It is 1767 when different social norms applied, particularly the droit de Signeur whereby the lord of the manor was entitled to every maidens honour before their marriage'
“Miss Flora Chambers Sir,” my Butler announced as he showed the young woman into my study one summer’s afternoon.
“Oh, good afternoon Miss Chambers,” I ventured as she entered the room.
I slid back my chair and stood to take her hand, I felt a kiss on the hand would be preferable to a hand shake but she stayed well out of range for either.
“That will be all Carruthers,” I directed, “Please shut the door on your way out.”
She stared at me with something loathing, her hair was unkempt, her clothing shabby,her shoes worn and dirty.
“Did you follow my directions?” I enquired.
“No, I just came on the train and made a bee line for the biggest house I could find,” she replied without even a “Good Day” or even a “Hello!”
“No, not those, underwear, are you naked below your dress as I requested?” I enquired.
“Oh yes, on the train I spread my legs at every opportunity so everyone could see,” she declared.
I swallowed hard, excitement began to overcome me.
“I am joking of course I did not,” she continued. She appeared concerned, “Are you all right, you look ill, do you want a glass of water or something?”
“Oh dear, oh my, oooh,” I replied, “It was such a shock.”
“I have my old gym shorts on if you must know,” she said reassuringly, “Are you actually sure you are fit enough to ravish me?”
“No, I suppose not,” I admitted.
“Just as well I wore them then wasn’t it,” she suggested.
“Yes,” I agreed.
“Look, how about we have a nice cup of tea and I tell Daddy you fucked me for a solid hour,” she offered, “I know you paid Daddy a lot of money for my Virginity but I lost it ages ago.”
“It wasn’t that,” I explained, I don’t suppose he told you but he belongs to a club and his membership level depends on him supplying a daughter both of age and virgo intacto do you see?”
She looked shocked.
I continued, “I by contrast pay the full membership fee and can bid for the sweetest most innocent and beautiful unsullied maidens when they are paraded naked for our perusal and their womb lips held open so we may examine their maidenheads, or as in this case make a sealed bid before putting the maid through this ordeal.
She looked shocked, "Sweetest most innocent and beautiful unsullied maiden, good lord no one ever called me that before,” she admitted, “Maiden perhaps but sweet, me, really, and unsullied, why that ship has well and truly flown.”
“Sweet is nice but spice is more stimulating,” I ventured.
“It’s a bit late to try to seduce me,” she countered but she blushed slightly as she did so.
I sought to reassure her, “I heard rumours about you, but, your Pa,is a good egg so I put in a bid for you.”
“You paid him, are you saying Daddy sold me like a whore?” she asked angrily, “Is that it?”
“No profits go to the club,” I explained.
“It gets worse,” she sighed, “He told me that he would ruin him unless I allowed you to, you know, do me.”
“No,” I replied,” Though he would be thrown from the club and black balled by many of his friends, if he didn’t.”
“Shall you order tea or shall I undress and give you a heart attack?”
“Earl Grey, black two sugars,” I replied.
“Marks and Spencer,” she replied as she pulled her pants to her knees, “I want to see your eyes pop out and your heart explode, look.”
She pulled up her skirt to reveal an unruly mass of black hairs, “Hee hee your face,” she laughed, “Are you hard?”
She approached me and opened down my fly, she yanked my tool out like it was nothing and left me standing with a huge hard on.
“You going to stick it up me or are you going to cum all over the carpet?” she asked.
I was quite surprised at this, she was not the shrinking violet I had expected, or indeed the type the club prized so highly.
“Climb aboard you seem to be in charge,” I replied.
She did just that, straddled me, grabbed my dick, aimed it up inside her and sank down, “You like?” she asked.
“I like,” I agreed,
“It’s not great is it?” she said, “Not mind blowingly exciting?”
“No but very nice,” I suggested.
“Yes, nice, all mellow, gentle, like there’s no hurry,” she agreed, “Boys my age just want to get it over with and get back to the football.
“I haven’t seen your tits yet,” I reminded her.
“Next time, and the time after you can fuck my bottom,” she suggested.
“What next time?” I demanded.
“Next time when you pay me the going rate, “ she insisted, “If you want me to be your whore you can damn well pay for the privilege.”
“No just a one off,” I insisted.
“No way, you’re enjoying it too much,” she replied, “Do you want to pull out because I’m not on birth control?”
Her cunt muscles were working overtime, “I suppose I ought to but I don’t want to, I want fill you with my love juice,” I suggested. She kissed my forehead.
“Daddy says you’re loaded, Mummy said to get pregnant so I can take you to the cleaners,” she whispered. “Oh shit you’re cumming.”
“Oh yes, full cream, “ I chuckled, “Come on milk me.”
We stayed locked together for ages afterwards. Silently enjoying the moment.
“All over,” she announced as my member shrank.
“That was lovely thank you,” I ventured.
“Yes, nice,” she agreed, “What do you want to do now?” she enquired.
“A cup of tea perhaps?” I ventured.
“Before or after you poke my bottom,” she asked.
“Instead of?” I suggested.
“Maria says bottoming is really nice,” she said, “Henry grabs her tits and rides her like a stallion rides a mare and it makes her cum.”
“That is as may be but you are not Maria and I am not Henry,” I pointed out.
“From behind then, not up my bottom, oh go on,” she requested, “I’m excited now, come on.”
She pulled her dress over head and popped her breasts from her brassiere.
My member was rock hard again. She bent over the armchair holding an arm with each hand and I came up behind her and slipped my member inside her.
“Oh that’s lovely,” she sighed, “Don’t forget my boobies.” We stayed locked together for ages.
“That was very pleasant,” I ventured.
“Do you want to do it again,” she asked.
“Yes, but not just yet, I’m shattered,” I confessed.
“Are you sure?” she said as she worked a couple of fingers inside her pussy lips and then withdrew them to lick my cum off them seductively. “You want a naive virgin and got me!”
“I am not complaining,” I admitted, “The last train goes in half an hour or shall you spend the night with me.”
“Oh, well in that case I might as well stay,” she replied, “You can tell me all about the club, it sounds very exciting.”
“Exciting for gentlemen, lucrative for ladies, well Ladies of the night,” I explained, “Mainly we do business deals, well I do.”
“And do the ladies overhear your deals and keep them secret?” she asked.
“To be honest they are not that bright,” I explained.
She had a very devious gleam in her eye.
“Oh no, I spent a lot of money keeping you out of there,” I said earnestly, “Those women have to do the most disgusting things and not just once but constantly, parading naked,bound sometimes, entered in every hole sometimes two gentlemen at once, having to suck elderly gentlemen’s members to hardness, sometimes some more sadistic members expel all over the women, in their mouths, their eyes, their hair.
“Really?” she said, her fingers stole to her crotch and entered inside herself, “Tell me more.”
“God you’re getting excited, is that what you want?” I demanded.
“No I want you inside me again,” she replied. “Maybe you can show me around the club one day?”