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Comments from Minus Three

Date Story title Comment
2011-08-26 10:15:42 Muse (10) @ForgotnEPIC:
You may not care for the follow up to Muse, but you can find it by clicking on my name way up ^there. It's called Welt and is so many shades darker than Muse I can't even put that into words. Wait; I just *did* put it into words.

Anyways...thanks. :)
2011-08-26 15:52:47 Welt ~ 9 Hey, so would I! But they'd probably just wreck it.

Who would you cast as Aliona? See, that's the issue for me. No one could play that character without controversy. She really does look 14 despite how old she actually is.
2011-08-26 15:55:16 Welt ~ 10 Well thank you Tuck. I appreciate the kind words.

And you're really *is* something huge. This particular story arc goes across Vice and another part called Pyre. That being written, I intend to keep writing in the same milieu because the end of Pyre opens up a whole new avenue of storytelling about whole new characters without sacrificing the tone.
2011-08-27 03:12:48 Vice (5) Yes, each part is 10 chapters in length, so by the end it will be 40 chapters in four parts.

There'll always be more though. I'd no sooner stop writing than stop breathing and this is the world my stories take place in; so if you like it then we both win.

2011-08-27 22:14:37 Vice (5) (6) on Monday, (10) by Friday. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!