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Comments from HungHunkwa

Date Story title Comment
2014-07-16 06:18:49 I like to watch boys Masturbate Pt4 Sarah, thanks for your fabulous stories! I would really like to read more. Have you written any others :-)
2014-08-05 05:30:49 Julie and the team part 1 Great story Helena, how close to a true story is it?
2014-08-15 04:21:10 THE POKER GAME LONG TIME AGO I enjoyed the story, thank you for sharing
2015-02-02 05:21:49 My first encounter_(2) more please
2017-04-20 03:36:12 Cheryl 3some P2 Hi All , I would really appreciate some feedback from the voters, never been as low as 66.7% before. Can you post a few lines as to what it was about the story that did not make the grade for you? I see a few typos now, but it must be more than that? Perhaps the strong swear words? O just the writing style or topic?

Thanks all