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My name is Amy, Kate’s next door neighbor. Lisa and I had tried to introduce Kate to her first-time doggy-sex, but at the last minute she lost her nerve.
So instead, we let Kate watch Lisa’s dog Prince copulate with me.

Kate’s ‘failure to perform’ left her embarrassed, horny and eager to try again, but this time more privately. So, she planned to try it the next time she was home alone with her family dog Duke.

Disaster struck when her brother, Alex, caught her naked on the floor with Duke trying to mount her.


Half-siblings Alex and Kate had been close when they were younger. On nights when their twice-divorced mother was out with boyfriends, they’d snuggle together under a blanket on the couch watching movies. She liked having Alex’s warm body next to hers. Over time, his hands began to roam – first to her tits and then to her crotch. She liked the way it made her feel and her hand found its way between his legs, too. So, even though she’d never seen his penis, she knew what it felt like, and she liked feeling it grow, not appreciating the frustration she was causing him. Then one night after she’d gotten him really hard and horny, Alex made a move on her. He was clumsy, and she got scared – kicking, punching and pushing him away. Alex left the room in total embarrassment and they never again watched movies together.

As they grew older, Kate could hear Alex jerking-off at night. First the rhythmic squeak of the bed-springs, then a muffled grunt, followed by still-softer moans, followed by complete silence. She liked to listen to him and would wait for him to finish before beginning her own fantasy-adventure of self-pleasure. Compared to Alex, she tried to be a bit more discrete.

This year, Alex began working several nights a week at the local movie theater and spending other evenings with a new girlfriend, Becky. Sometimes when Kate went to bed and masturbated, she tried to imagine all the sexy stuff her brother and Becky were doing. But later when he came home she would still hear him jerking-off.

Kate’s Disaster

The afternoon Alex caught Kate naked on the floor with Duke, it was obvious what she was trying to do. They were both embarrassed and he promised not to tell. But she knew he’d want payback.

Alex was upset, seeing his sister with Duke. It brought back all the painful and embarrassing memories of her rejection from that night on the couch years earlier. Alex couldn’t understand why Kate was trying to have sex with their dog but had rejected him. Her rejection still stung.

A few days passed, and it occurred to Alex that Kate was older now and maybe more interested in sex. He convinced himself that if Kate wanted Duke to do it, she would be just as willing to let him. To his male-hormone intoxicated brain, this seemed totally logical. She was ready, he was ready and it didn’t seem like a big deal. But, this bit of faulty logic was the product of his hormone-driven craving for something more than touching Becky’s tits and jerking-off when he got home.

The next day Alex was waiting in Kate’s room when she got home from school. She wasn’t surprised and he wasted no time making his proposition. He would keep her secret, and she could have sex with him.

Kate was shocked. “You pig!!! What’s the matter with you?! God!!! You’re my brother. Can’t Becky take care of you?”

Alex tried to reason with her.

“Kate, please. She’s afraid to let me do it and you wanna do it with Duke. So, it’s really what we both want! Isn’t it?”

Kate flew into a rage, threw Alex out of her room, slammed and locked the door.

But no sooner was he gone than she regretted what she had done. So, she sheepishly went to his bedroom and knocked on the door. He didn’t answer.

Kate and Alex Reconcile

“Alex? I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to be so harsh. It’s just kind of creepy. I don’t think I can do it.”

Alex opened the door.

“Don’t you think having sex with Duke is ‘kind of creepy’? For God’s sake Kate, he’s our family dog! He has no way of even giving consent, so you don’t know if he really wants it.”

Kate offered lamely, “Well, he acts like he does.”

Alex pleaded, “But I’m telling you, I do. I want it! Becky is afraid and she won’t do it. That’s why I’m asking you.”

“Alex, incest is wrong! And I think you understand why.”

“I know, but we’ll be very careful, I promise. Pleeease! Just say maybe?”

After Kate’s experience with Prince, she knew how it felt to be afraid. So, she could sympathize with Becky. And, her own desires helped her understand how Alex might be feeling, too.

“Alex, I need to think about it.”

Alex’s look was one of supplication. He was almost begging, which put his attempt at extortion in a kinder light. Kate felt sorry for her frustrated brother, and began to convince herself it might be OK if they were very careful. But there was a nagging doubt.

“Alex, if I do it with Duke, I can’t get pregnant. But with you I can. And, it would be YOUR baby.”

“Katie, please sit down.”

Alex opened the drawer of his night table and retrieved a little blue box of Trojan-Enz, then placed it in Kate’s hand.

“I bought these for Becky when I still thought she might do it. Now I’m sure she won’t.”

Kate sat mulling this over while staring at the little-blue-box. Condom three-packs were still a behind the counter item, so it was something she’d never seen before. She examined it carefully.

The box reassuringly claimed,


“classic design with a reservoir tip”

and highlighted in red,


Just holding the unfamiliar box sent a wave of naughty excitement through her body. Alex seemed encouraged, because at least she was thinking about it. He assured her that she would ‘just be letting him see what it felt like’. It would be quick and easy. He only wanted to do it once.

Kate remained silent, so he reminded her of all the times they’d spent under the covers on the couch watching movies together and how much he loved her touch. Her thoughts turned to the delicious feelings that touching his penis had evoked. This time, she would not only touch it, but take it inside her body – the innermost part of her body. The place she had felt the dildo going, deep in her belly, the day that Lisa and I had been getting her ready for Prince.

The Deal

The coup-de-grace came when Alex reminded her about the box in the back of their mom’s closet.

Several years before, mom and her sleep-over boyfriend were into kinky sex. Mom liked to think her kids were asleep, but they could hear everything. One afternoon, Kate and Alex had gone looking for mom’s sex toys. Finding the box, they got a good look at a blindfold, a gag-ball, dildos, vibrators, several bottles of “Personal Lubricant” and a set of leather cuffs and restraints.

Alex suggested, “If you want, you can use the blindfold, so you don’t have to watch when I do it.”

But, Kate wasn’t thinking about that. It was her memory of leather cuffs and straps that was arousing her. She remembered hearing her mother struggle as her boyfriend ravished her. She remembered the smell of the leather when she and Alex opened the box that first time. Now, the idea of having sex in those same restraints sent a shiver of excitement through her. Kate felt her pussy getting moist and her resistance crumbling.

Alex retrieved the box and opened it. As soon as Kate smelled the leather, she immediately reached for the cuffs. She held them to her face, breathing in their scent while running her fingers over the supple black leather and the sturdy metal buckles and rings.

She looked up at her brother and said sheepishly, “OK. I’ll do it if you’ll put these on me.”

It was a deal and still early enough that they had time to do it.

Getting Ready

They took what they needed and went to her bedroom. Alex went to work attaching the nylon belts to the bed-frame. Kate opened the box of Trojans, removing and separating the three small plastic pouches. She ripped one open and took out the latex sheath. She’d never seen or touched one before. It was so thin that it was almost transparent. It was also bigger than she expected with a little nipple at the end. She assumed this was the “reservoir tip” mentioned on the box. She placed it on the night table.

When Alex finished with the straps, he reached into the ‘toy box’ and held up the blind-fold. Kate smiled and nodded.

Alex ordered, “OK Kate. Take off your panties!”

She did, along with her shoes and socks, rearranging her skirt to cover her unfamiliar nakedness. Then she sat on the bed and held out her wrists for Alex to put on the leather cuffs. This was the first time he’d touched her in a long time and she tingled with excitement.

“Alex, make ‘em good and tight so they won’t come loose when I struggle.”

He secured the two brass buckles on each one. When he was done, he told her to lay on her back in the middle of the bed. It seemed Alex had decided on missionary and she complied.

As he buckled her ankle cuffs, he said, “Get nice and comfy, Kate. I want you to enjoy this.”

She arranged her hair on the pillow and modestly smoothed her skirt.

Alex took her hand and clipped the cuff onto the nylon belt above her head. Then, one-by-one he attached each of the other cuffs to its strap. When he was done he gently drew them snug. Feeling her legs being pulled apart she grew giddy with excitement and insisted Alex draw them still tighter.

Kate’s First Coitus

Once Kate was secure, Alex kicked off his shoes and dropped his pants before crawling onto the bed beside her. For the first time, she got a good look at his fully-erect penis. It was bigger than Duke’s pointy-little doggy-cock and bounced obscenely in front of his crotch.

Alex took the blindfold from the box, but Kate objected.

“First, I wanna watch you put on the condom.”

She trusted him, but wanted to be sure. Lifting her head, she watched him pinch the end and roll on the thin latex sheath. She stared at the empty nipple in front, hoping that it would be big enough to contain his semen. Then Alex slipped the blindfold over her eyes and everything went dark. She eased her head back onto the pillow and took a deep breath preparing herself for what was to come.

When Kate felt her inexperienced brother lifting her skirt and nudging a pillow under her ass, she remembered the “Thirteen Tips for the Missionary Position” she’d read in Cosmo. Had Alex been reading her Comso’s!?

But, that thought was interrupted when she felt his moistened fingers probing between her labia.

“Alex! What are you doing?”

“Just a little of the stuff mom uses with her boyfriends, so it won’t hurt.”

Kate was pleased that he seemed to care about her comfort, but was surprised he didn’t ask if she was a virgin, or at least push his finger a little deeper to find out for himself. But, he didn’t! Of course, she could have told him not to worry, but he seemed oblivious and at this point it might have raised way too many questions. Kate made a mental note: ‘Boys with sex on their mind can be incredibly thoughtless!’.

But now, she was more interested in getting back to conjuring her favorite sex-fantasy which featured Mark, the hottest boy in her class. Kate was expecting some kisses and caresses to “get her in the mood”. But, instead she felt the bed jiggle as Alex got himself in position. She tried to envision Mark hovering above her, passionately kissing and caressing her – getting her ready to consummate their love. This was part of the fine-tuned fantasy she’d been working on every night when she masturbated.

As he promised, Kate’s brother did his business quickly. She felt his smooth sheathed penis probing her slit. As soon as he found her vagina, he pressed forward, managing to be tentative and clumsy at the same time. Penetration was painless and relatively quick. Still, Kate’s body tensed, and she caught her breath as her vagina stretched to accommodate Alex.

Now, all she wanted was to drift back into the blissful and dreamy fantasy land with Mark. But she was also aware that Alex was experiencing his first time inside the snug warmth of a young maiden’s pussy. She wondered how it felt, how quickly he would come and how much semen he would ejaculate. All she had to go by, was watching Prince in action with me.

She wasn’t surprised when Alex immediately began to hump her. She could feel his balls slapping against her ass. She had no idea how quickly her tight little vagina was doing its work on him.

She began to pick up his rhythm, exhaling in little involuntary gasps with each thrust. Kate loved it all; his excitement, his penis filling her insides and her restraints. She desperately wanted to kiss and embrace him. But then, Alex’s legs began to quiver and his movements became erratic.

Forgetting about his sister Kate, he called out, “Oh, Becky! I’m gonna come!”

Alex had reached the point of no return, feeling the urgent need to ejaculate. So he held his cock deep inside her as he let himself succumb.

His body convulsed, and he gave a deep guttural “Uggghhh” – an up-close version of the sound familiar to her from his nightly masturbation sessions.

Kate felt his body shudder with each additional ejaculation – maybe four or five more times. He moaned and repeated Becky’s name during his coital ecstasy.

Kate whispered Mark’s name, and loved knowing what her body could do to any boy she desired.

Kate’s Fantasy Ends

Even though Kate hadn’t had an orgasm, she wanted to kiss Alex, wrap her arms and legs around him and hold him inside – but instead all she could do was struggle against her restraints.

Alex was finished, breathing hard, body limp, laying heavily on her with his sweaty face beside hers. The whole thing couldn’t have taken him more than two minutes! So it was ‘quick’, as promised – but with none of the care or tenderness Kate had hoped for.

As soon as Alex recovered enough to catch his breath, he lifted himself and withdrew his penis leaving her feeling empty. And that, was the end of any fantasy she might have hoped for.

Then, without a word he loosened the straps and un-clipped her wrist cuffs before leaving the room. She heard her door close, then a pause before the toilet flushed. Alex had disposed of the used condom. One less piece of evidence for their mom to find. Finally, she heard the door to his room close.

With Alex gone, Kate just lay there, feeling cold, alone, abandoned and a little bit afraid. She really didn’t know if Alex had impregnated her or if she’d be able to feel it if he had. In any case, she’d find out in two weeks when her period was due. She could only blame herself for what had just happened and wished she had at least gotten a little more pleasure out of it.

Resigned to her circumstance, she took a deep breath, sat up, removed the blindfold and cuffs, then went to the bathroom to clean herself up. A warm shower felt good. She wanted to wash off every bit of Alex’s scent and with it the memory of how thoughtless he had been.

When she came out of the bathroom, Alex was in his room, door closed. What a cad, she thought!

She quickly dressed and went to work cleaning up. He had left her with the task of putting away all her mother’s stuff. The hardest part was removing the nylon straps. She kept the box of condoms that Alex had left behind, burying the wrapper from the used condom deep in the kitchen waste bin.

She was still angry with herself and her brother. But as she calmed down, she took comfort in knowing he would always be her brother and that her first-time had been with him, rather than some boyfriend who’d soon be gone and forgotten. She knew Alex had a lot to learn, but she could teach him.

Getting Help with Duke

Her thoughts were turning back to what she had seen Prince do with me. She still had ‘the itch’, fantasizing that Duke would hump her LONG and hard, before filling her with feverish doggy-cum. But she understood she would need help, which was exactly what I was hoping.

When Kate got up the courage to tell me what had happened, I consoled her and promised to intercede with Lisa to get her another chance with Prince. I reminded her that Prince was well-trained and warned that it would be best not to tell Lisa what had happened with Duke.

A few days later Prince got his first chance with a new, very-submissive bitch and Kate got her first doggy-sex along with lots of love and affection from Lisa and me. When Prince was done, we gently helped her settle into the post-coital state of bliss that Lisa and I always welcomed. We had dimmed the lights and put on soft-romantic music for Kate to recover. Lisa discretely gave me a big thumbs-up for our new playmate. Later, when we parted, Kate was eager for more and Lisa invited her back.

It turned out that Kate and I could give Lisa the leisurely dildo-coitus she loved, far better than I could alone. It only took one massive orgasm for Lisa to get hooked. We had discovered the pleasure of two giving and one receiving and soon bonded as a threesome for mutual pleasure with each other and with Prince.

Meanwhile, Kate and I began to train Duke. He was bigger, stronger and a year older than Prince. Training him wasn’t easy, but our persistence and lots of doggy-treats paid off. Kate and I still take turns with this beautiful animal. He never disappoints!


I have tried to relate Kate’s unhappy episode with Alex just as she told it to me. Any errors or omissions are mine alone.

Kate, Lisa and I are still dear ‘friends with benefits’. We get together with each other and Prince regularly after work for “mutual enjoyment”, although, now our gatherings begin with a relaxing glass of wine and goes late into the evening.

Kate and I still get ‘a little something’ on the side from Duke AND more recently our submissive new sex-slave, Alex. But that’s another story for another time.

Hugs and kisses,

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