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Comments from T. Foxal

Date Story title Comment
2018-04-08 13:23:37 Bobbi and David Plus One Excellent story...... It should be rated one of the best, but lately the people who read and rate are into some weird stuff....
You should continue this saga.....
My wife and I are both bisexual, and we also enjoy writing on here. We both said, after reading this story, that Emma could become romantically involved with both characters
Keep up the good work
2018-04-08 20:49:55 Tiny House 1 Yes. It was reported to clean it up some
2018-04-08 20:56:09 Bobbi and David Plus One I hope you continue to write more stories.
Let's just say, it was fun for Kim and I after reading it
2018-04-30 19:11:38 Down on the farm_(2) I apologize for a couple of error's with a name. Nikki should be Jackie. Nikki is the mom is this story and I used the replace on it once, but it changed all of Jackie's. Then I thought I caught them all, but didn't.
As for Rufus, you are correct, it is SeaBee's, but it is also CB, for Construction Battalion. I went for the easier explanation.

One thing I have never admitted to, and that is being an English major. But at least I do use some punctuations. Funny thing is, the one's that bitch the most, I have yet to see a story they have left on here.
2018-09-06 21:15:01 Behind Her Blue Eyes_(1) Great story Tina. My wife and I love your work