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Comments from Happy Rabbit

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2011-05-11 21:32:12 I read this story 2 and then 1.

It may or may not be the best Sister Brother Incest Romance Story, that I have ever read.

It is of course in my Faves. This Story is so different, in so many ways.

I like the idea of the wealthy Female pedofile. Peds are seem as most always Men. Trting to get to young boys or girls.

The concept of Running away from home but staying in the same town is a little weak but the running away because of Beatings is not a streach.

The Reality Checks plus the Discovery and coming of awareness for the teen girl.

Great Stories nice and different twist , lets keep it going. I am glad the brother and sister got togeather sooner then later.

They do Not have to go back, If you do not report your kids missing then they are not missing, although I would think The School Officals would take at least a mild interest. Payments ro Schools relate directly to attendence.

We Need the nice rich lady to take them to Hawaii. Because some things are that th
2011-05-11 23:46:39 I saw this story off of Blizzrds Fave Links.

Good writers tell about other good writers.

This is a very different Sister Brother Incest Story, because of the Age Spread, which really is not that much, but is a lot at the younger ages. There is an 8 year and some months spread.

This was just a great story. The female being in charge of an older male.

I loved the line I could not even eat sasuage gor a long time. Plus that his hers viewpoint on things.

An update would be nice but with a happy ending.

Its in my Faves, Great Story.

So the Father goes to a Bar to bitch about his daughter blowing his son and telling everyone in the Bar. Great Father.

I hope they have a good home and make a nice family. 26 and 18 is not a great spread. When he is 60 she is 52, both are middle aged. When He is 80, she is 72, both are elderly and perhaps still, kiss and lick and blow.
2011-05-13 17:11:23 13 year old virgin The only problem with this story is that it is to long.

I would also wish the Girl was 14 Not 13. But thats me.

I have read about 1/2 and then The last part. It Ends okay. However I figured that out very early on.

He might need the Lawyer friend to keep him out of the Organ State Prison and his teaching job,

Chance meeting like that happen so thats not so strange.

A Boarding School is an awful place to be, no matter how much it costs. Its like warehousing your kid. No matter how fancy the female kids and the weak male kids are always sexually at risk.

Lonely people seek company and company comes in many packages.

However it much better then life on the Street.

This guy reminds me of Humbert Humbert. He died in Prison and lolita Died in Child Birth.The only difference is he is more handsome instead of being a dirty perofile.

I do like him he is kind. He does Care. Being picked up in a rain strom on a freeway in oreagon is in itelf an act of kindness. Plus
2011-05-13 17:26:01 13 year old virgin This is in my Faves as I would like to see it develop.

I hope his wife is as game as he claims. I do Not want to see the Girl Passed around and abused. High School then College, lots of good Schools in Or. Pac 10, (12). She should be able to afford it or a Soccor Schlorship, maybe make the O Team. Discover something, as she says be someone instead of Trailer Trash, single mom with a couple of kids and the Bum is either in Jail or Dosen't Work so no child support but he ccomes around now and then to chace of you last chance for a man dance, has sex with you and leaves you again, after beating the crap out of you if you file for child support again. Perhaps with a new bun in your unprocted oven. Lots of that in Or, and Wa, Both Urban and Rueral.

In Hawaii we do Not allow Trailers, the trash just sleeps on the Beach.

Living on the Beach is and of its self Not Child Abuse according to the Law.

14 for me has to do with legal sexual concent in Hawaii before 2002.

14-0 vs 16-5
2011-05-25 21:28:06 The Storm_(3) Your Work is outstanding. A little different but in writing different is good. This Story which links to the other on is in my Favs. Keep up the great work.