Comments from Virtual_Tourist
Date | Story title | Comment |
2012-08-16 05:30:20 | Experimentation And Exploration Part 3 | Please continue this series. The threesome should be pursued. |
2012-08-19 04:50:54 | Chance meeting with my ex, part 2 | Wonderfully passages that capture the couples enjoyment of each other. I hope this continues. |
2012-09-06 05:07:58 | MOM IS A CLOSET SLUT PART 3 | What are you going to do? Write part 4 please... |
2012-09-07 07:06:17 | A Family's Sex Education Part 2 | Looking forward to the next installment... |
2012-09-09 04:04:39 | Turning Point ch #4 | The story line is good and could develop very well. I look forward to the next chapter. I would prefer if you were to break the text with paragraphs a little more. |