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Comments from Archivest

Date Story title Comment
2017-01-10 20:16:33 16: Stories from Johto - Tammy's adventures part 16 - one door closes and another... Ah. Good to see you and your story still around. It was slightly concerning seeing the chapters disappear without warning for a few days.

Wow, Tammy and Ayra sure moved out quick, but the reflection of what they're leaving behind and looking forward to was beautifully done. It goes without saying that the pokesex, both on and off screen, was fun too... Looks like Tammy's leaving a sorta legacy wherever she goes. LOL.

I'm glad that `END' refers to the chapter and not the actual story, as there are so many unanswered questions still remaining.

As always, I look forward to reading more, and keep up the great work.
2017-05-04 18:23:43 The Thorned Rose Ch.02 I honestly didn't think I'd like this series -- the first I've read from you -- because of its deceiving aspects (mainly from Mayla), but I've come to enjoy the innocent air of Scar(lett) very much. I hope Mayla'll come clean to him very soon. She seems to be a lonely character because of her... endowment, and because of that, she'll take the pleasures where she can, deception or no. I think they could be good for each other -- her because she's a tavern owner -- having all sorts of stories and information on various clientele -- and him because of his accepting and flexible nature -- curious to experience all that she has to offer without reservation of judgment. And yes, that includes him taking on the female role to entice more customers.

After all, his goal was to learn about other races/cultures, and that's what drew me to the story in the first place. The fact that he's not getting accurate information because of the racial and cultural differences is a bit of a letdown, cont+
2017-05-04 18:26:29 The Thorned Rose Ch.02 but his eagerness to try new things is very... cute. I do like the sexualized exploration, but I think it would be even more amazing if he is totally willing and on board. Just imagine him being taken by a wolf-person or an orc, curiously being introspective the whole time -- asking about knots, cum volume, sexual practices, etc. Sure, talking may be a turnoff for some, but that could totally could be his form of dirty talk, no? It would then serve the dual-nature of education as well as sexual satisfaction for all. LOL.

Then again, this may just end up being PWP, and my comments are neither wanted nor welcome. But yeah, just wanted to say that I've very much enjoyed your story, and hope both of them will clear the air as to their motives and goals in upcoming chapters. Keep up the interesting work -- I eagerly look forward to what happens next, and I'm hope all will be having loads of fun, and cum :), the entire time.

2017-09-29 06:37:41 Alice, pt1 I really enjoyed the story. Nothing of degradation or humiliation, simply kink and pleasure. I'm so glad they didn't waste the piss, as most stories in this category usually involves wetting oneself, sometimes out of desperation, or being urinated upon. There isn't much in the terms of just enjoying the act of swallowing piss, whether from a container or straight from the source.

It's great that Alice is so bold in getting what she wants. I hope to see more brazen actions in future parts, whether she's shamelessly swallowing piss at the urinals, or something a little more discrete like wetting herself slowly in public as to not look suspicious. I'm sure you've more titillating events involving piss for him to discover, or maybe he can surprise her by initiating the next act? Either way, I look forward to future installments.

Stay well,
2017-10-03 06:48:10 The Dark Alley_(1) As much as I like the story so far, you should really give credit where it's due... This story does not belong to you, and your modifications takes the logic out of the story altogether. After all, how can she be near orgasm twice that night, if this story just began? The sequel you posted is just as nonsensical, and the writing quality severely decreased then onwards.