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Comments from Pavilon

Date Story title Comment
2009-02-18 00:31:29 My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 13 – Growing closer to Liz Tragic tale, Talented writer. This would be perfect fairy tale ending at this point.

I have read all your submissions thus far. I thank you for sharing your gift.

Respectfully, Pavilon
2009-02-18 11:01:53 Meeting Mistress I enjoyed your twist of female/female rather than the more historical male/female of the era.

I commend you on your effort. It is not easy for a male to write in first person as a female, much less submissive. Perhaps I have a bais to your declared gender, but I thought I felt masculine tones in your writting that I could identify with as being male myself. The major at times seemed to look at the french tart as if she had a man's eye. Perhaps if the language were a little softer the male tones would melt away. Regardless I doubt that I could have done as well and I deeply thank you for giving me so much entertainment, because I am still thinking about it.

I think you have made a good stab at it and I would not call it to tame. The 1940s were a much differant time from now and this story would have been totally shocking.

Sincerely, Pavilon
2009-03-11 02:50:17 My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 17 – Elizabeth’s assault No need to stop, let it take its course. I said it before, "You are talented."

Sincerely, Pavilon