Brian Holley surveyed the expanse of lawn stretching west down into the fen where the whooping cranes were nesting.
“We’ve left this area naturalized” he commented, indicating with a sweeping gesture the wild plants native to this area. “Problem is, some of the ducks don’t want to stay in the native area. They’ve acquired a taste for the domestic flowers in some of the formal gardens.”
As we walked back to the reception area for the botanical gardens, we encountered two ducks munching on some tulips. They waddled away, quacking imprecations at us for disturbing their dinner.
We came to an enclosure with a grass roof in the Caribbean area. Two hammocks had been slung between palm trees. Each contained a middle aged man, both apparently asleep.
However, one cocked an eye open and asked, “Is it that time?”
Brian laughed and said, “Yes, Ted. It’s past five and we’ve closed the gardens for the day. Come and join the other special volunteers.”
Ted nodded and got up, yawning. “I’ll wake up Paul and bring him along”
Brian indicated a path to the right and we started off again. “Special volunteers?” I queried.
“Yes, we depend so much on their work and creative ideas. The gardens foundation does not have deep pockets. So one day I caught two of them screwing in the bushes over in the Asian sector, so I gave them a nod and a knowing wink, you know, to let them know I thought it was OK. Next thing I knew, several other volunteers were doing it.”
He laughed and shook his head. “So I thought, if outdoor fucking turns them on and keeps them coming back to the gardens to volunteer, I should encourage this. So I asked Ted there whether he and his partner would like to swing. I suggested Paul and his partner, and that was the beginning of the special volunteers. They gather in the rose garden after closing if the weather is good and have an orgy.”
The path led to the rose garden where five or six couples were laughing, shedding their clothes, and rubbing each others’ genitals. It was an arousing sight. Brian saw me staring and laughed. “Don’t worry,” he said. “We’ll come back here and you can get naked with them as my guest. Right now we have to continue to reception to pick up Andrea and the new volunteers.”
“Who is Andrea?” I asked my old friend and former student. “I thought your wife was Donna.”
He gave me a quick hard glance. “Sorry, I thought you knew. Donna and I divorced several years ago. She left me for Mick Hardwick, and I moved down here when the gardens foundation hired me. Andrea was a volunteer also before we got together.”
“Anyway, here we are.”
The reception area next to the office was open and sunny with flowers and benches arranged around a splashing water fountain. A girl of twenty with long dark hair and brown eyes ran to Brian and kissed him passionately, grabbing his buttocks as she did. I noticed he was not shy about grabbing hers too, and right in front of two strangers standing watching awkwardly. These I assumed were the new volunteers.
Brian introduced me. “Riff and Beth, this is Charles. He is a special friend here to visit for a few days, so he will be joining us, but unofficially. Now I have to ask, are you sure you want to be a special volunteer. When we go to the rose garden, they will strip you and use your bodies. We won’t be rough — yet. We just need you to show us that you can engage in sexual activity with others in front of the group.”
Riff and Beth nodded enthusiastically, and off we went. I noticed Beth’s lovely curly brown hair with blond streaks and hoped there was more covering her cunt. Her hips swayed provocatively as I walked behind her and noted the perfect round globes of her buttocks outlined in her tight jeans.
In the rose garden, the special volunteers were still kissing and fondling each other until the women’s nipples stood up hard from their round tits and their juices had started to flow in their cunts. The men’s proud erections stood out from their bodies in anticipation of the fresh pussy they were about to welcome into their circle.
Most spectacular was Andrea, Brian’s main squeeze, a sensuous flower with jet black long hair, large breasts and supple hips, and a prominent pussy mound that divided deliciously into two fat fur-lined cunt lips between generous thighs.
Brian in the lead stopped at the edge of the garden and waved to the gathering. They waved back, laughing and excited to see the two new members. Andrea ran over to Brian and hugged him and grabbed his ass. The men had already gathered next to a rose espalier trained on a privacy wall, the roses all now in bloom, providing a riot of bright color and intoxicating fragrance as a background for the sexual initiation of Riff and Beth.
In front of the men lay a mattress covered with a while sheet and set on a low platform carved of teak wood. It was to be the altar on which Beth would be sacrificed to their lusts.
The women in the group—partners of the men—surrounded Beth and helped her strip naked, adding a blindfold of soft, white cloth. Brian and I also stripped, and as I did so, I saw Riff’s cock pop out of his shorts tall and long and thick, a great lady pleaser. Riff looked a little embarrassed—it was his first group sex session—so we laughed and assured him he would enjoy the ceremony.
Brian and Riff on either side of Beth led her into the group. All male eyes were on her tits and cunt as they laid her on her back on the mattress and spread her legs to give the men a good view of her cunt, now shiny with the first flow of her cunt juices as her body trembled in anticipation of the gangbang to come.
Brian motioned Riff to kneel at the head of the bed where he could closely observe the taking of his Beth, where he could see each penis pushing into her vagina, hear each sigh and moan as her body rose to orgasm.
A tall, portly man stepped in front of the line, his large balding head and handlebar moustache an imposing presence.
“So” he began, addressing Brian as the host and natural leader of the group. “I see you have brought two candidates for membership. Good. Did you explain to them the purpose of this initiation?”
Brian calmly replied, “Sure. I told them Beth would be taken by all the members present, gang banged if you want to use that word. In return, Riff will have to perform at least three strokes in each woman’s vagina without ejaculating.”
As Brian clambered awkwardly onto the mattress, he saw the Moustache Man gesturing to the other men to indicate the order in which they would fuck Beth, the lovely Beth who now lay supine before him, her thighs opened into a pleasantly wide Y shape that showed the outlines of her furry pussy quite clearly.
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