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Just part 3
Even though the bet is already over, my colleague and I have decided not to tell the basement-whore.

I want to see her fail.

She has long since lost her sense of time and can only rely on what we say.

According to the contract, she can only give up after 8 p.m., when the day is over.

The same applies to the boyfriend, who is crying, swearing, and throwing himself back and forth in the cage; he has pissed all over himself. He too will not be released until 8 p.m., when he repeats his desire to call off the bet. And he will. The men and another friend have announced another party for tonight at midnight.

I'm going back home, knowing full well that you'll be furious if I turn up without Pari. But that will give you a reason to punish me, and I'm looking forward to it.

When I enter the living room, you're sitting at your laptop looking at something. You turn your head and make a questioning face. I remain silent to show you that I understood your instructions earlier.

“Where is the whore?”

“I haven't been able to find her yet, Master. She's not answering her phone, and she's not at home either. I've also asked in the park and at the university, but no one has seen her.”

“You have failed.”

“Yes, Master.” I lower my eyes submissively. Despite your unpredictability, you're not an idiot, and you must realize that Pari could have simply run off and we'd never see her again.

“And how are you going to make up for your failure?” You ask, and the satisfaction in your gaze makes me cheer inwardly.

“I, I don't know, Master.” I stumble and prepare for your rage.

The wolfish grin that makes me so hot appears on your face, and I can only hope I've judged you correctly. Once you want something, it's generally very hard to stop you.

“You bring me another one. Until 6 o'clock today. I don't care if you bewitch her like Pari, kidnap her, knock her out, or drug her. She'll be here by 6, or you'll wish you'd never been born. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Master.”

You are so happy to set me an impossible task.

You'll fuck us both all the harder when you realize I've mastered it.

“Take your clothes off. I want you naked here, and then you'll cook us something for lunch.”

“Yes, Master,” I say, stripping off my clothes. I think it's ridiculous to walk around the apartment naked, but if it makes you feel powerful, so be it.

You take your cell phone and go into the next room to make a call.

I prepare a salad and put a pizza in the oven. That's all we have in the house, as we usually eat out and both don't like to cook.

As I finish the dressing, the doorbell rings.

I freeze, unsure, because I have no intention of answering it naked.

“What are you waiting for?” you ask smugly from the doorway to the hallway.

“Open the door, slave, before I drag you there by your hair.”

I panic inside. This is going way too far. I'll play the game, but with you, not with the neighbors, and not with the postman.

As I slowly walk towards the door and think about how to get out of this situation, you grab my arm and throw me against the front door. Then you say very close to my face.

“Open the door, or I'll drag you down the stairs and throw you in front of the house.” That would be the end of our master-slave relationship, but you're crazy enough to do it, and I can't let that happen.

I reach for the handle and open the door a crack.

Standing outside the door is your idiot nephew, Stan. I can't stand him. He's unkempt, not particularly intelligent, permanently horny, and follows you around like a stupid dog if you let him near you.

I can tell from Stan's stupid grin that he knows what to expect.

It was him you spoke to on the phone.

“Hello,” he says intelligently.

“Come in, Stan,” you say over my shoulder. “Dinner will be ready soon. My slave is making the salad.” Everything inside me is boiling, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Stan almost trips over his two left feet because he can't take his eyes off my naked body. It's very unpleasant for me that this creature will be the first to humiliate me.

And I know he will.

Then again, you're morbidly jealous, so maybe not.

Stan's pasty face turns red, and his hands shake.

“Go on,” you say gruffly to me, and as I turn to leave, you give me a slap on the ass.

I wanted to get to know the slave's side. Now I should just learn to enjoy it. Certainly not with the guy who just entered our apartment.

I get the dressing ready while you chat with the unblinking Stan.

He's probably never been this close to a beautiful, naked woman.

Is he going to fuck me? The thought makes me nauseous. On the other hand, I also feel a thrill when I think that I could play, that I like it. Can I do it? I could try. Stan is so ugly and repulsive that it would be another challenge for me to get over myself.

Your voice snaps me out of my fears.

“Come here and sit on the edge of the table. Stan wants to see your cunt.”

So here we go.

I slowly walk to the place you've indicated and sit down. You take one chair and nod at Stan to take the other. Then you place the chairs at the table on either side of me.

“Put your feet up,” you order me.

The chairs are positioned so that I have to put my knees over the backrests and my feet can't touch the seats. I have to hold on to the edge of the table with my hands to prevent myself from tipping backward.

“Pull up a chair, Stan, you'll be able to see better.” Stan takes another chair and sits down close to my open pussy. He's already breathing heavily, but he doesn't touch me.

Maybe he's not allowed to touch me, or maybe he's waiting for your command.

You come closer from the side.

“Do you like her sweet pussy Stan?” you ask unnecessarily, because Stan is already panting heavily and trying not to grab his crotch.

“She smells fantastic when she gets wet. Do you want to smell her wet, Stan?” Like a dog in front of a juicy bone, Stan starts drooling and can barely answer, so he just nods.


“Do you want to be fucked by Stan slave?” You ask sweetly.

“No, Master,” I say in a trembling voice.

“But you will let him fuck you if I order you to.”

“Yes, Master,” I say, and in that moment I know that I will. I also know that it will excite me.

Especially because Stan is so disgusting. Letting that monster mount me will be humiliating, and it will make me hot. But I can't let you know yet, at any price.

“Then let's get her pussy wet, Stan. So you can smell her lovely scent.” Stan is wearing khaki shorts, and I can already see a wet spot caused by his pre-cum. He must be as hard as steel. But he's been addicted to you for so long, he'll follow your orders to the letter.

Somehow, that excites me too.

I distract my thoughts and think of cute little kittens. That helps for the time being. My pussy stays dry.

“You can look at her cunt, Stan; I never said anything about drooling all over it,” you say, and Stan removes his disgusting face a little, which has almost touched me. So for now, he can only stare.

Your hand moves to my pussy and you open my outer labia for the greedy onlooker.

“Look Stan. That's what makes it so special,” you say, and slap my pussy lightly with your open hand.

I wince.

Yes, that turns me on, especially. I feel myself getting warmer.

“It's about to get nice and shiny, and then you'll be able to smell it.” You give me another pat and look at my already slightly reddened face.

“Show Stan how much you like it, slave.” I open my legs as wide as I can given my uncomfortable position and smile happily at you.

You thrust again, and I let out a soft moan. Your hand remains on my pussy and your index and middle fingers open my labia for Stan. I feel myself actually getting wet, and it excites me.

“Blow on it, Stan,” you say, and Stan briefly wakes up from his excited stupor and approaches my exposed pussy. He blows on my from your slap still aching clit, and I moan with pleasure. It's a great feeling. Firstly, because the cool air is so pleasant and tickling, and secondly because there's absolutely nothing I can do against it.

You notice how aroused I am and stick your finger inside me. Then you lick it off and I think Stan is already cumming in his pants.

“Yummy. Can you smell it yet, Stan?” He doesn't answer and squirms in his chair. He's either in pain from his erection or he's about to come.

“Go into the bathroom and jerk off. No one wants to see or smell it here.” Stan gets up, groaning in pain, and runs into the bathroom.

I'm not the only one who's hot in here.

You can't wait to get between my legs and stick your hard cock inside me. I'm sure you've planned a longer game with me and Stan, but your cock is already exploding.

As a master, you still have a lot to learn.

You fuck me wildly, and don't stop when Stan comes out of the bathroom.

I hold on as tight as I can and know that you're about to come because it was far too much for you to exert so much power at once.

Over me and over him.

Now you think of nothing else but emptying your cock into me, and that's what you do.

You come with a loud moan and pump my inside full of your hot sperm.

Just in time for the pizza, if the beep from the oven is to be believed.

You look at me triumphantly and then down at me, fascinated as your cum flows out of me and drips onto the floor.

“Clean it up.” you say, and I awkwardly try to free myself from the chairs so I can go down and lick your cock clean.

Stan stands frozen in the doorway, staring at us.

You hold me by the upper arm so I don't fall over, and finally I stand in front of you. It's humiliating but not un-erotic.

I get down on my knees to take your cock in my mouth.

“The floor slave, lick it clean. And hurry up, I have to piss, you don't want to have to lick it up too, do you?”

“No, Master,” I say, and get down on my hands and knees to lick the cum off the living room floor.

It excites me, and I feel your cum flowing out of me to the front of my pussy along with my own juice.

“Get your ass up and turn to Stan. After all, he wants to see something too.”

I change my position and lick quickly like a puppy.

“Now my cock,” you say, and I hurry to do your bidding.

I suck and lick your cock, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Stan's hand kneading the crotch of his pants. He's aroused again. I'm not surprised.

“That's enough,” you say, and step away from me.

“Lick the floor clean and bring us the food. I hurry to lick the floor and stretch my ass and wet pussy in Stan's direction.

I crawl on all fours, spreading my legs so he can get a good look at my wet, juicy pussy.

I can't stand the guy, and that's why I want him to suffer until his cock explodes. When I look up at you, I see that you're watching him too. You like to see him suffer too.

Good. It turns me on to know that he's not allowed to touch me.

Slowly, I even want the ugly guy to touch or fuck me. I want you to force me to suck his cock and swallow his cum.

As I serve the food, I stand as close to Stan as I can without you noticing the purpose.

He breathes heavily as I place the plate around him, and my tits dangle right in front of his greedy face as he turns his head to the side and stares at them.

I do it slowly, very slowly, and carefully as a slave should.

He must still smell your cum on me as I do, and maybe my now completely wet pussy too.

You both start to eat, and I wait next to the table.

“On the floor with you, let's see if you know how to sit like a slave,” you say between bites.

I have to laugh inside. If you only knew how well I know.

I used to watch Pari so proudly, sitting there with her pussy open for me and her adorable body. I hope I can look just as beautiful.

I get down on my knees and then sit back on my heels. My legs are so wide open that I'm sure you can see my still glistening pussy, and my hands are clasped behind my head.

I feel good in this position.

I know how hot I look and I take a deep breath. My body tightens, and I enjoy your gaze. I feel the rest of your cum wanting to get out of my pussy, and I open it up.

It tingles as a thick drop makes its way down and finally drips onto the floor.

You both stop chewing and stare at the small puddle on the floor in fascination.

Yes, the helpless little slave has your undivided attention.

When I see that your eyes are slowly wandering upwards, I lick my lips as if by chance.

I don't have to look at you to know that your jealousy is awakening. It's like a change in the air in the room, which I notice very clearly. I look down at the floor and stay in my relaxed position with my lips slightly parted.

“Lick it off and go clean yourself up,” you say sharply, confirming my suspicions. You don't like to share.

I turn my back to you, stretch my ass way up, and lick the little puddle carefully and slowly. I can't hear you eating, so you stare at me.

Then I get up and go to the bathroom.

I take a long, unhurried shower. It's always excited me to have sex in front of people, but I've never been forced to. This is so hot. I now understand better why Pari has such strong orgasms when I let someone else fuck her.

When I re-enter the living room, Stan is gone. I don't let my disappointment show. So you didn't last long in his presence.

“Now go and get me the whore,” you say, and I go and get dressed.

I'm perfectly on schedule.

Before I leave, I send Pari a message that I'm hungry. You didn't think it was necessary to let me eat. You probably get excited knowing that you can let me go hungry. I don't want to enlighten you.

The food that Pari will prepare for me is certainly better than the pizza you are devouring right now.

My slave cooks much better than yours.

I take the car and drive home.
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