Comments from GhostCharger
Date | Story title | Comment |
2016-04-15 00:31:34 | Potential Part 3 | Interesting turn of events. -Ghost |
2016-04-15 00:33:57 | Island Fever 5: Family Ch. 06 | Ahh Alison, seems like a gorgeous girl aswell. How can someone resist such beauty. -Ghost |
2016-04-23 00:34:30 | City Guardsman - Chapter 6 | The Wellington family is the human empire, what the Liious family is to the kaire empire. The wellington name only seems to be used in the cross over when a cousin or some such marrys a kaire. As for lately yeah you are right it has become a few months between, but it used to be 3 sometimes 6 a month. Updates seem to be coming further apart everywhere :( -Ghost |
2016-04-28 13:50:17 | Island Fever 5: Family Ch. 09 | Yep i love this series. Awesome again Jeremy :) -Ghost |
2016-04-29 00:18:22 | Island Fever 5: Family Ch. 08 | XD lol always the perfect read :) -Ghost |