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When Choral got up that morning she was a fifteen-year-old schoolgirl, when she walked out the door ahead of me, she was a twenty-five-year-old female marketing her willingness to multiply the species
We rode into Warm Waters State Park just after noon on a bright, clear Thursday. My daughter and I were headed for a favorite swimming hole. It was a school day but it was Choral’s birthday and she convinced me to let her take the day off from lessons to go on a picnic in her favorite park. It was easy for her to convince me to take a day from work to spend with the birthday girl. Patsy, my wife, was too tied up with a big-dollar donor to join us but she was in full agreement with what our daughter and I were doing that day. When we came into the parking lot at the small lake there was just one other vehicle parked, an Indian Scout motorcycle which meant there would be plenty of free space and quiet at the warm springs. Perfect, it looked to be a good day for daddy and daughter bonding. I parked my Road King next to the Scout.

When we stepped off the trail to the lake, we saw who came on the other bike. Choral chirped a happy laugh then took off running to the pair who were sitting on a blanket next to the water, “Wanda! Wanda, what the fuck are you doing here?” The girl she was talking to stood then bolted a short distance until the two threw their arms around each other in a happy hug. Choral turned to me, “Daddy, this is Wanda, she goes to my school, we have three classes together; she is almost my best friend.”


“She would be my best friend if she didn’t live so far away.” She focused on Wanda, “Are you skipping school too? Who are you with?”

Wanda stepped away from Choral, “Choral, this is my dad, daddy, this is Choral and ---,” she looked at me.

As I admired the girl, appreciating her pretty face, amber eyes, windblown red hair, and very alluring body, I offered my hand to him, “Mike, her father.”

He took my hand, “Jeffery, or Jeff; her father.” Just as soon as introductions were done, the girls got excited to go play in the stream. Wanda was ready, she wore a red two-piece swimsuit, it wasn’t a bikini, but still allowed an intimate view of her ripe young woman’s features. Choral stood nearby and stripped her boots, dropped her denim jeans then ripped her sweatshirt off. In just moments after we arrived my daughter was wearing just her two-piece swimsuit and running for the water. As the girls bolted for the pool, I knew without a doubt, that if I were eighteen, I would have had a fucking hard-on already. Jeff and I watched them until they were wet then he invited me to sit with him. I pulled a beer out of my six-pack cooler, looked at him and he nodded. We sat back and watched our daughters playing in the clear warm water, sipped Yingling, and got acquainted.

We talked and I quickly learned that he too was skipping work to spend a day with his daughter, and he was 98% sure that our meeting in the park was prearranged by the two girls. Yeah, he had a point, the happenstance meeting seemed too convenient. Anyway, Jeff was a widower; his wife, Wanda’s mother died the previous year. He used to have a Harley but switched to the Indian a few months earlier. My wife wasn’t dead, but as the close confidant and top advisor for a well-known political figure, she stayed very busy, often out of the house for days at a time while Choral and I lived as if alone in the world too. I missed my wife more than I didn’t miss her.

Wanda and Choral were splashing, laughing, and having fun when Jeff suggested we take a walk. We took the hiking trail along the river and as soon as we got out of sight of the girls he asked, “You smoke pot?”

Oh, hell yeah, “Are you offering?” He pulled a tin out of his pocket, brought out a big hand-rolled, and offered me the first hit. I lit the joint then Jeff and I began to get more acquainted. We walked the back trails for over an hour, talking, and learning who we were, and by the time we’d finished two good joints, Jeff and I were bonding. We had a lot in common and at the end of the trail had agreed to a ride together to Daytona Bikefest. As we approached the springs again, we heard the peal of the girls laughing, they were still at the pond. They came into sight when we stepped around a large tree; they were sitting side by side, waist-deep in the water; both were nude. I started to say something but Jeff put a hand on my arm getting my attention, “Don’t, not yet, let’s see what they are doing.”

I was stoned and the sight of the two fifteen-year-olds delighted my eyes, and even though one was my daughter, I stepped back then Jeff and I watched the alluring water nymphs talk and play. It didn’t bother me one bit that he was eyeballing Choral, at that moment she wasn’t my daughter, she was female. However, I did focus more on Wanda than Choral, I suppose because it’s natural, she wasn’t related and I assumed he was fixated on my girl, but that didn’t raise any daddy concerns just then. The scene was too intriguing to let minor details like kinship be a bother.

Jeff and I stood behind the big Live Oak and watched them for a minute or so then we had to announce our presence. We stepped into view as if we had just arrived then Jeff yelled at them, “Hey girls, you better get some fucking clothes on.” They spun their heads to see us then Wanda shrieked with embarrassment while Choral grabbed her swimsuit. We two stood quiet while they turned their backs to us and slipped into something less transparent than thin air. The shock of being caught nude quickly faded and the girls asked us where we’d been then announced they were hungry. “Okay,” said Jeff, “Get your clothes on then we can go to that diner on 41, they serve excellent burgers.” Squeals of delight followed the girls into the bushes where they managed to put on their street clothes without being a public spectacle. After an afternoon lunch, we mounted the bikes and rode home, Jeff and Wanda followed us to our place then after a few minutes of saying goodbye and making plans for another ride, they left for home.

Later that night while Choral was telling her mother about about the day, I stepped into my backyard and sipped a couple of tokes off a bong and recalled from my memories the images of Wanda nude. It didn’t take long before my naked daughter was standing next to her friend and I was enjoying the images of both. Just as I was ready to return to the house my daughter came out to join me, she took the bong from my fingers then puffed it dead. Choral was allowed to share weed with Patsy and me since her mother caught her with a small pipe a few months earlier. Even though marijuana is legal as a recreational drug where we live, we had to be real fucking careful about when and where we smoked, if the public found out that we allowed our fifteen-year-old daughter to get high with us, my wife’s career with her politician could be jeopardized, “Where is your mom?”

“She’s on the computer putting out some fire for Willis.” Willis was her political boss. My daughter and I stood under the Milky Way and she began to talk, “I like Wanda, what do you think of her dad?”

“I think your accidental meeting with Wanda wasn’t very accidental, Jeff suspects too.” I smiled down at her, “We have a lot in common, we might get along as well as you do with her.” I had to ask, “Whatever possessed you to strip naked in the springs today, that place isn’t exactly private.”

“We could see the parking lot, if someone had come in, we would have seen and put our suits back on.”

“But Jeff and I were wandering around, didn’t you think of that?”

My daughter looked at me and grinned, “Come on Dad, you’ve seen me naked before and it doesn’t bother me, and I’ve seen you too, more than once. Wanda and I talked about if you two would see us but since you’re our daddies, it didn’t matter.”

“Jeff is not your daddy.”

“Then I bet he enjoyed the view for a few moments, didn’t you?”

Her comment caused me to pause, who the hell is this girl? “Don’t you have school tomorrow?”


“Then you better go to bed.”

Choral kissed me on the cheek, “Nite Daddy, I had a good day today, love you,” then slipped back into the house leaving me alone with some new and disturbing thoughts about my daughter. That night I told Patsy my version of our day; most of the day, I left out the part where the two teens were displaying for nature and their fathers.

In the next five weeks Jeff and I took road trips on the bikes, the first we rode with two of his friends, then the second time our daughters rode with is as I led him on a favorite ride along a long mountain road. Our next trip would be Daytona Beach and Choral had been bugging the crap out of me to convince Jeff to take Wanda and her on the trip. We fathers gave in and rented an Airbnb on the beach so the girls could soak up a spring break lifestyle while Jeff and I killed the days doing bike fest stuff. Patsy was on the campaign trail with Willis and while they would be in Daytona for a quick handshake stop, she didn’t expect to be home for days.

It was a six-hour ride to Daytona so we left early on a Friday morning, school was out for Spring Break so the girls didn’t have to skip. When she came from her room my daughter caused me to stutter stare at her, she was dressed for the ride in the best biker fashion. Choral is a tad over 5’7 and weighs in around 115 with a 36” bust, and a thin waist that flared into a tight pear-shaped ass. She wore faded denim jeans that must have taken her fifteen minutes to squeeze into, a burnt red t-shirt that announced she had been to a Taylor Swift concert in 2023, under a white denim jacket. The jacket was decorated with a she-devil stitched on the back with red thread. The 12-inch image was naked and holding a trident with three cock shaped tines. Choral accessorized with black titanium 1-inch hoop earrings, a double-strand black woven choker, and just the right amount of makeup. My daughter was more appealing to the man within than the day I saw her naked in the springs. “Jesus girl, you look fucking hot, and that bitch on your back is very suggestive; are you advertising?”

My daughter didn’t look upset or get defensive because of my salacious comment, “No, but I’m not going to wear school clothes this weekend.” She picked up her backpack, “Let’s go, I want to see how Wanda made up, we agreed to wear spring break-type stuff.” If I had any objections to how she was dressed, I got the impression she didn’t care. When Choral got up that morning she was a fifteen-year-old schoolgirl, when she walked out the door ahead of me, she was a twenty-five-year-old female marketing her willingness to multiply the species.

When we arrived at the cafe for breakfast with Jeff and Wanda, my breath caught in my throat for a few seconds. Choral’s fiend was more alluring than even my daughter. She too wore painted-on denim pants, black, with rips across the left thigh and a tattered edge hole just below her right butt cheek, allowing a peek at smooth, creamy skin under the bulge of the smartphone in an ass pocket. She wore an open-collar button blouse that exposed the straps of a black bra and enough cleavage to attract attention. Her dark mahogany hair was pulled into a ponytail and she wore a silver and onyx necklace which complimented a set of 2-inch twisted hoop earrings. Trendy sunglasses hid her amber eyes and a sleeveless black leather windbreaker finished the ensemble. The man within reacted strongly to the young woman displaying everything she had to display. I didn’t comment on her fashion statement but I did notice Jeff mentally drooling over my daughter much as I was doing with his.

We rode for three hours then stopped for a break at a freeway rest stop. The girls wandered off to the end of a walkway while Jeff and I went to empty our bladders. After finishing vending machine Cokes, we readied to leave when Wanda approached me, “Can I ride with you, I’m tired of looking at Dad’s back.”

“Sure, if he doesn’t mind.”

“He doesn’t, he already agreed and Choral wants to ride with him.” The girl was standing close enough that I caught the scent of marijuana. I turned to my daughter, “Did you two puff some pot?”

Jeff heard my question and turned to face the pair when Choral admitted, “Yeah, we burned a joint, it will be a more fun ride now, you want some too?”

“No, not while I’m riding. We can wait until we get there.” I turned to Wanda, “Let’s go.”

The next three hours on the road I was distracted by the young woman leaning on my back. She would sit straight for a few miles then rest forward and wrap her arms around my stomach closer to my crotch than my chest with her tits burning holes in my back. A couple of times I was tempted to push her hands lower, something my wife was fond of doing, but I managed to keep myself under control.

It was late afternoon when we settled into the weekend rental near the beach. The first thing we did was go out for dinner. Since the entire patio of the restaurant was enveloped in a cloud of pot smoke, we felt secure burning one so Jeff pulled out a big blunt. We dads ordered ribs, the girls chose wings and then we finished the large joint while we waited to be served. That was the first time I smoked pot with Choral in front of our friends, but Jeff and Wanda puffed away as if they’d done it before so we were comfortable getting high together. Dinner was an enjoyable hour of banter, laughter, and plans for the next day. Back in the rooms, the girls begged eagerly to go to the beach and do a little sunless swimming. Jeff and I were easily swayed so they changed quickly into swimsuits. I was expecting to see the same swimwear they wore in the springs but when they came into the front room carrying towels, I was fucking near speechless because of the very scant bikinis they wore. Both wore suits that were no more than three small triangle patches of poly-something material held together by thin straps. It was Jeff’s turn to make a shocked comment, “Holy fuck girls, why don’t you just go naked, you could have saved the cost of those?”

Wanda answered him, “Come on Dad, you know damn well that subtle hints are more intriguing than total declaration.” I looked at how the thong strap disappeared between the cheeks of her butt and agreed with her.

He replied, “Those suits are not subtle at all.” Both girls smiled with feminine satisfaction. As we followed our daughters to the beach I had to wonder if they were still pure. They sure as hell looked fuckable, but had they already? A father’s question, a father’s concern.

Choral and Wanda went straight into the surf while Jeff and I sat on the sand, lit another joint and sipped long necks. After a few minutes of water play the girls came to us, “Why don’t you come in, it’s nice.”

I answered the obvious, “We don’t have our suits.”

Wanda took a fresh joint from her father’s stash, lit it off then after she passed it to Choral, responded to me, “So, get naked and come in.”

I didn’t refuse her but did point out the obvious, “This is not a private beach, I’m sure the night patrol would not appreciate two nude middle-aged men frolicking with two fine young women on their beach.” Jeff didn’t say anything about the brazen suggestion.

She conceded, “Yeah, I guess you’re right, we’re going back to the cabin.” Choral and Wanda disappeared into their room for the night, I heard the lilt of laughter and subdued conversation for another hour before I crashed.

The next day Jeff and I went to the Daytona racetrack to soak up the atmosphere, we stayed stoned most of the day. I don’t know what the girls were doing but they had phones so if they had a problem or a question they could call. That evening we met up at a restaurant for dinner where we filled the time with conversations and smartphone pictures about what we had done that day. After dinner, it was back to the rooms so they could put on the swimwear and return to the beach. That time Jeff and I put on some trunks to join our daughters. Again, the girls surprised us by wearing what the other had worn the day before. The beach was crowded with swarms of spring-breakers, most of whom were high, stoned, or drunk, flaunting their bodies as boldly as Choral and Wanda. My eyes couldn’t move in any direction without being treated to a hot fucking female. There was also a crush of jaded bikers, just like me, taking in the sights.

Our girls came up the beach to pinch a puff off a roach then urged me and Jeff into the surf. When the four of us were knee-deep in the water Wanda splashed her father in the face which started a full-scale water battle, in moments she was trying to drag him under. Wanda alone wasn’t enough to subdue her dad so Choral joined her and the two managed to get Jeff off his feet and under the surf. He came up spitting and coughing then the two turned to me. I got tackled by Wanda while Choral dipped under the surface to capture my legs. I fell forward, across the girl hanging on to my neck and when she hit the sand, I was lying on her tits and Choral was sitting on my ass. As Wanda squirmed under me, I had an intense carnal reaction to her. We popped up for air and the girl looked at me with eyes that were not just full of fun, they were hinting at possibilities. I was glad my trunks were loose enough to allow growth. We stayed on the beach for a while longer then returned to the bungalow where we enhanced our mood with another bowl then the girls vanished into the room again. Jeff and I went back out to drink a cool beer.

We were stoned, drinking, and enjoying a close comradery. It didn’t take long to start talking about the girls in ways fathers shouldn’t be talking about their daughters. I started it, “Do you think they are active yet?”


“Sexually. Getting screwed.”

Jeff didn’t hesitate, “I don’t know about Choral, but I know for sure Wanda gets some once in a while.”

I turned to face him, “How do you know? Did you catch her or something?”

Jeff looked at me for several seconds, I could see him thinking, he wanted to say something but wasn’t sure if he could. “Mike, can I trust you with some shit, I mean real, deep underground shit about that girl?”

“Uh, what, is she like selling it or something?”

He grinned, “No, not that, something way more personal.”

I vowed sincerely, “Whatever you say I promise I won’t freak out or tear her apart from friendship with Choral, what is she doing?” I was not only curious, I was inwardly begging to hear some salacious details about his beautiful, sexy daughter.

He looked around and saw no one near, then back to me, “About a year and a half ago, Wanda’s mother died of an aneurysm, suddenly, there was no warning, no symptoms, just one day she fell asleep while driving to the store. Her car hit another at an intersection and the medics thought she had died of injuries.” He paused to take a deep breath, “It was the autopsy that showed what happened. Wanda took it hard; it was just two days after her birthday and she and her mother were tight, bonded as friends, not just mom and daughter. She wasn’t eating, she lost fifteen pounds in a month. She spent most of her time in her room hating God, the world, and everything she could see or touch. I could barely talk to her about anything without her flying off in fits of depression and grief. After five weeks I had to force her back to school and then only after I persuaded the school to readmit her, they thought she had dropped permanently. I managed to get her into a grief counseling group with me and in a few months, she calmed down, but that first year after her mother passed away was almost a death blow to her, and our relationship.

“Four months ago, I came home and found Wanda higher than a kite, she’d been smoking pot and popping some fucking pills and was loopy as hell, she didn’t know what the fuck was going on. I put her to bed and stood by until I thought she was asleep then went to my room. I don’t know how long I slept but I woke up with that girl crawling all over me, she was naked, burning with sexual fever, and clutched to my cock like a brand-new bride. Before I was fully aware of what the hell she was doing, she sat across my lap and pounded down on me. I literally woke up with my daughter fucking me. As shocked as I was, as surprised as I was, the feeling of my erection in a tight hot woman again sent all my parental misgivings to Hell and I started fucking her with as much need as she was me. It took her maybe three or four minutes before she started climaxing violently which drove my nuts crazy and I pumped her full.”

I sat stunned while he took a breath, another puff off the pipe then paused to look into the night sky, “She was asleep again even before she fell off me. When she woke up that morning in my bed with cum crusting on her cunt and realized what happened, she was embarrassed, terrified, and crying with shame. I tried to take the blame, to ease her mind but she knew. She got fucked up, came to me and fucked me.” Jeff stood and walked a short way along the surf line, I had to stand and follow, “We didn’t talk about it for maybe a week, things were tight in the house; she was avoiding me, not eating, and regressing to how she was when her mother first died. I didn’t know what to do so one night I offered her some marijuana. The pot loosened her tongue and we talked for hours about her, me, her mother, and finally, the night she raped me. That night I became the aggressor; I straight out asked her to come to bed with me. There were a few awkward moments, but she didn’t refuse. Since then, my daughter has been my lover. We don’t spend every night together, but often enough that I’m not looking for a girlfriend.” Jeff stopped and looked over the beach, he turned to me and finished the tale, “She doesn’t grieve for her mother anymore, not like in the beginning.”

I leaned back and looked up at him, “You’re screwing your daughter?”

“That’s what I just said.”

“Fuck man, want another beer?” I left Jeff standing then went into the house for the biggest fucking blunt I could find and two beers. When I returned to him, we burned the joint without conversation, but my mind was churning overtime. It took maybe ten minutes before I was ready to talk, “Is this relationship fucking with her head, I mean incest usually carries a brutal, unhealthy reaction in the victim.”

He smiled, “Wanda says she doesn’t feel like a victim, we’ve talked about that and she says she feels her mother smiling down when I have my cock in her, besides, after the shock of that first fuck wore off, she freely keeps coming back, and I’ve never forced her.”

“Jesus, that’s a little weird Jeff, she’s communing with your wife while fucking you?”

“I don’t know what’s going on in her head, but I’m not going to complain or refuse her. If she wants to be her mother’s proxy in bed, I don’t have a problem with that, not anymore.”

“Are you careful, you’re not gonna knock her up, are you?”

“Wanda went to my wife’s sister and told her she was sexually active and wanted to be safe so her aunt got her fixed up at a clinic, she’s on birth control.”

I sipped from my beer and said, “Let’s go for a walk.”

As we weaved between couples making out on beach blankets I asked Jeff, “Why are you telling me this? I mean crap like that could get the girl out of your house and you into the big house.”

“I trust you and I am feeling the pressure of keeping the secret. I need to talk it out with someone who isn’t going to have my ass arrested.”

“And you think that’s me.”

“Is it?” he asked worriedly.

I didn’t want him to worry, “Yeah, you can dump on me, I won’t condemn you or judge you. We are good.” Not only were we good, but I was beginning to wonder if that young woman would share herself with another middle-aged man.

That part of the night was shocking enough, but what I didn’t know was that Wanda and her dad had agreed to share their history with me and Choral. The girl was telling Choral pretty much the same story as Jeff told me. My daughter sat and listened to her friend tell how she mourned her mother and seduced her father. It was nearly 1 in the morning when the revelations stopped. Back in the cabin, the girls emerged from the bedroom, they were dressed in flimsy, sheer nighties that hemmed barely below their crotches. When I looked at Wanda in her delicate wear I immediately began to man up. The girl stepped to her father and asked, “Did you tell him?”


Wanda turned to Choral, “I going to do it,” then she took her father’s hand and led him to her bedroom.

I was left standing with my daughter, again stunned to my core, “What the fuck?”

“She wants to sleep with him tonight, that’s why they told us what they are doing.”

I stared at my daughter, “I guess that leaves you on the couch, or do I have to take the couch?”

Choral stepped close, her face blooming red under a light sunburn, “Dad, neither of us has to sleep on the sofa, not if we are willing to share the bed.”

“Are you?”

She looked away and I could see her shudder, then she barely breathed, “If you want to.”

Motivated by my balls, the story I just heard, and the alluring young woman standing in front of me, I told her bluntly, “If you go to bed with me Choral, you’re going to get fucked. Can you handle that?”

My daughter didn’t say anything in return but took my hand and led me to the empty bedroom. My prick which had been on standby ever since Jeff ended his story, sprang to full alert by the time we got to the bed. I switched off the light then pulled my clothes off while Choral propped back on a pillow and waited. I went to lie beside my visibly nervous daughter and as much as I wanted to ravage the delicious young piece, I had to ask once more, “Are you sure?”

Her nervousness was fading, she stroked my face with fingers then quipped, “Does every woman you fuck have to beg for it?” For the second time in just five weeks, I had to ask, just who in hell was this girl?

“I don’t have a condom.”

Her modesty retreated even more, “Somebody will change the sheets after we leave.”

I settled to my side facing Choral then slipped a hand up her leg to caress the junction of her thighs, she didn’t flinch, she didn’t balk, she widened the gap between her legs. That move was the final act that caused me to disregard my relationship with her. I tugged her panties down; she kicked them off then flattened on her back and invited me to her with eyes and arms. At that moment I wasn’t worried if she was or wasn’t tainted, my libido was in charge, not concerned if she had done this before or not. I moved into place over her, her legs widened more then I grabbed my erection and probed until I found my fifteen-year-old daughter. Choral closed her eyes and rolled her head to the left then arched her back, taking me as deep as she could get me. She didn’t resist; her cunt was juicy, allowing me to thrust easily. She didn’t cry out in pain as I pushed up on my arms to watch her reaction as I started fucking her.

Choral turned her head to look into my face then put her hands around my neck and locked her eyes on mine. As I screwed her, I could see her beautiful blue eyes changing, they began to smolder; she was warming to what we were doing. In three or four minutes her eyes were ablaze and her body began to simmer with the growing heat of passion. I thought I was turned on before we started, but watching her enjoy what we were doing packed my erection solid with hot blood and semen.

The first time with a willing cunt is always a straight fuck as we get used to each other, so from the time when I first penetrated her to the time I had to pull away, I didn’t do anything but a missionary fuck. I shot a full load of cum on Choral then she pulled me down to lie on her while she hugged me tight.

I rolled off Choral and she flipped to her side facing me, “Are we okay?” she asked tentatively. She wanted to know if I had come to my senses now that I didn’t have a nut load of lust.

“Of course we are, you want to light a joint?”

My daughter smiled contently, hugged me, kissed my cheek then got off the bed to clean the mess from her stomach. While she stripped the blotted nightie, I fetched more weed then, we settled back on the pillows and relaxed. We were not nervous, uncomfortable, nor cautious with each other.

We puffed away a hand-rolled Canadian Wild and talked, “Why are you here sweetheart?” I wanted to know.

“Wanda is getting hers tonight; I didn’t want to miss out.”

I smiled but challenged, “That’s a pretty weak rationale for screwing your father.”

Choral eased to her back, rolled to her side to face me then explored with a hand down my chest and stomach until she captured my half-relaxed cock. As my daughter fingered me lightly, she explained, “I let Jason fuck me but he’s not an experienced lover. We’ve done it for three months now and I know sex can be better but I’m not about to start screwing around with the guys in school, I don’t want a rep. Tonight, when Wanda was telling me what she and Jeff are doing, she was telling me how good it can be with someone old enough to know what the hell to do. I was stoned and being on this trip makes me adventurous and I got horny listening to her, so when she said she wanted to be with Jeff tonight, I rationalized I could do the same.” She paused, “And I know mom is screwing Willis, and you know too, so you and me can do this as revenge on her.”

I was shocked at how she rationalized her offering herself to me, but only momentarily, I put a hand under her chin and lifted her face, “You know what your mom is doing?”

“Yes Dad, and I’m glad you haven’t divorced her or something, but if she can cheat on us, we can cheat on her.” Patsy and I had an arrangement, we were often weeks apart as she traveled with Willis so if we wanted other partners, we would be okay with that. Yes, she was screwing Willis, more as stress therapy for both than a need for the other, but I hadn’t yet exercised my options to fuck another woman. As I looked into my daughter’s face, I knew the time was right for that option. Our lips met; the kiss was light, soft, and erotic as hell, I began to man up under her flexing fingers. Again, kinship was discarded as a non-issue. No more was said, Choral and I began an intimate seduction of the other, she was gaining experience and I was regaining my high school years.

The second time I had sex with my daughter I was less tense and surer that she wanted me so I seduced her as if we were dating after the Graduation Prom. It took me close to twenty minutes to ruin the clean sheets and by the time I was done, Choral had at least three orgasms. She was yelping and chirping loud enough I’m sure Jeff and Wanda knew what the hell we were doing. My daughter fell off me to her side, kissed me with lips full of satisfaction then passed out, sound asleep in seconds. Asleep, Choral looked like my little girl with a face full of youth, her skin tight and flawless, fifteen; but her body was definitely twenty-five. I moved away to get a better view of the girl and vowed to buy some condoms the next day. I spent half the night fighting off the urge to screw her while she slept, but I couldn’t quite bring myself to defile her that way. Not the first night.

We all slept in the next morning, it was after 10 when the four of us went to breakfast. There were no embarrassed moments, no recriminating glances or repentant talk. Jeff and Wanda were as comfortable with me and Choral as we were with them. That day the girls stayed with us for the morning then left for the beach while Jeff and I enjoyed a couple of hours parading on the bikes. After we met for a BBQ dinner we retreated to the cabin. I had managed to score a few grams of Brown hash so I asked the girls if they wanted to try it. Hash is a lot more concentrated than weed so Jeff cautioned them that it might hit them harder. The two accepted the offer with smiles.

An hour later, after a lot of laughter, banter, and enjoying the clouds the girls went to their room to put on their Mini-Kinis. They didn’t bother to close the door so by the time they were ready for the beach I was growing hard as I anticipated another night with Choral.

I was trying to body surf when Wanda drifted close, she was back floating. I poked her in the ribs which caused her to flounder. When she came up, she launched herself at me, hooked her arms around my neck, and said, “That fucking stuff is fucking good.”

“What fucking stuff?”

“Hash, it’s strong.”

“You want some more?”

Her answer was to give me a light peck on the lips, and bounce her hips on my thigh, “Yeah, let’s.” The kiss caused my nuts to pump encouragement into my blood.

I yelled at Jeff who was sitting on the beach beside Choral, “Hey Jeff, pack another round.” As he started tamping the pipe Wanda and I joined them. We smoked up the last of the hash as crowds of spring breakers flowed around us then the girls started complaining about sand in their bikinis so we retreated from the beach to our rooms. In the cabin, our daughters didn’t hesitate to strip their swimsuits in the main room so they could shower away the grit. Jeff and I watched in silence as the two gorgeous teens got naked and my trunks shrank by four sizes as my cock grew long and fat. After they closed the bathroom door to shower together, Jeff and I came to an agreement.

When Choral and Wanda came from the shower, we fathers were nude and had ready-standing erections. Neither girl hesitated or flustered when they saw our condition. Wanda stepped to Jeff, put a fingertip on his cock, and pressed it down, when her finger slipped off the end his erection popped back up, straight and strong. The girl turned to me and gave me the same treatment which damn near got her a shot of hot semen on her stomach. No one had said a word to anyone when Choral grinned at me then grabbed Jeff by the hand, and just as she did the night before, led her next conquest to a bedroom. In seconds I was standing alone with the finest looking teen girl I had ever seen and she was signaling permission with those huge amber eyes. Jeff and I agreed to get naked for the girls, but nothing was said about trading daughters. That agreement had been made by the girls while they showered.

Before I took Wanda’s hand to lead her to bed, I opened the door my daughter had just gone through and reminded Jeff, “Hey, remember, she isn’t on the pill,” then closed the door again. Just as the door clicked closed, I heard my daughter groan, “O’ my gaud, that feels good!”

I fell to my back across the bed and then tugged the girl over me. She laid on my chest with her warm puffy cunt caressing my erection. Wanda pushed up on her arms and looked down on me then carefully put her lips on mine, an experimental kiss. As the kiss became less experimental, I adjusted until the head of my hard-on slipped into the hole between her thighs. I began to slowly stroke the young cunt as her kiss became more insistent, more passionate. When she lifted her lips from mine, I slipped a hand between us to caress her breasts while our bodies bounced against each other.

After about ten minutes of getting acquainted with the scorching hot young woman, I rolled her to her back then leaned over to eat her cunt. Wanda puffed a quick, “Ahh fu-CK!” then grabbed my hair to press my head between her legs with force. I licked, lapped, and slathered her pussy until she tripped over her passion and began to warp with convulsions as the first orgasm raped her. When she was done quivering, I went to my back and pulled her over, hoping she would return the favor. In seconds I was fucking her throat. Wanda put a job on me that I hadn’t experienced in a long while, her father was teaching her well. After licking and sucking my cock for a few minutes we rearranged then I fucked the girl as if she had just accepted my engagement ring. I knew she was safe so I didn’t pause or hesitate when my nuts gave up the fight and surrendered a full load to the deep hot cunt begging for it.

I fucked Wanda three times that night, I was so exhausted the next morning that I damn near fell asleep on the ride home. It was the girl that kept me awake, she was riding with me and every once in a while, would slip her hands low to encourage my libido. I had a fucking hard-on for 450 miles.

After that weekend Choral and I would sleep together when her mother was lobbying with Willis. The first time I screwed her at home I was deeply stoned and forgot who I was with and filled my daughter’s womb with enough angst and fear to suggest to Patsy she take our daughter and get her protected, “You think she’s having sex?” asked my wife.

“I don’t know, but you need to have an adult conversation with her, she’s not a little girl anymore and I have a daddy’s concern that she hangs around with too many perverts.”

Choral admitted to her mother she was having sex, Patsy pried lightly for names but Choral kept quiet. Two weeks later our daughter was safe.

Patsy was on the road again and I had just emptied my balls into my beautiful, willing daughter. As we lay together in the afterglow of hot sex, my girl put her nose against my neck, her mouth against my ear, and questioned, “Dad, can we do another biker weekend with Wanda and Jeff? Go somewhere private?”


2024-07-30 08:30:08
Love the story. keep writing.

Juicy Lucy 1Report 

2024-07-25 08:03:51
Hot, wel, written story

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