sex.

“Yes, Yes. Do it then ..fuck me with your seed you bastard.” She replied still forcing her pelvis into me.

I felt her lips on her cheek and she started kissing me Turned slightly and she kissed me passionately on the lips and probed me with her tongue and I instinctly responded.

We were naked fucking the shit out of each other in her daughters bed and I felt her again go into her orgasmic contractions and I followed suit. And pumped my cum into her, spurting my seed as deep as I could. I thrusted and thrusted milking my balls dry in her cunt till I knew I was empty and exhaustedly withdrew my glistening cock from her.

“Start masturbating Babe, and feel the cum I,ve put in you and know I may of made you a Mommy again” I ordered her as she lay exhausted, legs still open and cunt wet with sex.

She moved her right hand down and started rubbing her clit whilst fondling her left tit and hard nipple .

I stood as she masturbated herself as I watched.

“Bet your gonna sneak in here when your alone and wank yourself in your daughters bed remembering how we fucked today hey Babe.?”

“If you want me too” she said looking at me while masturbating herself openly for me.

I was slightly taken aback by her response.

“And if I do?.”I enquired.

“Then I would for you.”

“And if I fancy fucking you silly again and filling your tight cunt with my cum?.”

“That,s what I want you to do, I want to be fucked again and again.”

I grinned wanking my cock to attention.

“That Babe can be arranged.” And again climbed on the bed.
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