Spread a portion of newspaper on the floor and stand on it while dry shaving off ass hair. A dry shave is recommended (no water and of course, no shaving cream) because it is easier to collect the ass hair when you are done.
!!Make a Sandwich!!
Spread a generous layer of peanut butter on one slice of bread using a butter knife.
Clean the butter knife with paper towel or use another butter knife so the peanut butter and jelly stay separate.
Use butter knife to spread jelly or jam on the other slice of bread.
Sprinkle ass hair on slice of bread with peanut butter on it
Put the two slices of bread together so that the peanut butter/ass hair and jelly sides are facing each other.
Cut sandwich diagonally and enjoy
You can also…
Spread a generous layer of peanut butter on one slice of bread using a butter knife.
Clean the butter knife with paper towel or use another butter knife so the peanut butter and jelly stay separate.
Use butter knife to spread jelly or jam on the other slice of bread.
Spread a portion of newspaper on the floor and put slices of bread on the newspaper with the peanut butter and jelly sides facing up. Stand on the newspaper over the slices of bread while dry shaving off ass hair directly on aforementioned bread slices.
Put the two slices of bread together so that the peanut butter/ass hair and jelly/ass hair sides are facing each other.
Cut sandwich diagonally and enjoy
Well, one calls a ham sdawnich a ham sdawnich regardless of what kind of condiment is added. One doesn't usually say a ham and mayonnaise sdawnich. I think of jelly as a condiment .therefore, to be correct, I would say that one would call a sdawnich having peanut butter as the most substantive ingredient simply a peanut butter sdawnich .regardless of what condiment is used to enhance the peanut butter.
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