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I didn’t see it coming
"Thanks" to all the gifted writers here for the story's that help me cum. If you like this story it could be more than one part. If it suits the fans. I could see it possibly being four parts. So let me know. All persons in this story are over the age of eighteen. The story may not be for everyone, but then why would you be reading it?



He was a mountain of a man. Standing six foot six, weighing in at 240 pounds of bones and muscles. Bones and muscles are not uncommon for a man, any man, but this Adonis was the alpha; wherever he went he commanded the room. His size intimidated me, so we didn't hang out much. Actually never. I think he was a model, bodybuilder or something like that. Paid ridiculous amounts of money to show off. Who really knew? I know he was making great money. It's almost a prerequisite on our block. A commanding black man who was known as Turner.

He lived on the same cul-de-sac as I did in an upscale neighborhood with his beauty of a wife, a blond goddess, huge tits and a very nice ass. His lady took my breath away, and made my cock hard. This trophy wife was the envy of every other wife, she was charming and elegant. With an infectious laugh and a sexy smile. Wendy was her name. The object of my fantasies.

When in public together, the couple turned heads of both sexes! The poster couple for the perfect marriage. Or was it?

It was late in the fall. I'd just finished with the leaves and grass. Admiring my work as I enjoyed a beer, a deep voice shook me from my daydream.

"Can I use your leaf blower, mine just gave out. "Turner was casting quite the shadow and I happened to be in it.

"Of course you can." I said, thinking that it must be nice just to use your good looks to get what you want. I gave him what he came for, and just as quickly he vanished in the recesses of his yard. A privacy wall surrounded his property, with wrought iron rail gating. Beautiful, secure and private. I'd often wondered what it looked like.

Weeks went by and I had forgotten the incident altogether when the phone rang. It was Wendy wondering if I could assist Turner with a small chore in the yard. With my wife away visiting her sick mom, I thought why not?

I walked the three house distance in the Indian summer we were having wearing what I usually did, a tank top and board shorts. My flip-flops smacked along the stroll. I'm not a big guy, never played sports, more of a geek. I'm thin, one thirty soaking wet, my wife in her heels is taller than my five foot six fame. A bit of an eighty's boy my hair was down to the middle of my back. Enjoying the sun as I stood before the gate, I pressed the button and waited.

Wendy's voice was the one that answered, and granted me entrance to their castle. Figuring Turner was around the back of the property, I casually turned the corner and almost passed out. There without a stitch of clothes on was Wendy, nursing a margarita in her lounger.

The second shock came when I saw that Turner was next to her in exactly in the same condition, bare for all.

I must have been staring for some time, when Wendy broke the silence stating the obvious. "We're nudist." I took a mental picture of that goddess, for beat material later. Stunning was not even close to describing her beauty. Turner found his voice soon after. I tuned to him as he spoke.

"Not sure you can help, I may have to call another bud" Pointing to the stump he was trying to remove from his yard. It was a rather small stump. Not like the stump Turner was packing. Even soft his cock was three times bigger than mine. That monster must split his Barbie in two when they fuck. I watched as sweat rolled down his abs to the base of that huge cock. Darting my eyes away, I think he did see me staring at it, I don't know why my eyes even looked, Why does traffic slow down at a bad accident? Do they secretly want to see a mangled body? I'm heterosexual my eyes stayed on his face. Designing software for a popular gaming platform. I studied the stump. Water had been used to soften the soil. Most of the dirt had been cleared, exposing a few core roots. Some of those roots even failed to compare to the other leg that dangled between his. Knowing there was no hope of me helping..I wondered why they even asked for it.

"A tractor is your answer, a small one won't be much to rent." I offered my advice. Hoping he would not have me attempt such a task. Turner kept his focus on the stump, as if trying to read its mind. I kept sneaking peeks at Wendy when I could. When I could not, it was the stump and his stump I looked at. Wishing mine could be half that big, only made me more pathetic.

"Let's try to push it from here." Turner said pointing to the widest part. I shrugged and walked around where he stood and found a place to put my hands. Turner then stood behind me, closed the gap between. His monster mitts made mine look feminine. His arms resembled black steel on each side of me. I immediately felt that big cock at my ass, as we dug in and shoved.

This went on till I was about to die, sweating, shirt clinging to my skinny frame. His body added to this heat. His pecks dug into my back as I swear his cock dug into my bubble of an ass. Finally I heard a snap, and suddenly we were launched forward as the stump gave way. Landing us the muddy ground, Turner on top of me. My breath was taken as his weight pressed mine further in the mud. It took some time for Turner to pick himself up off of me.

Laying there hoping my will was updated, I slowly recovered as well. Mud covered me from head to toe. Wendy was kind enough to offer a shower. I thought I could just as easily take one at my place, and began my departure.

"I wouldn't feel very Christian if you did not accept my offer." Wendy said, blocking my exit by stepping right in front of me. I was so close to her that I could smell her perfume, then her sweat, and then something else. Was it sex? Thinking it couldn't be, I looked down before I could stop myself and was shocked to see what appeared to be cum leaking down her thigh.

"Uh, uh, but I don't have any clean clothes" I stammered looking back up at her lovely face. I could feel my cock starting to harden as I failed to stop myself thinking about the fucking Turner must have given her just before I arrived.

"Don't worry sugar, we'll find you something to put on." She said with a sexy smile as she pushed me back with one hand to the center of my chest. The argument was lost. Taking me by the hand, she guided me through their beautifully decorated house, to a stall shower off the guest room. Even the stall was big, and she stepped in with me, pointed out the soap and shampoo, and then winked before she turned and left me to the task.

Letting the water wash away the grime wasn't enough, I used the soap, body wash and shampoo. Doing a thorough job to lift the dirt. And trying to get my stiff cock to go down. Maybe twenty minutes passed before I emerged. As I was drying my body I was alarmed to see my pubic hair wiped away with the beads of water. Did I grab a bottle of Nair by mistake? Not having any hair at the base made my cock look so different. Longer and thinner. I quickly covered myself with my towel, and began to look for clothes.

Not finding any, yelled for something to put on, to whomever was listening. Turner opened the door and tossed me some scraps, looked at me briefly as he closed the door again. I sorted the bundled fabric. There were a pair of shorts that were cut like Daisy Dukes. The top was a light pink and had blue flowers embroidered on it. Clearly these were Wendy's but to avoid any further issues I put them on. I usually go free balling so the lack of undies didn't bother me.

What did bother me is the shorts were almost a thong on me, I could see in the mirror that they made my ass look like it belonged on a bimbo. The top was practically glued to my chest. The snug fit created cleavage and was cut to draw attention there. The image in the mirror looked more like a young women than it did me I was embarrassed. I improvised and wrapped a towel around me for the short walk home.

Working my way back out through the house, I was again surprised by Turner. In his hand was a frosted glass with a purple concoction, that he put into mine. Being parched I quickly accepted and downed the glass in moments. A very refreshing strong drink was now warming my tummy. Feeling the affects almost instantly, I had been drinking prior to the call. The warm buzz engulfed me, I steadied myself on the wall. The bass of his voice, sent electricity down my spine. Causing chills to rise, the sensation washed over me

Hey, don't leave now, hang out for a while and relax." Turner said, stopping me before I could get out the door. He never gave any sign of befriending me in the years we shared the same stretch of black top. I've always enjoyed the comfort of home, so I didn't get out much. My feet already moving along the cool wooden floor. I just shrugged saying "Uh.. Ok, I guess."

"I have a game room in the basement. Come on, it's a blast. We can play a game, get to know one another." He knew my vise for games, but I was freaked out and started for the door. Suddenly his canon of an arm moved, landing on my shoulder. I had no choice but to walk with him down a staircase to the door at the bottom. He held one arm around me his hand then slid down to my hip. The other hand was opening the door as he would for a lady. He smiled, but I could see something sinister behind his pearly white teeth.

"Sure, why not?" I said. Trying to be cool about the situation. I have never been in there house. I figured a few games couldn't hurt. The sound of skin hitting skin followed behind me. His cock, slapping his thigh, I quickened the pace, but when I turned the corner at the bottom, there were no video games or pool tables. Scanning the room, the fear failed to snap me into reality. I looked back; Turner was locking the door.

"It's my bondage playroom. And we are going to play the best game in the world. It's called 'bend over, bitch'" His hardening cock was the only thing I could see, and my body shuddered in fear.

My blood turned to ice, freezing me to that spot. I struggled with his words. They were floating around in my head, I had to have misunderstood him. Nothing made sense. I stood unable to respond, my eyes locked on his bulging muscles, then in horror to his throbbing black phallus.

"Your going to love this cock." he smiled. Looking more like a billy club than a cock; he held the monster at the base, shook it, pulling back the remaining foreskin. The head of it could have been mistaken for portabella mushroom. His massive hand was stoking the fat shaft.

"Before this is over.." his voice boomed inside my head. "... you will be begging me not to stop. To fuck you hard. You soon will want my cock in both your holes." The chills grew taunt free of hair, they stretched my skin, quivering in fear I felt hot. My eyes burned the image into my head as I openly ogled, unable to turn away.

"You're staring, you sissy sluts are all the same; you need to be bred."

Turner grabbed my arm and guided me to a table. It was waist high and had metal rings, and leather shackles. The shock of what was happening started to reach me, but why was left a mystery. My protests were dismissed as he lifted me onto the table easily, and secured my arms quickly to either side. I felt silk stockings sliding up my bare legs then skyscraper heels on my feet, I watched in horror. Next he went over to the wall and returned with the longest spreader bar I've ever seen. I opened my mouth to protest : "Hey, wait!" I cried out, "I glrub." I choked as he forced a cock gag into my mouth when a cock gag was forced in my mouth and around my head. He was palming it so I wouldn't see.

As my legs were being stretched far apart, the chain was pulled lifting me up, until the base of my spine rested on the edge of the table.

"Oh yeah babe, that's better!" The richness of his voice pierced my flesh. So hot, I could feel sweat run off my head lifting to see what was next. Burning muscles in my neck told me I could not hold it much longer.. Gravity was beginning to win the war. He pulled at the rags and towel, that I had been given, ripped them off like scrap. A pink thong that tied on both sides and a big pink bra now covered me, on the cold stainless table.

Fear overcame me and the room went black.

Eyes shot open focus was impossible and everything was fuzzy, I couldn't make out the objects hanging on the walls... I could not see any sign of my attacker. I was racking my brain on how I could free myself. I was still processing it all. Thunder of his footsteps descended, and stole my attention. He stood next to me. He was rubbing my chest, pulling hard on my nipples. I could only groan, as his hands violated my body. It felt as if an anvil was sitting on my chest, when he adjusted the bra I had huge tits. Adjusting the new attire made it feel like they were mine. It actually made my nipples hard as well as the eraser tip nipples capping what must be at least "J" cup. "I love big white tits." He said. Playing roughly with them, admiring his work. Every time he spoke now his hot breath stimulated my ear passages. The chills were electric and started to affect my cock. I could feel it coming to life. Heterosexual from birth. My mind couldn't put it together the evidence to know that I was in trouble. His king of a cock was always close to my face. My mind wouldn't work, I lost consciousness once more..

The fog was lifting from my head, not knowing how much time had passed or what else was done in my slumber. There was a mask now stealing my vision, the cock gag still deep in my mouth. I struggled at the binds with no result. I knew there was another person in the room because headphones were taped to my ears. Booming bass, with other strange sounds came through loudly deafening me.

I felt hands on my ass then a smack landed. It jostled me a bit, then another one the other cheek. I weakly attempted to remove my ass from the assault. The spanks kept landing, and landing my ass burned like never before. I was crying under the protection of my mask. The tears only made my nose run and fill my already full mouth with saliva and mucus. My erection how I will never know continued to harden. Taking the headphone off my right ear. He first blew into it his hot breath caused a stirring in my loins.

"You white sissy's are the same." His big hands were turning my balls, boiling hot." I know you want my big cock, I watched you stare at it. I know you want me to fuck you with it." I could barely manage a slight shaking my of my head, as fear, his voice and his hands made my cock painfully hard.

"Like the drink?" The whisper made my back arch, and pushed my balls in his palm." The "Afro" was a chemical just hitting the market nationwide. Only affecting Caucasian men 18 to 40. Is a new intense female hormone. It fuses to the DNA and begins to slowly change the code." Fear had been a permanent look on my face as I told myself it wasn't real. My head simply shut down. I had a dream that the world was way different, big black alpha males, women and sissy's were the three genders on the planet. Only the sissy's served both male and female. Never using the equipment god gave them for pleasure. They were for simple service to satisfy the master. Shocked by this I was awake again.

A cooling sensation was now on my ass and spread generously. I could feel it drip down my crack and over my hairless asshole. The hard object was then inserted in my ass as he grabbed my junk. That was the area he focused on next, smashing my wilted cock into something. It too brought a tear to the eyes, then a lock clicked. I was in chastity. I felt hands sliding up the stockings on my legs, then down to the heels on my feet. He continued to play and tease my body. I could only lie there as he did. Looking like a cheap big tit bimbo in heels. A sharp pain made me arch,the gag bumped at the back of my throat. I was being anally stretched, to accommodate his monster cock. With my wife away I knew my situation was hopeless, as a madman fondled my new womanly curves.

I felt the gag being removed, as the plastic left my mouth a big ring was inserted. I could breathe better and swallow the abundance of saliva now. I was gasping for air

when the big head of his black cock slid into it. I could not move my head to stop the intruder my jaw was being stretched by his cock. I could taste his sweat, feeling it throb as his cock head sliding across my tongue until it bumped against the back of my mouth ant stopping at the entrance of my throat. Pinching my nose closed I was forced to obtain my air from my mouth. With his cock inside of it I manage to get little gasps. On one of these intakes he pushed his cock into my throat. Then he released my abused nose.

My head hung down as he used my mouth plunging his massive meat in relentlessly. I could only take short inhales through my nose. When his hips pulled back his cock head rested on my tongue. Thrusting forward sent it into my esophagus. He was fucking my mouth, I could smell the musk of him. His balls slapping against the mask in rhythm with the beat being played. He got all of that cock in my throat, I could feel his heavy balls on my mask. That's when he came, It took forever for him to empty his load in my stomach. When he was done, he pulled out leaving a trail of cum in my mouth. The salty taste danced on my taste buds, and before I could say a thing the cock gag was back and secured around my head. This action made me swallow the seed he left there. I know it takes a bit for a guy to recover from that big of a blast. My belly full of his seed he patted my cheek. I must have pleased him, I hoped that meant the end of my ordeal. How wrong I was. Removing the headphones so I could hear.

He then spoke more words than I've ever heard him speak. "You did ok sissy. Managed to get me off. I've taken two viagra and I'm hard as steel. That mouth just teased me, now I want to fuck your pussy. You will eventually enjoy my cock, even beg me to fuck you. As I train you while wifey is away to be my sissy bitch I think I'll call you Cherry. Yeah your going to be my personal cum dump. My friends are going to love fucking my sissy, your going to make me some money! Yeah from the moment I saw you, I knew you would submit to me. I knew you would soon be my sissy bitch." He even gave me a big boob, bimbo name. Then replaced the headphones. My mind raced on how was I going to avoid being split open by his cock. Or any of his friends for that matter.

He moved the toy in my ass clockwise, then a dildo replaced it turning it counterclockwise. The dildo was slightly bigger than the first toy as he opened my ass for the assault. Slapping the cage on my cock every now and then. Running his hands down my stockings, pinching my nipples, or at least felt like mine over and over.

The tassels of a whip now added new color on my already abused ass. His swings told me he was born with a whip in his hand. Twenty lashes as more tears ran, then more cooling oil applied the stretching continued on for hours. I was exhausted. No fight left in me when the head of his massive cock took my anal cherry. He moved slowly at first, inch by inch. My head hung as drool leaked from my gag. The pain as more of the monster opened my ass for his pleasure was bad as I thought it would be. I was blubbering incoherently, and moaning as the inches were forced in my ass/pussy repetitively. Able to feel his pulse, I attempted to tighten my home so he could not go deeper. Three more inches were forced in me as he just chuckled saying. "Damn your ass is tight, but it won't be when I'm done. Your already loving my big black cock, I knew you would Cherry!"

Expertly he fucked my ass. His huge cock head bumped against my prostate and glided in deeper, my colon was his and he filled it. Picking up the pace slapping my ass as he thrust more in. I was delirious with pain, shame and humiliation. Pulled on my chastity on the draw out, smacking an asscheek on the thrusts in. Training my hole for his cock, the speed increased. I relaxed and let him use my hole. Pain had faded into something I didn't expect.

He brutally trained my hole for hours, I was jelly as he used me. I then heard the lock pop open. My chastity was removed as his hands played with what he referred to as my clit. His big cock kept it's speed, he milked my clit. I came without having an erection. He fed me my own cum off the finger he slid past the gag. Tasting myself for the first time sent me into a frenzy.

Not sure why, I began to want all of that cock in me. To fuck me, he was right. His thrust were too shallow. He pulled his cock out with a pop. Released my arms from the table, I could feel by body elevate. Arms attached to more chains I'd guessed, as I was hung from the ceiling. With stocking legs spread open wide he finally got that python of a cock all inside. I was here, my rational mind left me. He fucked me, like I was a girl, like I was his girl and letting me know it. I felt the cum as it flowed out of my cock and on to my belly, he just made me cum. I was moaning the best I could with my mouth full. A bolt of lightning sent waves of bliss crashing through me. I wanted him to fuck me harder. To train me to be his sissy bitch. To make me cum again. I got what I wished for. It lasted all that night and for the next three days. I then knew why people called him Turner, he was turning me!

curiouse meReport 

2021-05-04 01:20:34
always a fantasy

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