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Comments from Nicola Matthews

Date Story title Comment
2009-07-07 11:26:05 I absolutely LOVED this story line. I hate to see it end, though. I can just imagine the carnage that would ensue if you continued the story on and give the villagers what they really deserve. 10/10 Write some more!
2010-05-23 16:02:41 This is such a breath of fresh air! I know people come here to just get their jollies off, but I for one enjoy a well rounded story with good characters and a well thought out plot. I'm tired of reading stories that are nothing but sex scenes. I prefer to have a story line with sex in it, not a sex story with no plot. Hope you'll write more!
2010-05-25 10:37:15 I love this whole series! I've read all of the chapters and if you haven't already thought about it, I would seriously think about putting it together for publishing. Even if 'traditional' publishers turn you down then there is always self-publishing through Print on Demand services. I gave up on traditional publishers years ago and went with self-publishing. It's hard work, but well worth it! Keep up the great writing! You really pull the reader into the story and keep them there!
2010-05-27 12:28:55 Vindictus, The Dark Lord (Parts 1 & 2) May I remind everyone that this is an ON GOING story, so you will not know all the details of everything in the story in the first few paragraphs. More details and explanations of the characters will develop as the storyline progresses, so please be patient rather than bitching about it.

Secondly, since these are fictional characters in a fictional situation there is little reason to make them or their situation stay on the lines of what you would find in real life. Last time I checked there was no such thing as a Demon Dark Lord who lived in the 13th Circle of Hell, so he could very well have had a 3 foot dick that didn't rip her to pieces if the author wanted it that way.

And lastly, I'm sick of reading comments about what others would have done or changed about a story. YOU didn't write the damn story, so no one gives a shit about how YOU would have written it. If every author on here wrote like everyone else then this site would be pretty damn dull.
2010-06-18 23:21:31 Vindictus, The Dark Lord If anyone cares, I combined Part 2 of this story with Part 1 and made a post for the entire novellete that has been written to date. Since Part 1 stopped in a strange place I decided to include it with Part 2 and post the entire story. It has thus far been well received and there will probably be a Part 3 in the near future.