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Comments from CoolNix

Date Story title Comment
2012-06-28 16:32:29 A Game of Inches - Part Nine ok one the reason for courtney dieing is obvious she and brian could never get together again realistically with what happened that said neither could move on

due to courtneys death the possibility of brians love life is extended and fits the bell of a sex story but that said it is rhiannons story not mie

now for thos who want alternate versions it would be way to unrealistic for a "miracle"to cause a maligent brain and bone cancer to suddenly disapear and way to "shitty romantic comedy" for them to get together and live happily ever after

this story is extremely realistic and not some fairy tale shown by the death of lovedones and the struggle brian has been through

now my opinion is that i was sad to see courtney go but i know that it was needed dont let the dreamers discourage you rhiannon keep it real keep it up and for the love of god get ch 10 out lol
2012-06-30 22:12:16 Dark Arts II: Sympathy_(1) awesome truly awesome
2012-06-30 22:49:06 Solomon’s Daughters: Sar-Rah’s Chapter very good i love genie storys plz keep em coming (literally)