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I love my wife but our sex life had cooled a lot as we got older. I think I found a way to energize it and hope my wife would think it a great thing too.
My Backyard Glory Hole

My wife Ghiselle has had vision problems for a long time. And the deterioration became worse in the last year. She can hardly see anything now unless it is right in front of her but I look after her well as she did for me over many years. She is in her 70s now and I think sexy as hell, she still has a good body with full breasts.

We generally keep to our home and get along very well. I do the shopping and most of the cooking now. But our sex life is a bit boring and we both needed a jump start. Ghiselle was always adventurous and we often did exciting things, in public or anywhere else. She was also a big flirt and I believe she had her share of strange cock when she was younger, even though we were married. She was always on a bowling team or out with girlfriends.

So when she couldn’t get around that well without me guiding her, I still wanted those lovely blow jobs she is still so great at. And I am getting them occasionally because she feels that is doing her part. And so she appreciates my work around the house, which is a reward for me! She always loved giving head too which I think now makes her feel sexy in her older age, especially when she sucks my cock with that steady rhythm.

Our adventures now seem to be only within our own patio in the high fenced back yard. She likes sunbathing in her lounge with a mixed cocktail and there is some privacy in that high fence. I saw this video once where there was a gate in the fence from the street, and guys would come through and the home owner had a hole in the wall and they could stick their cocks in it for an anonymous blow job and no one could see from the street! Well that memory was what got my crazed brain thinking up scenarios where I could enjoy Ghiselle’s attentions in a more kinky way like that. It would be just too easy to get her to suck me off right there on the lounge chair.

Our patio is a lovely place to relax, trees, flowers and shrubs all over. Solid wood fencing surrounds it and shields another area where tools and garden stuff are stored, accessed from the street by a wooden gate into an alcove also shielded from view where we once kept our garbage cans. Just being there in the back yard didn't have the excitement my mind seemed to be working on and anticipated, but, perhaps there was something percolating in my perversion?

So I changed things around so her chair was right beside the inner fence by that alcove. And then drilled a nice round 3 inch hole in the fence. Presto I had a glory hole from the hidden alcove into our back yard! You could enter the alcove from the street and be hidden.To try it out I waited over a week until Ghiselle was sunbathing on her chaise lounge, said I was going to clean up the storage area. Once there I peeked through the hole, within a foot from her. I got hard thinking about what I intended to do. Gawd this was me being way too sneaky but my erection was pulsing and already prodding me on! Here was no controlling this idea now.

I hesitated but then mumbled from behind the fence, “Did you notice this old knot hole?” She looked for my voice and then laughed as I said I was horny and wanted to push my cock through the hole. Ghiselle asked if we should go inside, I said no and pushed my already hard cock through my special glory hole and asked her to feel the fence. In seconds I felt her hand and replied, “Just give it a little kiss while you’re sitting there.” There was something about not seeing her but feeling her fingers on my cock that was way exciting! I heard her snicker but then felt her mouth on my cock! Damn what a thrill! This was a strange and wonderful feeling.

“Gawd Ghiselle, that is super good.” She let go a moment and said, “But you like watching me do this don’t you?” I barely had time to answer before my surge was coming, “Yes but this is way sexy!” She took it again into her mouth and I grunted right away when her tongue lolled along the bottom of the head sending me over the top, “Cominnnggg!”

I could not believe how great it felt as I came from her head movements, her fluttering tongue and soft mouth pressing over my hard cock! I was trembling with excitement.

She asked, “Did you like that, Honey? Through a knothole in the fence?” I answered, “I loved it! Seemed like weird but so fun.” I knew my plan was taking shape but I needed to ensure its progress, I added, “So you did like it too?”

She said, “Yes, of course, but you could have just stood here and I would have done it.”

“Sure Sweet, but it was so kinky and different. Can we do it like that again?”

“Right now? This seems so silly, talking through a fence. I feel like I'm talking to the delivery man.” I responded by pushing my rising hard-on through again. And Ghiselle sucked it but I couldn’t come so quick a second time and pulled out.

Went back around and sat beside her for awhile, flushed with my mind a flurry, until happy hour, then made some nice strong drinks for us both and we enjoyed the evening. She later asked, “How come you liked that so much? Even not seeing me.”

“Don’t know sweets, but it sure made my cock hard!”

“Seemed larger too.” She laughed but she was right. The kinkiness of it pumped more blood into it!

We did the same thing for the next few days while I worked on the fence and gate. Me clunking around behind the fence until I tweeted a whistle while pushing my cock through the hole. I couldn’t believe how readily she took it into her mouth and sucked it so beautifully. I knew I felt like it was a stranger sucking me off and wondered she felt the same? It was wonderful. A stranger huh? And maybe there was a way to share Ghiselle’s talents. That idea of those guys in the video was now so intriguing it sent a pang of lust through me! Oh my, and what a nice new feeling.

So in the next few weeks I wondered how I was ever going to get other guy’s cocks through that hole without alerting her? Dare I try it? With who? What if she found out? Did I dare involve a close friend? How would I get a strange guy to do it? Then the realization that those porn shops had places where guys could see porn and get off on it and some even had glory holes built into the small booths.

I knew lots of guys just visited for a quick secret blow job from the regular gay guys who hung out there for most of the day, having to put tokens in the moviola. But what if I scribbled a note inside one of the booths? My erection grew with that idea.

My note gave my cell number to text, how the alcove was situated, and that a horny woman would suck a cock through the glory hole but she wanted to remain anonymous. I needed a test to arrange it. Well, I got one within two days, from a guy who was suspicious of the deal but his cock was guiding him too and he agreed to come there the next day.

I worked around the yard while she sunbathed with a book on her lounge until I got a text that he was there. I had mixed Ghiselle a strong drink and disappeared from her view into the shrubs. Went quickly to the gate, unlocked it and thought why lock it at all? Met Fred there and he was still suspicious so I told him it was all descreet and we went into the alcove and I showed him the hole. Only whispering. He peeked through it first and could see my wife with eyes now closed, she was older but still great looking so I whistled a few soft tweets. She glanced at the hole and smiled as I pushed my stiff cock through. Took it into her warm mouth right away. I let her suck for a bit then pulled back saying, “You’re so sexy, Honey.”

Stepped aside and now Fred had a lovely bulging cock which was thicker than mine as he pushed it through and gasped when she took it into her now wet mouth and began sucking him off. I nearly came right there. And knew I needed to add a peep hole to see better if this was going to happen again. Fred had his eyes closed and came quickly and grinned. Suppressed his moan. I motioned for him to be quiet as he zipped up. Told him he only needed to text me if he wanted to come back for another BJ! And he readily agreed. For the next day!

When I went back into my yard she was grinning at me and said, “You are getting kinky in your old age, you really like that, don’t you?”

I agreed and saw that she had no idea she had just sucked off a stranger! What had I started? I should have been remorseful of my deception but my lust was flushing through me instead. And I could only think of how could this go on again? Because my cock was swelling already. I told Ghiselle I was going back to fixing the gate and returned to my Private Glory Hole. Pushed my undrained cock through again and whistled a tweet.

Part of my plan to do the soft whistle was so I wouldn’t have my own voice associated with a cock through the GH. She readily held it in her soft hand and stroked while she sucked it in deeply and so beautifully from her lounge. Her mouth was even better than ever. Getting your cock sucked through a glory hole is the most wonderful feeling because all your senses are on your cock without even seeing it or who was fondling you. I came huge spurts and jerking motions as she slurped it all down! Even the slurpy noises she made were exciting!

So I did a little more work on the alcove, slitting a peep hole so she could be seen by whomever she was paying attention to by peeking down at her. I made a note about doing only a short soft whistle and no voices. Then went back to the video booth store and wrote my message inside a few more booths. But this time just gave the address with certain hours so I would be home. My stomach was pulsing with lust as i wrote it.

I guess I forgot about Fred the next day because I had some things to get at the store and went there. Didn’t get a text. When I came back Ghiselle was lounging and said with a grin, “You naughty boy, did you even get to your store or just come back for more special attention from the lady behind the fence?” Of course that sent a delicious jolt of lust through me.

It only took a second to realize what had happened, Freddy had arrived and just stepped into the alcove, whistled and pushed his cock through for his blow job. At first I was sure she would get it, but again my cock was pushing me forward and lust drove me again.

“You never know, Honey, but your efforts are so wonderful what difference is there? It is all fun.”

She said, “Well, I want you to just move the potted maple tree so if I need something else I can just back up to your notorious glory hole and get those benefits for me too! Without the neighbors seeing anything. Okay?”

“Okay.” I agreed without a second of hesitation. This was getting even better. Did my wonderful wife have any idea or did she know something was up? But I felt bad, or more odd, about my deception. Yet it played on me over and over when I realized it could have been any cock she was sucking and she might not have known! That got me going further until I became obsessed with the idea of her sucking more straining cocks than only mine.

I wasn’t about to ask her anything because this was way too much fun so far. If my private glory hole was going to furnish this much sexual fun why would I want to stop it? Now my mind was full of ideas about her backing onto a cock at that hole! Maybe a line of them all hard and ready to fuck her! Even expanding the hole downward more so she could stand up and press against it and have her pussy licked by an urgent tongue. We were both going to play my great glory hole game.

It was only a few days later we were enjoying a slow cocktail in the sun, just relaxing. I heard the whistle as Ghiselle did too. She glanced at me once and then to the fence.My face flushed red and my breath quickened. A lovely big cock came sliding through, throbbing with expectation. My exciting wife looked at me with a big grin and reached for the hard cock, watching me as she stroked it slowly up and down then smiled and leaned forward and took it into her mouth. I just love my wife!

I did move that big potted tree where she wanted it. Opened the glory hole a little more downward and sanded it all smooth. My backyard private glory hole was super excitement for me and now for her too. What lovely arrangements perverted minds can think up!


2025-03-08 02:42:39
very good
wish I had a hole in my fence! :)

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