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Rachael is down on her luck after losing her job, her boyfriend, and all her stuff due to a little misunderstanding. And then it starts raining. A girl will do almost anything under those circumstances, even if it means finding out she isn't the person she thinks she is. This is a book by Rachael Ross
It's strange to be naked all the time after spending some 18 years being clothed for most of it. Not that I was ashamed of my body, I wasn't and never had been. I wasn't even particularly shy. I mean the physical part of being exposed to every little thing you can think of was strange. It was nice and warm in my room. The floor was smooth and the water cold, of course, but after a few days I was becoming used to it. I even began looking forward to the bracing chill that brought me wide awake every morning. That was actually better than a cup of coffee because I didn't have to pee 20 minutes later.

Outside was different though. It was springtime in Washington and so the wind was cool and the sun still distant. It rained often and the ground was soft and spongy and cold. I had no shoes, no raincoat or anything, I was a bitch, a female dog, and I had come to enjoy that role even as I wondered how long it could possibly last. But I didn't really like going outside yet. There were rocks, and weeds with sharp sticklers, and twigs and insects. I had to go out though, not leastwise because it would get awfully boring in my room all the time. Besides, my three companions loved it outside and I knew they wanted me to join them on their daily expeditions around the property.

So it was a slow but deliberate process for me, going out and becoming used to the ever changing environment. Some days were cold and wet, other days warm and sunny, and gradually I came to enjoy the difference. It took a few months, perhaps longer than that before my feet became calloused enough that I didn't mind running wild with my mates, even across the gravel of the driveway. Where once I'd almost tip-toed gingerly, ohhing and ahhing over every uncomfortable step, now I felt little if any discomfort.

I'd also learned to avoid certain plants and bushes, learning to recognize the best paths and routes as I ran with the dogs. And I did run, although I'd hardly been athletic before. Now I had muscles and my lungs were free and clear and my heart seemed larger somehow. I could run for an hour easily, up and down the gently sloping hills, through the fields and grasslands, chasing my brothers and being chased happily. I put on weight, but I was not fat at all. I was lean and strong, the way a dog should be, and I knew my Master was proud of the way I was changing, growing even, for that's what it felt like. I'd been a puppy until I'd come here, lost and confused and full of mischief, but no more.

The summer was best. The world greeted me warmly beneath a bright blue sky very nearly everyday as the end of June approached. I had little use for time though. I had no idea what the date was or even what day of the week it was. There was daytime and nighttime and that was all. Every few days my Master would shave my sex and underarms, simply because he enjoyed grooming me, I think. I might have preferred it otherwise, but I enjoyed his attentions and I would lick his hand eagerly on those mornings. Occasionally he would mount me, but only after one or more of the other dogs had done so. He was most interested in watching us copulate, and Master had taken to spending most of his evenings in an old rocking chair, reading a book or magazine while we sported for his attention and pleasure.

I hadn't spoken to a human in a long time and I felt little need for it any longer, although I spoke occasionally to the other dogs. But that was rare because it seemed strange. I'd come to understand the sounds of the other dogs, their growls and barks and whines, and I'd come to emulate them after a fashion, although doubtless it would sound funny to a person. I'd never thought of dogs as talkative. I mean, when I was a pup and trying to be human, I figured they just made noise to mean a few things, like hunger or pain, or anger maybe. But in truth, the language of dogs is a lot more complex than that and we communicated thoughts and feelings, and even ideas which would have seemed quite normal between humans. So why would it be less so for dogs?

The memories of my ignorance made me giggle sometimes, and I tried not to laugh too much, because it was the one sound I still made that was utterly human and I felt almost ashamed of it. But my mates didn't mind, in fact I think they rather enjoyed the sound and would often tease me with their mouths and tongues, tickling me along my ribs just to hear me laugh.

I bathed them, of course, which was one great advantage my biology gave me. I was able to care for myself and the other dogs much more easily than they could themselves in some ways. I kept the fleas and ticks away, kept our bedding clean, airing out the mattress every few days, and of course our Master was diligent in all things as well, such as washing our blankets and quilts. He didn't require me to crawl on my hands and knees outside; as such a thing would have been silly. It was a good life, a dog's life, and so far as I could remember, I was happy for the very first time.

There were other changes as well. I'd long since removed my human jewelry, my rings and earrings, finding them rather useless and unappealing. My Master agreed also and I think it pleased him that I'd removed those things about a month after I'd arrived, without being asked or told, and simply left them near our empty dinner bowls one evening for Master to find. Perhaps that was the sign he'd been waiting for, or maybe just a coincidence of timing, although since that night outside the 7-11 in Seattle I'd stopped believing in coincidence and luck.

Master entered the room an hour after he'd found my jewelry, bringing his chair as usual. All of us hurried over to greet him, of course, and we jostled and climbed over each other, licking at his hands and growling happily as he stroked us each in turn. I always became aroused when he was near, which may seem strange as it was not for him that I grew excited, but for my companions. I cannot say why, perhaps it was simply that I enjoyed the way our Master seemed content and pleased as he watched me mate with the other dogs. I always enjoyed our unions, but it was even better with Master watching us.

"Go on. Shoo now..." Master smiled as he pushed Bandy and then Bush away, and finally Barley as well, wanting to speak to me as I knelt in front of him. "I have your tags, girl," he said, reaching into the breast pocket of his flannel shirt. There were three of them, heart shaped and shiny, although one was red.

I leaned forward eagerly as I'd been waiting a long time for this. The other dogs had their tags and my collar felt light without them. It's a small thing, perhaps, but it was important to me. To my Master as well and I appreciated that he'd taken his time to observe me and decide carefully upon a name. He'd called me girl and bitch for the better part of a month and while I had grown fond of those terms and knew he wouldn't stop addressing me as such completely, I also knew that once he'd named me I was that much further from my pervious life.

"I'm going to call you Dare." He smiled and held up one silvery pendant for me to see and it was stamped with the four simple letters.

I might have spoken then, for the first time in two weeks, and said my name; but I didn't want to. It was better to hear it from my Master's lips as he said it again and again, clipping the tag to my collar as I lifted my chin.

"That's a good girl, Dare. That's my beautiful girl. Good Dare..."

And he was stroking my neck gently while I tilted my head and nuzzled him with a soft growl of pleasure that I'd been practicing.

"I've filed the paperwork to change your name legally. Have to go through a federal court for that, since we're on reservation land, so that will take awhile, but it won't be a problem," Master spoke softly while I rested my head against his thigh. I think he was saying it for both of us, really, since I didn't have to know any of that stuff.

"So, anyhow ... This one..." he held up the reddish tag. "This is to let people know you're sensitive to penicillin. You didn't know that, did you?"

I licked my lips and gave my head the barest shake. I hadn't known I had any allergies, but my Master had brought a man to examine me a week after I'd arrived. It was the last time I'd been human, or pretended to be, and I'd dressed and acted the part while the doctor checked my body, drew blood and took urine. He created a medical record and it had been a tedious process as I'd never been sick or in a hospital that I could recall, except for chicken pox when I was very small, and the occasional cold, but everyone gets those. If the doctor had wondered what I was doing living with my Master, he didn't ask or comment on it, and I didn't know what my Master had told him.

The only part of the experience that was vaguely uncomfortable had been my pelvic exam, when the man had gotten between my thighs and checked my vagina. It was obvious to him that I'd been enjoying a rather stressful sex life. My pussy was tender and red, and swollen from taking each of the dogs several times every day and night for a week. I had felt it, believe me, but I hadn't complained or anything. I'd hoped that my body would become used to it and the soreness simply go away, but the doctor clucked his tongue and asked me what I'd been doing.

"I mate with the dogs," I told him, feeling a little uneasy, but my Master had told me to answer every question truthfully.

"I see." He didn't seem terribly surprised at that, since he was a country doctor maybe. I expected he'd seen and heard his fair share of strange stories and really, coupling with dogs couldn't be all that uncommon, could it?

"You're a very small girl and those dogs are..." he glanced at Bandy, Barley, and Bush who were outside and looking rather testy. They didn't care for strangers at all and they liked strangers in their room, poking at their bitch even less. "They're rather large. Are you well lubricated? I mean, are you willing and, um, wet when you do it?" He seemed more embarrassed than me actually, which seemed strange since he was a doctor and a rather old one at that.

"Oh yes," I nodded. "I'm really wet by the time we start mating."

"Okay. Uh, good. But you have some lesions, a little tearing, probably from the first time and you haven't given them time to heal. You need to rest your body, alright?" I nodded as he continued. "No vaginal sex for at least two weeks, maybe three. I'll give you a pre***********ion for some antibiotic ointment. You need to keep yourself clean and apply it twice every day, after bathing, okay? After a few weeks, once you've healed, you can continue with your um, fun ... But I suggest you take them one at a time from now on. One session a day and see how that goes, alright?"

"Okay," I said, thinking it was going to be hard to refuse the other two dogs after one had taken me.

"When was your last period?" he asked.

"Um, three weeks ago." I had to think about that, because I'd already started losing track of time. "Maybe a little longer."

"Well good, so you'll have your next one soon." He gave me a look. "Hopefully. Any reason to suspect you might be pregnant?"

"No!" I laughed at that. "I haven't had very much sex with men lately." And I hadn't. My Master had only fucked me twice and both times immediately after all three of the dogs had had me and I doubted his sperm could have made it past the seeming gallons of dog cum that I'd been filled with.

"Okay, we'll run the test anyway." He seemed to think any girl who would mate with dogs was bound to be pregnant for some reason, like that alone made me a slut and I resented it a little. "Make sure you stay clean during your period and use the ointment. You don't have any infection, but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen and that's a bad spot for it, missy."

"Yes sir," I said dutifully, wishing this man would leave. The best treatment I'd found for my tender vagina was Barley's tongue. All the dogs were good, but for some reason Barley was an exceptional pussy licker and he always made me feel so much better.

"Okay, turn around and we'll take a look at the other side." He gave me a wry smile and pulled on a fresh pair of rubber gloves.

"Any pain or discomfort here?" he asked me with his finger as deep in my butt as he could get it. Even with the cold lubricant he'd used it had still hurt a little.

"Uh, a little," I said, wondering at the stupidity of his question. He had his finger in my ass, how did he think that would feel?

"Good," he shrugged as I stared at him over my left shoulder. "You're fine then, but I wouldn't recommend trying anal sex with those dogs, or even a man. You're a small girl and not very deep, okay?"

That didn't sound like a medical term I'd ever heard before and I wondered exactly what it meant, but I'd already figured out a long time ago that my rectum was way too small for fucking. My boyfriend had wanted me to try it once and after a few too many wine coolers I'd finally agreed, until he'd started pushing into my ass. It had hurt a lot, just getting the head of his penis inside me and I'd scrambled out from under him quick! Grabbing one of my shoes off the floor just in case he thought I was playing hard to get.

So my medical exam had ended with that sage advice and I was glad it was over. Now, a month or so later I was reaping the rewards of my patience that day. I'd been given a clean bill of health. I wasn't pregnant obviously, my menses had come and gone with some discomfort as I had no pads or tampons or anything. But the dogs had certainly enjoyed the five days of my period, working diligently to keep me clean. Of course they were incredibly horny as well, even more than usual, smelling my blood and tasting it. But I followed the doctor's orders and did my best to satisfy my mates with my hands and mouth. I became quite adept at giving them head and once I'd learned how to deep throat their oversized and oddly shaped pricks it was much better for all of us.

My Master thoroughly enjoyed watching me take Bandy, the largest, all the way down my throat until the swollen form of his knot was pressing against my lips. It had been uncomfortable at first, I admit, and I'd had a sore throat and could barely bark for a few days after the first time Barley had really fucked my mouth. We didn't do that often, throat fucking, just for that reason; having nine inches of rock hard cock slamming in and out of my throat was uncomfortable at best. Even after I'd grown used to it, I only did it once in awhile to give our Master a special treat. It is much better for me to take it slow and easy, and a blowjob can last over an hour easily as it is much harder to bring the dogs to climax that way.

The reward is worth it though and I quickly grew to appreciate the flavor and texture of dog semen as being far better than what I remembered of a man's. The precum is dull and nearly tasteless for the most part, and there's a lot of it. Dogs leak precum like crazy and I had to learn to swallow fast. Their sperm is thin and bitter and salty, however, with a distinctive aftertaste like burnt Oreo cookies, if you can imagine such a thing. It isn't unpleasant at all though, it just took a little getting used to, especially since there is so much of it and it comes out in a big hurry.

They actually start cumming after just a few minutes of being aroused, but it doesn't really spurt so much as leak from the tip until later. There's much more of it than a man can make too. Dogs are full of sperm and when they really start to ejaculate, it's a genuine flood. I've found myself bathing in dog sperm on many occasions as I wasn't able to swallow it all down fast enough. It's not very thick at all, and not that much different than a man's except a little more watery in my opinion, creamy almost, and mixed with my saliva, semen just pours out of my mouth and down my body.

But I'd had two solid weeks of practice while I couldn't fuck, and I did it several times a day with three very horny dogs, so I became very good at swallowing. My Master enjoyed it also, seeing me swallow, I mean, and he even allowed me to mouth his penis along with the other dogs once in awhile. He surprised me with his reserved manner though. I figured he'd want me often, but he didn't. Not any more than a man might normally want a bitch, because I honestly think that was how he thought of me. As his pet, a favored animal that he would play with when the mood struck him, but it was obvious I was mainly there for the benefit of the other dogs. That was confusing at first and a little frustrating, but only because I'd been thinking like a girl and not a dog. But I was learning.

"And this one..." My master had finished clipping the medical tag to my collar and now he held up another. "This is your license."

He smiled as I read the words 'Licensed Canine' and below that a number 'wa06-11031' which meant nothing to me at all really, but it was nice anyway.

"But before we can put this one on, I need you to sign this..." He reached behind him and pulled out some papers from his back pocket, folded and a little wrinkled, with a pen clipped to them.

I didn't say anything and I might have thought about reading the papers, but not really. The way they'd been folded mostly hid everything but the lines for my signature, and for my Master's as well. He'd scrawled his name but I couldn't really read it and not for the first time I thought about how strange it was that I didn't know his name at all. He was just Master to me now, so I suppose I didn't need to know his name. I didn't need to know what I was signing either. I knew he loved me and I trusted him.

I signed awkwardly, putting the papers on the floor and trying to recall the way my hand was supposed to move to make my old name. Master waited patiently until I gave them back, then he stroked my head gently, calling me Dare and his good girl. It was a good feeling and a reward that I enjoyed immensely.

I had three tags jingling softly from my collar and I felt a warm sense of pride filling me. I smiled and licked my lips, putting my face in Master's lap so that I could nuzzle his hidden penis. I felt excited and I wanted to share that with him. I mouthed the bulge of his cock through his trousers and growled softly, lifting my head and turning around on my hands and knees so that I could rub my bare sex against his leg while he sat there. I was flagging him without shame, wiggling my ass and arching my back, inviting him to take me as he wanted.

The other dogs were lying on the bed and of course they couldn't help but notice and doubtless scented my arousal. Bandy was first as usual and I pushed him away gently, giving him the short low pitched bark that meant I wasn't interested in him. It was like a 'No!' in human speech and one of the first things I'd learned, along with the equally short, but higher pitched bark that meant yes.

Bandy, being our leader, sometimes ignored my protests and attempted to mount me anyway, which meant we'd have a little fight. Harmless mostly, with a lot of growling and soft nips with our teeth, but today he accepted my reluctance, probably because our Master was there. The other two had remained where they were, with heads raised and ears high, watching with interest. If Bandy mounted me then they would have their turns as well, or so they'd assume. With Bandy turned away however, Bush and Barley dropped their heads back to the quilt and lost interest.

"Mmmm ... Tough girl, huh Dare?" Master was stroking my back gently as I watched Bandy walk away. "Here girl, up Dare!" He was pulling his cock free and inviting me to suck him as he sat there.

It was nice, kneeling with my arms across Master's legs, licking and sucking his cock carefully. I wanted it to be good for him, of course, and so I took my time, licking along the shaft first and then tickling his balls with my tongue until he lifted my chin so I could take him into my mouth. He was long enough, for a man, and thick, but not so large as the dogs. The shape was different also, and I must say I much prefer dog cock in shape, size, and taste, but this was my Master and it was always my pleasure to make him happy.

I took him completely into my mouth and then my throat, feeling little discomfort at all. It was easier than taking one of my mates, that was for sure, and Master seemed to enjoy it a great deal. I mouth fucked him for perhaps ten minutes before he held my head and thrust his hips, cumming hard and shooting his cum straight into my stomach. I didn't even have to swallow, I just held him in my tight throat until he was finished, leaving me red-faced and smiling and panting for air.

"Ohhh ... Dare, you're a good little bitch ... Such a good girl, Dare..." Master breathed, rubbing my face with his thumb.

After Master left I returned to the bed, lying down between Barley and Bush and stroking their sheathed cocks while they slept. I was hot and I hadn't cum or anything, but that was okay. I could feel Master's sperm in my tummy and I was content with that. I fell asleep, hugging Bush and rubbing my pussy against his warm fur, dreaming of puppies.
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