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Comments from Minus Three

Date Story title Comment
2011-10-13 11:27:46 Cly consistently kills it.
2011-10-14 00:57:47 Flights ~ chapter 5 If I was just sick with a cold or something I would still be writing every day. Sorry everyone. When I feel like this though I can't sit in front of a screen for too long or it gives me a headache. I wrote half a chapter today and felt ill, so I'll finish it tomorrow.
2011-10-16 17:52:54 Alexa Gets A Girl Off The word that comes to my mind to describe this story is "cute". "Innocent" doesn't cut it, but "cute" says it all. I hvae a thing for girls on girls though, so it always seems cute to me.
2011-10-18 16:35:45 Baxter Savage: A Trilogy CAW 8.5 "Halloween" I was going to just post the goat like so...


...but it was too short on its own.
2011-10-20 09:36:34 Flights ~ chapter 5 Sorry, I've not been well lately.

A friend and I are starting our own publishing imprint and that has been taking a lot of my time as well.

The easy answer to your question though is that I won't be finishing this story here. I've come ot see it's better without any of the sex. It's not erotica. I'm going to finish it, just not here. You can buy it when it comes out. LOL.

Instead I'm going to post more contemporary one offs here when I have the time in between putting out what I've done so far and building the business.