I go to the club because you forced me to. Now see what will happen.
I don't know what I'm supposed to learn here!
It's boring, and I miss you.
I usually like what you ask of me sooner or later, but this is just boring.
You told me to go to this club, order water, drink half of it right away, and then go dancing.
I don't mind dancing alone. A little movement to the music never hurts anyone. But you could have had that at home. I would dance for you. Even though I think there are so many better dancers than me, You said I would learn something about myself today.
All right!!!
I learned that it's boring to go to a club alone and dance for myself.
Can I go home now, please?
No, I guess not.
You said I would know when it was time to go. I've been dancing for half an hour, and still don't see the point.
A couple of men look over at me, but I just give them the occasional scornful look, and they leave me alone.
What are they compared to you?! Nothing! Not worthy of a second glance.
The women don't interest me either. They never have. Only you. Always, only you.
To not fall over from boredom or fall asleep, I do what I always do. I think of you.
Dancing becomes more pleasant. In the dim light of the club, I can keep my eyes closed most of the time and think of you.
Your hands on my body, your voice, and your lips when you kiss me.
Yes, I can stand it like this.
The whole night, if it is meant to be.
I must have lost myself in my dream, as a sharp pain in my wrist pulls me out of it. Someone clutches my wrist painfully. How dare he! My eyes open reluctantly, it was so nice to think of you, and I want to act very energetically against this insolence, when I recognize the hand on my wrist.
You pull me to yourself, and drag me out of the club like a little child who stayed too long on the playground. It is so humiliating. And kind of hot, too.
What are you even doing here? How long have you been watching me? What is this all about?
A few heads turn to look at us as we leave the club. Maybe they'd help me if I screamed, maybe not.
The cool air outside is lovely. The night is quiet, and the street is empty at this hour. I look around for your car, but you drag me into the alley behind the club and press me against the wall of the house.
I look up at you, half annoyed, half expectant. Why the hell are you so mad at me? I obeyed your orders exactly!
My breath goes faster, and my body becomes extremely hot. Will you take me here? In this alley behind the club? Despite the darkness around us, I see the fire in your eyes. This is no joke, you are really angry with me. But why?
You sent me to the club, and I did exactly what you told me to do. Did you want to feel this anger? Did you want to be angry at me, to do exactly what you want to do now? Your grip on my wrist tightens, and it sends shivers of desire throughout my body.
It's silly to tease you, but I didn't at all.
You're not pretending, you're really angry. But not at me! You are angry at yourself for creating this situation! The black and red flame fades a bit in your eyes, and you pull me with you as you quickly stride home, dragging me with you.
I try to keep up in my pumps.
Your car must be around here somewhere. Why are we walking?
I think you need to cool off a bit. You're walking fast, and the street isn't very well lit.
I'm tired of being dragged behind you like a dog on a leash. After all, you're the one to blame for this whole mess.
I stop and pull my hand out of your grip.
It surprises you. That's the only reason I succeeded.
You are much stronger than I am. What happens next, I see as if in slow motion, and yet my brain can hardly comprehend the speed of the events.
In a flash, you turn to me, your hand grabs my neck, and you throw me against the wall of the house at my back.
But the house wall is a good 1.5 meters away.
I don't know why I don't fall backwards and find myself with my back against the wall, gasping for air and staring into your beautiful eyes, now blazing with black fire.
I can barely breathe, but the only thing I can focus on is your eyes.
They look into me. Deep inside me.
Fear floods my thoughts, and time returns to its normal pace. What did I just see? And why does it turn me on so much? My nipples are hard and I hope you don´t touch them, or I have to scream.
My Pussy is feeling like burning for your touch too.
You're still angry, but the blaze in your eyes is gone. And yet... I saw it. You were standing on the edge of a cliff.
My eyes go black for a moment because I'm not breathing. Or because the fear and the lust have increased to a mixture of powerlessness that I can't resist.
I don't want to resist!
You take your hand from my neck, and I breathe in slowly. Now that you're not pinning me to the wall, I'm afraid of losing my balance. My legs tremble in the high pumps, and I almost wish I had your hand on my neck again.
The moment you looked into my eyes, it was as if you were opening my soul to you, like you do with my thighs. Incredibly intimidating and arousing. As if you could see all my thoughts at once.
You don't come any closer, even though I wish you would, despite the fear. You open your jacket, and I see what is in the inside pocket.
From your inside pocket dangles the end of my chain to which my collar is usually attached. Your eyes have become a little darker again. As if there is something behind them. But it is surely only the reflection of the light of the lantern when you change your position.
I feel a strong urge to pee.
You did read my mind! I take an uncertain step toward you. You turn and leave, and I follow you without a word. Whatever you do to me when we get home, I'm not scared. It can't be scarier than the moment at the hard wall.
The movement was not human, the eyes were not human, the wounds on my neck and under my ear could not have come from your short cut nails.
In a split of a second, you raped my soul more violently than if you had rape my body for hours, and it scared the hell out of me.
But even more frightening was how much I wanted it.
For days, you have been bubbling under the surface. You are unbalanced and permanently almost exploding.
I try not to make mistakes and to do everything the way you tell me to do it.
The sex is fantastic, but it's not enough for you. I try not to irritate you, and not because I'm afraid of punishment, but because I might like it too much.
It comes like waves of rage in you since the night you sent me to the club. You fight it down, and I know that the anger in the club and on the way home shamed you.
You weren't angry at me for doing something wrong. You were angry at me for not doing it. You sent me to the club BECAUSE you wanted to be angry at me.
Today I cooked for you, and you thought it was too spicy and too salty.
Immediately, I saw your lie, and you noticed that I saw it.
You're looking for a reason to be mad at me, but one that doesn't shame you.
As if something inside you was pushing you to do what you didn't want yourself.
Today this something has won, because you ordered me to do something that you already regret. Even before it happened.
When I do what you ask of me, you will be beside yourself with rage and will not be able to control it.
I should be afraid, but I can't.
I will do what you asked for and more.
That night, when you read my thoughts, you saw something in me that should not exist.
But you can only see that when you are very angry with me. Really angry, not for some trivial excuse.
When I walk through that door, I will see again the being that threw me against the wall and took away my breath. Since that night at the club, I can feel it in you and know that sooner or later it will win.
You regret the fate of your devoted slave, but you could not resist. It was stronger than you. I also regret your fate, because you do not know what you are getting into.
The music can be heard all the way to the street. Deep basses that make my senses vibrate. I stand in front of the door of the club. This is not the same club as the first time. I've never been here before either, but the area alone suggests a different clientele.
The clothes you chose for me, I would never have worn myself.
But you wanted to be sure.
I'm wearing a miniskirt, pumps, and a top that ends just below my breasts. You did not allow me to wear panties.
I have to let my hair down, and soon it will be sticking to my body in a sweaty mess. I am sure you are already in the club. Sitting somewhere in a dark corner to be able to watch me. To see how uncomfortable I feel, and yet do everything you have ordered me to do.
Just so it makes you angry, you can blame me.
You told me that I was going to be touched in this club, and that I had to endure it.
Did you pay someone? Or is it a place like that?
You told me not to resist, no matter what.
I open the door and go inside. A few heads turn to look at me, and their gazes linger on me. Are you there, too? Are you watching me too?
For the last few days, I've been trying my best not to upset you. Tonight is different.
You want to get angry?
Your wish is my command, master.
I take a deep breath, and my breasts press against my top. The welcome cocktail for women is free. I slowly walk towards the bar.
You didn't say anything about drinking or not drinking this time, so I drink half of it in one go. Then I turn to the dancing crowd with a big smile.
Show time.
The music is loud and not even that bad. I haven't eaten anything, so the Long Island Tea takes effect very quickly. Many dances here alone, but it is so crowded that it hardly makes a difference.
After only a minute, someone pushes through the crowd and presses me against another body. I have to grin all over my face.
You want to watch that? How long before you explode? 10 minutes? 20?
A man looks at me from a few meters away, as if he were looking for me.
Did you pay him? Is he supposed to be the trigger?
Well, he will be a good trigger.
He heads straight for me and smiles. I smile back.
He is blond, thin, pale, and absolutely not my type.
This is exactly what you would have chosen for me, to make it unbearable for me to have fun. He holds out his open palm to me, and I put my hand in it. I register a few surprised looks from the dancers around us.
They also can't believe that I let him ask me to dance. He pulls me to him and puts his sweaty hand around my middle, above my skirt. His eyes glisten greedily as he touches my skin. I press myself closer to him. His gaze hangs on my neckline. I feel movement behind me, and a hand rests on my hip. In the mirror on the wall, I see someone dancing at me.
You did not choose this man. He looks good. Black hair, dark eyes, 3-day beard.
My dance partner grabs my hand tighter and tries to pull me a little further. But my new admirer is not alone, and the blond, pale male pulls back.
I turn around and look at a rather attractive face before I lift my arms and wrap them around my new dance partner's neck.
He grins wolfishly, and his hand grabs my butt.
Wherever you are, I can feel your rage all the way over here.
I moan and put my head back as he pulls me close. His buddy gets behind me, but apparently my new friend wants me all to himself. His head tilts towards my neck, and he kisses me and tickles me with his 3-day beard. It's been a long time since I've received such a kiss from you, but I still remember very well how nice it was. I feel his lips and his tongue on my neck, and he pulls in the air sharply when I press my breasts against him.
His buddy is back and tries to wipe his hand on my belly, but is again sharply rejected. I do not understand the language, but there is no doubt about the meaning.
We dance for a while tightly embraced, and I wonder how he manages with this huge boner, which he now has.
I excuse myself briefly to go to the bathroom. As I turn to walk away from him, he grabs me by the hips with both hands and pulls me back against his body.
He presses his erection firmly against my buttocks. I lay my head back against his neck and sway to the beat of the music on his body with his hand on my belly.
He breathes heavily into my neck.
I tell him to order me a drink and go to the bathroom.
If you don't intercept me here, you'll really get a reason to get angry.
You're not intercepting me.
When I come back, my new friend is sitting at the bar in the corner, and the stool next to him is empty. And very close to his.
I sit down and order another Long Island Iced Tea. My left buttock rests on the stool, my leg on the lower crossbar, and my right leg on the floor. My new friend changes position as he leans in to tell me how beautiful I am. His right leg is now between my legs, and his left leg is along my right leg. He tries not to look down.
The barman puts down the drinks and leaves.
We gently lower our glasses to each other and take the first sip. I lick my lips and immediately take the next one.
Then I put my right hand on his thigh. Our legs almost touch, and when he strokes his right leg towards his knee, his hand lands under my skirt.
I feel his fingers on the inside of my left leg and look him in the eyes. I take another sip, and when I put the glass down, I lean forward a little. His fingers reach my pussy, and his eyes widen.
I smile sweetly at him.
No slip, just naked, silky, soft skin.
His buddy appears next to us and grasps the situation with a glance. He puts a hand on my butt on the chair, and this time my friend does not protest, but just looks at me.
I smile at the newcomer and look at the greed in his eyes. Then I reach for my drink again. The newcomer stands close to my barstool, and his left hand moves to my left buttock, while his right hand feels under my top for my breast. I feel his warm hand on my breast and moan. I move forward a little, and the fingers on my pussy twitch slightly.
The bartender is busy, and the new guy's body shields me from the room. My right hand leaves my friend's thigh and presses into the newcomer's crotch.
He gasps slightly as I press it against his hard cock. Then I look my friend in the eyes.
Time to go.
He takes my hand, and gently pulls me toward the exit. His buddy in my back.
I've never had two men at once, and hopefully, they can stand what is building up inside me.
Or inside you.
The door behind us is not yet fully closed, already presses me my new friend against the door, and kisses me hard. The kiss reminds me of your kisses, which I have missed for too long, and I kiss him back.
He tastes like the smoky whiskey he's been drinking, and the sex he wants to have. Obviously you decided to see how far I would follow your orders.
Then let me surprise you.
I put my hand around his head, and pull him even tighter against me. The kiss is delicious, and I want more. Someone presses against the door of the bar from the inside, and we let go of each other.
I would have done anything for you, I did. My love for you had no limits.
But sometimes it's just a drop that makes the jug overflow.
Giving myself to another man to fuel your anger was the drop.
A cab pulls up and stops in front of us. The buddy must have called it. We get in, and it drives off.
You miscalculated.
I'm going to take these two.
They will love me and carry me on their hands. I will remember what it is like to be loved and desired.
YOU have filled the jar and now you will drink it.
This story is a sad testament to what happens between a sub and her master when the master loses his direction. A sub will only wait so long before she seeks someone else to fill the need in her heart and soul.
Not everyone who wants to be a Master has the inner stability to be one.
Your comments are always inspiring:)
This story is a sad testament to what happens between a sub and her master when the master loses his direction. A sub will only wait so long before she seeks someone else to fill the need in her heart and soul.