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Member since 2015/03/17


Texts of Katlyn

Title Genre Read Rating Themes
The Stalker: Inbetween times (or The Dance) Fantasm 18924 times. 92.9 % Domination/submission, Non-consensual sex
The Stalker: Visit One, Day Three Fantasm 43572 times. 90 % Anal, BDSM, Blowjob, Bondage and restriction, Cruelty, Domination/submission, Erotica, Male/Female, Non-consensual sex, Rape, Reluctance
The Stalker Visit One Day Two Fantasm 37158 times. 88.6 % Anal, BDSM, Blowjob, Bondage and restriction, Cruelty, Domination/submission, Male Domination, Non-consensual sex, Rape, Reluctance, Sado-Masochism, Torture
The Stalker Visit One Day One Fantasm 33867 times. 87.5 % BDSM, Bondage and restriction, Non-consensual sex, Rape
The stalker: Visit Two Day One_(0) Fantasm 17997 times. 80.4 % BDSM, Cruelty, Male/Female, Non-consensual sex
Females rule Fantasm 10890 times. 68.4 % Female Domination, Slavery

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